Back in the April 1990 GEM, John Hamilton submitted an article
on tractor design, specifically on chassis design. Hopefully a
study of Mr. Hamilton’s article has been beneficial to those
contemplating a model tractor. When it is considered that these and
many other decisions must be made in designing a model, then
consider the challenges which faced the early tractor designers. At
the time there were virtually no reference books whereby it was
possible to make the design off the shelf. For those builders
fortunate enough to have experience in mechanical engineering the
problems were big enough. However, for the erstwhile tractor
designers without a technical education, designing a tractor was
indeed a challenge.
Beyond the chassis and steering layout came other necessaries,
such as the layout of the final drive system, drawbar arrangement,
and of course the selection of an engine. Given the state of the
art some eighty years ago, we will never cease to look at the early
designs with amazement. In short, we must give a lot of credit to
our ancestors for their determination in designing workable farm
tractors. To put it another way, look back on some of your own
mechanical projects. In all honesty, some of these are crude at
best, at least that is how the Reflector feels about some of his
past projects. In this perspective then, it is much easier to be
forgiving of our ancestors for having built some tractors which we
now consider to be the very epitome of crudity. But then, they
didn’t have a lathe, a welder, an acetylene outfit, or a full
set of micrometers. For many of them, the shop was a shade tree,
and the tools consisted of an anvil, a forge, and a 5-pound
Due to the rush of summer activities we don’t have a lot of
correspondence this time, but we begin with:
25/9/1 Fairbanks-Morse Q. I have a Fairbanks
Morse Z, 17 HP. The only identification on it is a number moulded
on the side of the crankcase. If this is the serial number, could
you tell me anything about it? The number is 7682A24. Any
information will be appreciated. Barry J. Tomyke, Box 148,
Stonewall, Manitoba ROC 22,0 Canada.
A. Perhaps this engine was built by Canadian
Fairbanks; we don’t know. The number is certainly not anything
with which we are familiar. A photo would be most helpful.
Meanwhile, perhaps some of our readers might have some
25/9/2 N O D A Engine Q. Is the N O D A one
lung gas engine anything special? Is it a Japanese or American
engine? The engine is tight but looks in good shape with all the
parts. I am not too familiar with restoring engines. I worked on
one, but I sold it before it was done. Also, how much is a 1936
Allis-Chalmers WC with cultivator worth? It is stored inside. Henry
Baerg, 433 Amatsubo, Minami Ashigara-shi, Kamagawa 250-01
A. Our offhand guess is that the above
mentioned engine is of Japanese origin, or at least, not of U.S.
origin. We don’t follow equipment prices, but perhaps some of
our readers might know the value of the Allis-Chalmers.
25/9/3 Alpha Engine Q. See the photo of an
Alpha DeLaval engine, style VA. I do not see this model in American
Gas Engines. The s/n is 6220. Can anyone supply any information on
this engine, approximate time it was built, etc?
Also see 25/9/3B illustrating a small grinder. Hopefully someone
can identify it. Andrew Mackey, 26 Mott Place, Rock-away Boro, New
Jersey 07866.
25/9/4 Nelson Bros. Q. I need some help in
identifying a Nelson Bros. 2 HP engine. It is a pale blue or a
blue-green with gold starburst striping on the flywheels and gold
lines on the hopper. There never was a decal.
The Montgomery-Ward catalog pages show the Nelson as a Sattley
and show another Sattley with my striping but the Sattley engines
used decals. What model of Nelson had this color scheme? See the
two photos.
To help another reader, in 25/6/6A, the Jumbo head is correct,
as can be seen on page 22 of the June 1990 GEM. John Hamilton, 461
Algonquin Place, Webster Groves, Missouri 63119.
25/9/5 Gray Engine Q. See the photo of my Gray
Model G engine (Gray Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan). This engine
is 41/4 x 5 3/8 inch
bore and stroke. What is the horsepower, and approximately when was
it built? I have been able to learn very little about this engine
here in Australia, so if anyone can help me on the above questions,
the proper paint colors etc., it would be greatly appreciated. C.B.
Green, P.O. Box 841, Katanning 6317, Western Australia.
A. Beyond the information we gathered for
American Gas Engines, we have little more to offer. We too have
found information on the Gray engines to be elusive.
25/9/6 Fordson Starter Recently I started
restoring a 1924 Fordson tractor, and after a few turns of the
crank I realized that it would never run if I was to be the power
source for cranking. Enclosed are pictures of a starter arrangement
I made. It turns the engine at 200 RPM, and at this speed it will
start directly on the flywheel magneto. The total cost was about
The hand crank is replaced by a shaft approximately the same
length and a spring to disengage it. A pin through the shaft near
its outer end is driven by a coupling on the starter assembly. The
starter itself is composed of a 4-cylinder Ford Escort starter
motor and flywheel spider, a 1 inch shaft about 11 inches long, two
flange bearings, two plates of 11 ga. metal about 18 x 22 inches,
four spacers 3? inches long, a shop-made hub for mounting the
flywheel to shaft, and a drive coupling, a solenoid, and a push
button switch.
To start the tractor place this assembly on a suitable support
to align the drive coupling and the driven shaft. RETARD the
Fordson timing, attach jumper cables and start. Once the engine
starts it pushes the starter assembly in the clear. Anyone wanting
more information may write: H.W. Richardson, 425 Parkway Circle,
Montevallo, Alabama35115.
25/9/7 Unidentified Engine Q. We recently found
an old engine. What information do you need to aid in identifying
it? Thomas T. Mellan, 127 Market St., Potsdam, New York
A. First of all, a photograph or two are most
helpful. If there is a nameplate, then include this information.
Also helpful are the bore and stroke dimensions, flywheel diameter,
and other information that seems significant, such as casting
25/9/8 Standard Engine Q. See the photo of a
Standard Separator Company engine, as per page 149 of American Gas
Engines. The engine is in excellent condition, but the only
information we have is from the above book. Can these engines be
dated, and also what is the color scheme? Ian Matthews, 3 Kaoriki
Court, Condon, 4815, Australia.
A. We have no specific literature on the
Standard, but some of our readers might have something that would
be of help. We believe the engine to have been a very deep forest
green color, with the air-cooled cylinder being aluminum, as should
be ALL air cooled engine cylinders. There is no specific dating
available, although it appears that these engines lapsed out of
existence during the 1920’s.
25/9/9 Olds Engine Q. I am restoring an Olds
No. 1, Type A, 1? HP engine as shown on page 418 of American Gas
Engines. The s/n plate is attached to the crank guard which is the
same as the battery box holder. How can I tell which s/n, crank
guard, or battery box number is the right one for the engine I
have? Is the s/n stamped elsewhere on the engine? What is the age
of this engine, and what are the correct colors? John M. Preston,
2500 Curtis Rd., Leonard, Michigan 48038.
A. Your letter poses some questions which we in
turn address to those readers having researched the Olds engine to
some extent.
25/9/10 Case CC Tractor Q. I am restoring a
1930 Case CC, s/n C315324, and need the correct number for the LC
Gray in a DuPont number. Were any of these painted Flambeau Red?
Darry Wondra, RR 2, LeCenter, Minnesota 56057.
A. The only Case Gray number we have in DuPont is 24938, but we
believe this is for model L, Model C, etc. The latest information
we have is that the LC Gray is still available from Case dealers,
although we have heard that there is a DuPont color match for it.
Can anyone supply the needed colors?
25/9/11 Globe Engines At the Waukee Swap Meet,
four owners of Globe engines got together and wondered how many are
left. According to a GEM article in 1973 they were all scrapped.
These are the little 1 HP horizontal, nickel plated, tank cooled
engines with the governor on the carburetor. It went under such
names as Huckle & McCleod. Send information and SASE and you
will get a copy of the roster. Also keeping a roster of Eli and the
Field-Brundage engines. For updated Field roster send SASE. John
Davidson, Box 4, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104.
25/9/12 New Century Thresher Q. See the photo
of a 32-50 New Century thresher built by Aultman-Taylor. Can anyone
supply me with information on this machine, and are there any
serial lists for these threshers? Dana E. Tuck’ ness, P.O. Box
83, Brogan, Oregon 97903.
Modelmakers Corner
See the pictures of a small two-cycle engine I own. I recently
restored it, and it might be of interest: Tank-screen cooled, holds
a quart, K & W coil, small DC pump for circulation, scaled
Lunkenheimer-type carburetor, fuel tank is in the base. All bolts
are British thread, not SAE or metric, engine is 5? inches high and
eight inches long, flywheels are 5 3/16 o.d.
on a 7/16 inch shaft, one is crowned the
other has a shallow groove in the center. Bore is slightly over
13/8 inches, stroke is about
11/8 inches, actual compressed area is only
about ? inch. Engine uses a 14mm spark plug.
Cast into several parts and on the small brass plate on top of
the engine are: ME&SC Co. I’ve been told that this engine
may have been built by the people who made Stuart steam engines
prior to World War Two. Total unit weighs about 40 pounds. All
parts are steel or cast iron except for connecting rod, carb, and
cooling tank. Any information on this engine would be appreciated.
Andrew K. Mackey, 26 Mott Place, Rockaway Boro, New Jersey,