Australian Travel

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1990

14085 Montague Road, Winnebego, Illinois 61088

This may be of interest to persons thinking about going or going
to the Australian Vintage Machine Congress in 1991, as advertised
in GEM September issue, page 56.

This summer I will have spent over three months in Australia on
business. Being an old engine buff myself I was able to contact and
get acquainted with some of our counterparts.

It was a very enriching experience to talk with these very
knowledgeable persons on old engines. They also showed me some very
beautifully restored engines and tractors, also some very unusual
engines, both petrol (gas) and diesel. There is no way I can name
them all.

I was most fortunate to have made contact with Ian Stewart, your
host for the Congress. We spent several hours discussing our mutual
interest in engines and his magazine T.O.M.M.

On my own, I traveled to and stayed in some of the same cities
mentioned in the ad. From my own experience the price for the
entire tour, less a few meals, is a real bargain!

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