It all started with a dream. The dream had developed over a
period of years and was the result of hours of discussion between a
man and his son. The man is Louis Tuller of Mount Pleasant, Iowa;
and his son, Barry is presently an engineering student at the
University of Iowa.
For many years, both men have been active exhibitors and
supporters of the annual Midwest Old Threshers Reunion in Mount
Pleasant. They have a fine collection of fly wheelers that are all
in excellent working condition; do all their own mechanical work;
and pride themselves on being able to resurrect the rusted, the
neglected, and uncared for gas engines that they find.
In 1978, Louis was appointed to the Board of Directors for
Midwest Old Threshers. He had been a part of the operation for many
years, but as a director, he could help to shape the policies of
the association. He was given the task of coordinating the gas
engine exhibit area. Louis soon realized the tremendous amount of
planning involved in making a large show operate. Assisted by
Barry, they set about reorganizing the gas engine exhibit area for
the 1978 Reunion.
Their major concerns were safety for the visitor, ease of access
to the area for the visitor and the exhibitor, public relations,
and an increase in the caliber of engines exhibited at the annual
event. All aspects of the tasks were considered by the two men. A
logical layout of the exhibit area was developed by Barry. Both men
corresponded with past and potential exhibitors, and Louis
established the policies and rules for the reunion.
Louis had been concerned with the quality of engines brought to
Old Threshers. He was convinced that if someone came to his area,
he wanted them to see a splendid array of various types and models
of gas engines. But more than just that, he wanted the visitor to
see the engines in operation, good working order, and in a restored
condition. His feeling for quality shaped the policy for the gas
engine exhibit.
Also both men felt it was important to show the uninformed
visitor some of the chores the gas engine performed on the farm. To
the already fine examples of operating exhibits (wood sawing, corn
grinding and shelling, water pumping, and clothes washing) the
Tullers added a rock crushing exhibit. The crusher had operated at
prior reunions, but the men used a 10 HP Fairbanks-Morse engine
owned by Milo Mathews, Mt. Union, Iowa; mounted it on a wheeled
truck after restoring the engine; added a cooling tank; and created
a new approach to the exhibit. It was more appealing to the visitor
and was much easier to view the machine in operation.
But back to the dream. The dream was to construct a powerhouse
that would give a full-scale demonstration of the capabilities of
such a structure. Both felt the structure should be portable. This
was important as the structure could be shedded in the off season
to protect it and its contents from vandalism. All aspects of the
house would have to be structurally sound so as to allow the
operation of a power shaft throughout its entire length. Also, the
sides should open to allow the ultimate in viewing pleasure for the
reunion visitor. The Tullers put their creative talents to the
After receiving approval from the Board of Directors, Barry set
about designing a 12 x 26 foot structure with three room divisions,
and a gabled roof. The association acquired the undercarriage from
a salvaged mobile home, and the project was under way. During the
summer months, the initial construction of the floor and
super-structure was completed by members of the Old Threshers
staff. But as the reunion neared, the completion and outfitting of
the powerhouse became the sole responsibility of the Tullers and a
good number of dedicated volunteers. The roof was shingled, the
house was painted, and the interior was filled with an assortment
of implements to be operated from the central power shaft.
The power shaft itself was no easy undertaking. The pulleys and
hangers were finally acquired from an old warehouse in Burlington.
An odd sized shaft had to be ordered, and adapted to the structure.
Ultimately time had to be dealt with, as the reunion was getting
painfully close.
The structure was outfitted with three large doors on both sides
under the eaves. The bottom half of the door was constructed to
lift out and the top half was attached with hinges. When open, the
top half of the door became an awning to protect the visitor
viewing the exhibit from the elements. The openings into each of
the three rooms were six feet wide and almost seven feet high,
affording the visitor an ample field of view. The working and
authentic equipment inside the powerhouse included a water pump and
pumpjack, bread crumber, corn sheller, grinding mill, grindstone,
work bench, and a restored Dexter washing machine.
Power for the working exhibit came from a 5 HP Economy gas
engine manufactured in 1920 for Sears and Roebuck. The association
acquired the engine in 1976 from Mrs. C. F. Baldwin of Des Moines,
Iowa. The Economy was one of 8 gas engines donated to Old Threshers
in memory of her late husband, Mr. Carroll F. Baldwin. The Tullers
have taken on the project of restoring all of the Baldwin’s
engines to perfect working order.
The powerhouse was an excellent addition to the 1979 Old
Threshers Reunion in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. It gave the visitors a
working example of how the power of a gas engine was utilized on
the farm.
To further increase the offerings of the gas engine area at the
1980 reunion to be held August 28 through September 1, the Tullers
have decided to feature the engines of the Root and Vandervoort
Engineering Company which was located in Moline, Illinois. For a
time, R & V made gas engines for the John Deere Plow Company.
The 1980 exhibitor plaques will sport an R & V engine and a
special section of the exhibit area will be devoted to that
particular line of engines.
Both Louis and Barry are excited about gas engines and the Old
Threshers Reunion. Their ideas and high standards have given the
association an exhibit area to be proud of during its annual
reunions. Who knows what else the Tullers will add for the
interested visitor to enjoy in 1980. Maybe a threshing
demonstration with a gas engine for a power source?
By Lennis Moore-Administrator for Midwest Old Threshers in Mount
Pleasant, Iowa. Each year Old Threshers hosts a reunion and will
celebrate its 31st year in 1980 The photographs are to be credited
to Loren Anderson of the Threshers staff.