1108 Emery Lane, Clarksville, Indiana 47129-1508
The ninth annual ‘Rebirth of the Buffalo’ is now
history, however, the memories will linger on for quite some time.
The three-day event, planned especially for the family, was a huge
success. Art and Jane Stewart are the main sponsors, along with the
South Central Indiana Antique Engine and Tractor Club.
Art and Jane graciously open their 500 acre buffalo ranch to the
public for this festival. The aroma of burning camp fires, buffalo
chili, and homemade apple butter held a large group of visitors
somewhat spell-bound.
The festival, blessed with beautiful fall weather, attracted
upwards of 6,000 people. As the photo indicates, there was a large
display of well-restored farm tractors, and of course, numerous gas
engines from Maytags to a giant Superior. Plans have already been
formulated for the year 1999 with October 9, 10, 11 as the special
days. The festivals are a family event you won’t want to miss.
We invite you to dress in pre-1900s or western attire and step back
in time with us.
These two International Cub Cadets were on duty all three days
of the Rebirth of the Buffalo festival, and the stern look on their
faces indicates they took their job seriously. A somewhat unique
feature of these two Cadets is the fact they both came from the
foundry that was located in Louisville, Kentucky; also, they were
both poured on the same day, month, and year: 8/14/74.