4777 Upper Valley Pike Dayton, Ohio, 45424
With the summer antique engine shows over for the season, it is
now time to sit back, relax, and recall the pleasure we had in
attending. Some of these events were outstanding in their
uniqueness; although we did expect to find the usual, and still
entertaining, threshing, saw milling, etc.
It was possible for me to make the ten hour trip from Dayton to
Cedar Falls, Iowa, where collectors of Minneapolis Moline equipment
had a fine display. It was easy to locate this group because of the
large, colorful tent used to shelter the display of Roger Mohr.
Around the tent were over thirty beautifully restored pieces of
equipment. Naturally the Minneapolis Moline Prairie Gold tractors
dominated the scene. Several gray Twin City tractors were part of
the show.
Roger Mohr’s newly restored ZTX was the center of
attraction. The GTI MM owned by Harold Priest was a rare and
interesting tractor. Lloyd Monroe was very proud of his very nice
MTM 39-57. Harold Schwartz-rock of Charles City rode around on his
rare two-cylinder Moline Universal. Almost all of the tractors
participated in the daily parades. Clint Kenyan from Missouri is
knowledgeable about the MM tractors and did an out standing job in
his narration which contributed much to the parade’s
Several collectors, including the Shimas and Jerry Erickson, had
very educational displays for people to enjoy.
With the bright sunshine and the many Prairie Gold caps worn, it
was a very colorful sight.
The banquet was attended by over one hundred enthusiastic
collectors. MM collectors appear to be the most gung ho of all
collectors; they are sure that they collect the best and the most
After an interesting talk by Jim Janssen from the White-New Idea
Farm Equipment Co. the group voted to have a winter meeting at
Madison, Wisconsin, 27 February 1988, at the Holiday Inn
The Hart Parr and Oliver tractors were featured by Antique Acres
this year. Over thirty of these tractors were parked near the MM
tractors, making it easy to compare design changes made through the
years. It was evident that the Olivers had not had the careful
attention in restoration when compared to the MMs. Here it is easy
to see what organizing the collectors can do. The clubs foster
communication among the collectors, help in locating parts,
equipment, and memorabilia.
The Cedar Falls Show had several real drawing cards. The most
notable was the contribution of the Smalisk Brothers with their
40-140 Reeves, Case 80, and Phoenix Log Hauler. Ray Smalisk stated
that they paid $1000 for the Case 80 and $3800 for the Reeves. Ray
is a fine man and a real supporter of the Antique Acres Show.
Another interesting display at the show was John Ruth’s mud
pumps. These fine old pumps really move the water. . .and mud,
The farm toys are becoming a big collector item, and they are
beautiful. Gene Ficken and Lowell Bursse had fine displays at the
The Polka Club of Iowa, dressed in colorful costumes, did some
great dancing to the music of a real Polka band.
The Minneapolis Moline collectors decided to take their prized
possessions and head for the Camp Creek Antique Tractor and
Machinery Show, 17-18 July 1988. This is 35 miles west of Omaha,
Nebraska. Dwayne Starr said they would really show us a good
It is too bad that there has been a split between the collectors
of MM equipment. Another display of these tractors was held at
Charles City, Iowa, the following week. I couldn’t make both
shows being so far from home, but I missed seeing my friends that
elected to go there. It all came about because the majority of the
collectors wanted to have an organization with officers, and one
influential person didn’t want this. Isn’t it too bad when
anger and envy enter into a fun organization filled with comradery
and good fellowship?