6775 E. First St., Huntsville, Utah 84317
I have not collected or restored old gas engines yet. However, I
did help my father with some engine projects last summer. We spent
most of one day delivering a 12 HP Famous Dad had found in the
brush and weeds near my parents’ home. Another day was spent
exploring an old silver mining town in the mountains about 30 miles
northeast of Huntsville, Utah. We discovered an 8 HP Weber
side-shaft. July 16th and 17th we spent at the Ogden Car and Engine
Some years ago I purchased some property that I had not fully
explored, until lately. I found myself looking over this steep
rocky brush that covered part of my land. I parted the brush and
weeds into a small ravine and there was a pair of flywheels. On
inspection I found a twin cylinder air cooled engine. I thought it
to be probably 5 or 6 HP, but thinking about 2 cylinders I decided
it must be twice that. I noticed the exhaust systems ported at the
rear of each cylinder like Carl Nelson’s Gade. Looking for a
nameplate I found the name ‘Ruker’ embossed on the rear of
the crankcase.
Moving down the ravine through the thick brush I discovered an
old town. There were old cars and horse drawn carriages and wagons!
I stood in amazement, people began to emerge dressed in old
fashioned clothes. They started moving toward me in a seemingly
hostile manner. I ran, stumbled and crawled back up through the
brush. I slipped and fell over the edge of a cliff but managed to
grasp the very top to break my fall. I awoke to find myself hanging
to the edge of my bed!
Question: Is this a symptom of the dread disease, Engine
I will pay your price for any kind of Ruker engine.