By Staff
Published on April 1, 1989
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4310 Blue Lagoon Road, Shelbyville, Michigan 49344

This is a picture of my two Lindseys: a 1920 Lindsey Alamo built
in Hillsdale, Michigan by Alamo Mfg. Co. for the Lindsey Company of
Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Lindsey Jo Sower of Bloomingdale,
Michigan, who just happens to be my first-born granddaughter.

I had looked for several years to purchase a Lindsey engine
before I finally could acquire one.

Lindsey Jo is 6 years old and in the first grade. She loves to
go to engine shows with me and my wife Marilyn. She says this is
her engine and even lets me take it to shows even when she
can’t go too. I painted my engine candy apple red, as her
parents own an apple orchard, and I think this is the original
color as close as I can find out. So this is the reason there are
so many apples in the photo along with my two Lindseys.

One of the reason us old engine nuts restore these old engines
and show them is so our grandchildren and other children will know
what they look like and what they were used for, back in the good
ol’ days. Engine shows can be a hands-on experience and history
lesson for young and old alike. I can’t count the times I have
been asked if my engines were new and where they could buy one just
like it.

My Lindsey is the only engine I have ever bought that ran when I
got it (well, kind of ran). I completely disassembled, cleaned,
replaced and restored the whole engine. I built a brass gas tank,
skid, and handles to go with it. I showed it for the first time at
the Dixie Model A Ford Club Swappers’ Day in Mt. Vernon, Ohio
in May 1988, and about a dozen other shows throughout the

As you can see, I’m a dyed-in-the-wool engine nut. I’m
already planning and looking forward to new and old shows in the
coming year.

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