704 S. 6th St., Goshen, Indiana 46526.
Hams ‘Gas’ to each other about Gas Engines
As I promised in the article in the March-April issue of GEM, I
have tried to compile a list and answer all replies. This is my
first attempt at such an endeavor, so if I make mistakes, bear with
me. Actually, the replies have been gratifying. So that everyone
may have all the information, I will mimeograph enough sheets for
all. Rather than try to set up schedules with everyone, or try to
start a net, I will pass along all the information that I have
received and let you as individuals contact each other.
Wesley B. Hammond – K2GS0, York Rd., Leicester, New York 14481
-Occupation, school teacher. Can work most bands SSB. Has had a
couple of articles in past issues of GEM on a marine engine that he
Donald D. Brink W3FZE, 101 S. Madison St., Colonial Park,
Harrisburs, Pa. 17109 – Retired, has been on the air about 40
years. Can probably arrange a schedule on 20 meter SSB. Has been
collecting engines for about 10 years.
J. L. Pugh – W8GKI, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 – ‘Nellie’
didn’t send me too much information other than he has a WRL rig
and a DuoBander 84.
Ralph G. Altenweg – WA?IRE, Rt. 6, Box 99, Anoka, Minnesota
55303 -Ralph has a number of engines, more don’t run than do.
But I think one day it will be the other way around. At the time he
wrote me, he could only operate 40 meter fone, but expected to have
other antennas up for the rest of the bands.
Leonard Pettinger – W?MGS, Stein-auer, Nebraska 68441 — Leonard
didn’t advise me too much of his on-the-air activities but did
mention he had an oilpull tractor 20-40.
Howard W. Wagenblast – K3NUQ, Rt. 4, Box 158, Greensburg,
Pennsylvania 15601 — ‘Wag’ is working only 10 meters at
present. He sent quite an impressive list of engines he owns, too
long to mention here. If you contact him, I’m sure he will be
glad to tell you about them.
H. W. ‘Walt’ Jennings – W9NW0, Box 133, Farmington,
Illinois 61531 — Walt is retired and informs me that he works 5
bands, AM and CW. He also informs me that he is building a 1′
scale locomotive. At the time he wrote, he said that he expected to
have the locomotive operating in June. Should be making steam by
Owen W. Hawkins, Jr. – WB4DKE, 2403 Dumbarton Rd., Richmond,
Virginia 23228 — Owen is 27 years old and works for AT & T at
Richmond. He has several gas engines and is currently restoring a
’31 Model A. Likes ragchewing and works principally 10, 15 and
20 meters. Would like to talk to others who share our hobbies.
Ellis Birkey – K9EVJ, Box 631, Fisher, Illinois 61843 — Ellis
has several engines and recently built a ‘homebrew’ ? HP
engine. Weighs about 65 pounds, must be an impressive engine. Is on
75 most every evening on Missouri SSB net. Also operates with the
call W0LNO from Lake of the Woods, Osage Beach, Missouri, during
the summer. Ellis didn’t say, but I wonder if he is also
A. I. Clipperton – W?LSX, Rt, 2, Butterfield, Minnesota 56120 –
Not too much information here. Works mostly 80 CW and expects to
operate on 40 CW. Would be interested in a schedule.
Randy Schwerin – WN?CEM, Rt. 2, Sumner, Iowa 50674 — Randy is,
I believe, one of our youngest Ham/Gas Engine enthusiasts. By the
time you read this, he may have dropped the N out of his call. At
this time, he has several engines and, if the gas engines don’t
carry him away, he may be looking for schedules before long. Good
luck, Randy.
Del B. Stifle – W9BGF, 637 North Market St., Paxton, Illinois
60957 – Del also has several engines. At present, operates 75 meter
SSB. Can be found Sunday mornings at 11:00 A.M. CDST. Hopes to be
on other bands soon. He is planning on going to Tri-State Show at
Portland, Indiana the latter part1 of August. Since I am also
planning on going, probably we will get to meet.
And last: me-George Kasdorf, Sr. -W9FSA, 704 So. 6th St.,
Goshen, Indiana 46526 – I can operate most bands. Prefer SSB or
RTTY. I can be on most evenings, unless something comes up. I have
a few engines, some of them restored, and some will require work.
My biggest is 5 HP Sattley. It has a broken piston and connecting
rod. It will be some time before I get it running.
Guess we all have one thing in common – we all read GEM – the
finest engine magazine available to engine enthusiasts. I don’t
know if they would or could print all of this, so that is why I am
sending each of you this list.
Lots of DX and Happy Engine Hunting. Thanks to all of you for
your cooperation.
(We could and did print all of this — I think it is quite
interesting – just think, since George’s letter was in my
column in Mar.-Apr. issue he has had contact with 12 other fellows
with same interests.-great–Anna Mae)