By Staff
Published on May 1, 1986
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By the time this issue is in your hands, Spring should be well
upon us. As we compile the column in early March, Old Man Winter is
still attempting to make a comeback with cold weather, a little
snow, and assorted other things. Since Spring is on its way, the
Reflector has caught a bad case of ‘enginitis’, a malady
that is very contagious, and a disease of which we are all very
susceptible. We know that ‘enginitis’ is going around,
since there have been many, many letters to the Reflector this past

Now it’s time out for an explanation of how your letters and
photos make it into print. Occasionally we receive a letter
requesting a personal reply to shorten the waiting time. Although
we try to achieve this goal, we receive groups of letters from the
Stemgas office every couple of weeks. Because of the large number
of letters, we usually hold these until the copy deadline
approaches, and then process them all at once. A major reason for
this is that any duplication of questions is minimized, thus saving
space for other inquiries.

Along this same line, we have been receiving more and more
photographs. This helps us immensely, especially where an
identification problem is involved. During the past few months,
some excellent color photos have been received. Due to the extra
time involved in making the color separations and other necessities
with color printing, extra lead time is required. Therefore, some
of these letters and/or photos may not appear in the second issue
following your letter. The Reflector wasn’t aware of the extra
time involved with color work, so an apology is in order for last
month’s purported showing of an R & V engine in color. This
particular one exhibited the proper striping and color scheme as
well as anything we have seen, but unfortunately we didn’t get
it into GEM in time, and likewise the GEM people
didn’t catch the oversight until after the proofs were
completed. Bear with us, and we will try to publish as much color
as possible, especially where new restorations are illustrated.

Although the Reflector definitely plans to represent Stemgas
Publishing at the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion this Fall, we are
not yet sure of other shows we might attend. We look forward to
seeing many of you this year. The shows are a great time to make
new friends and renew old acquaintances.

21/5/1 Q. Cisco S. Dockery, 4012 Newport Hwy,
Sevierville, FL 37862 inquires regarding the following engine:
Ottawa, two-flywheel engine, s/n ES31344. Engine has 183/4
flywheels, uses as Webster Tri-Polar magneto. Would like to know
horsepower and proper color of engine.

A. The Reflector has some Ottawa literature,
and all of it indicates this engine to be finished in a bright red,
probably comparable to Sherwin-Williams JK-3719. Bore & stroke
dimension are needed for some idea of the horsepower, and our
Ottawa literature does not have this information. However,
Robert’s Gas Engine Handbookof 1917 gives a formula
for determining horsepower of four-cycle gasoline engines:

In estimating the D.H.P. (Delivered Horsepower) to be expected
from a single-cylinder motor of a given bore and stroke, the
formula D.H.P.=D2LNX may be employed, in which, D=diameter of
cylinder in inches; L=stroke in inches; N=r.p.m.; X=factor of
16,000 on gas engines, 14,000 on gasoline engines (four-cycle

As an example, take an engine with 4×5 inch bore and stroke, and
operating at 500 rpm. Gasoline is the fuel, so the factor of 14,000
will be used. The diameter squared is 16, this multiplied by the
stroke of 5 inches, and the product multiplied by 500 (rpm) gives a
figure of 40,000. Dividing this by 14,000 yields a delivered output
of 2.86 horsepower.

21/5/2 Q. Can you supply the year built and
proper paint color for the following:

Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse A4651 and A5554

Fairbanks-Morse Type H, 11887, 4 HP

Goold, Shapely & Muir, 1 HP Cub, #B837

Goold Shapely & Muir, 4 HP Type K, #15413

Enclosed is a picture of a Jacobson? Would like to correspond
with anyone who has this engine and who can tell me what parts are
missing. Also would like to correspond with anyone who has a Goold,
Shapely & Muir 1 HP Cub.

I have a Henricks Novelty Co magneto similar to the one on page
498 of American Gas Engines. Would like to know the year.

Also have an IHC Mogul 2 HP engine, s/n CZ3495 and it is all
red. Is this unusual? Bazil Rogers, 8 Davison Street, Hartsport,
N.S., Canada B0P 1P0.

A. Unfortunately, our serial number lists of
Fairbanks-Morse engines do not include data on the Eclipse or Type
H models. Likewise, we have no serial number data on the
G.S.&M. models either. We believe that the Eclipse and Type H
engines were finished in a deep blackish green, comparable to
Sherwin-Williams F1G 43119, International Truck, 1939-49, Dark
Green No. 10. We have no data at all regarding paint colors for
G.S.& M. Ignition dynamos from Henricks Novelty first appeared
about 1904, and dropped from sight in the early 1920’s. To our
knowledge, Mogul engines used the familiar olive green rather than
red. Has the engine been refinished in red? If in fact, it appeared
originally in red, this would be the first we have ever heard of
it. Kindly let us know.

21/5/3 Q. In the adjacent photo, could you
explain the decimal points in the serial number for this Maytag HP
vertical engine. In addition, there seems to be a weak set of
numbers included to the right. I make them out as 14880. Could
these be a part number? Or is this a replacement flywheel to which
the serial number was added? Any information would be appreciated.
P.S. The photo was taken by a forensic photographer. He filled in
the area with white chalk and rubbed away the excess to highlight
the numbers. Bernard Sanchez, 3217 S. Hempstead Ave., Arcadia, CA

A. We can’t tell you a thing about the
Maytag numbers and their possible significance, but perhaps Maytag
enthusiasts have discovered their meaning.

21/5/4 Q. Is there a possibility that various
engine clubs around the country might be able to form some sort of
group whereby they could be covered by a single carrier for the
purpose of liability insurance? Are there any insurance agents that
could lend us their expertise on this issue?

Secondly, I have a stock certificate that was issued by Atlas
Tractor Company, a Delaware corporation, on December 22, 1920.
There is no further information on the certificate except for the
signatures of Harry E. Adams and Kenneth L. Eddy. Can anyone supply
information on this company? Art Kuney, Secretary, Richmond Antique
Engine & Threshing Association, 9010 Shortcut Road,
Anchorville, MI 48004.

A. Delaware was a favorite corporation harbor,
at least during the early part of the century. We suggest you
either contact or visit the Secretary of State office in this state
to determine whether they can locate the original articles of
incorporation. This could shed some light on the company’s

21/5/5 Q. As a brand new engine collector, I am
writing for advice and information on my first vintage engine, a
2-stroke, 32-volt generator set. It is a Lalley-Lite, built about
1918 by Lalley Electro Lighting Corp., Detroit, Michigan. Does this
company still exist? Since this engine is relatively rare in
Australia, I have been unable to gain any information at all.
Although the mechanical end is fairly complete, the engine has no
switchboard, so I am appealing especially for information on the
electrical end. Any correspondence will be appreciated and answered
promptly. Ross Alcock, c/o Myponga Post Office, Myponga, South
Australia 5173.

A. The Lalley-Light is in no great supply here
in the U.S. either, in fact, the Reflector has only once laid eyes
on one. Hopefully, just one of our thousands of readers will have
some data on this outfit and be willing to share it with you. We
would presume that the switchboard from another 32-volt unit could
be retrofitted with acceptable results, and with only minor

21/5/6 Q. Have you come across any more
information on the Nelson Bros. engine line besides what you wrote
in American Gas Engines? They must have been one of the larger
companies, as even today, every engine show has several
Nelson-built engines. Dennis R. Brooks, 1208 Marciee Road,
Finksburg, MD 21048.

A. We agree with you that Nelson Bros. was a
large company in fact, they were in the motor truck business for
some years, marketing the Jumbo truck line. There is no question
that Nelson Bros. offered their engines to a large number of
distributors, who in turn, applied their own name tag. Since
assuming responsibility for editing this column, the Reflector has
heard of several individuals who are attempting to trace down all
the various engines built by Nelson Bros. and offered by other
companies. To date, we are not sure whether this has been
completed, but we certainly hope someone will take the effort to do
so, and share it in a full-length article.

21/5/7 Q. I am just beginning my first engine
restoration and need information, paint colors etc. on the
following engine:

IHC Type LB, s/n LBB38471

An interesting thing is that the brass drain cock has two German
swastikas stamped on it. Lewis Bomar, 309 Lincoln Lane, Billings,
MT 59105.

A. Your engine was built in 1944, and perhaps
therein lies a speculative answer to the swastikas. For all we
know, the company that made the valve had a Nazi sympathizer within
the ranksthat’s purely a guess, but would make sense under the
circumstances. These engines were finished in the usual IHC Red
enamel instruction manuals, spare parts, and information should be
readily available from many of the suppliers advertising in

21/5/8J. J. Levora, 62660 C.R. 380, Bangor, MI
49013 offers the following regarding the Ideal Lawn Mowers, and
specifically the Ideal engines: Their Instruction manual states
that the sight feed oiler should be adjusted to 6-12 drops per
minute. This will supply sufficient oil to lubricate the piston and
cylinder, with a surplus running into the crankcase to maintain the
proper oil level. The oil should be drained from the crankcase
occasionally to free it from dirt. A shutoff cock is provided for
draining; it is located on the underside of the crankcase. There is
also a shutoff cock on the side of the crankcase for determining
the proper oil level. Mr. Levora adds that while the 6-12 drops per
minute was OK for an engine running at full load, for show
purposes, 3-5 drops per minute is sufficient.

A further observation from Mr. Levora is to use care in handling
engines by the flywheels. The flywheel is already under plenty of
internal stress due to casting and machining, so rough handling
etc. can eventually lead to rupture of the flywheel, and no one
needs that kind of trouble, especially at a show where an innocent
bystander could be injured.

21/5/9 Q. What is the proper color for the
P&O plow produced at the same time as the Titan tractors? Also
the proper color for the Emerson-Brantingham plow when J. I. Case
bought out E-B? What is the proper paint formula for the Case RC
tractor 1935-38? It was a lighter color than used on the CC and L
series tractors. Between 1916 and 1922 the Grand Detour plows could
be equipped with a subsoiler on the beam that extended below the
bottom of the plow sole. Edwin Bredemeier, RR 1, Box 13, Steinauer,
NE 68441.

A. Our catalogs show the P & O to be red
with yellow wheels; the E-B was a very dark red with green wheels.
We have no formula data for the RC Case, but keep hoping someone
will supply this information.

21/5/10 Q.  I have a Fairbanks-Morse
engine, 6 HP, s/n 651030. It starts and runs good until it warms up
and then will take off and run wild every time. I can’t see
anything that is missing or broken. Can you help correct this
problem? Orville Rusch, RR 1, Box 131, Wheaton, MN 56296.

A. First of all, we would approximate your
engine to be a 1926 model. The problem almost certainly must be
with the governor and its linkage. Check the butterfly and shaft to
be absolutely certain there is no drag, and likewise there should
be no excessive clearance either. If the operating arm on the
butterfly shaft is secured with a clamping screw, perhaps the arm
is set ahead too far, allowing it to get past the center far enough
that the governor arm can’t pull it back. (We experienced this
problem on a 6 HP ‘Z’). The solution is to set the
operating arm on the butterfly shaft so it will have about equal
travel each side of a vertical position. Another problem might be
in the governor mechanism itself FBM ‘Z’ engine used a flat
steel spring in the governor yoke to minimize hunting. The small
screw on the side of the yoke makes this adjustment. Many times the
adjusting screw was completely removed for faster governor action,
especially when sawing wood and similar duty. Beyond this, the
spring plunger within the governor shaft could either be running
too tight in the shaft, or could be worn to such an extent that it
binds. In short, we are betting that the problem is somewhere in
the governing system.

21/5/11 Q. Gaskets are not available for many
of the old tractors and engines. Silicone and similar materials
work fine for oil pans, valve covers, etc., but what can be used
for head gaskets and manifold gaskets? Should any type of sealer be
used? Herb Wessel, Fairmount Farms, 2200 Fair-mount Road,
Hampstead, MD 21074.

A. In checking with some local
‘Packings’ distributors (see your local Yellow Pages), we
find that Garlock for instance still offers asbestos sheet
packings, but local distributors aren’t ordering much in the
way of new stocks. The point is, that if your distributor still has
some 1/16′ asbestos sheet packing similar to Garlock 7021, it
might be a good idea to lay in a supply. Next to this is a
non-asbestos product called Garlock Blue-Gard, Style 3400. It is
good for about 700 degrees F., and a full sheet, about 60′ x
60′ will cost somewhere around $100.00. The graphite based
homogeneous sheet packing, Graf-Lock can be secured either plain or
wire mesh, and is good for 2000 degrees F., but get prepareda
26′ square sheet will cost you over $400! We suggest using the
old copper clad gaskets whenever possible, some folks suggest that
before reusing you soak them in water for a few hours first. So far
as a sealerthick aluminum paint has served us quite well, and you
can get it apart later on, too!

21/5/12 Q. We need rings and gaskets for a
2-cylinder Novo, model and horsepower unknown at this time. Frank
A. Evenden, RD 1, Box 408B, Ulster, PA 18850.

A. Get accurate dimensions of the compression
and oil rings, then go to a local automotive distributor, or one of
the suppliers in GEM. Rings shouldn’t be very
difficult to find. Save the head and manifold gaskets if possible,
see the previous comment, 21/5/11 for further information.

21/5/13Sometime ago you commented on the gray
filler material used on old engines. A 1919 edition of South
Bend’s ‘How to Run a Lathe’ gives this formula for
filler cement:

Powdered Iron (cast) 5 lbs. Powdered Sal Ammoniac 2 oz. Powdered
Sulphur 1 oz. Moisten with water to form a paste.

I suspect this is what they used on old engines although it may
be the same as the tradename ‘Smooth-On.’ Glee C. Berry,
1281 First Ave., Salinas, CA 93905.

21/5/14 Q. I have a Duro engine with two bolts
on the same side as the ignition contact. Did these hold a battery
or just the ignition coil? Also is the muffler just a drilled pipe
cap, or something more elaborate? Also I have a Harley-Davidson
stationary engine, Model G515, s/n 810. Can anyone tell me about
this engine, age, etc. Robert A. Johnson, RR 2, Box 358, Canyon, TX

A. The Reflector is no help at all on either of
Mr. Johnson’s questions, but perhaps one of our readers can
supply some information.

21/5/15 Q. We are looking for more information
on Eagle tractors from Eagle Mfg. Co. Appleton, Wisconsin. Could
owners of Eagle tractors or equipment kindly send us serial numbers
and other data of their equipment. We have some literature but lack
anything on the 22-45 Model H and have little on the later
6-cylinder models. Any literature, photocopies, etc. will be
appreciated, and we will of course pay for postage and copying
charges. Eagle tractors are well known in many parts of Canada.
Thanks for your help. Rick Mannen, Box 62, Lynden, Ontario L0R 1T0

21/5/16 Q. I have a Case CO tractor, s/n
C305359 and need to know the proper color. My grandad is helping
me. Also would like to know the year and other information. Jeff
Chattin, Box 374, Lebanon, GA 30146.

A. Jeff is 13 years old, so he is getting an
early start at our hobby. With all the talk about helping the young
folks taking up the hobby, the Reflector begs you to give this
young collector a helping hand!

21/5/17 Larry Hochstein, Box 155, Wynot, NE
68792 would like to ‘beg, buy, borrow or steal’ a copy of
the Instruction Manual for the Standard Gasoline Engine as built by
Standard Separator Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Also needed is
information on a Standard without the three threaded holes for
attaching the separator, nor does it have a magneto or bracket. In
addition, this one has the fuel tank mounted above the carburetor,
instead of the usual arrangement of the tank beneath the carb. Does
anyone have a tracing of the fancy decals used on the base of the

21/5/18 Q. Joe B. Dill, RR 1, Box 26,
Lascassas, TN 37085 reports that he received an excellent response
on last fall’s inquiry about a warehouse scale. Mr. Dill would
like to know the proper colors  for a Deering Ideal mower
built from 1893 to 1911 (not the New Ideal). Proper paint scheme is
also desired for the McCormick-Deering No. 7 mower built from 1929
to 1939, and the No. 9 mower, built from 1939 to 1951.

A. We somehow recall that the Ideal used a
combination of the old ivory enamel, something of a cross between
white and yellow, for the mainframe, and IHC blue for the wheels.
We can’t guarantee this, since we have no original color
literature on it. The No. 7 we believe used a similar combination,
as we had one about 40 years ago. Now the No. 9 mower was all redas
a kid I helped my dad assemble two of them. He bought them at a
bargain price from an IH dealer in the early 1950’sthe catch
was that they were both in bundles as shipped from the factory. Mr.
Dill also asked about identification of an engine, but without a
photograph we are unable to give any precise details.

21/5/19 Q. What is the proper color for an
Ideal lawn mower engine, 1924 model? Richard Rucker, 5010 W. New
World Dr., Glendale, AZ 85302.

A. We believe them to be red, but do not have a
comparable color match at this time.

21/5/20 Q. On page 558 of American Gas Engines
the center illustration of a Witte engine shows a tee in the line
just above the carburetor. What is the purpose of the pipe rising
from this tee? Freddy Anderson, RR, Box 9020, Spirit Lake, IA

A. This is a riser vent for the fuel system.
The riser stands fully as high as the fuel tank, permitting air
bubbles to be disposed to the atmosphere.

21/5/21 Q. What is the year built for the
following IHC engines:

Type M, McCormick-Deering, S/N CW2483, 6 HP

McCormick-Deering LA, S/N LA2560

Also what is the proper color of the flywheel and skids for the
LA engine? Richard Ste. Marie, 48 Georges, Candiac, P. Q., J5R 3W6

A. The 6 HP engine is a 1926 model; the LA was
built in 1935, the second full year of production. We believe the
LA of this vintage had the face of the flywheel painted gray, and
possibly a few used IHC blue. The skids were, to our knowledge,
painted red.

21/5/22 Q. Last year I purchased a 1941
IH/McCormick I-6 tractor. It is now completely restored, but I have
a serious problem and fear my entire effort (and money) may be
wasted for lack of a part. The hydraulic brake system uses a slave
cylinder with Wagner-Lockheed number F.D. 6020. The main piston is
1 inches in diameter, and the smaller one inch diameter. No one
here in England has been able to help me, and the cylinder is
beyond repair with frost cracks. Welding has yielded numerous
hairline cracks. If anyone has any ideas or hope at all I will
furnish you engineers full size drawings of all the parts that make
up the cylinder. I do hope you can help me. J. L. Thomas, 5 Minett
Avenue, Rushwick, Worcester WR2 5TQ England.

A. Surely someone among our American readers
can dig up the parts Mr. Thomas needs so desperately, or can
suggest how he might get out of this fix. Good Luck, Mr. Thomas!
(See page 28 of our April 1986 issue for more details.)

21/5/23 Q. M. D. Penrod, 103 S. 5th St.,
Indiana, PA 15701 sends a photo, asking for information on this
engine. It was out of a railway maintenance car, and has no casting
numbers on the engine. (See below photo.)

21/5/24From Dan Porter, 1021 Churchill Dr.,
Norton, KS 67654 comes a refreshing letter. Mr. Porter is but 19
years old, yet he has been intensely interested in old tractors for
several years. Recently he acquired a Sears New Economy Tractor,
originally priced at $495. Thus far the only information to surface
has been a page from a Sears-Roebuck catalog. It indicates that the
tractor used a Ford Model A engine and transmission, ‘rebuilt
by Sears to exacting specifications.’ The catalog data also
indicates that the tractor was ‘Shipped from a factory near
LaSalle, Illinois. Anyone with any information on this tractor,
kindly contact Mr. Porter. The Reflector would likewise be
interested in hearing more about this one!

21/5/25 Q. I have a Delco light plant that runs
well, except I am unable to make it produce electricity. Would like
information more detailed than that in the usual instruction
manual. Need to know more about troubleshooting the generator,
testing for short circuits, etc. Ron Franz, RR 5, Box 357, Dothan,
AL 36301.

A. As an electrician by trade, the Reflector
has some ideas of what might be wrong, but explaining all of them
in the column takes far more space than we have. Our files have a
lot of instruction manuals, but not the type of information you
need. Hopefully one of our readers might have a detailed Delco
Service Manual as might have been supplied to dealers. Since the
generator has been out of service for some time, it may be
necessary to ‘flash’ it so as to regain the residual
magnetism before it can start building voltage on its own. The
Reflector cannot at this time even recommend a reprint book that
would contain the information you need.

21/5/26 Q. Of my three 8-cycle Aermotor pump
engines, two of them, s/n’s ‘CROOM’ and ‘920R’
have single-weight governors in the flywheel, and oil-lubricated
main bearings. The third engine, s/n ‘AUMIM’ has a
two-weight governor mounted on the crankshaft and grease-lubricated
main bearings. I understand the ‘newer’ style fluted hopper
Aermotor has a typical two-weight flywheel governor. Which of the
three 8-cycle engines is the old style, and which is the new style?
Can you advise on the proper color for these engines? Clark W.
Colby, RD 1, Box 199A, Greensburg, PA 15601.

A. Having never owned either an Aermotor
engine, nor having possessed anything but the tiniest amount of
literature on this line, we leave this answer to those who can
offer the needed assistance.

21/5/27 Q. Can anyone identify this engine?
(See the photos, 21/5/27a and b) It is of four-cycle design with
one overhead rocker arm, a flywheel on each side, and somewhat
resembles a Briggs & Stratton, at least insofar as the fan
cowling is concerned. Pete Patek, 9326 Hwy 42, Two Rivers, WI

A. This engine is not illustrated in American
Gas Engines, and to our way of thinking has some resemblance to the
Lauson, but we’re not sure of that either. Can someone help

21/5/28 Q. In the Webster magneto shop manual
for 1936, magneto bracket 303M41 is listed as fitting the 1 Hp IHC
Famous and Titan engines. Would this be the 1 Hp Titan hopper
cooled model? Has anyone seen an engine thus equipped?

Webster bracket 303M39 appears with six variations to fit the 1
to 6 HP IHC Type M engines. Since these engines had igniters
equipped with gear-driven magnetos, doesn’t it seem odd that
Webster would have seen enough demand for this unit?

The Webster Shop Manual also lists the 303K5 bracket for the 2
HP horizontal style, the 303K46B bracket for the 4 Hp
horizontal, and the 303K20A for the 3 HP vertical Famous engine. In
addition, the 1918 Titan parts book shows that the 2 HP used a
303J5 bracket, the 4 HP Famous horizontal took the 303J4 bracket,
and the 2, 3, and 5  Hp vertical Famous engines used the 303J2
bracket. I would like to hear from anyone who might be able to send
photos or other information on IHC engines equipped with Webster
magnetos. Leroy A. Baumgardner Jr., 1710 Hanover Pike, Littlestown,
PA 17340.

A. It would appear that at least some IHC
engines, even some Type engines were retrofitted in the field with
the Webster ignition system. Otherwise it would seem that Webster
would never have developed the necessary brackets for the purpose.
To what extent this occurred we do not know, but perhaps some of
our readers might have such an engine, and be pleasantly surprised
to know that this was a genuine changeover instead of a homemade

21/5/29 Q. We need information on a Beaver
tractor built by Rock Island Plow Company. Also need information on
rebuilding the friction flywheel and contact wheels on Beaver and
Heider tractors. Roger Beaver, RR 1, Box 73, Rolette, ND 58366.

A.We can’t tell you anything about the
Beaver tractor as such, but perhaps one of our readers can
enlighten us. Rebuilding the friction pulleys is nicely
accomplished by sawing out untempered
Masonite on a band saw.
After cutting out enough to fill the wheel, reassemble it and set
it up on a lathe to get it to proper size. This material works
quite well, but the usual tempered variety is too hard and takes a
gloss after a short time, making it very difficult to hold slippage
down to an acceptable level.

NOTE: A group of interested collectors from the Waterloo, Iowa
area, including Agricultural History Productions of Grundy Center,
Iowa have taken over the John Deere Two-Cylinder Club. This is just
as it was worded in the last newsletter. The new address is:
Two-Cylinder Club Box 2275 Waterloo, Iowa 50704

21/5/31 Q. Will the OHV engine in the
Massey-Harris 4-wheel-drive tractor interchange with any other
Massey-Harris engine? Is the head and other parts the same? Will
the radiator, hood, drawbar, etc fit from the flat-head model to
the OHV model, or will any other M-H radiator fit the 4-Wheel-Drive
tractor? Dalbert Johnson, 3461 Maple Grove Road, Duluth, MN

A. It will take a Massey-Harris expert to
answer Mr. Johnson’s questions the Reflector has no parts books
at all to make the necessary comparisons.

21/5/32Dale Boss, 7195 Colony Rd., LaMesa, CA
92041 forwards a couple of photos illustrating an unusual little
engine-generator outfit. This one uses a 234′ bore and stroke,
an air shroud similar to Kohler, but an intake and exhaust manifold
similar to Wisconsin Motors. Can someone identify this engine?

21/5/33 Q. Al Eback, 1649 2nd Ave E.,
Dickinson, ND 58601 needs information on a Fairbanks-Morse 1 HP
Style Z engine.

A. The engines were finished in a deep green
comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-72001. Reprint instruction manuals
for this engine are available from several GEM

21/5/34 Q. I have an Ottawa 16 HP engine, and
am having trouble understanding the carburetor system. In American
Gas Engines, page 365 you note that the 1915 models could be
purchased to run on gasoline, kerosene, or gas. My engine closely
resembles the one picture. Did Ottawa offer three different
carburetor systems, or was there a single carburetor used for all
three fuels. My engine has a separate chamber in the carburetor for
starting gasoline, plus an air preheater under the carburetor.
Complicating the problem, it is a hit-and-miss engine kerosene
engines are usually volume governed. Any information, manuals, etc.
will be appreciated. Don Batten, Rt. 8, Box 111, Gainesville, GA

A. Quite possibly this engine was later
refitted as a hit-and-miss style, using the same carburetor, but
running on gasoline instead of kerosene. When this engine was
built, dual-fuel carburetors were not commonly found, especially
where the conversion was from gas to gasoline and vice-versa.
Likewise, hit-and-miss engines were not at all suited to kerosene
fuel, since it was impossible to maintain the higher cylinder
temperature required for successful and continuous operation. Just
maybe someone has an original manual for this engine that they
might photocopy for you.

21/5/35 Q. Wayne Walker Jr., RR 1, Box 98A,
Onaga, KS 66521 forwards a photo for an engine base, but is not
sure of the builder. Could this be for a Kansas City Lightning 4 HP
model? Would like to hear from anyone who can identify it, and from
this we might be able to start looking for the rest of the

21/5/36 Q. John Niedzialkowski, 8111 Wheat-land
Road, Burlington, WI 53105 poses the following questions: 1) 
What is meant by a headless engine? 2)  What is a vacuum
engine? 3)  What is a flame licker?

A. 1) Headless generally refers to engines with
the cylinder and head cast in one pieceperhaps integral head might
be a better term.

2) Vacuum engine refers usually to a combination
engine-vacuum pump operating within the same cylinder. Best known
is the Taylor Vacuum engine designed especially to provide the
necessary vacuum for milking machines.

3)  Flame licker engines are more precisely atmospheric
engines utilizing an open flame near the cylinder intake. The
advertised models in various magazines either as kits or turnkey
models display some interesting aspects of thermodynamics but never
achieved any significance as a source of power. Flame licker
engines of a century ago referred to the open-flame ignition
originally used by Otto and others. Of all ignition styles, it was
probably the most troublesome and unreliable.


John Deere L Tractors John Rasmussen, 6750 Rattalee
Lake Road, Clarkston, MI 48016 writes that he has a number of the
unstyled Model L Deere tractors, and has had good success in
restoring them. He is willing to help other collectors by trying to
answer their questions. (Thanks Mr. Rasmussen for your offer to
help. It goes without saying that writers will enclose an SASE).

21/3/26Ottawa Engines Paul E. Smith,
RD 1, Box 81, Richfield, PA 17086 writes that he has an Ottawa
engine that is green rather than red, and was able to match it to
Sherwin-Williams F1G-622 (JX-JU) 7111 green.

Note: The Reflector failed to state in the above column that
at some point (we don’t know when) Ottawa did in fact change
over from red to green. We thank Mr. Smith for calling it to our
attention and for sending us the proper color match.

21/3/16Finding Decals Sam Terrell,
2970 Terrell Rd., New Vienna, OH 45159 notes that many implement
dealers are able to obtain old stock decals for tractors from
company warehouse stocks. Mr. Terrell also asks whether there is a
connection with the Sun-Power Engine Co. and Nelson Bros.?

Buda Engine Parts Several people wrote in on this
question, and the suggestion was offered that Surplus Tractor Parts
Corp., Box 2125, Fargo, ND 58107 might still have some parts on
hand. In addition, the 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder Buda engines were
used in Co-op tractors, Cockshutt models, and various other
applications. Thus, it might take some work, but we would guess
that at least some Buda parts, new or used, are still around.

Also regarding Buda engines, P. H. Heisey, 834 Gallup Road,
Spencerport, NY 14559 writes that he has an extensive notebook of
operating Coop and Cockshutt tractors, as well as a list of parts
tractors. Also, Mr. Heisey has an extensive collection of
operators, parts, and service manuals for the above. The NAPA
stores can get many of the major parts, and Peninsula Farm Supply
at Wellandport, Ontario can supply many parts, and they know of
other old Canadian dealers. The Co-op E-3 used the 4-153 Buda
engine, and the E-4 carried the 6-230 Buda engine. Allis-Chalmers
WD-45 Diesel engines are the same as the Buda CK-40 Diesel.

21/3/15Lauson engine Several letters
came in on this engine, identifying it positively as a Lauson UA
series, either the UA800, 2-3 HP, or the UAS800, 2.8-4.3 HP model.
These engines were built between 1932 and 1936.

21/2/16 Neward engine H. Penny, 25 Rand Road,
Villa Park, IL 60181 kindly forwards a photo of his restored Neward
engine. The color match is DuPont Centari 4737AM, Ford Candy Apple

Old Engine LiteratureFrom time to time we receive some
nice literature which we can use for stand alone articles or for
research. We were pleasantly surprised a few weeks back to receive
some excellent literature on the Tuerk engine built by Berlin
Gasoline Engine & Thresher Co., Berlin, Ontario, and the London
engine built by London Gas Power Ltd., London, Ontario. For these
items we thank Mr. Alex M. Edgar, Ayr, Ontario, Canada.

In closing this issue, we sincerely apologize for having to edit
your letters in some instances, but at this point we are at 22
typewritten pages of copy, so we have little choice. The Reflector,
as well as the folks at Stem-gas, really appreciate your letters
and your continued support.


Dirty fuel can cause endless problems with vintage engines.
Occasionally when cast iron tanks are used, it is almost impossible
to get them absolutely clean. Pieces of rust get under the check
balls or in the fuel line, causing no end of trouble. We have no
problem at all in using modern technology in these situations, and
have equipped several of our engines with ordinary glass sediment
bowls, suitably concealed so as not to spoil the outward appearance
of the engine.

Fuel pumps are another problem. If the plunger is worn or
fluted, carefully ream the barrel if out of round, then make a new
plunger to fit. The check balls often are rusty and pitted. Throw
these away and put in new checks (from a selection of old bearing
balls). If the seat is worn slightly, reseat it by dropping a
bearing ball down the hole. Then take a piece of tubing, such as
1/8 inch pipe, seat it firmly over the ball
and give it a smart blow or two with a hammer. Teflon string
packing is ideal for repacking the gland nut on fuel pumps, since
it is impervious to gasoline. It is available at many hardware
stores and supply houses.

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