As often happens this time of year, the queries are less
frequent. If you folks are like this writer, the nice summer
weather isn’t conducive to sitting down to write a letter. In
the next month or so, we look for conditions to change.
By the time you see this copy, the Golden Anniversary Reunion of
Midwest Old Threshers will have come and gone. This writer has been
in constant attendance every year since 1960, and has missed only
two of their Reunions since 1954. For those attending, and who
stopped by our exhibit, our thanks. We always look forward to
seeing our friends.
Our tour to Australia/New Zealand next February is well in hand;
at this writing we have 38 people going with us.
Our friends from Germany, Klaus and Petra Hottges, have
completed their cross-country tour. They started out from Boston
with their 55 horsepower Lanz Bulldog tractor, landing here at
Amana, Iowa, in late July. From here they went to the John Deere
Expo at Waterloo, Iowa. Transmission problems occurred at Prague,
Nebraska. After some major repair work, the transmission again gave
problems, so the tour ended at Aspen, Colorado. Klaus and Petra are
back at home near Dusseldorf, Germany, with the tractor in a
container and also headed back home. In a personal letter, they
expressed their thanks to all whom they met along the route, and
they hope that their tour will help establish a bond between the
American and the German tractor clubs.
For those familiar with the tractor scene in Europe, and
especially in Germany, tractor and engine clubs are extremely
popular. The Lanz Bulldog is far and away the most common, and the
most popular tractor. John Deere bought this company out in the
late 1950s. . . this is now the John Deere Mannheim Works. Perhaps
ye olde Reflector will work up some sort of a tour to Germany once
again. We have lots of friends there, and thanks to Robert Geyer,
there are several excellent guide books to German clubs, museums,
and collections. (As ye olde Reflector approaches retirement, the
day might come when we quit doing tours.)
Our first query is:
35/10/1 Caterpillar No. 9 Q. See the photo of a
Cat No. 9 Road Patrol. The cab has been cut off in the past. Can
anyone supply me with a drawing or a picture of the original? I
have it running after a complete engine overhaul. As near as we can
determine, it has a Cat #25 engine. The s/n of the grader is 8A276,
the engine s/n is 9A78. I would appreciate any information on this
machine. Jim Hill, 2567 Hesperia Rd., Bradley, CA 93426.
35/10/2 Hallett Engine Q. I have a
four-cylinder Hallett Type 45 gas marine engine equipped with a
Model 1017 American Bosch magneto and Wagner Electric Starter
(circa 1925). Would like to hear from anyone with literature,
photos, etc. for this engine. It is s/n 11831. Motor has integral
aluminum base and transmission. Bruce Hall, 8517 Rt. 90, King
Ferry, NY 13081.
35/10/3 C. S. Bell Burr Mill Q. I would like
information on a burr mill made by C. S. Bell Company, Hillsboro,
Ohio. The number on the back cover is B50. Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Guy Baumann, 1403 Cherrywood Dr., Waukesha, WI
35/10/4 Cushman-Maytag Connection? Q. Has there
ever been a time that Cushman Engine Company was affiliated with
Maytag engines? J. P. Nielsen, 402 NW 2nd St., Apt. 5, Pocahontas,
IA 50574.
A. We have never heard of this connection. Does
anyone else wish to comment?
35/10/5 Gas-Powered Jack Hammer
John L. Magnuson (email: has a 1946 two
stroke, three-port gas-powered jack hammer, but does not know the
manufacturer’s name. It has a Wico magneto and flywheel. It
weighs 105 pounds and has a bypass valve to make the bottle part of
the long cylinder fire the chisel downward. It is painted dark blue
gray. A neat little cover flips up over the rope starter pulley and
latches to keep the operator’s sleeves from catching on it. Any
help would be appreciated.
35/10/6 Allis-Chalmers Q. See photo 6A of a
tractor built by my uncle, M. D. Ainsworth of Unionville, Michigan.
It consisted of two AC WD tractors coupled together. The
arrangement was of his own design and fabrication . It allowed him
to use the power of two tractors with a single operator. AC factory
representatives came to examine it. The important part of its
operation was to declutch the rear tractor before the lead tractor
to prevent it from jackknifing. He used this outfit into the 1950s
until buying a larger tractor.
Photo 6B shows a large bronze name-plate from an old AC
turbo-generator. Can anyone provide further information?
Photo 6C is a medallion of Edward Reynolds, engineer for
Allis-Chalmers. The reverse side is blank. Does any one have any
information? Terry A. McKay, 6865 Clark Rd., Unionville, MI
A Closing Word
We are very short on material this month, although in
today’s mail a sizable number of letters came in.
Unfortunately, we were already through with this month’s
column, so they will have to await the next issue. Ye olde
Reflector is also short on time this month, so we will have to
forego our continuing discussions of lathes and other machine
tools. It is a bit warm in early August, but we also know that in
another couple of months we will be thinking about cold weather.
Speaking of which, are you done showing your engines and tractors
for the season? Now might be a good time to be sure they are
drained! No sense in letting Jack Frost bust up a perfectly good