By C. H. Wendel
Published on November 1, 1991
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26/11/14 Thank You! Thanks to Gary Perkins, RR
2, Apohaqui, NB E0G 1A0 Canada for sending ye olde Reflector some
interesting photocopies of Cletrac material!

26/11/15 E-B Model S Thanks to Clair Fisher,
9458 Genesee Rd., East Concord, NY 14055 for sending this photo of
his Model S engine from Emerson-Brantingham.

26/11/16 A Thank You! The North American Model
Engineering Society would like to thank all exhibitors, vendors,
and visitors to the Second Annual Model Engineering Expo this past
April at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Because of your support and
enthusiasm, the Expo was a huge success, and we are now forced to
relocate the next show to larger quarters. The Third Annual Event
is now scheduled for May 2 and 3, 1992. More information will
appear later. We are all looking forward to seeing you there. Tom
Stockton, Secy., North American Model Engineering Society, 4014
Earhart Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

26/11/17 Allis-Chalmers Greg Dalton, RR 6, Box
351, Commerce, GA 30529 needs information on an Allis-Chalmers
Model C tractor.

26/11/18 Show Your Brass K. G. Romine, 507
North Kenova Rd., South Point, OH 45680 sends a photo showing a
good and useful way to display your extra brass, in this case
turning it into an impressive floor lamp.

(Better talk to wife before you begin construction though, lest
your display of architectural genius become a dust catcher in a
dark comer of the garage. Ed.)

26/11/19 Unidentified Engine Q. See the two
photos of an unidentified engine. It has a 2? inch bore and 2? inch
stroke. The flywheel is 8 inches, and the connecting rod is brass.
There are no numbers or letters stamped on the engine. It appears
to have been painted black. Anybody out there who can identify it?
Ronald H. Win ship Jr. 115 River Road, Windham, Maine 04062.

26/11/20 Cushman Q. I am restoring a Cushman
R6, 4 HP engine, and an R3, 3 HP model. Can anyone advise the year
made, and the proper location of the decals? Joe Barna, RR 2, Box
63, Wapwallopen, PA 18660.

A. There are no known records of Cushman. We
can’t tell you for certain where the decals go, except that we
presume one goes on each side of the water hopper.

26/11/21 Galloway Auto Transport See the photo
of a 1903(?) Galloway Auto Transport manufactured by the Dart Truck
Company of Anderson, Indiana. This truck was previously owned and
restored by the late Alvie Boughn and his wife Betty of London,

We purchased this truck in 1987 and are now attempting to make
the restoration as authentic as possible. It has a two cylinder
water cooled engine, s/n ED921.

Any information or advice on this truck will be greatly
appreciated. Bob & Jo Anne Schmauss, PO Box 551, Frankfort, OH

26/11/22 Homemade Tractor Q. See the photo of a
homemade tractor resembling the Titan of about 1918 or 20 which I
have been making this year. This unit is about 8 feet long. Can
anyone tell me the color of paint for it? Leonard Gerber, Box 86B,
Marietta, MN 56257.

A. We would suggest that your model should be
finished in DuPont 27625 Gray, with the wheels being painted with
IHC Red No. 50.

26/11/23 Unidentified Marine Q. See the two
photos of an unidentified marine engine. It is two-cycle, and
probably about 1 horsepower. Any information will be appreciated.
Ham Hoffman, RD 1, Box 137, Hudson Falls, NY 12839-9711.

26/11/24 Unnamed Garden Tractor Q. I have an
old tiller which I feel is unique, and I desire additional info on
it if possible. See the two photos. What makes this tiller
different is that the pulley is stationary and the lever from the
handlebars moves the motor forward on two sliding mounts to provide
tension against the belt. The tiller also came with a plow and
blade. It has YOUNGSTOWN on the right handle. The wheels have
welded-in centers which are square. It has MC 46 cast on the inside
of the gear case. Did it have detachable rear wheels? It seems to
have been red. I would like to repaint it the original color. Also,
the throttle has been moved…it used to be on the right handlebar.
The motor on this tiller is a Briggs of about 8 HP, but it seems
too big. Can anyone tell me what the original motor was ? Any
information will be greatly appreciated. Edward Pedrick, PO Box
393, Santa Maria, CA 93456-0393.


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