
By Staff
Published on October 1, 1986
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Three of Lloyd McGowen's Fairbanks-Morse diesels set up and operating again.
Three of Lloyd McGowen's Fairbanks-Morse diesels set up and operating again.
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The other day we received an excellent improvement for our
suggested methods of picking up and handling engines safely. (See
this column in the September issue.) Rather than using chains, a
couple of readers suggested using nylon slings. They grip better,
and are less likely to damage paint or engine parts. Each lifting
situation is different the Reflector spent many years figuring out
how to sling everything from switchgear and transformers to 2,500
horsepower electric motors. The important thing is that the lift be
made in such a way that the slings cannot slip off while in the
midst of the lift, the lift should remain reasonably level (and
stable), and that the sling will not damage any components of the
engine or other article being lifted.

Over the past few months, several readers have suggested that
GEM initiate a column devoted to the needs of the model
maker. The feeling seems to be that model making is now becoming a
distinct part of our hobby and from the Reflector’s viewpoint,
one that is long overdue. There can be no doubt that the vast
majority of collectible engines are now in collectors’ hands,
either restored or in their original state. Since obviously the day
of these vintage engines is gone, the only viable alternative is to
build a scale model.

Several advantages are evident building models is a fine way for
amateur machinists to become more proficient. Upon successfully
completing a project, the satisfaction of having built the engine
is very rewarding. Engine enthusiasts are often constrained from
owning full-size engines due to lack of space, inability to lift
all this iron, or for other reasons. By contrast, the completed
model can be easily carried from one place to another, making it
easy to display either at home or at a show. No large truck is
required it will fit into the trunk of the car!

Model making has been a long time coming in the U.S., but in
particular among our British friends, model making has long been a
very popular hobby. We hope it is now on its way to becoming a real
presence in the gas engine hobby, and look forward to hearing from
more of our readers in this regard. Meanwhile the people here at
GEM will be discussing ways and means of implementing
further activity geared toward the model maker. Meanwhile, the
Reflector will welcome any letters or articles pertaining to the
subject, and will include them as part of the monthly
Reflections column.

A final note regarding models. The Reflector has tried to obtain
more information on the status of the John Deere 1  HP engine
models that were to be built in the Waterloo, Iowa area. An article
recently printed in GEM indicated that the firm had gone
through serious difficulties and the production of the scale models
had been delayed. So far no substantive information has come to
light. These situations can and do occur, but just because of the
problems with this particular model, potential modelmakers should
not get the impression that a similar situation exists among other
suppliers of castings and model makers’ supplies.

21/10/1Q. Russell M. Shipley, 12195 Rt. 99,
Marriotsville, MD 21104 sends us two photos of a ground hog
thresher built by Samuel Fitz, Hanover, Pa. The year 1862 appears
in two places on the thresher. Mr. Shipley would like to hear from
anyone having one of these threshers, and would like more
information on either Mr. Fitz or his thresher. This particular one
has three interchangeable concave bars, presumably for various
types of grain. It also uses a two-section straw rack about 20 feet
long that is built almost entirely of wood.

A. Finding any information on this unit might
be very difficult at best. The year 1862 saw a time when
‘factory production’ was something devoted more to military
ordinance and sewing machines than to farm machinery. Granted, some
companies like McCormick and Case had factories, but a detailed
study indicates that their operation at this point in time was an
overgrown study of the local blacksmith shop. McCormick, Case,
Rumely, and others all started as either blacksmiths or one-man
factories, and we would suggest that Samuel Fitz began the same
way. For every McCormick, every J. I. Case, and every Meinrad
Rumely those whose venture turned into a huge enterprise, there
were thousands of enterprising inventors who began and ended their
careers in a localized setting.

21/10/2Q. Can you identify the application for
a Webster magneto bracket 303K11 and 303K16? In a recent GEM you
made mention of a Webster Master Manual. Is this volume available?
James L. Johnson, 4115S. 298th Ct., Auburn, WA 98001.

A. The 303K11 is for the Field-Brundage
engines. It was used with the AK magneto on the 3 and 5 HP models,
and with the AL magneto on the 7, 10 and 12 HP engines. The 303K16
was used on the Galloway engines, 1 to 12 HP. The Webster Master
Manual is as scarce as hen’s teeth. The Reflector obtained a
photocopy of same from the late Lester L. Roos some years ago.

21/10/3Dale Gunderson, RR 1, Box 299,
Wittenberg, WI54499 asks for information, color scheme, etc. on the
Jeffrey engine. It has no stampings or other markings.

21/10/4Q. We have an Edwards two-Cylinder
engine built at Springfield, Ohio, s/n 18102. Would like to know
its approximate age and would like to correspond with other Edwards
engine owners. Gerrit Roozeboom, RR 5, Oskaloosa, IA 52577.

A. The Edwards were designed and built by some
of the same people who formerly were involved with the Foos Gas
Engine Co., also of Springfield. The Reflector cannot presently
recall the particulars, but it is believed that production began
about 1920 and continued for only a few years.

21/10/5Q. Can anyone provide the proper paint
color for the Aermotor pump engine? Craig Lane, Crotched Mt. Rd.,,
Greenfield, NH 03047.

A. We are told it is a light green color, but
to our recollection, no one has yet supplied us with a matching

21/10/6Q. Earl B. Davison, 17250 Redford Ave.,
Detroit, MI 48219 encloses three photos of an engine and writes: I
bought this engine in 1955 and have never known the make. Many said
at first look it was built by a company that also made steam
engines. The flywheels are 24 x 3, uses a hit-and-miss governor,
the only writing on the engine is on the governor which reads
‘575 REV’. The fuel pump hooked up to exhaust rod, piston
rod is rounded with a slight taper, cam gear has a fiber insert on
one side of gear with a small square metal contact.

A. The so-called A-frame design of your engine
represents what was once considered the ultimate in engine design.
At this point the Reflector wouldn’t even hazard a guess on
this one.

21/10/7Q. Allen Dau, RR 1, Box 33, Hartley, IA
51346 sends a photo of an unknown engine owned fry ‘Norman
Wilson, Ocheyedan, IA 51354. It is approximately 1 HP. Note the
distinctive heart-shaped weight holes in the flywheel. Would also
like the proper color for the Fairbanks-Morse ‘Z’

A. Although we don’t have a clue regarding
the make of your engine, we can tell you that the ‘Z’
engine color is comparable to DuPont Dulux 9372001 green.

21/10/8Q. I have a Witte engine exactly like is
shown in upper right hand corner, page 559 of American Gas Engines.
The serial number is 51051. Can anyone supply the year built, along
with the horsepower and color. Also need details of ‘ground
contact’ on the crankshaft. Raymond L. Gray, No. 1, Honeymoon
Hill, Gatlinburg, TN 37738.

A. The Reflections column recently
published the complete name and address by which information
regarding age, etc. regarding Witte engines might be obtained. So
far as color, we have it that a comparable finish is DuPont Dulux
93-5800 green.

21/10/9Walter A. Taubeneck, 4213-80th St NE,
Marysville, WA 98270 sends along a photocopy illustrating a
circular-type magneto mounted on the crankshaft inside the
flywheel. This method required no special gears, brackets or other
fixtures. Timing was easily accomplished by rotating the magneto
unit about the crankshaft. The article appears in the April, 1917
issue of Popular Mechanics magazine, but no information is
given regarding the manufacturer, or to the rather peculiar engine
on which it is mounted. Unfortunately, Walter’s photocopy was
too weak to reproduce. Even with this info, maybe someone can fill
us in.

21/10/10Michael J. Bonger, 4685 Garrison St.,
Wheatridge, CO 80033 would like information concerning
Minneapolis-Moline clubs, parts dealers, tractor decal sets

21/10/11Q. The July 1985 GEM illustrates a
Gibson tractor. It appears to be much like my 1937 OSCO, but on
close examination, many differences are apparent. Can anyone assist
me in compiling information on the OSCO? I have not seen another
small tractor like it, so would be most interested in corresponding
with anyone having another, or anyone with information on it. Have
yet to hear of anyone who knows anything about it. David Hutton,
196 Palmer Road, Monson, MA 01057.

A. Ye Reflector has come across a lot of
tractors, but OSCO doesn’t appear in any publications we have.
It would be most helpful if you could send us some photos for use
in this column that might help in digging up information.

21/10/12Q. Eddie Turner, RR 2, Box 279-B,
Pamplico, SC 29583 asks some questions and offers some suggestions:
We need more information on the Vaughn engines built by Vaughn
Motor Works, Portland, Oregon. We have two on log saws, and one on
skids. Need information in particular on the magneto and spark
advance. Can anyone advise their age from the serial numbers? Also
have John Deere Type W power unit, s/n W-2404, and would like to
know its age. My 20 HP Muncie oil engine, Type B, carries s/n 3204.
It uses a 9×13 inch bore and stroke. Would like to talk to anyone
who has this type of engine.

For the benefit of other readers, a Muncie catalog states that
‘after April 18, 1913, the firm name Muncie Gas Engine &
Supply Co. will be changed to Muncie Oil Engine Co. This is only a
change in name…. We have adopted as a standard color for painting
our engines a dull engine gray, but are in a position to meet any
other requirements along this line.’ In matching this color we
finally settled on Fixall, All-Purpose Enamel, #207 Slate Gray with
1 oz. of black added to each quart.

A. We have no information at hand on the
Vaughan engines, and have a 1935 issue of the Deere Type W engine
catalog. Our files on Deere do not, however, contain any data
pertaining to years of production or to serial numbers.

21/10/13Q. I have a Hart-Parr GT-28 tractor
with an American Bosch 4.ED-243 magneto, and need to find a source
of parts or repairs. Walter B. Gore, RR 1, Box 25, Reva, VA

A. Magneto repair services are not so easy to
find nowadays, but there are several GEM advertisers and
subscribers who provide this service. Hopefully, one or more of
these people will be in touch with you.

21/10/14Q. I recently acquired a small
hit-and-miss engine that is not listed in your volume American Gas
Engines. It uses a hinged bearing cap on the connecting rod, and is
secured with a single bolt. It was built by C. H. & E. Mfg.
Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I submit that I have the only one of its
kind and if anyone cares to dispute this I would like to hear from
them. H. J. Carpenter, 111 Viewmont Dr., Greenville, SC 29609.

A. Page 76 of American Gas Engines
does indeed list the C. H. & E. Mfg. Co. of Milwaukee,
illustrating four examples of their engines. Although the company
was in operation as late as 1982, and still may be in operation,
the Reflector’s efforts to elicit a response from this company
went unanswered. The hinged bearing cap for the connecting rod is
not all that unusual. Cushman, Monitor (Baker Mfg. Co.), Fairmont,
and others used this design, as did a good many marine engines. The
Reflector has only laid eyes on one of these engines, and that was
several years ago at Baxter, Iowa. Unless this same engine has
migrated out your way, we know of at least one other. Regardless,
we would consider the C. H. St E. to be a very scarce article.

21/10/15Q. Can anyone supply further
information on this burr mill? It was built by Barnard & Leas
Mfg. Co., Moline, Illinois. The gear box runs in oil and the
vertical shaft uses three oilers. It has three sets of burrs and
two adjusting knobs. Any information on the mill, or on the company
will be appreciated. James Phillips, 20 Oak Park Drive, St. Peters,
MO 63376.

A. We would suggest that this 3-stage mill was
a Barnard & Leas alternative to the two or three-high roller
mills made famous by Edward P. Allis & Company (later
Allis-Chalmers). Barnard & Leas started out at Moline, and
later ended up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Their career in the flour
milling machinery business gradually withered away, and the company
attempted to diversify into such markets as heavy equipment
trailers etc., especially tailored to military use. Several years
ago the company experienced financial problems and ceased

21/10/16Q. I need the following information on
a Dempster 1 HP engine built in the late 1920’sinstructions,
decals, proper color, etc. Richard D. Nielsen, 9122 W. 66th Pl,
Arvada, CO 80002.

A. We have never run across any manuals or
decals for the Dempster, but have been given DuPont Dulux 93-046
green as a comparable color.

21/10/17Q. Would like the date built of a 6 HP
Monitor (Baker Mfg. Co.) engine, s/n 3364, also the proper paint
color. Wendell Stephens, Box 188, Paradise, MT 59856.

A. We don’t know of any serial number
listings for the Monitor but have DuPont Dulux 93-538 gray as a
comparable color match.

21/10/18Jan vander Gugten, 2633 Ware St.,
Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 3E2 Canada encloses a photo of his
Fairbanks-Morse No. 2 Eclipse engine. Despite several
advertisements soliciting information on this engine, he hasn’t
heard from anyone. If anyone can assist this collector, kindly drop
him a line.

21/10/19Q.I recently acquired a Gray marine
engine, Model O, s/n 378 (or possibly 373). It was obviously used
on a boat and is missing most of the carburetor and timing
apparatus. Your help is needed to determine the vintage,
horsepower, and other references that would assist in restoration
of this engine. V. Cassel Adamson, Jr., Crozet House, 100 East Main
St., Richmond, VA 23219.

A. Assistance in this project will have to come
from those already owning a similar engine. The Reflector is sure
that there are some present owners who are also GEM
subscribers, and we hope they will accommodate your needs by
offering dimensions, etc. to help out.

21/10/20Q. Can someone help me out with a
Fuller & Johnson engine, 2 HP s/n 84747. Need the color scheme,
year built, and other pertinent information. Ralph Hendrickson, Box
55, Nineveh, NY 13813.

A. For information on the Fuller & Johnson
engines, along with serial number information, contact: Verne W.
Kindschi, RR 1, Box 66, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578. Be sure to
enclose an SASE and a small token to cover the effort of digging
out the information. (That’s always a goodwill gesture!)

21/10/21Q. What is the proper color for a 2 HP
Witte engine? Michael E. Pelham, 403 Gaines St., Sparta, TN

A. The Reflections column recently
published the complete name and address by which information
regarding age, etc. regarding Witte engines might be obtained. So
far as color, we have it that a comparable finish is DuPont Dulux
93-5800 green.

21/10/22Q. See below photo of my Model D
Homelite portable electric plant. It is 12 volts, 600 watts, s/n
13536. It was built in 1924 by Homelite Corporation, Port Chester,
NY, and uses an inverted cylinder with a Robert Bosch magneto.
Since I do not have a voltage regulator or wiring diagram, I would
like to know if a 12-volt automotive regulator and storage battery
could be used to replace the original. Also would like to hear form
anyone having a similar unit to this one. Dean C. Barr, RR 2, Box
460, Hiddinite, NC 28636.

A. In visiting with those knowledgeable on the
subject, it would appear that an ordinary 12-volt regulator could
be adapted to your generator, but we would suggest taking the
nameplate data to a good automotive electric shop and see if they
can match the regulator up to your wattage etc. Regulators
ordinarily come from the factory preset for a specific application,
based primarily on the maximum output of the generator, along with
the probable load during operation. If all else fails we can see no
reason not to use a field rheostat to regulate the voltage manually
this is no problem on a constant load, but of course the rheostat
must be adjusted to maintain the proper voltage when the load

21/10/23 Q. can anyone tell me the proper color
for a 3 HP Lindsay Alamo engine? Would also like some information,
color, etc. on a Big Chief engine built by Waterloo Gasoline Engine
Co. Cort Strobel, Gibson Rt 618, Big Timber, MT 59011.

A. We cannot give you a comparable color for
the Lindsay Alamo, but recall seeing a Big Chief one time it was a
very deep red similar to DuPont 93-660-H.

21/10/24Q. I have a Fairbanks-Morse engine,
Type Z, Style B, 5 HP, s/n 807443. Would like to know its age and
find a manual for it. This engine uses a Fairbanks-Morse RV-1
magneto. Also, how do I tell the difference between a hit-and-miss
and a throttling governor? Lyle G. Jenkins, 3111 Kris Kringle
Drive, North Pole, Alaska 99705.

A. Your engine is of 1938 vintage. Reprint
instruction manuals are available through several different
GEM advertisers. Hit-and-miss governing depends on a
mechanical linkage controlled by the governor to disable the
exhaust valve mechanism. Usually a small catch block is mounted on
the exhaust valve push rod and a mating finger controlled by the
governor drops into place, holding the exhaust valve open when the
engine reaches a speed predetermined by the tension of the governor
springs. When the engine speed drops sufficiently, the governor
contracts enough to allow the finger to pull away from the push
rod, enabling the normal cycle of events to occur namely, intake,
compression, power, and exhaust. An important point is maintaining
a rather low speed differential between the enabled and disabled
position of the governor finger. On the vast majority of engines
this is achieved by changing the clearance between the catch block
and the governor finger when the engine is at rest. Using a
distance of say ‘ would require considerably more movement of
the linkage than would a distance of
1/16‘. Thus, with a large clearance, the
speed would vary considerably from rather fast to quite slow. Due
to wear of the rolling parts, linkages, etc. excessive wear will
result in poor or virtually nonexistent governor action. The small
roller usually found on one end of the actuating finger operates
from the governor collar. When this roller is worn, excessive
clearances result between the catch block and the governor finger.
The best remedy is to make a new roller, making it of sufficient
diameter to achieve a favorable speed differential between firing
strokes and idle strokes. Due to wear of operating parts, some
experimenting may be necessary to restore this feature to its
original specs. Volume governed or ‘throttle governed’
engines do not use this feature in any way. Instead the governor
simply controls a butterfly within the intake stream.

21/10/25Q. Need to know the date for a Witte
log saw, s/n 102417, also for an IHC LBA engine, s/n 129712. Is the
engine in a 1935 Allis-Chalmers original carrying the number
U3019-5? The tractor is s/n 9814. Who built the engine? Wendell
Allen, RR 3, Box 383, Eldorado Springs, MO 64744.

A. See an earlier mention in this column
regarding Witte serial numbers. The LBA engine is a 1947 model.
Records from Allis-Chalmers indicate your Model U to have been
built either in 1936 or 1937. These models used an Allis-Chalmers
engine. When originally presented as the U, 19-30 model in 1929
this tractor carried a Continental engine, using it through 1932.
For 1933-37 Allis-Chalmers used their own engine, raising the bore
from 4 to 43/8 inches. From 1938 until the
end of production in 1950 the bore was again raised, this time to 4
inches. The ‘U’ was tested at Nebraska under No. 237 of
1935. Further particulars may be found in the book Nebraska
Tractor Tests Since 1920.

21/10/26Q. Can you supply the proper color for
the following engines: Cushman Cub, Model 3R14; Sattley (Montgomery
Ward) 1 HP; IHC type LA; Economy engine (Sears & Roebuck). Mel
Cichy, 526 12 St. So., Saint Cloud, MN 56301.

A. See the list at the end of this column for
colors on the Economy and IHC engines. We do not have good color
matches for the early Sattley, nor for the Cushman Cub.


21/8/16Diesel engine conversion for IH
R. G. McDonalds, Box 275, N. Haverhill, NH 03774
recalls that the GM 3-71’s were advertised as being available
for the Farmall M and W-6 International tractors, but can offer no
other details from memory.

21/8/11David Bradley garden tractors
These were made in 2, 3, and 4 HP sizes. The 2 HP came with 26′
steel wheels, while the 3 and 4 HP sizes came with 32′ steel
wheels. They were also available with 34×6.00-22 knobby tread
rubber tires. Mine is No. 917.5047 and it was built in 1940. The
transmission, frame, rods, pulleys, brackets, supports, etc. are
red, similar to IHC red. The wheels are green, similar to Deere
green. Engine is black, while the transmission and engine oil
filler plugs are blue, and the drain plugs are yellow. Sears had
the ‘Economy’ name on the engine in decal form. I have a
complete tractor and engine operating manual and will supply anyone
interested with copies of any pages for 25 cents per page. Leigh B.
Dennison, Box 873, Delta Junction, Alaska 99737.

21/4/10Nelson Bros, engines

21/7/17Fairbanks-Morse engines Ronald
O. Payne, RR 2, Canton, IL 61520 replies to several queries: Add
the Monmouth engines to the large list of makes built by Nelson
Bros. Also, regarding FBM engine information, there is a
possibility that information might be secured from the
Fairbanks-Morse Engine Division, 701 Lawton Ave., Beloit, WI

Those needing help with Novo engines might have some success
with writing Mr. Phil Goetz, 4481 N. Williamston Rd., Williamston,
MI 48895.

The John M. Smythe engines built were sold from Chicago, and
this firm is still in business as John M. Smythe Homemakers, 1013
Butterfield Road, Downer’s Grove, IL 60515.

21/8/I6Diesels in IHC tractors Edwin
Bredemeier, Steinauer, NE 68441 writes that he was unfamiliar with
this being done in the 22-36 McCormick, but does tell us that he
met someone who knew of a few Case Model L tractors converted to
use the GM 3-71 diesel engine equipped with 90cc injectors. Under a
heavy, continuous load like rod weeders the transmission ‘got
awful hot.’ The Model 71 GM diesels were also retrofitted to
Caterpillar D-8 tractors on the West Coast.

21/3/18A question on Reo engines H.
Rossow, Box 15, Weston, ID 83286 writes: I have a little generator
unit made for Montgomery Ward called ‘Tiny Tim.’ I finally
tracked down the builder and it was a Continental Engine Co. They
are now a subsidiary of Wisconsin-Robbins (Italy) with facilities
at Milwaukee, WI and offices at Memphis, TN. My unit is older than
1946. I find it hard to believe that there would be a
third Continental Engine Co. In my correspondence with the
above firm there was no mention of a Deco Engine Co. I have been
able to locate the compression rings for the Tiny Tim, but so far
have been unable to find the oil ring. It doesn’t seem to be
available from anyone.

Associated engine serial numbers Several letters came
in regarding a recent article on the Associated engine serial
numbers and years of production. Since these contain primarily
serial number information, they will be forwarded directly to Mr.
Mackey who graciously compiled the articles beginning on page 15 of
the August, 1986 issue of GEM.

21/8/11Standard Twin Garden Tractor
In response, special tractor wheels for the Standard Twin were
optional. Price List #1-39 lists the wheels with 5.50-18 tires for
$30 additional; 7.50-18 tires added another $40. Another price list
indicates that the wheels with 7.50-18,4-ply field tread tires
raised the price by $62.50.

We would like to know if anyone has information on dates of
manufacture? Do the first two digits of the serial number indicate
the year the tractor was built? Some Twins had both the intake and
exhaust manifold on the left side of the engine, others had only
the intake on the left side. When did this change occur, and which
was the earlier version? Ron Weiner, 4928 Oak Leaf Ave.,
Carmichael, CA 95608.

21/6/7Pendulum governors  Ray
Hudson, Box 1, Site 2, RR 3, Coronation, Alta, T0C 1C0 Canada
kindly forwarded considerable information on various types of
governors. Since a lengthy answer was published last month, we will
hold this information for future use.

21/6/20Fairbanks-Morse Mode! 32
The Reflector included a query on these big diesels a
while back, and letters are still coming in on the subject. To put
it another way, the response has been overwhelming, and we are
delighted to know that there are a great many enthusiasts
interested in the large diesels.

Mr. Albert Gingras, 763 Templeton Rd., Athol, MA 01331 forwarded
an extensive letter, along with information on obtaining a
dial-type strain gauge.

Mr. B. J. Holmbeck, 241 Kalbaugh, Ramona, CA 92065 forwarded a
16page letter detailing many of the ‘little’ things
involved with erecting and operating large diesels. Mr. Holmbeck,
now retired, relates that he was born at Beloit, Wisconsin.
Fairbanks-Morse gave him his first job off the farm as a Diesel
engine tester’s helper. That was back in 1936 on the large
engine test floor.

Mr. Lloyd McGowen, Route 4, Box 518, Easley, SC 29640 forwards
two photos illustrating some of his personal collection of
‘big’ engines. Several GEM articles have appeared
in this regard over the years Sept-Oct 1971, page 19; Jul-Aug 1972,
page 3; and Jan-Feb 1973, page 3.

McGowen’s horizontal Fairbanks-Morse diesel engine.
Nicknamed the ‘Mad Bull’ because of the exhaust

2I/5/11Asbestos Sheet Packing 
Despite the Reflector’s good intentions in mentioning a
GEM advertiser as a possible source for this material, the
intention was not well received by another GEM advertiser.
Having once before gotten into this unenviable position, the
Reflector announces that insofar as possible we will refrain from
mentioning sources of supply, should it involve current
GEM advertisers.

Rather than include our usual closing word and Tip of the Month,
we include for your reading pleasure and future reference a
considerable inventory of paint color matchups. These were
forwarded by Philip DeJarlais, 620 Dayton Road, Champlin, MN 55316.
Prior to retirement, Mr. DeJarlais was superintendent in a sheet
metal manufacturing plant and was responsible for information
relating to painting to the company representatives all over the

The information came primarily from customers, so no guarantees
are made regarding authenticity.

John Deere Green

Coast-to-Coast 555-2221 -2744-02
Rust-O-Leum H-3 (matches 594 green)
Pittsburgh 9-15, also PPG PT-60

John Deere Yellow

DeRusto D-6 Pom Pom Yellow
Rust-O-Leum H-10 (mtch Nat Canary Yel)

Ideal Green

NAPA Martin Senour
7817 (Mercury Outboard Green)

Economy Red

NAPA Martin Senour 7822



Hercules Green

Rust-O-Leum 1382 Forest Green


Dupont Dulux 43124 Oxblood Red

Stover Red
(early and Jr. series)

DuPont Dulux 93-2564H Deep Red

Stover Black

DuPont Dulux 93-005 Super Black

Stover Green
(K and CT engines)

DuPont Dulux 24166 Brewster Green

Rumely OilPull

Ditzler DQE40159 Apple Green

Associated engines

DuPont Dulux 1434 Mohawk Red

Fairbanks-Morse ‘Z’

PPG 732, DuPont 97708 green


DuPont 81-372M

Massey-Ferguson Red

H-19 Rust-O-Leum (matches H-21 Ford Red)


H-l Rust-O-Leum Persian Orange

Waukesha Orange

H-6 Rust-O-Leum Flambeau Red

Massey-Ferguson Yellow

Rust-O-Leum #659 H-18

Caterpillar Yellow

Rust-O-Leum H-4

Farm Implement Red

Rust-O-Leum 1210 red, H-2 IHC red

New Idea Orange

Rust-O-Leum H-25, #559

Euclid Green

Rust-O-Leum H-27

Oliver Green

Rust-O-Leum H-12

Ferguson Gray

Rust-O-Leum 975 Navy Gray,
matches H-7

Ford Gray

Rust-O-Leum H-20

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