Rt. 4, Box 1645 Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643.
The 23rd annual East Tennessee Crank-Up was held on our show
site on the farm of Brenda and Jeff Hutchings near Johnson City,
Tennessee, the second full weekend in June 1994. With a lot of hard
work from our membership, including show director Mike Tittle, our
show seems to get better each year.
Every year we seem to have a shower and this year was no
exception, but it didn’t seem to slow down the show or the good
time. We had several tractors on display, which we haven’t had
before, belonging to our members and members of the Tri-State
Antique Tractor Association, a newly formed group in our area. Most
of these tractors were beautifully restored.
Several unusual gas engines were also present, including a 7 HP
Schleicher Schumm Otto slide valve engine which we hope to have
running this year.
For our show in ’95, several new exhibits have been added a
70 HP Bessemer air lease engine, type 7, and several other oil
field engines. We will have plenty of other unusual engines,
including over 40 sideshaft engines and a shingle mill. Our show is
set in the mountains of East Tennessee bordering the Cherokee
National Forest.
We wish to encourage anyone who likes old iron to join us for
this year’s show June 9-11, 1995. For more information contact:
Jeff Hutchings, Rt. 4, Box 1645, Elizabethton, TN 37643, (615)
725-3992, or Larry Bennett, 491 Pleasant Valley Rd., Jonesborough,
TN 37659, (615) 753-5994.