P.O. Box 4, Ursa, Illinois 62376
The sixth annual show of the Adams County Olde Tyme Association
was held with the Adams County Fair at Mendon, Illinois. The
featured tractor and engine was John Deere this year. We had
80-plus tractors and 50-plus engines. We raffled off an MT John
Deere tractor that club member Max Dickhut and his sons restored
for us. Thanks, Max! Also we had an Amish made quilt and a John
Deere pedal tractor. New this year was a 1926 Huber tractor, model
20-40, just restored by club member Marvin Huber, and a 1928
36′ x 56′ Keck-Gonnerman wooden separator owned by club
member Paul Woodworth. Also we had a print shop, printing press,
three cabinets of type, and a 1911 Linotype, model #8, was donated
to the club by Quincy University. A BIG thanks to them! We also had
a paper cutter, lead saw and small equipment loaned to us by Larry
Raid to make our print shop functional and complete. With the help
of club members and Larry we cleaned and repaired the machines to
get ready for the show. (Thanks, Larry!)
We printed a four page paper to hand out. The old Linotype was a
crowd stopper and we printed the kids’ names in the paper for
them. This winter more printing equipment was donated to the club:
a 47′ paper cutter, 19′ paper cutter, two Chandler and
Price printing presses, layout stone, furniture, printing blocks,
and a George Washington style press, one proof press, and one small
hand press. While we were printing, the rest of the club members
were working hard putting on a show and the ham and bean dinner for
displayers was being cooked with a steam engine in a steam kettle
by club member Dean Searls. Also we had sweet corn, corn bread and
Meredosia watermelon. The ladies put on room displays of an old
store and dress shop. We had a craft display, potters, rope maker
and two blacksmiths in our two year old blacksmith shop.
You are all welcome to come to the 1995 show July 28-31, 1995.
We are featuring IHC tractors and engines and equipment. We will be
hosting the IHC collectors of Illinois, Chapter #10, IHC Round