As this issue is being compiled in late February, this writer at
least, has a longing for some warm southerly winds to herald the
beginning of warmer weather. For those of us who don’t keep the
shop heated all the time, the winter months slow up any engine and
tractor restoration projects. Cold hands and cold feet sure
diminish one’s enthusiasm.
We find it interesting indeed that our previous mention of a
Junkers diesel engine in our stable is still generating letters and
even a few phone calls. Just to clear up one point, this
single-cylinder engine is of two-cycle design. The two pistons
travel toward each other, toward the center of the cylinder where
the injector is located. Just as soon as we get warm weather,
we’ll take some photos of this engine. Our sincere thanks to
all who have called and written us about this engine.
A final note regarding the Junkers engine-Hobart Welder Company
bought three diesels at a Trade Fair in Europe during the early
1930s. One was the single cylinder engine we have, and the other
two were of two-cylinder, opposed piston design. These were tested
for possible use with Hobart welding generators, but were never
adapted on a production basis. So far as is known, these were the
only three Junkers diesels imported into the United States,
although a few may have gone to Canada. No doubt due to
deteriorating relations with Germany in the late 1930s, no further
work was done in this regard, and after World War Two, the design
was apparently discontinued entirely. In fact, we have been told
that the Junkers factory was destroyed by Allied bombing
We talked with Mr. Bill Starkey over at Starbolt Engine Supplies
the other day. Bill continues to express his concern over safety or
the lack thereof at engine shows. Especially during the past year
or so, we’ve published several ‘horror stories’ that
were real life experiences for a few of our collectors. At the risk
of sounding like Casper Milquetoast personified-folks, we need to
be careful about this old iron, whether it is engines, tractors or
whatever! We can all have a lot of fun with our hobby, and we
certainly are doing the right thing in showing our gems at the
shows. Almost anything can happen with these relics, especially
since most were designed with almost no thought of safety for the
operator, much less for spectators. Mr. Starkey speaks of a valid
concern we believe, in that if we do not police ourselves and
exercise safe practices, the day will come when some politician or
some bureaucrat will decide to do it for us. If somebody grinds up
a finger in the timing gears of your engine- perish the thought!
And one other thing-why not carry a fire extinguisher in the box
with the oil can and water pail?
Our questions this month begin with:
24/5/1 Crawler tractor Q. See the photo of this
little crawler tractor. Can you identify the model, the proper
colors, etc.? Forrest Greene, Rt 10, Box 472, Lenoir, NC
A. Yours looks like an Oliver HG crawler. The
HG was tested at Nebraska in 1949 under No. 434. (See Nebraska
Tractor Tests Since 1920). We assume it to have been finished in
the same Oliver Green as its contemporaries.
24/5/2 U.S. Tractor Co. Q. The below photo
illustrates a small garden tractor from U.S. Tractor &
Engineering Company. We would be happy to hear from anyone with
information on this tractor or the company. David S. Meyer,
2482 Roxana Street, Placerville, CA 95667.
A. There’s nothing in our files on this
one. . .
24/5/3 Briggs & Stratton Q. I have a Briggs
& Stratton upright, kick-start engine that is not pictured or
mentioned in American Gas Engines. I would like to know the year
and horsepower of this engine, s/n A 34810. See the below photos.
Frank Dorsey, 548 Franklin ‘Terrace, Washington, PA
24/5/4 Bolens and others Q. I’m a recent
subscriber, and am submitting a picture of a Wade engine and a
chain-driven pump jack. See 24/5/4A and B. Would appreciate hearing
from anyone with information on either the engine or the pump jack.
Photo 24/5/4C illustrates a 1918 Bolens Model 812 garden tractor.
It uses a chain drive to both wheels with an independent clutch for
each wheel. Would like to hear from anyone with one of these
tractors, as mine is missing some parts. Keith Johnston,
105-547 Belmont Ave W., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5G9 Canada.
24/5/5 Stover CT-2 Q. What is the year built
for Stover CT-2, s/n TA201569. Hal Opdyke, 4960 Sioux Way,
Okemos, MI 48864.
A. Your engine was built in 1929.
24/5/6 Kohler information Q. I have a Kohler
Electric Plant, Model DP, s/n 104989. When was it built, and where
can I find information on it! Bruce Brockett, 9572 ST 224,
Deerfield, OH 44411.
A. We suggest you contact Kohler Company at
Kohler, Wisconsin for further information.
24/5/7 Cat’30’ Q. See the photo of a
Cat 30, s/n 365 purchased from the Warsfold Estate at Trivoli,
Illinois in August, 1988. Any information or help regarding the
restoration of this tractor will be greatly appreciated, as we have
no manuals or any other information. Steve Warters, RR 3, Box
198, Tuscola, IL 61953.
24/5/8 Sintz engine Q. Here are two photos
concerning a Sintz engine I recently acquired. It is a two-cylinder
two stroke engine, s/n 841, and uses a 53/16 inch bore and a 6 inch
stroke. The heads appear to be different than on the engine
illustrated on page 468 of American Gas Engines. Although I
don’t expect to find any parts, I would like to hear from
anyone with information or dimensions that would assist me in
making the needed parts. Also would like to know the original
color. Miles R. Parker, RFD 1, Box 3490, Poland Springs, ME
A. Since there are a number of GEM readers who
are very interested in Sintz engines, we certainly hope they might
be of help in your project.
24/5/9 Sta-Rite engine Q. I have a Sta-Rite
engine, Type A-1, 1? HP, s/n 3621. Since a number of parts are
missing, I would like to correspond with someone having one of
these engines for the proper dimensions etc. The engine appears to
have original paint; green on the block, and red flywheels.
What is an ignitor, and do I need one for this engine?
In my oiler collection I have an ornate one with a
3/8 pipe fitting. It is stamped,
‘Standard Gas Engine Co., San Francisco, Cal.’ on top. What
size engine would use this size oiler? David Hughes, PO Box 21,
Columbia, CA 95310.
A. Sometimes the terminology is confusing in
the gas engine hobby. An ignitor generally is meant to be the
mechanical low tension ignitor often used. It usually is a cast
iron block with an insulated stationary point and a moveable point.
In operation, a mechanism on the engine pushes the points shut at
the proper time, and when the trip-off mechanism operates, springs
on the ignitor allow the points to open very quickly. In so doing,
the circuit is broken and a substantial spark results.
Regarding the outlet size of the oiler, we would suggest that
the 3/8‘ pipe size was probably used on
some thing of 4 horsepower or larger, but this is only a guess-some
engines of only 1 ? HP used this pipe size on the oiler body, and
in fact, the 3/8 size is quite common. More
indicative of the engine size might be the oil capacity of the