By Staff
Published on November 1, 1971
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Courtesy of Lyle Knerr, Chappell, Nebraska 69129.
Courtesy of Lyle Knerr, Chappell, Nebraska 69129.
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Courtesy of A. M. G. Thomas, R. 1, Meriden, Kansas 66512.
Courtesy of A. M. G. Thomas, R. 1, Meriden, Kansas 66512.
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Courtesy of Merl Barnes, 9615 Fairview, Boise, Idaho 83702.
Courtesy of Merl Barnes, 9615 Fairview, Boise, Idaho 83702.

1, Box 96, Fort Madison, Iowa 52627.

Referring to the hollow wedge Mr. Cline is asking about–I saw
one of these in use in 1931 or 32. It was a bought wedge and used
black powder. It belonged to two brothers in West Point, Iowa.

It was a round hollow tube affair about 14′ or 16′ long
and 2′ or 2?’ wide. It had a wedge about 5′ long on one
end. This wedge had a hole about I’ through the center and
another hole led from this hole to the powder chamber in the round
tube. It also had a small hole in the side of the powder tube for
the fuse.

1910 F.M. Kerosene 4 HP. at Bird City, Kansas in 1970. Runs at
60 rpm. between firings. 

In the September-October magazine a question is asked about a
log splitter. I am enclosing a sketch of one that I made that uses
black powder. I made it for a customer and he did not pick it up. I
have not used it. It is advisable to weld a piece of log chain to
the top end.

I need information about a garden tractor engine and gear box
that I have. The engine is air-cooled, uses a timer and coil for
ignition. It has a suction intake valve and an L head type exhaust.
The crank for starting is on the cam shaft. The engine crankcase
and drive gears case is all one casting. The following wording is
on the nameplate. Standard Walsch Garden Tractor No. 36M29 Standard
Engine Co., Minneapolis, Minn.

I have enjoyed the issues of GEM very much.

This is in regard to a question in G. E. M. September-October
magazine titled ‘A Couple of Questions.’ I have a log
splitter that used black powder. It was made by Hutchison Mfg–. (I
can’t read the last). As Mr. Cline said, the thing often took
off and was hard to find, hence the addition of the old car
connecting rod and piece of log chain so the wedge could be tied
down. The wedge is 12? inches long, the tip is 4′ x 2′, has
reverse teeth to hold it in the wood.

A block of wood about 30′ long and about 10′ through
with a hole drilled half way through on one side was placed on the
other end of the wedge after it was driven in the log. When the
unit was fired it sounded like a cannon, and did a good job of
splitting logs. With the block of wood on the outer end of the
wedge it would fly out about 20 or 30 feet and could be found
easily. I never saw it used without this block of wood on it.

I would be glad to find out more about this wedge if Mr. Cline
wishes to write to me. One of the men who owned this wedge is still
living and may still have this wedge.

I have about 35 gas engines (most of them restored) and 2
tractors, an International on steel (not restored) and a
Caterpillar restored and in good shape.

I am a subscriber to your magazine and think it is great. Keep
it coming!

There was an exploding wedge advertised in the Farm Journal 35
years ago by Loffelmacher, Fairfax, Minnesota. Perhaps this winter
I can dig through my clippings of ads and send it ii not lost with
a lot of moving around.

It takes only a little linseed oil on cloth rolled up tight to
cause spontaneous combustion. Other oil might do the same.

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