The ink isn’t dry on my column for July-August issue of Iron
Men Album magazine and here I’m trying to think of something to
write for GEM.
As you know, it is vacation time so trying to fit each chore in
so the magazine won’t be delayed or waylaid we must push
onward. Arvy, the person I try to please the most at the press,
would like a vacation between now and press time. Janet, my busy
helper, is moving to a new home soon and she needs time off to
clean out her attic, and there are others trying to get away from
it all for a spell.
Most of us work ourselves into a dither and before you know it
the summer is over and you wonder where the time went.
The children have seven more days of school before their
vacation; they can hardly wait. No more quiet lunch hours for me
now. Even our family doctor has gone to Holland for a vacation.
Perhaps I should be figuring how I can get a vacation as soon as
this issue is in the mail. I may take a vacation to Washington to
visit my money.
I’m sorry the cover of the May-June issue was printed
backwards. Have had some letters regarding it. One reader said his
eyes had been hurting since the day the magazine arrived at his
home, due to the picture. We don’t want that, and I guess Arvy
and I are in the same predicament when it comes to engines.
The weather has been beautiful and our garden is coming along
fine, but we do need a little rain to encourage it along. My
husband works in the garden and on the lawn all day and then takes
a walk to see how it is growing each evening.
We expect to go to Stewartstown Show in July and then I’m
not sure of the others. We aren’t eager to travel a great
distance. My daughter says I have a phobia about being away from
home and she is 100% correct.
As I said, trying to think of something to write for this column
is a chore so the sooner I close the better. Until next time, good
luck, good health and best wishes.