British Two-Cylinder Enthusiasts To Visit The States This Summer

By Staff
Published on April 1, 1994

Wade Farm Tours, the tour organizers who arranged last
summer’s much-enjoyed Gas Engine Extravaganza to England and
Wales, will be bringing a group of Britons to the United States
this summer. The tour, which overall runs from July 3-25 but is
broken down into several different tour date options, is being
arranged for the members of the United Kingdom Two-Cylinder Club,
and will feature the company of British JD aficionado Don

The tour, as expected in this case, has a John Deere bias, and
will be highlighted by a full-day visit to the Two-Cylinder
Club’s 1994 Expo IV in Grundy Center, near Waterloo, Iowa. This
is not to say, however, that those interested in all makes of
vintage engines, tractors, and farm machinery will be disappointed.
On the contrary! Other points of interest on the tour include San
Francisco, northern California, Yosemite National Park, Grand
Canyon, the Nebraska Tractor Test Station at Lincoln, Camp Creek
Threshers Show in Nebraska, and Oscar (Cooke’s) Dreamland in
Montana, as well as visits to a number of private collections in
California, Arizona, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and

Tour options include: Tour A, from July 3-16, starting in
California and ending up at Expo IV; Tour B, from July 12-25,
starting at Expo IV and moving on through Montana, Nebraska, North
Dakota, and Minnesota; or Tour D, a combination of Tours A and

Those of you living in the States are welcome to join in with
this tour. Estimated price of the ground package (excluding
flights) would average between $1000-$ 1600; these prices are per
person sharing a room, and are given as a guideline only. If you
would like more detailed information or a tour brochure, write to:
Two-Cylinder Club Vintage Engine Tours 1994, Rob Rushen-Smith, Wade
Farm Tours, Hamilton House, Cambridge Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk,
England 1P11 7EU. You may also request information (but not make
reservations) by telephone (011 44 394 273262) or by FAX (011 44
394 271043).

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