Gibson Tractor Club Update

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1996

4200 Winwood Ct., Floyd Knobs, Indiana 47119

The Gibson Tractor Club was formed in January 1992, to serve as
a clearinghouse for like-minded enthusiasts to buy, sell, and trade
tractors, parts, and literature, and to exchange restoration
information on these garden and full-sized units. Club membership
has grown to over 300 with no end in sight, and annual dues are a
bargain at only $5.00. In 1995, Gibsons were co-featured at the
Boonville, Missouri, show, and 32 Gibsons were there in all shapes,
sizes and conditions.

This year, August 9, 10, &. 11, 1996, ‘Gibson fest’
will be held at the Boulder, Colorado, Fairgrounds in connection
with their annual county fair events. Gibson fest will be sponsored
by the Yesteryear Farm & Home Show, which is part of the Fair
every year. All Gibson owners are welcome to bring their Gibsons,
to help commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the
Longmont, Colorado, branch of the Gibson Manufacturing Company,
which actually started sometime earlier in Seattle, Washington. The
fairgrounds are located in Longmont, 30 miles north of Denver.
There are motels and a campground nearby, and for more information,
contact Jim Stengel, 6765 Baseline, Boulder, Colorado 80303.
Telephone: 303-494-7231.

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