Hover-Crafts: Stay Off Our Balance Platform!

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1992
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Dick Levreault has good reason to be proud of his 10 HP Bates & Edmunds.
Dick Levreault has good reason to be proud of his 10 HP Bates & Edmunds.
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Jesse Germond on a '35 IHC W-12, Charlie Wing on Model T/Knickerbocker conversion, and Dave Brennan on Stan Voorhees '15 Avery. The event is the slow race.
Jesse Germond on a '35 IHC W-12, Charlie Wing on Model T/Knickerbocker conversion, and Dave Brennan on Stan Voorhees '15 Avery. The event is the slow race.
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Dick Olivier (on right) sure did a beautiful restoration on his 6 HP Foos.
Dick Olivier (on right) sure did a beautiful restoration on his 6 HP Foos.
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Pat Bovat waits on his '32 J.D. GPO for a try on the balancing platform; behind him is Bob Duksa, Jr. on his '49 A.C. model WD.
Pat Bovat waits on his '32 J.D. GPO for a try on the balancing platform; behind him is Bob Duksa, Jr. on his '49 A.C. model WD.
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Les Bartholomew makes a fine adjustment on one of his engines while two spectators try to decipher the machinery.
Les Bartholomew makes a fine adjustment on one of his engines while two spectators try to decipher the machinery.
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Gene Baron and 'Snoopy' on their 1942 Harley military 750 were one of about 75 antique motorcycles in attendance.
Gene Baron and 'Snoopy' on their 1942 Harley military 750 were one of about 75 antique motorcycles in attendance.

R.D. 1, Box 116, Wassaic, New York 12592 Photos by Mark

Since our 1989 show report in the April 1990 issue of GEM, the
annual Antique Machinery & Oldtime Crafts Festival, hosted by
the Century Museum Village & Collectors Association, has been
relocated from Stan-fordville, New York to the Dutchess County
Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, New York.

The 1991 Festival featured manually powered equipment, brass-era
autos and pre-war commercial vehicles. Special consultant John
Montville presented an informative slide program on Saturday
evening which traced the development of Mack trucks and other
commercial pioneer vehicles. John is an internationally recognized
authority on early commercial vehicles and has written two books on
the history of Mack.

As in previous years, spectators and exhibitors were well
entertained by a potpourri of antique machinery, oldtime craft
demonstrations, unusual antique autos such as Pete Wing’s 1907
Cadillac which was purchased new by the king of Egypt, musical
programs, the kid’s pedal-tractor pulling contest and various
moving tractor events. This year’s winner on the balancing
platform was 15-year old Kyle Mooney on his 1955 Farmall Cub. We
suspect that what appeared to be a rotary mower on Kyle’s
tractor was, in reality, a large fan which transformed his tractor
into a hover-craft at the opportune moment! Next year, Kyle,
we’re putting you on an iron-wheel tractor with poor brakes and
no mower deck! Seriously, we really appreciate the young fellows
who take such an active interest in the hobby! 

The 1992 Festival will be held on May 16-17 and will feature hot
air engines including antiques, models, toys, reproductions and
one-of-a-kind designer specials. Frank Pflegl, president of the
Hudson Valley Oldtime Power Association, will be our special
consultant; he will also be presenting a special program on
Saturday evening which will be held right on the showgrounds. By
popular demand, the Del-Sen-Nango Oldtyme Fiddlers will be
returning for both days of the show. As a yearly sub-feature, the
brass-era and early commercial vehicles will be returning.
We’ve noticed that many antique auto shows do not attract those
early autos and our goal is to provide an atmosphere which will
attract those vehicles.

For more information, please contact our secretary, Mr. Asa
Beckwith, R.D. 3, Box 167, Pleasant Valley, New York 12569; or you
may call him at (914)635-3217.

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