By Staff
Published on February 1, 1986
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Mike Bond, left, and Charles Hall, right, check out the Ross feed cutter used to shred corn fodder at the 1985 Canal Days show.
Mike Bond, left, and Charles Hall, right, check out the Ross feed cutter used to shred corn fodder at the 1985 Canal Days show.
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Charles Hall's display of old wood working machinery including two old post drills and a treadle powered lathe. All were restored to original operating condition and appearance.
Charles Hall's display of old wood working machinery including two old post drills and a treadle powered lathe. All were restored to original operating condition and appearance.
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Several of the antique tractors shown at Canal Days 1985. Featured were John Deere and McCormick-Deering machines.
Several of the antique tractors shown at Canal Days 1985. Featured were John Deere and McCormick-Deering machines.

200 S. Spruce St., Centerville, IN 47330

Canal Days at Cambridge City, Indiana, were held on September 7
and 8, 1985, one of the hottest September weekends we have
experienced in several years. Temperatures were in the low 90’s
on Saturday when the annual engine, tractor and antique machinery
exhibit was held. This show, organized and managed by Charles and
Eddie Hall of Cambridge City, has grown a bit larger each year
since beginning two years ago.

This third year we were given access to a vacant lot in downtown
Cambridge City plus a portion of the street in front of the lot.
The regular list of exhibitors was present including the halls, Tom
Kelsey, Mike Bond from Richmond and Jim Jones and sons from

This year we were happy to have a larger display of vintage farm
tractors than normal. Several John Deeres, including 1935 and 1936
model B’s, a later 1940’s model A and a few
McCormick-Deering tractors were shown. The Halls had their Ottawa
drag saw in operation and also a Standard Twin garden tractor in
new condition. Numerous old engines were on display shelling corn,
pumping water, operating a grindstone and other exhibits. In
addition, old tools and an ancient foot powered lathe were on

Mike Bond had completed a model steam engine which was operated
on compressed air. This engine was belted to a corn sheller and
actually shelled corn. It was built as part of a high school
machine shop project and shows what an enterprising young man can
do with a difficult project built from scratch.

Danny and Jason Hall had a large display of antique wrenches and
other farm tools. Several restored Maytag and Briggs & Stratton
engines were on display. Jeff Himelick of Fountain City brought his
trailer of engines down again and ground corn meal and pumped
water. His Delco light plant provided power for Jim Jones’
Kewanee water pump equipped with a 32 volt motor.

Fodder was shredded with an ancient Ross feed cutter powered by
a 1936 John Deere B tractor. This machine was featured in a photo
layout of the event in the county daily paper.

The exhibit closed Saturday night with the removal of the
smaller equipment. However several of the old tractors were in the
Sunday afternoon parade. Eddie Hall, a John Deere man who has green
and yellow blood, dressed in his John Deere clothes but drove a
McCormick-Deering F-20 in the parade. This brought numerous
comments from the crowd.

The group plans an even larger show the end of June 1986 when
Cambridge City plans a sesquicentennial celebration. It is hoped
that more area collectors can come and take part in this exhibit
which has proven to be a definite drawing card and crowd

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