Route 1, Box 13, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441
The story, ‘Cement Mixer, A Wonder!’ in the August 1995
issue of GEM, brings back memories of a Wonder mixer my father and
a neighbor used in 1916. It was purchased for $75. That was a lot
of money in 1916. I don’t know how many market hogs it took to
pay for it!
Father and the neighbor were planning to make a cement tank.
Father’s was 8 feet x16 feet x5 feet deep. The neighbor’s
was 8 feet x16 feet x2 feet deep. They made their tanks with the
help of neighbors and everyone saw how much easier it was to
mechanically mix cement instead of the mortar box and hoe. So often
they mixed nearly all foundations within five miles at 10 cents per
bag of cement. I think they were 100 lb. bags. The formula that
they used was: 16 sand shovels full to 4 shovels full of cement
(half a bag at that time).
The engine was tagged 4 HP Wonder. Everyone said it was the same
as a 4 HP Galloway. I know that is where they got parts for the
It had a channel frame with channel axles and cast wagon light
shims. There were 4′ foldover edge wheels, 26′ rear and
22′ front, with the engine over the back, as it made a good
load for a pair of 1800 lb. horses when the ground was soft.
It is sitting now in my pasture, less the engine.