By C. H. Wendel
Published on May 1, 1988
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23/5/22 Q. Can anyone identify this engine?
Any information will be appreciated. Arnold  Spencer, 111
Grove Street, AIma, Michigan, 48801.

A. Mr. Spencer notes also that on the top of
the engine is a faded decal resembling the Economy
‘butterfly’ style used on the late model engines sold by
Sears-Roebuck. The engine is unquestionably built by Cushman, and
since it is finished in red, we would suggest that they built it on
order for Sears. Anyone with additional information, kindly let us

23/5/23 Q. Can you identify the engine in this
photo? Its nameplate reads: Trench & Marine Pump Co., Type
TML, HP 2, Size 3. Kent M. Savis, 117 Kingston Road, Parsippany,
‘New Jersey 07054.

A. We believe the engine to be a Sattley as
sold by Montgomery Ward during the 1930’s.

23/5/24 Q. I have a UtiliMotor by Johnson Motor
Co., Waukegan, Illinois. It is a small two-cycle, very similar to
the Maytag. Was it a predecessor to the Maytag, or an imitator? Can
it be dated from the serial number? I have the flywheel, but the
complete ignition system is missing. There are no magnets in the
flywheel and no bolt holes where they might have been attached. Can
anyone give me information on the ignition, or does anyone have an
instruction manual? Jim Paquette, 60-A High St., Uxbridge, MA.

A. At this point in time, no one will probably
ever know for sure whether Maytag had any connection with Johnson,
and if so, to what extent. We would guess that if Maytag had any
dealings with this firm, it was an up-and-up deal for the purchase
of certain patents or rights. Beyond that, we seriously doubt if
any connection existed. There is always the possibility of a
lookalike imitation. After all, some things were simply not subject
to patents-similar designs had perhaps been patented and their time
had run out, putting the design into the public domain. We’ve
never seen a single piece of literature on the UtiliMotor, and in
fact, some of these companies didn’t print any. They were not
in business long enough to get that far, or in other cases, it was
assumed that the purchaser knew what was necessary, leaving any
literature as an unneeded expense.

23/5/25 Q. I have an Economy engine, No.24876.
Can it be dated from the serial number, and what is its horsepower?
Joseph J. Englert, 3825 Walworth Ontario Road, Walworth, New
York 14568.

A. Economy engines cannot be dated from the
serial numbers. The horsepower should be stamped on the serial
number plate.

23/5/26 Q. We need help in identifying the
engine in these two photos. It powered a self-propelled trenching
machine. Note the unusual shape of the counterweight in the
flywheel, the key guard, and the pre-heater on the carburetor.
Any information will be appreciated. Elizabeth Morris, 112
Irwin Drive, Powell, Tennessee 37849

A. Our first impression made us look up the
Lauson file, but that didn’t match. Then came the Armstrong
Mfg. Company, but that doesn’t match up either. After another
hour or so, we decided that we can’t name it either!

23/5/27 Q. James Fehl, RD 1, Box 1900, Ft.
Edward, New York 12828 needs information on the Hibbard Gas Engine
Company, Sandy Hill, New York (now Hudson Falls). The company was
in business from the later 1800’s to 1940. In that period
gasoline engines for stationary use as well as launch engines were
manufactured. Having researched the patent files, it was found that
nine patents were filed, ranging from various gas engine components
to an early hydraulic transmission. Any information at all in
order to compile a history of the company will be

23/5/28 Q. Does anyone have any information on
the ‘Nevada Auto Plow built at Nevada, Iowa? Eldon Burley,
Box 212, Toledo, Illinois 62468

A. In compiling Encyclopedia of American Farm
Tractors the only information we could locate indicated that the
Nevada Auto Plow came out in 1913. It was rated at 12 drawbar and
25 belt horsepower. Beyond this, very little information has
surfaced, so we would be most happy to hear from anyone with
information on the short-lived Nevada Auto Plow.

23/5/29 Q. What was the proper color for
Sandwich engines? Payne Bros., Walter Payne, RR3, Box 79,
Gouverneur, New York, 13642.

A. Our listings show DuPont Dulux 93-5800

23/5/30 Q. Can anyone provide information on a
Cushman Model W4, 2? HP engine. Any response will be
appreciated. Dwight Miller, Box 182, Spearfish, South Dakota

A. We have no information on the W series

23/5/31 Q. We bought an old Gibson tractor with
a Wisconsin Model AEH engine, 3 x 3? bore and stroke. Can anyone
tell us more about this particular tractor, its size, age, proper
colors, etc. On the rear end of the tractor GIBSON is cast, and on
the other side 300. The front axle has Gibson in the casting, and
steers with a tiller. Any information will be appreciated.
Charles B. Kaulfers, RD 3, Box 574, Saylorsburg, PA.

A. Yours is probably the Model SD Gibson
tractor, the smallest of the series. We have no specific
information, but believe it to have been built in the early

23/5/32 Q. I have a 2? HP Empire engine, s/n
96551 made by Empire Cream Separator Company, Bloomfield, New
Jersey. This engine is not mentioned in American Gas Engines,
therefore I would like to know where to secure information on it.
Paul W. Hartman, Route 2, Box 236, Rocky Fork Road, Smyrna, TN,

A. Without a photograph it is virtually
impossible to know who built this particular engine, but it seems
very likely that it was someone besides Empire. This often
happened, and with some companies, the engine make changed very
frequently, depending on who came in with the low bid.

23/5/33 Q. I recently purchased a 3 HP Alamo
Blue Line engine, Type A, hit-and-miss, s/n 65186. This engine
appears to have been painted black. Was this the correct color?
Also, can anyone tell me the approximate date? Any information
will be appreciated. Jim Lenderman, 1600 Paula, Nacogdoches, Texas,

A. We believe that the Blue Line was, as the
name implies, a brilliant blue, but cannot locate an accurate color

23/5/34 Q. I am a new reader to GEM and enjoy
it very much. I have a 2 HP Maximotor, s/n 2002, but do not see it
listed in American Gas Engines. It is all original, even the paint
is in very good condition. It was used in an oil station to pump
fuel and gas from railroad cars to the bulk tanks. Do you have any
information on this engine? It has an excellent spark on the bench,
but on the engine the spark is weak or non-existent. Can anyone
help? James Tucek, RR2, Box 2257, Lewistown, Montana

A. Offhand, we can’t find any information
on the Maximotor either. However, in order for us to suggest some
ideas regarding the magneto troubles, you’ll need to send us a
photo of the engine showing the type of magneto being used. From
the sound of things, worn components are the culprit, but depending
on the type of magneto, identifying the worn parts might be the
problem. More often than not, poor spark or no spark is caused by
worn bearings that permit the armature to drag against the

23/5/35 Q. Can you identify the engine in this
photo? The flywheel is 10′ in diameter. Ignition system parts
are missing. It is two-cycle, water cooled, and uses a transom
mount. Any information will be appreciated. H.B. French, Jr.,
Rt 1, Valley Road, Lumpkin, Georgia, 31815.

23/5/36 Q. I have a 1947 Model Galion road
grader, s/n M6 8849. It is powered by an Oliver ’80’
four-cylinder gas engine, s/n 900872M. Since I need to make some
minor repairs to the engine, I need to locate some suppliers of old
Oliver parts. I can’t even get an oil filter for it-Part No.
CSRASS01. This is a sock-type filter. Was this Oliver 80 engine the
same as used in the tractors? Or in the row-crop 880? Any help
anyone can lend me will certainly be appreciated. Dan Boyer,
9910 Oxbow, South Lyon, Michigan 48178.

A. The Reflector has never gotten into Oliver
as deeply as some other things, so here’s one for those who
have studied Oliver.

23/5/37Bill Wallner, 2039 Laurel Road, Cave
Junction, Oregon 97523 would be immensely grateful to hear from
someone with a McVicker automatic engine. He is working on
restoration of a 3 HP model and needs more information. All letters
will be answered, or you can call Bill at 503-592-3605.

23/5/38 Q. See my enclosed photos. (A)
illustrates a Waterbury 2 HP Model G, with a Briggs & Stratton
Model N engine. (B) shows a Cunningham Model EB built by James
Cunningham & Co., Rochester, New York. Any information on
these companies will be appreciated. J. Roger Kilton, Sr., Kilton
Rd., West Canaan, RR 1, Box 386A, Enfield, New Hampshire

A. Our research has uncovered very little on
Cunningham, and nothing at all on the Waterbury.

23/5/39 Q. I seem to recall but cannot find an
article about slowing engines down for shows by setting the timing
back. Could you answer this for me? Monte Shock-man, 5021 Peg
St., Boise, Idaho 83705.

A. We do not recall ever coming across this
method-setting the timing so far back as to slow down the engine
would, if nothing else, result in an engine that ran terribly hot
within a short time. Slowing an engine down for show purposes only
requires that you decrease the tension on the governor springs. On
the usual flywheel type governor, many people take off one of the
springs, while others replace the standard springs with some that
are much smaller. The proper tension can only be derived from some
experimenting. But, don’t ever retard the spark any more than
necessary to make the engine run well, and don’t retard it
enough to make the engine labor or ‘sound late’.

23/5/40Now, a special thanks to the following
people: Harold W. Hauger, Rt 2, 10819 Tucker Road, Mt. Vernon, Ohio
43050 and Ed Longhenry, 15150 Old Guslander Tr., Marine-On-St.
Croix, MN 55047. Both of these gentlemen forwarded materials for
our files in regard to the Edwards engines, and to our great joy,
both sets of literature were different! Thanks!


Hart-Parr air compressors

W.E. Neal, 613 8th Ave., Charles City, Iowa 50616 writes that
Hart-Parr did in fact build the 12-24 and 18-36 tractor engines as
air compressors. One cylinder was used for air and the other one
kept things running. Mr. Neal also comments regarding the number of
1? volt dry cells used on early engines and tractors that the early
30-60 Hart-Parr used five cells for 7? volts.

23/3/10Duro enginesThanks to Leo
Roggow, 410 W. Park St., St. Johns, Michigan 48879 for sending us
photography material on the Duro engine. In looking it over it
becomes obvious that Duro was selling pumps, etc. as late as 1923,
and perhaps later.

23/3/2Cushman Husky DecalsBill
Benedick, P.O. Box 107, Blue Ball, PA, 17506 sends us a set of his
Cushman Husky decals with the Permalite decal attached. Now we know
that these decals are available, contrary to the Reflector’s
previous comment that they weren’t to our knowledge within
reach. Contact Mr. Benedick for further details.

23/2/45Caterpillar serial
Robert E. Zimpel, RR 2, Box 16, McGrath, MN, 56350
writes that he would like years built for a Cat Diesel Forty,
3G1832W and a Cat ’15’ No. 7070. Unfortunately, the
Reflector’s Cat records begin with the 2F ’22’ series
of 1934 so we can’t help. Is there anyone out there with this


J.T. Hanson, 111 Fairway Drive, Grenelefe, Haines City, Florida,
33844, sends a photo of his freelance model engine. It was modeled
from a few snapshots Mr. Hanson took of a Schramm engine-compressor
belonging to Edd Sigmon, Newton, North Carolina. In fact, after
getting the engine done, Edd talked Mr. Hanson out of this model.
The engine was entirely fabricated except for the flywheels, gears,
oil cups, pressure gauge, and ignition system. The flywheels are 9
inches across. The engine side has a 1? x 2 inch bore and stroke,
while the compressor side uses a 1? x 1? inch bore and stroke. The
engine runs along very nicely at 65 psi.


Among other research projects, the Reflector is considering a
comprehensive book on circular sawmills. We propose the kind of
book that would be useful to those operating conventional mills as
well as those interested in building a model sawmill. Anyone having
literature, information, or suggestions in this regard, kindly
contact: Reflections, Gas Engine Magazine, Box 328, Lancaster, PA,


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