By C. H. Wendel
Published on May 1, 1995
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Recently we were in an antiquarian bookshop, as we are wont to
do. This particular one had a sizable cage in the back of the
basement, and through the wire we could see something that looked
like old literature. A request to see this material got the door
unlocked, and we plunged forward. While most of the material was
automotive (and outside of our collecting interests) we found some
large packets of magazine clippings.

Photo 30/5/A is from McClure’s Magazine of November 1902,
and illustrates the Globe engine from Globe Iron Works. Photo
30/5/B is from the Literary Digest of May 1916, and illustrates the
Ideal Jr. Power Lawn Mower. Although most of us are familiar with
the Ideal mowers with the horizontal engine (see page 238 of
American Gas Engines), we’ve not seen the vertical engine shown
in this 1916 advertisement.

A Matthews Automatic Light Plant is illustrated in 30/5/C. This
interesting and very compact unit was fully automatic, and capable
of starting and stopping on its own accord, as compared to making a
trip to the basement or the wash house for this purpose. This
advertisement is from the May 1916 issue of Literary

One of the most interesting ads we found was for the Crosley
Farm-O-Road shown in 30/5/D. The unit shown here was equipped with
a front-mounted mower, and numerous other implements were also
available. This one was illustrated in Town & Country for April
1951. At the present time we’re compiling a book, American Gas
Engine Trademarks. It will present several hundred different
trademarks in their entirety, and will be published by Stemgas
Publishing Company. We discovered a great many trademarks that we
hadn’t heard of before. All in all, we think this will be a
significant title for gas engine collectors. More information will
come later.

The upcoming tour to Germany and other countries, set for
September 9-23, is seeing considerable activity, with a substantial
number of reservations already. If you haven’t yet talked to
GEM about a tour packet, call them at (717) 392-0733 or send a fax
to (717) 392-1341. They’ll be happy to send you all the
information, including a detailed itinerary. We think it will be a
trip to remember, especially since Wade Farm Tours is in charge.
Rob Rushen-Smith and Jackie Coggan will be our couriers; both are
very knowledgeable, and Jackie in particular has traveled widely in
Europe. Alex Skinner will be accompanying the group as our resident
expert. Those who have met him already know this, and those who
haven’t will find him to be quite as affable and helpful as
we’re telling you. So join me and my wife Sheila, and spend a
couple of interesting and enjoyable weeks with us as we traverse
parts of Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, and

Our first question is:

30/5/1 David Bradley Q. I own a David Bradley
Model 917 .5751 with several attachments, I have obtained a copy of
the owners manual, but have nothing on the attachments or company
history. I also have what I believe is a Standard ‘Monarch’
garden tractor and would appreciate any information on it. Clinton
E. Koontz, RD 3, Box 324, Pine Grove, PA 17963.

30/5/2 Information Needed Q. See the photos of
a pump which I have begun to restore; we think it is a
Fairbanks-Morse. The check valve washers have ‘F,M &
CO.’ stamped on them. Any information would be appreciated,
such as color, when built, etc.

Also, my grandfather recently acquired the Galloway 2 horsepower
engine shown in 2-C Although the tag says 2 HP, the block is
identical to that used on the 1 HP Boss of the Farm engine. Any

Lastly, what is the paint color for the F-M Jack of All Trades
engine, of about 1908 vintage? It appears to be somewhat similar to
the shade of red used on the F-M Battery-Equipt engines of the
1920s. Rick Hanson, S. 3423 Bowdish Rd., Spokane, WA 99206.

A. Although we have lots of F-M literature, we
don’t have much on their pumps. The logo you mention would lead
us to think it was made by F-M however. Our information is that
most of their equipment of this period was a dark greenish black,
or blackish green, as you prefer. This would be on the order of
Sherwin-Williams 4811 Green.

Regarding the Galloway, this was a common practice. An engine
would be built rated at a certain horsepower, and speed. Raising
the speed a little, and sometimes boring the cylinder a little
larger, gave a slight increase in power without the need of new
foundry patterns, jigs, and lathe fixtures.

We’ve occasionally seen some of the Jack-of-All-Trades
engines in red, instead of the more common dark green (4811 above).
We think it could have been either way, but we’re not sure that
anyone knows for sure.

30/5/3 Globe Engine Q. See the photo of a 1 HP
Globe air-cooled engine. It was made by the Globe Foundry &
Machine Co., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I’ve owned this engine ten
years and have never seen another like it. Any information will be
appreciated. Bob Kubisch, 2111 Gilbride Rd., Martinsville, NJ

A. Outside of the information given on page 210
of American Gas Engines, we’ve found virtually nothing on this
company. Mr. Kubisch’s letter alludes to the similarities of
this engine to the Ideal, and we agree, but we have found nothing
to tie to two together in any way.

30/5/4 Maynard Engine Q. We are bringing a 1 HP
Maynard back to life. It has serial number 3206, and we were
wondering if anyone could tell us when it was built. Also, the
original paint is a badly faded dark red or maroon. Can anyone
provide a color number? Any help would be appreciated. Kenneth E.
Davis, RR 1, Box 234, Hollis Center, ME 04042-9742.

A. Charles Williams Stores began selling
Maynard engines in 1916, and continued for a few years; thus we
would guess your engine to be in the 1916-20 period. Some paint
dealers have a spectrum chart with which one can come quite close
to matching an original color. We have no specific information on
the Maynard.

30/5/5 Information Needed Q. I recent!)! found
a large valve that appears to be out of a tractor. Its dimensions
are: 11 inches long, with a 31/16, inch head.
The numbers 223 23-3 and 8K are stamped on top of the valve.
An)’ suggestions? Dominic Centonze, 14 Deck Road, Myerstown, PA

A. We have no idea what this valve is from.
Does anyone?

General Tractor Co., Bellevue, Ohio. General Model

30/5/6 General Tractor Q. Larry D.
Walker, 9150 Coit Rd., RR J, Ravenna, OH 44266 needs information on
the General Tractor shown in the specification information
(30/5/6). This tractor had a 14-inch plow with it and came from
vineyards in the Kingsville, Ohio, area.

Capacity: One 14′ plow.
Motor: Own make, 2 cylinders vertical, 3×5′.
Accessories: Wico magneto; Tillotson carburetor.
Service Data: Spark Plug Size ?’. Piston Ring Size?’.
Number to each piston4.
Speeds forward: 3 M. P. H., varied by throttle. Reverse:
Net Weight: 1500 1bs.
Pulley: 10×5.

A. Information on some of the early tractor
companies is very elusive, and this one is no exception. We’ve
found listings for it in 1928 and 1929, but no place else. Perhaps
some of our readers might be able to enlighten us.

30/5/7 Kinkade Tractor Q. I have a Kinkade
tractor (see photos) with the original brass plate on the wooden
handle. It is s/n 21440. The air-cooled engine is of the
‘P’ design and runs counterclockwise. I am restoring this
unit and would like to know the original color scheme, along with
its age and any other information. Vernon Schederer, 16732 Robinson
Road, Marysville, Ohio.

A. Can anyone supply this information?

30/5/8 Great Western Engine Q. See the photos
of a 3 HP Great Western engine, s/n L928, built by Smith Mfg. Co.,
Chicago, III. This company appears on page 472 of American Gas
Engines, but none of these engines show or mention a round water
hopper. However, on pages 426 and 427 this engine is seen under the
Rock Island Plow Co. heading. It is said that Rock Island Plow
spent a lot of time preparing and painting their engines, and that
they were painted dark green. I believe my engine has the original
paint, and it is black. So, was this engine built for Rock Island,
or did Smith build and sell it themselves? Any information would be
appreciated. Michael O’Malley, 7Meadowbrook Rd., Littleton, MA

A. The late Andy Kruse and this writer once
discussed this very situation, and it was Andy’s contention
that the Great Western engines were black. We concur, in that we
recall seeing one years ago, still in its original state, and
there’s no doubt that it was black. It may or may not have been
sold by RIP; even if it was, they may not have repainted all the
engines they sold. Additionally, we don’t believe that the
Great Western lasted much longer than 1912, and if Smith Mfg.
lasted longer than that, it couldn’t have been by much,
especially since it does not appear in the 1914 edition of the Farm
Implement News Buyer’s Guide.

30/5/9 Gibson Tractor Q. I have recently bought
a Gibson riding garden tractor. What year was it built? Is there a
Gibson collectors organization? I also need to find a Chevrolet
ring #370220 or 6; the last number is partially obscure. It has 37
teeth, and the pinion number is 375039-9-37. It has nine teeth.
These are for the Gibson rear end. Any help will be

A. Can anyone be of help?

30/5/10 Cletrac Information Q. I’m looking
for advertising literature or information concerning tests made
using a Cletrac crawler and testing for soil compaction by burying
an egg in tilled soil and driving a crawler track over the egg
without breaking it. Then an automobile was driven over it in a
likewise spot, and of course, breaking it. There may have been
pictures taken, as well as written articles on this test.

The tests were conducted by the dealer and possibly the company
about 1926. My neighbor across the fence, now in his early
eighties, was operating the Cletrac that day. I would like to
present him a copy of the writeup on this test. Can anyone help me
out? Ted H. Stein, 3228 – 180th St., Fort Madison, IA 52627.

30/5/11 Information Needed Q. What is the year
built of the following: Witte 4 HP, s/n 95133; and Briggs &
Stratum, 18949? William]. Hayes, 3906 Woodbine St., Stockton, IL

A. The Witte was built in 1935; the only
information on the FH we have is that they were built between 1925
and 1933.

30/5/12 Witte Information Q. We have a Witte 8
HP engine, s/n 38761 .It appears to be like the one pictured on the
lower right, page 559, of American Gas Engines. There is a bolt-on
bracket on the rear of the engine for a magneto with four mounting
bolts. The bracket has cam-following trip device with an spark
advance lever. Is this correct for this engine? What type of
magneto was used? The original tanks, muffler, and magneto are
missing. Any information would be appreciated. Rodney Leonard, 200
Woody Ave., Salisbury, NC 28146.

A. The engine was built in 1926. It was
probably equipped with a Webster high-tension magneto. In our
opinion, this style was a notable failure. The engine was started
on gasoline, using a small reservoir tank, and after warming up,
was switched over to kerosene in the main tank. The water needle
was regulated to control preignition on kerosene fuel. However,
lots of people stuck to using gasoline and didn’t bother with
kerosene and its related problems.

30/5/13 Information Needed Q. What is the year
built of the following John Deere engines: 356095; 357512; 349460?
J. F. Mitchell, Box 844, Walhalla, ND, 58282.

A. In order, 1943; 1944; 1939.

30/5/14 Unknown Engine Q. I just purchased a
very small two-cycle gas engine. It is a single cylinder, 1 inch
bore, and has a piston like a twin Maytag and brass rod. It has
‘BM’ cast on the rod, and top of housing is number stamped,
‘IN 1571’. It uses a small Type 51 D Eisemann magneto. I
can find no names or other numbers. There is a cast iron tank, and
a solid aluminum dished flywheel with fins on the inside. It is
about nine inches high and long; the crankshaft is about 12 inches
long. It is a hit-and-miss. If anyone can help, please let me know.
Ben J. Kinsinger, Kinsinger Engine Service, RD, Box 234A,
Meyersdale, PA 15552.

30/5/15 Novo Engine Q. See the photos of a
four-cylinder Novo engine, sin CW1332828, with a 3 x 4 inch bore
and stroke. It has a Holley carburetor and a Fairbanks-Morse FM
magneto . The engine is complete, and runs very well.

I would like to hear from anyone who has information on the
later years of the Novo Engine Co. and specifically on the engine
pictured here. It appears to have been military, and I suspect
there may be World War Two veterans who remember exactly how and
where these engines were used. Any help will be appreciated. J. M.
Bingman, 449 NW Paxford Lane, Bremerton, WA 98311.

30/5/16 Jack of All Trades Q. I have a very
early Fairbanks-Morse Jack of All Trades engine, but it is missing
the hot tube. Can anyone possibly inform me or provide information
on this part? The engine has the studs broken off where the hot
tube should be fitted. John Moore, 23 Gofthorne Road South,
Horfield, Bristol, BS7 0PS England.

30/5/17 Thanks! To all the people who responded
(over 30!) in reference to my old tiller article in 30/3/6. Again,
my thanks! F. J. Leonards, Rt 1, Box 496, Winnie, TX 77665.

30/5/18 Standard Garden Tractor Q. See photo of
this tractor I purchased at a farm sale. In the November 1994 GEM
under 29/11/6 it states that all Standard-built tractors had a
numerical prefix before the serial number, but this engine does
not. It has battery ignition, automatic intake valve, and inch
spark plug. Would 1 be safe in assuming it dates into the 1920s? It
looks like the engine and transmission were dark red, with the
wheels and implements green. Any information would be appreciated.
Gary Pollard, 2014 SE St Rt V, Polo, MO 64671.

A. Can anyone provide specifics on this

30/5/19 Bulls Eye Engine Q. See the photos of a
3 HP Bulls Eye engine recently acquired. There was a little
original paint on the side of the water hopper, a very dark green
with yellow pin striping, h looks like the same color as the old
Field-Brundage-Sattley sold by Montgomery Ward. All the others I
have seen have been red. Airy information will be appreciated.
Larry Hughes, 12403 East 34th Ave., Tacoma, WA 98446.

A. In our list of trade names, we find that
Montgomery Ward sold the Bullseye, and two companies are listed as
building a Bulls Eye engine: Barnhart-Davis Co., and Jacobson Mfg.
Co., both of Warren, Pennsylvania.

30/5/20 Bates & Edmonds Q. See the photos
of a I HP Bates & Edmonds tank-cooled engine, built by Bates
& Edmonds at Lansing, Michigan. The serial no. is 877. I would
like to correspond with anyone who has this type and size engine,
and specifically need information as the the shape of the muffler;
the pipe size in one inch. Any help will be appreciated. Norman R.
Parrish, 769 Mcintyre Road, Bardstown, KY 40004-8936.

30/5/21 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photos
of an engine I found several years ago as a complete basket case.
After a lot of work it is now restored. However, it has no
identification of any kind, not even a number. The engine is a
two-cycle, with a 5? inch bore and stroke. It uses a Schebler
carburetor. I am told it is a marine engine, but do not know
whether this is correct or not. I’m looking forward to hearing
from anyone who might be able to identify this engine or provide
any information. W. H. McGibb, Box 803, Nipawin, Sask. S0E 1E0

30/5/22 Huber Light Four Q. What is the proper
color for a Huber Light Four tractor; also what is the proper color
for the lettering of a 1929 Minneapolis 27-42 tractor? Dave Aikens,
12696 Smedley Rd., Waterford, PA J 6441.

A. We understand this information is available
from Ed Axthelm, 5071 Ashley Rd., Cardington, OH 43315.

30/5/23 Stromberg Carburetor Q. I recently
found a big Stromberg carburetor; it weighs about six pounds. It
has a large filter glass, about three inches in diameter, and has a
patent date of July 13, 1909. Can anyone give me any information on
this one? T. J. Shipman, RR 1, Box 371-B, Buckhannon, WV 26201.

30/5/24 Bryan Steam Tractor Q. I’m trying
to locate the owner of a Bryan steam tractor that was built in the
1920s at Peru, Indiana. Any information would be appreciated. James
Walker, 605 Saxony Lane, Kenner, LA 70065.

30/5/25 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photos
of a recently acquired engine with no identification tag. Any
information would be greatly appreciated. Edward D. Hutchins, RR 1,
Box 59A, Alba, TX 75410-9602.

A. Yours is a McCormick-Deering Type M; chances
are that the nameplate has been removed. It’s generally riveted
to the top of the water hopper.

30/5/26 Removing Gib Keys For the restorers of
engines, where the gib key can’t be reached to use a wedge to
drive the key out, I would drill and tap the key to at least one
inch in depth. Use a fine threaded bolt. On the head of the bolt
weld a sliding hammer. It is very easy to make if you have a scrap
iron pile. Screw this tool into the gib key hole and start sliding
the hammer. With patience the key will come out. Spray WD-40 (or
your favorite penetrant) around the key. A new key will have to be
used, as the old one will be weakened from drilling it.

Also, when I wash small bolts etc., I don’t like to get my
hands in the solvent. I use a flexible claw to hold the parts while
scrubbing. Some solvents are hazardous to your health, as they can
be absorbed into the skin. Wearing protective gloves is the best.
John M. Edgerton, 603 Loon Lake Rd., Bigfork, MT 59911.

Readers Write

Humphrey Pump

Recently you mentioned a Humphrey Pump. In a place called
Cobdogla in South Australia we have the only working Humphrey plant
in the world. I have been fortunate enough to be present on rare
occasions when this is working and I can tell you it is an
experience not readily forgotten. The purpose of this letter is to
say that if anyone wished to know about the function of this
monster, I have sheets explaining its principles, and would copy
these off, should anyone wish them. I also have home video taken
when the pump was operating. Brian Blum, PO Box 211, Busselton,
West Australia 6280.

30/3/1 Spry WheelSeveral people wrote to say
that this one is a Sprywheel. John C. Romaine, 3925 Cameo Drive,
Oceanside, CA 92056 even sent us a picture of his Spry-wheel (see
RW-1). Thanks to all those who sent us information!

30/3/9 Phelps The engine in 30/3/9 is surely a
Phelps. I have a very similar if not identical model. Mine has a 3
x 4 inch bore and stroke, so is it possibly a little earlier?
Crawford MacKeand, 115 South Spring Valley Road, Greenville, DE

Mr. MacKeand details some of the features of the Phelps, and
this, coupled with other info we’ve read, makes us believe this
would be a nice engine to have, especially with all of its
generating system, and of course, the electric starting system,
working at full power.

30/3/6 Frazer Rototiller Doug Plance, 4960
Mamont Rd., Murrysville, PA 15668 writes that he believes this unit
to be a Frazer Rototiller.

A Closing Word

As we close up this month’s column in early March, it’s
cold here in Iowa, with snow on the ground, but the prospects are
for warmer weather in a few days. It can’t come too soon for
this writer; winter has never been one of our favorite things, but
there are too many things we like about Iowa to consider living

We close this month with three more photos of Alamo engines from
the collection of Verne Kindschi, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. There
is no identification at all on these photos, but we present them
anyway for your edification and your viewing enjoyment!

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