26/11/25 Unknown Tiller Q. Can anyone identify
the tiller in the accompanying photo? Gerald R. Smith Sr., 3260 E.
Deckerville, Cass City, MI 48726.
26/11/26 Galloway Engine Q. I have an 8 HP
Galloway, s/n 29013, with a round connecting rod and Webster
magneto. When was it built, and what is the correct color? Richard
P. Ware, Route 6, Box 965, Reidsville, NC 27320.
A. We have DuPont Centari 8554 Red listed as a
comparable color. We would guess your engine was built in the
1912-14 period, but there are no s/n listings for this company.
26/11/27 Stump Puller Q. Does anyone have a
picture of a stump puller in action? Our local historical society
has one of these, and though a few of us know how it was used, most
people have no idea of its principles and its operation. A picture
or advertising description would be of great help to us. Many
thanks to anyone who can help. Harold Biel, 206 Market St., Spring
Valley, MN 55975.
26/11/28 Silver King Tractor Ralph C. Gray,
RD1, Box 870, Corinna, ME 04928 has recently acquired a Silver King
tractor, s/n 403142, and needs information on the proper color
scheme. (We also would like to hear from anyone with the correct
color scheme for the Silver King. Ed.)
26/11/29 Hart-Parr 12-24 Q. We just purchased a
Hart-Parr 12-24, s/n 38890. Can you tell me the year built, total
production, and the proper color scheme? It also came with a
factory-built buzz saw; was this a Hart-Parr option? Jerry
Baughman, 9067 SR 134, Lynchburg, OH 45142.
A. Your tractor is a 1928 Model E, 12-24. The
12-24 Model H was offered in 1929 and 1930. Hart-Parr built 3,523
of the Model E tractors in the 1925-28 period. We are yet unsure of
the proper color scheme for the Hart-Parr; we are sure it was a
darker green than the later Oliver Green. Perhaps someone can fill
in this information.
26/11/30 IHC Famous Trucks Tom Hillis, Box 186,
Stanton, MI 48888 would like to know the proper color scheme for
the trucks used under a 10 HP IHC Famous portable engine. If you
can be of help, drop Tom a line, and also let us know so we can
keep this information on file.
26/11/31 McLaren Conversions Some time ago, we
printed a photo of a McLaren oil engine conversion for a steam
traction engine. Photo 31A is before, and Photo 31B is a converted
steamer. Apparently these conversions were rather popular in
England, although it does not appear that the idea caught on in the
U.S. Thanks to J. L. Thomas, 5 Minett Avenue, Rushwick, Nr.
Worcester WR2 5TQ England, for sending these photos to us.
Model makers Corner
26/11/32 Model Engines Eddie Mittelstadt, PO
Box 9-57, Eldorado, IA 52175 sends along some photos of recent
models from his shop. Photos 32 A and 32B illustrate a
1/3 scale model of the IHC Mogul engine. This
engine was built from the castings and drawings of the late George
Scott of Outlook, Montana. Photos 32C, 32D, and 32E are more or
less freelance models made out of old air compressors. To date,
Eddie has built 59 model engines since retiring from the garage and
repair business ten years ago.
Readers Write
26/6/16 Fairbanks-Morse We forgot to include
the name and address with this query, but Richard Mauney, Rt. 5,
Box 449, Mooresville, NC 28115 writes that he can photocopy a parts
catalog that might be of help.
26/6/20 Aristox Engine Due to an error, Mr.
Harris’ query was misstated in the June issue. It should read,
Aristox was built by Black Rock Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn., on a
principle conceived by C. H. Blomstrom at Lake Shore in
Marquette…two shafts running off one engine for the U.S. Life
Saving Service motor surfboats and motor life boats.
Johnson Outboard Referring to the Frank J.
Burris query in the September 1991 GEM, Nelson Zetterburg, 2525
Martin Rd., Willow Grove, PA 19090 writes that the engine pictured
is a Johnson outboard motor built sometime between 1937 and 1940.
The motor can be dated from the serial number and model number
stamped on the port side of the engine.
26/9/14 Unidentified Engine I have been
carefully studying the engine pictured in 26/9/14. I believe this
engine is either a Rawleigh-Schryer, a Schryer, or a
Ziegler-Schryer. I have two Rawleigh-Schryer engines and they have
features similar to this engine, such as the lip on the water
hopper, rocker arm, and trip arm for the Webster magneto. Richard
D. Hamp, 1772 Conrad Ave., San Jose, CA 95124. (We would also
suggest looking up the Webster magneto bracket number as a means of
identifying the engine). Mr. Hamp also furnished some information
26/9/13 Unidentified The engine pictured is
from a Sprywheel garden tractor built about 1921. Mr. Hamp, whose
address is above, would also like some information on Sprywheel. He
writes that he has some ignition coils similar to that shown in
26/9/13B, and would like to know who built them, and their original
use. Dick found them on an old farm in San Jose. The former owner
used to race outboard motors, and Dick is wondering if he used
these coils on the outboard racing engines.
Original color postcard illustrating the paint room for Economy
engines. Note that the two engines in the foreground are red, with
the igniter, governor, and connecting rod black. Can anyone explain
the black or very dark green engines scattered among the flock? The
original postcard was submitted by Ye Olde Reflector.
A Closing Word
Although this copy is being wrapped up in late August, it will
be early October before it is in your hands. For those of us in
freezing climates, the engine and tractor season will be coming to
an end (already). So, we make our annual caveat, DID YOU DRAIN YOUR
ENGINES? How about the extra petcocks on water pumps and other
places? One of our acquaintances lost the engine to a very nice
tractor last winter…he thought the antifreeze was sufficient…it
Assuming of course that ye olde Reflector has been fortunate
enough to have made it through the Mt. Pleasant Show, we wish to
thank everyone who stopped by the GEM tent!
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum
for the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to
GEM. Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS,
Gas Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.