Smoke Rings

By Anna Mae
Published on September 1, 1977
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Let me put in a vote of approval for your column here. I always
read it twice before I even get to the rest of the magazine. Also,
I would like to thank you for your regular Christian witness. Today
it is unusual and refreshing to run across this in anything but a
religious oriented magazine. ‘(Thanks for your interesting and
inspiring letter, Will. We’ll be hoping to hear from you when
you get the engines finished -and I feel sure you will receive some
letters to help you with your engines).

ROBERT C. SNYDER, 105 Lincoln Way East, McConnellsburg,
Pennsylvania 17233 is one of our newer subscribers and he writes:
‘My mother owns a l? HP McCormick Deering gas engine which I
would like to research. What caught my attention was an article in
the Chrysler-Plymouth Magazine Spectator which has a picture of an
identical engine.’ (Don’t let him down folks, I’m sure
he’ll be glad for any letters from you).

Anybody out there know if the Chicago injectors are still being
made? Maybe I should know but I don’t. If you do know and have
an address let me hear from you and also drop JOHNSON BROS.
McCallsburg, Iowa 50154 a note if you’re interested in helping
a fellow gas buff.

BILL FRAAS, Denton, Nebraska 68339 says: ‘I have a little
problem. Several of my hit and miss two flywheel engines have bent
crankshafts. They must have been tipped over on one flywheel and
now have quite a wobble. I would like to hear from someone who has
straightened one of these crankshafts.’

GEORGE POWELL, Route 2, Box 222A, Aurora, Indiana 47001 would
like to know the paint color, make of magneto and what year his gas
engine was built and any other information on it. It has Appleton
Mfg. Co., Batavia, Illinois, No. 9074, 1? HP, Speed 500, 4′
piston, 4? stroke, 2′ X 16′ flywheel. (He’s waiting to
hear from you).

ROY PICKETT. 20068 16 Mile Road, Marshall, Michigan 49068
comments: ‘I was at the National Threshermen Assn. Reunion at
Wauseon, Ohio and bought a copy of your G.E.M. and was very
interested in many of your articles. I was wondering if any of your
readers could help me. I have a small air-cooled gas engine. The
only thing I know about it is that on the engine casting it reads
(Kinner Motor Co. No. 11279). I would like to know the year it was
made and the horsepower, what it was used for and any other
information that someone might know-by the way, I’m also going
to get a subscription.’ (Well Welcome to the family Roy-hope
you enjoy it and I expect you’ll hear from some of the readers
in answer to your questions).

DALE NICKERSON, Glasgow Road, Cassadaga, New York 14718 is
seeking information pertaining to the Olin Gas Engine Company of
Buffalo, New York. He would like to have a list of serial numbers
and the corresponding dates.

MYROY S. RUPPUCHT, Unique Restorations, Inc., 24805 Peachland
Avenue, Newhall, California 91321 wants you to know: ‘I need
some help. Wonder if you could put me in touch with an owner of one
of the following: Schmidt’s chilled cylinder Type H 7830, 3 HP
patented 1907, Schmidt Brothers Co. Engine Works, Davenport, Iowa.
I have an engine which is nearly complete but is missing a few
parts (see ad in back under wanted). I would also like to acquire
some photos of a complete engine. The magazine has been most useful
to me. (So let’s keep it useful to him-write him if you can
fill him in on some of the information.)

JAMES E. FILEBROWN, E. Washington Street, Stewartsville, New
Jersey 08886 writes: ‘The (What Is It?) on page 21 of
July-August issue is an Economy engine mounted on the remains of an
Ideal power lawn mower. The Ideal mower was originally powered by
its own make engine. They were built in Lansing, Michigan.’

MR. & MRS. ELSING, 3902 San Marcos Road, Louisville,
Kentucky 40299 would like some information on a Fordson tractor
they have as it has a very long tank (maybe kerosene, gas?) Any
data will be appreciated.

Another letter from a new G.EM, member as he tells us: ‘I
really enjoy your G.E.M. I was interested in an article in the
issue of Jan-Feb. 1977, page 16 as I have what I think is a part of
an engine like this-what I have is crankcase, crankshaft, both
flywheels, timing gears, piston and rod. There is one difference
that I can see, that is the counter balance is bigger on mine. Sure
would like some help on this one. If anyone out there has any
ideas, I’ll sure appreciate them. Thank you!’

Another gas enthusiast is seeking word from folks who have the
same interest. His name is HAROLD J. RHEIN, 8159 Mt. Olivet,
Detroit, Michigan 48234. He is waiting for some information on a
particular engine he has that was built in Saginaw, Michigan by
Nelson Bros. It has a Remy high tension mag made by Hercules Mfg.
Co. Indianapolis, Indiana. He would like to get this motor running
because the old one lungers are music to his ears. (Sound
familiar-you know what he means and the support he needs).

JOSEPH SIEGEL, Route 2, Box 252, Mascoutah, Illinois 62258 needs
an answer: ‘I have a crude oil engine 9 HP with the following
information on name tag: L. M. Rumsey Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Missouri
serial # 78 manufactured by St. Mary’s Engine Company, St.
Mary’s, Ohio. I would like to know age of this engine and any
other help anyone has.

Also, my compliments to the editors for the new look on the
cover of the July-August issue. Keep up the good work.’

A new show has been brought to our attention – the FORK TAVERN
STEAM AND GASOLINE SHOW will be held Sept. 24, 25 1? miles below
Dixie on State Route 6. Contact William M. Seay, Box 12, Fork
Union, Virginia 23055. No charge. They will have grain threshing,
gas engines, steam engines, Etc. We’re happy to hear about this
and wish you increasing success as the years roll forth.

ED BEARDSLEY, RD #3, Brigeton, New Jersey 08302 speaks out:
‘Have received G.E.M. since 1970 and enjoy it very much. I
don’t know how you could improve it. I appreciate your
religious thoughts throughout the magazine,

I have four engines (three in running condition) and three
Fordsons and hope some time soon to do some restoration work. Also
I have a tractor that I would appreciate any help available. It was
made by the Earthmaster Farm Equipment Co., Burbank, California. It
has a small 4 cylinder Continental engine #N62 73595. This is all
the information I can find on it. I’d like to know date of
manufacture, etc.’ (He needs your answers, Men).

CHARLES G. FISHER, 15 Folwell Road, Norwalk, Connecticut 06851
sends this: ‘Pictured is a marine engine I recently acquired
and I need your readers help to identify it. It has 2 cylinders
with integral heads, make and break igniters and two timing gears
on opposite ends of engine, intake valves are automatic. The
throttle governor has weights mounted on a flat leaf springs
(Pickering) and is driven by a round belt. The carburetor is
jacketed by the exhaust and is of the mixing valve type. The
3-piece crankcase is split vertically. The piston type cooling pump
is operated by an eccentric on the shaft. Horsepower is about 3-5.
Any help, even guesses that I can check out, would be greatly

I have been collecting engines and receiving G.E.M. for about 2
years and I enjoy the magazine very much. My colllection is small
but I think I have some interesting engines including a Bovaird
& Seyfang, an Olin and a very old single flywheel Bessemer, all
hot tube ignited.’

A request from W. E. PHILLIPS, 1775 Empire Road, Wickliffe, Ohio
44092: ‘I am a beginner in this field and just picked up my
first engine recently. I need information on it and am wondering if
it is worth restoring (I would surely think so).

First of all it is a marine engine, 2 cylinder. It has a priming
cup for each cylinder in the head, a large flywheel, forward and
reverse transmission and it looks exactly like half (?) of a Model
T engine. It must be water-cooled because there is a small water
pump in the front. Anything you know about this engine would be
sincerely appreciated.’ (Send him word, Fellas).

Following is a letter from NATHAN HICKOK, Amboy, Minnesota
56010. This should have been in before, but somehow it got lost in
the shuffle-anyhow it has some good thoughts in it and since it was
written in January-it might make you feel cool in this hot weather
to read it: ‘Knowing that everyone does not live in this area,
I can’t really say that it has been a pretty chilly winter for
all of us, but for my part I mean it has been cold, cold, cold. We
started burning wood again in an old pot bellied stove or that gas
bill would break us up in business. We don’t have as much snow
as usual for January, but enough for pretty good snow-mobiling. We
have some nice trails in the timber and some good hills. The Blue
Earth River is just wonderful to ride on and there is just enough
open water to keep it exciting and to keep one alert. If you
don’t see open water quick enough to miss it, you just hit the
wood and. go over it. If one doesn’t make it, you get wet, wet,
wet. A snow-mobile will go over quite a span of water if you get a
lot of speed and a lot of guts and a little bit of luck. One time I
saw Tom break through, he hit and wood, stood up on the seat and he
was really churning up the water, but the front end stayed up-he
was half way up to his knees in water, but he made it. That was
really and truly worth watching.

There hasn’t been very much done at the Hickok’s this
winter on our engines. We made a slight mistake last fall and
bought some cattle, the price went down the next week and
consequently we still have them and it keeps me plenty busy because
instead of buttons I use buckets. Now if any of you readers want to
lose a bit of money or part of your savings, buy some cattle.
It’s not really suicide, just the next thing to it. If we had
gone out and spent our money on engines instead of cattle, we would
have been all right. But then there’s the better side: you
can’t eat an engine and we sure have had some nice steaks.

It’s warmed up quite a bit, it’s only a bit below zero
here today and it’s snowing quite hard.

It doesn’t seem like there is so much to write about, but
there is one thing I would like to bring to the attention of all
good engine men. Now this is kinda hard to write about because I
sure don’t want you men to think I am trying to tell anyone
what to do. What I wish to say is this. If you hear of an engine
man, and he is a friend of yours passing away or of an engine man
losing a loved one, go to the funeral and pay your last respects to
a true and honest friend. We heard of the passing of Mr. Allen
Hanson from Shurbum. His daughter, Helen, also an engine
enthusiast, called us and said she had tried to reach several other
engine men but with no success. I got on the phone and called some,
but several calls were unsuccessful. I think, to my knowledge, that
Mrs. Hickok and I were the only engine people at the funeral and if
all of you could have seen the gratification his wife and his
family seemed to show because we had come to show our last but sad
respects for their loved one, even though all we could say was
‘we’re sorry’. I hope when you hear of the death of an
engine man or any of his loved ones, you will go to pay respects
and say, ‘I’m sorry’. One thing I do surely know is
that we all have to die and that our loved ones will really and
truly cherish all kindness that can be bestowed upon them. God
bless you and thank you.’

A letter to all of you readers comes from JEFF BARTHELD, Route
2, Box 145, Rogers, Minnesota 55374: ‘Hello to All in Gas
Engine Land! I’d like to thank you for printing a letter for me
and next, I’d like to thank all the people out there who helped
me compile the list of rare engines. When I sent out my plea for
help in the Nov./Dec. 76 issue, I never dreamed I’d get so much
response. I tried to get a personal Thank You out to every one who
wrote and helped make my project a success. I know for sure I
missed one fellow though, I lost his name and address, but if he is
reading this, I wish he would sent it to me, so I could thank him.
He was the gentleman who had a 9 HP Alamo and a Schramm air

Well now, on to bigger and better things. It’s late Spring
here in Minnesota (this was written about 6th of June) and this is
the time of year when it seems like everyone gets bit by the Show
Bug and one morning about 7:00 A.M. my dad and I decided to have
our own little engine show. We dragged all the engines out of the
shed for the first time this year. Of course, there was the
necessary tasks of filling oilers and grease cups and just getting
the winter’s dust off them.

Now came the big question?? Would they run after their long
winter’s sleep or no – so the first engine in line was our
prize IHC Type M we had just finished restoring in early March. I
grabbed the flywheels, one good pull and away she went, and right
down the line we went. Before too long we had a crowd of neighbors
in the front yard. There was one thing we never expected and that
was people sleeping at 8 in the morning, but all were happy to be
able to see the old relics running-with the exception of my mother
who didn’t appreciate our 8-13 HP Fairmont which now, for the
second year in a row, ruined our front lawn, but as the day went on
she got over it.

About 1:30 in the afternoon, we called our friend, Bernard
Fisher and his son, Dwayne, to come over and bring some engines.
They came with about four and with our thirteen, it made for a nice
afternoon. Some people stopped to see what the commotion was as
they could not believe something like these engines could possibly
run. So about 7:30, after a chicken barbecue, it was time to put
the engines to bed till next week. Now we’ll wait for the shows
and be ready to go. We will be going to the Rogers Threshing Show.
I really enjoy talking to other engine collectors. Any time
you’re out our way, look us up at the house as the coffee is
always on and the engine shed doors are always open to someone who
wants to have a look.’

W. J. MORTIMER, 24 Danygraig Road, Neath Abbey, Neath West Glam,
South Wales, England, needs asistance as he writes: ‘I am in
possession of an old oil engine namely Emerson Brantingham 3 HP
Type A (or U-I’m not sure of this writing), No. 15906. I have
been trying to get some information on this engine so that I can
restore it. I would like details, or a handbook, or some way to
help me – there are some parts missing. I hope you can assist me in
my request.’ (Fly your answers across the waters to W. J. –
he’ll be most grateful.)

RON SPROWLS, R. D. 2, Box 93, Claysville, Pennsylvania 15323 is
sending out an S.O.S.: ‘I desperately need information and
pictures of a four cycle Gardner engine made by W. D. Gardner of
Washington, Pennsylvania. The engine has a 7?’ bore and 13′
stroke, with 42′ flywheels. This engine is a side shaft, with
flyball governor and hot tube fired. I need information and
pictures of the natural gas carburetor and governor linkage. Please
help me.!’

The Ladies of Branch #16 of Early Day Gas Engine & Antique
Tractor Association of Ash Grove, Missouri are busy-above pictured
(clock-wise) are Donita Goddard, Gladys West, Colleen Jerome,
Dorothy Latham and Betty Stark with a fine quilt they made and sold
to the highest bidder (sealed bids) and Dorothy Latham was the

The proceeds from this sale were used to purchase a nicely
restored ‘one banger’ gas engine and pump jack, pump unit
which was donated to ‘School of the Ozarks’ at Branson,
Missouri. The pump unit will be on display at the school’s
campus museum.

This E.D.G.E. Assn. group shows at Ozark Reunion on September
15, 16, 17, 18, 1977.

(I know we cannot see the real beauty of this quilt – it has
many engines on it, flowers, insignias, etc. predominant colors are
red, white and blue-Anne Mae).

A letter of help coming to you from JIM HILL, 463 E. 11a Street,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221: A while back there was a gent
wanted to know about binder chain or drive chain or roller chain.
It’s got a lot of names. If you lump them altogether and call
the older version link chain, slip hook and the newer version
roller chain, I think they’ll understand what I’m trying to

Anyway this ad in Wanted section escapes me, but if you’d
print this, he’ll probably see it. It may also help someone
else. The chain was formerly manufactured by Link-Belt Company
which was brought out by F.M.C. Corp., 4040 Fondore Drive,
Columbus, Ohio. Phone 614-276-7235.’ (Thank you for this
information to help many folks.)

An inspiring and interesting letter comes from BART C. CUSHING,
127 Anderson Hall, College of Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho 83605. (Summer
address is Grafton, Vermont 05146). And he writes; ‘First of
all, I want to compliment you folks on the fine job you do with the
G.E.M. From all of the people I talk to in the engine hobby,
everybody sure appreciates it a lot.

I am presently a business major here at the College of Idaho in
Caldwell. My grandfather, B. L. Scott of Charleston, Maine first
got me interested in old equipment when he and I drove out together
when I first came here for school three summers ago. Since then, I
have been almost obsessed with the stuff. Two people in the area,
Mr. Owen Arnett and Mr. Kenneth Jones, both engine buffs, have sure
been real nice and have taught me a lot.

My first project was a 1939 John Deere Model ‘H’ I
restored last year. It was given to me by a local farmer, Mr. Cliff
Precht, who lives just outside Caldwell. When I asked if he’d
sell it so I could fix it, he said he was going to use it for a
mailbox holder, but if I wanted to, I could use his shop and tools
and if I fixed it, I could have it. He figured it would be put to
better use if it was run again. I began on it in October 1975. I
went home that Christmas with a suitcase with a head in it and a
big parts list. I came back on the plane with a block,
reconditioned head and two pistons (did the metal detector at
Chicago Airport make quite a sound when I went through it!!). I had
it painted and sold by April of 1976. I had to sell it because I
put all my money into it that I had for the remainder of the

I put $500.00 in it and sold it for $525.00, but I got more than
just $25.00 profit – almost all the shops in town know me by name
now, and I sure made a lot of friends.

I now have four one-lungers, a few Maytags, and my new prize is
a 1936 John Deere ‘A’ that I purchased, running. I drove it
out to Precht’s farm to park it until the fall when I come back
to school next year and get a chance to work on it.

I have one problem with one engine I have. It is a 1920, 2 HP
Atlantic engine side shaft that has a sludge pump with it and Wico
magneto. I would like to correspond with anyone that has one like
it as I can’t figure out the governing. (See picture of tractor
and Bart-they’re both good looking, don’t you think?)

This missal comes from LOREN R. MOODY, R. R. #1, Jacksonville,
Illinois 62650: ‘I enjoy your G.E.M. very much. Thought you
might be interested in this little homemade engine. Have several
old gas engines, some I have restored.

This homemade antique gasoline engine has an overall length with
battery box of 18 inches, width is 8? inches and height to top of
oiler is 9? inches. Total weight is 22? lbs. (including batery,
coil, water, fuel and oil), cylinder bore 1-9/16 inches, stroke 2?
inches, crankshaft diameter 5/8 inch, valve heads diameter 8/16
inch, valve stems diameter 3/16 inch, overall valve length is 2
inches. It has make and break igniterm fits in ? inch hole to
combustion chamber. Has hit and miss governor with about 800 RPM.
As I figure it has 4.31 cubic inch displacement and develops S.A.E.
.85 HP. It starts and runs real good.

The parts are made from scraps of broken and worn farm machinery
parts. Every part of engine, including screws, nuts, cotter and
woodruff keys are handmade. Oiler is made from piece of old brass
shaft, glass for oiler from piece of prescription bottle from drug
store. Crankshaft, connecting rod, piston, rings, timing gears and
teeth on gears, valves, valve springs, keepers, drip oiler and
brass hard oilers, cylinder head with valve guides, babbitt bearing
inserts, all bolts and screws were turned on lathe. Water box,
engine base etc. were formed of sheet steel and welded. Crankshaft
was turned from a piece of 2 inch shaft to 5/8 inch diameter. Two
inch diameter allowed for a 11/8 inch throw
for connecting rod crank. Piston was turned from aluminum bar, made
by melting old aluminum pistons. Valves were turned from high
carbon steel shaft. Piston, rings were turned from a bearing
journal of a broken camshaft from a big tractor. Timing gears
turned and teeth cut from cold rolled steel. Flywheels turned from
old piece of cast iron bought at junk yard. Babbitt for bearing
inserts was secured from junk yard and was melted into round bar
and then inserts turned. Cylinder head was turned from piece of
cast iron 2 inches thick, 2? inches wide and three inches long.
Valve springs were wound from pieces of steel wire.’ (It’s
interesting to hear how some of the homemade engines are made,
isn’t it-and doesn’t it look beautiful?)

WILLIAM J. McSWEENEY, 425 Elm Street, Framingham, Massachusetts
01701 writes: ‘I have a one cylinder gas engine called Webster
Improved Gas Engine (AC53 A), Chicago, Illinois, down right
position (sketch). I have gone to Framingham and Boston Library to
try and get some information – no luck. If I had patent number, I
would write to Washington, D.C. Patent was applied for but no
number. Would you have any information on this engine?’ (Please
write Bill if you can answer his question.)

It’s time to close, but you all have a good time with your
friends the rest of the Reunion Season and here’s something for
you to ponder: it’s called AT DAY’S END-John Hall. Is
anybody happier because you passed his way?-Does anyone remember
that you spoke to him today?–The day is almost over, and it’s
toiling time is through;-Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word
to you?-Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that’s
slipping fast, -That you helped a single brother of the many that
you passed?–Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or
said?-Does the man whose hopes were fading, now with courage look
ahead?-Did you waste the day, or lose it?-Was it well or sorely
spent?-Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of

As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God will
say,-‘You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did

Makes you think, doesn’t it-for after all we are to use each
day doing the Lord’s work-WE are his tools- so let’s stay
bright, and shine-and not become rusty with the pleasures of


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