For a few days, we thought Spring had arrived before we had any Winter, but this morning the old wind was really blowing up a storm and made us realize that Winter hadn’t passed us by. It is only February but makes a person think it is March coming in like a lion.
We have some information wanted. Mr. Lowell C. Lee, 932 First Street, Illinois 61920, would like to know if there is any way to tell date of manufacture from serial number on Hercules “131829”? How about on S.N. F 20-“FA 45541” is 1935 right? I know some one has the answer and will let him know. Guess it is confusing.
Mr. Harry Bonnema, 411 Ninth Ave. S.W., LeMars, Iowa 51031, has made a generous offer for anyone who wishes to help LeMars, Iowa, celebrate its 100th anniversary. If anyone in the Mid-West would like to bring machinery of any kind to show at the celebration, they would be more than welcome and they will try to take care of their expenses that is within reason. They have a nice 30 acres to show on and the people who bring machinery can camp on the grounds. Anyone interested and wants to make plans, contact Mr. Bonnema. The celebration dates are July 3-5, 1969.
We had a nice comment from one new subscriber, he is glad people like us take an interest to bring back some of the bygone days because much of the old machinery and old customs pass on with the old timers when they leave this earth. It is the interest of you subscribers who greatly help to keep the GEM going.
I hate to remind you, but don’t forget the April 15 Tax deadline. Hope you aren’t in for a surprise like my husband and I were.
Until next time, good luck and good health.