
By Staff
Published on October 1, 2003
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38/10/1 A: Fairbanks-Morse Type T nameplate.
38/10/1 A: Fairbanks-Morse Type T nameplate.
3 / 9
38/10/1B: Fairbanks-Morse Type T, igniter side.
38/10/1B: Fairbanks-Morse Type T, igniter side.
4 / 9
38/10/1C: Fairbanks-Morse Type T, cam gear side.
38/10/1C: Fairbanks-Morse Type T, cam gear side.
5 / 9
38/1/4B: Unidentified engine.
38/1/4B: Unidentified engine.
6 / 9
38/10/4A: Unidentified engine.
38/10/4A: Unidentified engine.
7 / 9
8 / 9
38/10/4C and D: Unidentified marine engines.
38/10/4C and D: Unidentified marine engines.
9 / 9
38/10/5: Unidentified vacuum.
38/10/5: Unidentified vacuum.

A Closing Word

First of all, my thanks to everyone who contacted me, sent
cards, e-mails and the like when I got sick and during my long
convalescence. Recovering from a stroke is indeed a long-term
project. However, after a year-plus, 1 can get around fairly well,
and have regained limited use of my left hand. Sometimes this is
frustrating, but it’s amazing just how creative one can be.

We’re taking a serious look at reprinting American Gas
Engines Since 1872
, this time with the yellow cover. We’re
also looking at doing a second, but smaller volume of gas and
diesel engines. We’ve considered redoing everything from
‘square one’ but gave up on that idea. Printing has changed
so much, and we would have to digitize every photo in the book if
we combined everything into a new edition. This would be months of
work, and since typing is now limited to one hand, we’ve opted
for a simpler solution of compiling Volume Two. Your input is
important. If you are interested in seeing the Yellow Book back in
print, and/or a second volume, please call, write, or e-mail
Richard Backus at the coordinates listed on page 8.

Meanwhile we have a new edition of Encyclopedia of American
Farm Implements
coming out this Fall. It is a much larger
book, and has a new index of manufacturers. For instance, if you
want to see how many companies made corn shellers, you need only to
go to that section to see the huge list we’ve compiled, all
from original sources. Right now, we’re working on a huge
volume of tractors that will combine our Encyclopedia of
American Farm Tractors
, Standard Catalog of Tractors,
and our Nebraska Tractor Tests Since 1920 book into a
single volume. We’ll grant that there have been dozens of
tractor books published over the last 20 years, but this new
tractor book will easily eclipse anything you’ve seen. Once we
get ourselves in the clear on the new tractor book, we’ll be
starting on our second volume of the Yellow Book.

After our long hiatus from writing the Reflections
column, we’ve reluctantly decided that others should step into
this task. Actually, the ‘Reflections’ name probably will
disappear, since it was used by permission. Originally, the late
Elmer J. Baker Jr., whose father published Farm Implement
for decades, used this name. We always admired
Elmer’s writing, and attempted to emulate his style. Now that
we’ve gone digital, we plan on doing some freelance articles
from time to time.

We’re also thinking of doing another overseas tour or two,
if health maintains or improves. The National Rally in Australia
will be in South Australia in early 2005. If we should do a tour,
we’ve already decided we won’t be doing that
straight-through 14-hour flight from Los Angeles to Sydney.
Instead, we’ll break things up by stopping off at Fiji or
someplace instead. Fourteen hours is just too long to be confined
to an aluminum tube! We thank everyone who has helped us over the
years. If you have pictures and information on engines not in the
first engine book, please send them over to Richard, at

38/10/1 Fairbanks-Morse EngineQ: I’m looking for information on my upright
Fairbanks-Morse engine and hoping someone can help me. I would like
to know the year, horsepower, paint color, etc. The engine has
28-inch flywheel. I find no evidence of number on the ends of the
crankshaft. Any information greatly appreciated. Wayne Hanson, Box
444, Mt. Lake, MN 56159.

A: Judging from the patent dates on your
nameplate, and by virtue of your engine’s inclusion of both
igniter and hot tube ignition, we’d guess your Fairbanks-Morse
to be a 2 HP Type T of the style built between 1898-1904. Hot tube
ignition was optional after 1904. We can’t say for sure what
color it should be, but Wendel’s Notebook lists DuPont
74713 green for early Fairbanks-Morse engines.

38/10/2: Case QuestionQ: I
have recently acquired a Case Model C tractor, serial no. C319931.
The engine block shows number 4569A on the right side and 12-23-35
on the left side.

I would appreciate any help I could get
finding parts, and any other information on this tractor. Delton
Hasten, 11701 Korinek Road, Reedsville, WI 54230.

A: Finding parts for your Case Model C
shouldn’t be too hard. A popular series, Case built various
versions based on the basic Model C, which was introduced in 1929.
Your Model C is of 1936 vintage. Check the classifieds in
GEM, and if you don’t have any luck there, perhaps a
knowledgeable reader will contact you about parts sources.

38/10/3: Racine-SattleyQ:
I’d like to know the date of manufacture for my 1 -1/2 HP
Racine-Sattley sold by Montgomery, Ward & Co. It shows serial
no. 15384. Bailey Wilkins, 366 Waughs Ferry Road, Amherst, VA
24521; (434) 946-5668.

A: Unfortunately, we don’t have a serial
number list for the line. A discussion on the Stationary Engine
some months ago suggested that pre-1925 engines have
spoked flywheels, while post-1925 engines have dishpan flywheels.
Perhaps someone else knows more?

38/10/4: Unidentified EnginesQ: I have an engine I need help identifying. It is
approximately 10 HP and runs a drive vertically through a cast
gearbox on the sub-frame. The water hopper/cylinder bolts to the
sub-frame, as well. It came out of the mines in northern Wisconsin
and has a clutch on one flywheel. Does anyone know who made this

I have also have two marine engines, and I was hoping someone
could identify them, as well. Thanks for any help. L.M. Korthals,
1621 S. River Road, Janesville, WI 53546.

A: We’re not sure what you have, but it
looks suspiciously similar to engines that came out of the
Waterloo, Iowa, area. The projecting cylinder and water hopper on
your engine are certainly defining features. Perhaps one of our
readers knows better. As for the marine engines, we’re not sure
about those, either.

38/10/5: Unidentified Vacuum

I bought this vacuum cleaner at the Portland swap meet in 2002,
and so far I can’t find anyone who has ever seen one. There is
no name, tag or date on it. I sanded and cleaned it but found
nothing to tell me the make or what year it was used in. The vacuum
still works. Weldon E. Gray, 1584 Garner Road, Alvaton, GA

A Final Word

With C. H. Wendel’s departure, we now count on our readers
more than ever to help each other with engine identifications and
related issues. We will, of course, continue running your engine
and tractor queries, and we’ll continue to do our best to
answer them. Even so, we encourage anyone who can help a fellow
collector to step up to bat and answer reader questions when

The old iron collective is incredibly lucky to have among its
ranks individuals who think nothing of taking time and trouble to
help their fellow collectors. We like letting readers know when
questions have been answered, so if someone has helped you out,
drop us a line so we can spread the word. It’s part of what
makes this hobby so great, so let’s all keep it up.

Have an engine question you can’t answer? Send your
questions, with photos when possible, to Flywheel Forum, Gas
Engine Magazine,
1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265, or
via e-mail:

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