Getting Up Speed

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1969

By the time you read this column you will have made your New
Year’s resolutions and no doubt, if you are like me, will have
broken quite a few. Sometimes I wonder if it pays to give it second
thought. Let’s all hope this year, 1969 goes just a little more
smoothly and the headlines on the daily paper won’t scare us,
as it has in the past. Perhaps we can all spread our love around
and make someone just a little happier.

As I write this, it is bitter cold outside and I could have
remained under the bed covers and don’t believe my conscience
would have bothered me. I’m so glad I have a very understanding
boss and what’s more his car was in our driveway and if I
hadn’t shown up for work, he would have thought I had taken off
for Florida as often times we jokingly say, as we go to the
printers or some other errand, we will just keep on driving to
Florida, to a warmer climate. I borrowed his car, as ours is in for
repairs. Like gas engines, cars are fine as long as they work.
Often feel like going back to horse and buggy.

Some of you are confused when you go to mail in your renewals,
new subscriptions or book and jewelry orders. Iron Men Album, Gas
Engine Magazine and Stemgas Publishing Co. are all one location,
808 Wertzville Road, Enola, Pa. For years, they only published the
one magazine so it was just Iron Men Album but since adding the Gas
Magazine we have the name Stemgas. You don’t need to make out
separate checks, one will take care of all. Hope I have made myself

The year, 1968, brought many changes and experiences and the
latest one I hope doesn’t occur again. My son fell while
playing out in the woods like Tarzan and broke his left arm just
below the shoulder so it sure handicapped him and I had to help him
dress each morning for school then see to it that he got there
without any bumps. It was a minor thing but you sure do have to
figure out problems. By the middle of January he should be back to
normal. I can’t complain that is our first broken bone with
three children in 14 years.

Will end this hoping your holiday season was most pleasant and
the year 1969 holds many surprises for you!

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