By Staff
Published on January 1, 1971
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I am still in the Nursing home but I am glad to say somewhat
improved. I don’t do anything and eat like a horse. We wish you
all a happy 1971.

We hear that about all the Reunions closed the year with a good

When you read my column it will be-after New Year’s, but
I’m typing this early in December and we had our first snow
flurries this morning. As long as it stays flurries I won’t
complain but that is asking just a little too much. The wind just
about takes you sailing through the air like the ‘Flying
Nun.’ (I don’t watch much television but that I have

A word of warning: if you are interested in the following,
don’t delay writing. Mr. Foster has really aroused some
interest in his section of Ohio. Following is his request: ‘A
small group of us are trying to establish an organization for the
preservation of early American farm equipment and culture and would
like to hear from anyone in northeast Ohio or extreme northwestern
Pennsylvania who would be interested in becoming a member of such
an organization. We are currently thinking of trying to hold a
small show in the Warren, Ohio, area sometime in late May or early
June. We are in particular need of someone who could be of
assistance with legal advice and services. Anyone interested in
such an organization can contact Preston Foster, 3231 Randolph St.,
NW, Warren, Ohio 44485, or George Bunting, R. D. 4, Warren, Ohio
44481.’ Take it from one who knows (and only from working on
this magazine have I come to realize it) — those deadlines roll
around quicker than you can get turned around. The press want the
copy so that they can get started, and then when I call, they say,
‘I suppose you want this tomorrow.’ Only joking, Dotty.

We have had many letters from different gas engine fans and it
seems they get younger and younger. Lee Ulstad, of Madison,
Minnesota, wrote, ‘I came in contact with the Gas Engine
Magazine at the Lake Region Pioneer Thresherman’s show at
Dalton, Minn. Enclosed is a check for $3.00 for a subscription.

‘I am one of the younger gas-engine fans. I am only 19, but
I have four old gas tractors, including a Hart Parr 18-28, a
regular Farmall, and both a McCormick Deering 15-30 and 22-36. I am
looking forward to my first issue.’

If my opinion means anything, we have a new book called Western
Wagon Wheels at $12.95. It is a very interesting book and well
worth the money.

It seems to me that it has been only a short time since I
started to work on this magazine, but during that time I have made
many friends whom I’d like to hear from even after I’m no
longer connected with the magazine. That’s why I’m giving
all of you my address now : 835 Magaro Road, Enola, Pennsylvania

Since this is my last column in the Gas Engine Magazine, I want
to say good-by to all of you. I never like to do that, and always
think Thomas Jefferson said it as nicely as it can be said:
‘Fare you well forever, and if forever, forever fare you

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