
By Staff
Published on November 1, 1989
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This issue we begin with a couple of items.

First of all, many thanks to Clifford Wolf, 1031 Grandview,
Owatonna, MN 55060 for sending along several engine instruction
manuals. Likewise, thanks to John Boyd, 1921 LaSalle St., Martinez,
CA 94553 for sending a David Bradley garden tractor manual. As time
and publishing schedules permit, we here at GEM hope to reprint
some of these manuals for our readers.

During the past few years, ye olde Reflector has added yet
another hobby, that of letterpress printing. We’ve accumulated
a fair amount of letterpress equipment, type, and the usual
appurtenances to the old-time print shop, and hopefully we’ll
be able to reprint some manuals and other items using the same
process. We must also confess, that if anyone thinks for a moment
that old engines and tractors become an addictive hobby, then you
ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Our mainstay at present is a
Chandler & Price letterpress built in 1907, and still capable
of doing fine work. This writer is always amazed at the fine
craftmanship built into these old machines, to the credit of our

Occasionally, the Reflector is taken to task for
‘boosting’ a business venture within the confines of this
column. This is not an overt plan of ours, but occasionally we get
communications from firms or individuals in which it seems
ludicrous to separate the individual from the business-in other
words, a generic treatment of each and every communication
doesn’t strike this writer as being totally objective. Then
too, we occasionally receive news releases announcing certain
products. To not run the news release would not be good journalism,
provided it falls within the general confines of the magazine, and
to print a news release of this type with a suggestion to
‘contact various GEM advertisers,’ would hardly do justice
to the folks providing the release. Situations like this often
revolve around the matter of ‘whose ox is being gored,’ and
so we ask your forbearance. Meanwhile, we’ll attempt to be as
fair and as objective as possible.

As autumn approaches, we print our usual caveat: Don’t
forget to drain the water from your engines before Jack Frost
arrives. In the case of engines and tractors with multiple drain
cocks, do your checklist on each one. Did you drain the water pump?
Sometimes it is advisable to run a small wire up through the
pet-cock to make sure it has actually drained out, and isn’t
plugged with sediment, trapping water in some passages.

24/11/1 LeRoi engine Q. Can you supply
information on a LeRoi two-cylinder engine as illustrated in the
accompanying photo? I was told that Waukesha Motors bought out
LeRoi in 1950. This engine uses an Eisemann magneto. Any
information will be appreciated. J. F. Kylander, 3408 Dillon
Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82001.

A. We have little data on LeRoi, so if someone
can be of help, kindly contact Mr. Kylander.

24/11/2 Briggs & Stratton Q. What 15 the
horsepower and date manufactured for a Briggs & Stratton, Model
23FB, Type 203511, s/n 212615? Also a Fairbanks-Morse Z, 2 HP, s/n
583096? Elbert Blanton, 3433 Allendale Dr., Raleigh, NC 27604.

A. We show the FB Briggs being built between
June 1923 and November 1924. The FBM engine was built in 1924.

24/11/3 Sattley and Stover Q. What is the year
built for a Stover CT-2, s/n TB272064, and for a Sattley
(Montgomery Ward), s/n 58426? Ed Linderman, PO Box 65, Irons,
MI 49644.

A. The Stover was built in 1941. There are no
known production records for the Sattley.

24/11/4 Penetrating lubricant See the enclosed
photo of a new penetrating lubricant designed by Boeing Aviation.
BOESHIELD T-9 was developed to provide long term protection of
metals, and has proven effective against rust and corrosion even
under extreme conditions.

We are confident that your readers would appreciate learning
about this product and would be happy to provide you with samples,
test data, and other information you would like. Peter M. Schwarz,
President, PMS Products Inc., 607 St. Lucie Crescent, Stuart, FL

24/11/5 Leather belting Q. GEM publishes many
how-to articles to recall old times and to inspire new collectors.
Most old engines powered other machinery try way of leather belts.
I for one would like to read about the installation and proper care
of leather belts, line-shafting, and the like. Eugene N. Borsoff,
1568 49th St., Sacramento, CA 95819.

A. We think this to be an excellent idea, and
will try to assemble an article on the subject in the near

24/11/6 Hardy and Wico Q. See 6A for a photo of
my Hardy engine built by Hardy Motor Works, Port Huron, Michigan.
This engine is described on page 218 of American Gas Engines. Any
further information on this engine will be greatly appreciated.

Also see 6B showing a Wico EK from which I removed the original
bar magnets and replaced them with ceramic magnets. This gave the
magneto a much hotter spark. I used 10 magnets with dimensions of
7/8 x 3/8 x
7/8 inches. Hopefully this might be of help
to someone. C.L. Smith, 12326 Lemon Crest Dr., Lakeside, CA

A. We’re fascinated with the Hardy engine,
and are very surprised to learn that any of these have survived.
The use of ceramic magnets in the Wico EK might well be the answer
to putting new life into a great many of these fickle

24/11/7 John M. Smyth engine Q. See Photo 7 of
an engine marked 1? HP, John M. Smyth Mdse. Co., Chicago, Illinois.
Who made this engine and approximately when? What is the proper
color, and what is the meaning of the ‘K’ suffix on the
horsepower rating? Any help will be appreciated. Gary C.
Pardue, 306 Montrose St., Bluefield, VA 24605.

A. Your engine was built by Waterloo Gasoline
Engine Company (see page 536 of American Gas Engines). We would
give the 1912-1918 period as being fairly close to its age. The
‘K’ suffix was probably a code letter for the benefit of
John M. Smyth, since they sold engines other than this particular

24/11/8 Diesel engine Q. I recently acquired
the old diesel engine in the accompanying photo. On the base
casting are the letters SF, and below that PACIFIC. Many of the
castings are numbered-for instance the head carries the number
2110A. The overall height is 57 inches, flywheels are 36 inches in
diameter by 3? inch face; the bore and stroke is.7?x7? inches. The
engine has a poppet valve on two sides, located just above the
crankshaft. The injector, injection pump, and several other small
parts are missing.

This engine was originally used at North Pole, Alaska. The
previous owner bought it from a scrap dealer at Fairbanks, Alaska
in 1975. Any information on this engine will be greatly
appreciated. Mark Nedrow, P.O. Box 644, Selah, WA 98942.

A. Although the engine has some familiar
features we cannot immediately give it a name, and due to
scheduling conflicts for this issue, we write in such haste that we
haven’t had the time for further research. Hopefully, some of
our West Coast readers will be able to shed some light on the
matter though.

24/11/9 Jim Dandy tractor Herb Mann, 2588 W. CR
250 S, Warsaw, IN 46580 sends along a photo of his 10 HP Economy
Jim Dandy tractor, s/n LI3044E. A longtime dealer reports that if
the tractor has foot brakes, it must have been built after 1961.
Also, that they never used a Briggs & Stratton engine, although
this one is so equipped.

Mann uses this tractor in his grounds maintenance business with
a 48 inch mower deck. He also pulls a roller and aerator, both of
which it handles easily.

24/11/10 L. E. Spear engine See the two photos
of an engine built about thirty miles from me. Very few were made,
and mine may be the only one to still exist. Built by the L.E.
Spear Gas Engine Company, Northfield, Minnesota, my engine was
found in an old pump house. Some parts were broken, but we found
them in the bottom of the water tank. Clifford Wolf, 1031
Grandview, Owatonna, MN 55060.

24/11/11 Rototiller information Q. Can anyone
supply information on the following: Rototiller; Serviced By:
Frazer Farm Equipment, Auburn, Indiana; Model No. T8E; Serial No.
1103. The only information given to me is that these tractors were
made in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Any help will be greatly
appreciated. Jim Adkins Jr., 308 S. Kentucky, Independence, MO

24/11/12 Sun Power engine See the below photos
of my Sun Power engine, similar to the one shown on page 500 of
American Gas Engines. In August 1988 I purchased this engine from
Bill Currie, New Berlin, NY. The bore is 3? inches and the stroke
is 47/8 inches. The original color was close
to IHC red, slightly darker than what it is now. W.E. Glick,
100 Cedar Dr., Enterprise, AL 36330.

24/11/13 Jay-Eye-See Q. When did J.I. Case Plow
Company begin using the Jay-Eye-See trademark? Marvin Miller,
RR 3, Box 197, Logansport, IN 46947.

A. Jay-Eye-See was a world-famous trotter owned
by J.I. Case. At 6 years of age, this black gelding set a
world’s record of 2:10. Shortly thereafter, Currier & Ives
immortalized Jay-Eye-See with another of their famous lithographs.
In August of 1892, Jay-Eye-See set another record by pacing a mile
on the Kite Track at Independence, Iowa in 2:06?. The fame of this
little black gelding greatly enhanced the advertising of J.I. Case
Plow Works, and in fact this company compiled a handsome booklet in
1906 which included detailed information on the horse and his
winnings over the years. The trademark was first used in the

24/11/14 Cletrac information Richard E.
Holland, 1700 S. Perdieu Rd., Muncie, IN 47302 is restoring an
Oliver-Cletrac Model HG68 tractor and needs service data or other
information that might aid in the project.

24/11/15 Manitoba engine John H. Harding, 92
Braden Cr. NW, Calgary, AB T2L 1N3, Canada, is restoring a Manitoba
4 HP vertical engine and needs to correspond with anyone having one
of these engines, or information on same.

24/11/16 Fordson conversion Q. I have the 1926
Fordson-Belle City conversion shown in the photo. Thus far I have
been able to learn almost nothing about the company or the
conversion unit itself. Especially need parts and service
information. John Cox, 2700 Hammel Road, Eagle Point, OR

A. Although this particular track conversion
was widely advertised, we are unsure whether any substantial number
still survive. Hopefully, some of our readers might have the needed

24/11/17 Cushman Q. Can anyone supply
information on a Cushman 4 HP engine, Model C, patented November
14, 1911? I would like to know the year built and the proper paint
color for same. Also, a public thanks to everyone who helped in
restoring my Ottawa 5 HP log saw several months ago, and thanks to
Stan Read, 201 Poncha Blvd., Salida, CO 81201. Wendell Allen,
RR 3, Box 383, Eldorado Springs, MO 64744.

A. We have DuPont 93-62713-H green listed as a
comparable color match.

24/11/18 Cat 20 Dean Berger, RR1, Box 710,
Amana, IA 52203 is restoring a Cat ’20’ and needs service
information on same. This model is similar to the one shown on page
62 of ‘Nebraska Tractor Tests Since 1920 and is listed as Test
No. 150 of 1928. We have looked everywhere, but so far with no
success. All replies will be appreciated.


24/8/6 Dynamometers Dyke’s Automobile
Encyclopedia of 1924 lists the following approximate horsepower
required for a ‘Baker-style’ fan of the following
dimensions: four blades, 10 x 14 inches, mounted so that
diametrically opposite blades are 56 inches, tip to tip.


HP Required























The above cited manual also gives extensive instructions
regarding the calculations for the Prony Brake, but this deserves a
separate article outside of this column. (Ed.)

24/8/14 Unleaded fuels A substitute for regular
gasoline is an additive called CD-2, made by Stewart-Warner, which
is a concentrated lead substitute. There is also one put out by
Gunk. They are often recommended for engines built prior to 1972.
James Guenther, RD 5, Box 579, Pleasantville, NJ

Also, regarding unleaded fuels, Philip G. Whitney, 303 Fisher
Rd., Fitchburg, MA 01420 writes: We have encountered this question
a number of times and find that if leaded gasoline had been used
for a number of years in an engine, it might be necessary to clean
out the deposit on the head when switching to unleaded fuel.

Other than this possible situation, there is no problem that we
have been able to determine in running unleaded gas. As you state,
for years we had white gasoline. Some of us chased around for years
afterward going to specific gas stations to buy white gasoline for
our lanterns etc. Now we simply have gone full cycle and gone back
to white gasoline. Everything we are running, our old tractors and
engines, is using unleaded.


See the two photos of my latest creation. It is a ? scale model
of the 1 HP Famous-Titan of International Harvester. It uses a
7/8 x 15/16 inch bore
and stroke, and carries 315/16 inch
flywheels. It’s a good runner and the first, I hope, in a
series of IHC engines to scale. I completely scaled this engine,
made the wood patterns, poured my own grey iron castings, and
machined it out. The machining and all took about 100 hours. The
scaling and patterns and the two sets of castings destroyed about
six years. That was when I was 21. Matthew Clarke, 530 45th
Ave., Norwalk, IA. 50211.


Due to scheduling conflicts and publishing deadlines, this
column is being prepared in late August, just prior to our annual
sojourn to the Old Threshers Reunion at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
Although we are of course writing before the fact, we hope
nevertheless to meet many old friends’ and make many new ones
at their 40th Anniversary Reunion. It is always a great pleasure to
serve as a goodwill ambassador for Gas Engine Magazine and Iron Men
Album at this show, and hopefully the tradition will continue for
many years to come. Back in the 1950’s when this writer first
began attending Old Threshers as a spectator, we had the pleasure
of meeting the late Elmer Ritzman, the founder of both of these
magazines. Little did we realize that we would one day take his
place as a representative of these journals at Old Threshers. By
all comparisons, however, the wonderful personality of Elmer
Ritzman is a tough act to follow!

The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.

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