It doesn’t seem possible it is time to write my little
column but the calendar shows the deadline clearly marked.
Haven’t much of anything new to write except by now you have
probably attended a few shows and have some new ideas and questions
to ask.
I’m not trying to take Anna Mae’s job but she had her
Smoke Rings all typed and delivered to the printer so rather than
hold this until next issue I decided to write the following bit of
information. In a letter from Mr. William Green of Rushsylvania,
Ohio, he thinks he has the answer to ‘What is It?’ on Page
14 of Nov.-Dec. 1967 issue. He was visiting an old friend in
Marion, Ohio and in the garage where the friend worked, was an old
1908 Maxwell Roadster. Mr. Green asked to see the engine and sure
enough when they unbuckled the strap that held the hood down and
lifted off the hood, there lay a 2 cylinder air-cooled opposed
cylinder engine with the aluminum fly wheel with 4 big flat twisted
spokes in it and it laid right up against the radiator fins as the
radiator had no water, all it did was draw air in to cool the
engine. So he has it marked in his magazine as a 1908 Maxwell or
Jack Benny Special.
I appreciate all your letters and now will try to find out if
the Tramp Preacher has any advice or has his little story written.
That is what keeps us going.
Until next time, so long and good luck.
Two snapshots showing a ‘self-powered’ rotating display
turntable in action which shows off any I-? hp gas engine real
good. It quickly adapts to any small engine and ‘takedown’
is easy and rapid, simply lift apart in three sections. Engine is
pick-up truck height so you just slide the engine on and off.
Turntable rotates on four castered wheels with one wheel sprung to
take care of any unevenness of-the track and also shock absorber
mounted to eliminates any bounce. Here shown is 1? IHC type
‘m’. An Economy running in the foreground and just part of
a Mon-mouth is seen. Underneath the turntable is a 1928 Elto
Outboard motor, all just a part of my collection.