
By Staff
Published on May 1, 1985
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With this issue we again present a large number of questions,
along with a number of answers to questions from previous columns.
The diverse nature of internal combustion engine and tractor
development leaves many questions to be answered, so we doubt that
there will be a shortage of necessary research any time soon.

Several letters have come in over the past couple of months
requesting accurate paint color numbers for various engines, with
the idea being to compile this data into booklet form. In Amercan
Gas Engines Since 1872 we included comparable colors for certain
engines, but did so only when we were reasonably sure of their
accuracy. Please note that we stated that these color numbers were
‘comparable to the original.’ Using this basic parameter,
we would entertain your specific data regarding the proper color
for various engines. While we believe the concept is great we have
no desire to be placed in a position of arbitrating the exact color
match where opinions differ. Using this ground rule, we welcome
hearing from anyone wishing to offer the proper paint and striping
scheme for various engines and tractors. With sufficient response,
perhaps the entire series could be assembled into booklet form, so
send us your color schemes right away, and we’ll see what

20/3/1 Q. Harry Kottas, 403 S. Randall St.,
Steeleville, IL 62288 is contributing to a book on Nebraska
inventors. His research leads to Emil Podlesak, a University of
‘Nebraska graduate who was later involved with the well-known
oscillating magneto design produced by Webster Electric Company. If
you can provide any data to Mr. Kottas, please contact him.

A. Our research indicates that the Webster
Oscillating magneto was built under the following patents: 638,933;
946,816; 947,647; 948,483; 1,003,649; 1,022,642; 1,051,373;
1,053,107; Reissue No. 13,878; 1,056,360; 1,096,048; 1,098,052;
1,098,754; 1,101,956; 1,169,612; 1,180,489; 1,180,426. Possibly
others were issued subsequently. Henry J. Podlesak lived in
Chicago, Illinois and was employed by International Harvester
Company. Tesla E. Podlesak is listed at Morris-town, New Jersey.
Together, Henry and Tesla held several of the above patents.
However, Patent No. 638,933 was issued to Benjamin Mdnnerney of
Omaha, Nebraska in 1899 and assigned to Mdnnerney Mfg. Co. of
Omaha. We would suggest that this specific company might have been
an early predecessor of Webster.

20/3/2 Q. What is the proper color of a
Worthington gas engine? We have a 4 HP, S/N 20883 Type W, and a 6
HP, S/N 23600 Type W. When were these built? Edward Strobel, Box 94
Hollylane, Waldorf, MD 20601.

A. Once again the question of color comes up.
Except for a dark green color, we have no color match at hand for
this one.

20/3/3 Q. What was the connection with Ideal
Mower Company and the Ideal Motor Company of Lansing, Michigan?
Wallace C. Retrig, in Sommitt Street, Leetonia, OH 44431

A. So far we cannot definitely state that the
above companies were one and the same, but our information points
in this direction. However, the company was listed at Lansing until
at least 1945, but the 1948 issue of Farm Implement News
Buyer’s Guide
list Ideal at 837 State Street, Springfield,

20/3/4 Q. I would like to know the approximate
age of a Tiny Tim portable power plant built by Continental Motor
Corp., Detroit, Michigan. Also need information on a garden tractor
built March 8, 1947 by Gray, Inc., Minneapolis Minnesota.

20/3/5 Q. From Ralph G. Hendrickson, Box 55,
Route 7, Nineveh, NY 13813 comes the following query: I have a 2 HP
Witte S/N B45907. Since there don’t seem to be any others at
shows, is this model considered rare? Also, I painted it the Forest
Green, but am wondering whether the color is correct.

A. We believe the 2 HP model was a transitional
style, and built for only a short time. To our knowledge, there are
not very many of these left. We would suggest that your Witte, like
the others, is green, comparable to DuPont Dulux #93-5800.

20/3/6 Q. I am seeking literature on late model
Oliver-Cockshutt tractors, and so far have not had much success.
Please notify the undersigned if you can help. G. Page, 7440 des
Ecores, Montreal, Quebec H2E  2W2 Canada

20/3/7 Q. What is the color of a Duro Engine
built by Duro Pump & Mfg. Co., Dayton, Ohio? We have one, S/N
101650 and would like to know its age, along with information on
the base and pump that went with the engine. Tom Stoskopf, Waverly,
1A 50677

20/3/8 Q. John A. Miller, RR 1, Box 258D,
Cassville, WI53806 would like to determine the age of an AG-6
Cletrac, S/N 3X8090, along with any other information on this

A. We have some serial number data on various
tractors, but nothing on this model. Anyone else with this

20/3/9 Q. We need help with a Beetnan Garden
Tractor. Unit was apart, but appears to be 95% complete. Will reply
to all correspondents. Joseph W. Thurston, 26181 Adrienne Way,
Hemet, CA 92344.

20/3/10 Q. Old John Deere Service Bulletins
show pictures of John Deere General Purpose stencils used on the
hoods and the model designation on the seat channel. For June
15,1937 only stencils are shown for the D, A, and B, models, but
not for the Model G. In February, 1938 the bulletin lists decals
available for all four models. Did the Model G come from the
factory with stenciled hoods, or did it have the decal from the
beginning? When did these four models change from stencils to
decals? Did the model G have ‘Model G’ painted on the seat
support panel? Was there a leaping deer with ‘John Deere’
over the top and ‘Moline, Ill.’ across the bottom, on both
the gas tank and the differential cover? Any serial numbers for the
changes would be of great help. Kevin Nadler, 610-A Riverview,
Washington, MO 63090

20/3/11 Q. Robert A. Johnson, Route 2, Box 358,
Canyon, TX 79015 writes that he has a Cushman Model BB, 2 HP engine
as illustrated on 118, upper left corner of American Gas Engines.
The intake, exhaust, and some other parts are gone. See
advertisement in the Classified Section. Can anyone supply further
information on this model, especially concerning ignition,

20/3/12 Q. Can anyone tell us about the
following engine: Blue Ribbon Engine, The Spotless Co., Richmond,
VA. 5 HP, S/N 11498. John D. Miller Ill, RR 1, Box 18,
Fishersville, VA 22939

A. Here’s one that isn’t listed in
American Gas Engines or anywhere else we can find. Perhaps someone
in the Richmond area might be of help.

20/3/13 Q. Is there a serial number listing
available on Massey-Harris and Oliver tractors? John B. Marvel,
16950 S. E. Division, Portland, OR 97236

A. Many issues of the old Tractor Field Books give this
information, and the Red Book from Implement & Tractor likewise
carries this data. Alan C. King 4790 River Road, Radnor, OH 43066
had compiled a serial number listing on Oliver and Hart-Parr

20/3/14 Q. Edwin H. Bredemeier, Rt. 1, Box 13,
Steinauer, NE 68441 had a Mono chain saw with a Tecumseh engine. He
writes: ‘When I want to start it I need to prime the
carburetor. Is it worn out? Would new rings remedy it? Are the
crankshaft seals worn out?’

20/3/15 Q. We need the proper paint colors for
the following: IHC Type M, 6 HP, Cushman Cub, and Cushman 20 HP,
Model 77. Also need proper skid dimensions for a 5 HP Aermoter
w/fluted hopper. Bradley Martin, 2212 So. T, Ft. Smith, AR

A. Once again the matter of color comes up. A
local paint company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa once offered this color,
but no longer had it available. The Reflector’s efforts to
accurately match this unusual shade of green have been so far a
total failure. In our opinion the Cushman Cub is a dark steel gray
comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-27625. This is possibly a little
darker than the original, but 93-27877 which closely matches
Ferguson tractor grey seems to be too light. Our own Cushman
vertical models are finished in Dulux No. 93-62713-H green.

20/3/16 Q. I have a Fairbanks-Morse Style H,
Model Y 10 HP engine like that on Page 167 of American Gas Engines.
The flywheel opposite the governor side had a flat steel band
pressed over the rim. It looks factory installed and is 5 1/16′
wide. What was the purpose of this band? Ken Doherty, 505 W. Line
St., Geneva, IN 46470.

A. We would guess that the engine might have
been belted directly to the flywheel, with the band merely serving
to carry a belt of sufficient width.

20/3/17 Walter Schrage, 1219 Lawn Ave., New
Haven, IN 46774 writes that the serial number of most Gray engines
is found on a inch wide rim in front of the water hopper next to
the cylinder head.

20/3/18 Q. What is the color for a 4HP Cushman
binder engine? How about a 4 HP Empire engine? Tom Crozier, RR 1,
Ailsa Craig, Ontario No M 1A0 Canada.

A. See 20/3/15 regarding Cushman. Does anyone
have color information on the Empire?

20/3/19 Q. From Robert ‘Bob’ Calhoun,
309 Decatur Road, Marquette Heights, IL 61554 comes the following:
This two-cylinder marine engine was found along the lllionois
River. The nameplate reads: ‘The S&H Engine’ Mfg. by
Perkins Bros., Havana, Illinois. 10 HP, S/N 603. Can parts from
other engines be used to get it back in shape?

A. First of all, the Reflector suggests that so
far as marine engines go, this one is probably a rare bird! Finding
one for the missing parts seems unlikely, so we suggest looking at
other marine engine designs and building or adapting whatever is
necessary. American Gas Engines illustrates many marine designs, as
do several other titles.

20/3/20 Q.  What is the correct shade of
red for Fairbanks-Morse engines? Marvin Bush, 202 Blaine Street,
Ellsworth, KS 67439.

A. Presumably Mr. Bush is indicating the
‘Battery-Equipt’ competition style that Fairbanks

20/3/21 Q. Can anyone supply the correct colors
for a blew Low-Down spreader built by McCormick-Deering,

A. perhaps one of our readers has colored
literature on this machine

20/3/22 Q. Dan Schmitt, 11920 Ponca Road,
Omaha, NE 68112 needs paint color data, or any other information on
an International Fairway 12 tractor, S/N FOS3375.

A. The serial number indicates this to be a 1938 model, but
since the Fairway was off the beaten track, we are not definitely
sure of the color scheme. As the name implies, this model was
designed especially for use on fairways, estates, and other areas
where maximum flotation with minimum damage to the soil surface was

20/3/23 Q. We need more information on this
engine-compressor built by Domestic Engine & Pump Co. for Chris
D. Schram & Son, Philadelphia, PA

A. See American Gas Engines, page 451 or write:
Preston Foster 3231 Randolph St. NW, Warren, OH 44485, enclosing an

20/3/24Tommy Kuntz, 7365 Alexander Road, Olive
Branch, MS 38654 writes that they have formed an engine club in
their area and asks anyone interested to contact Mr. Kuntz at the
above address.

20/3/25Richard C. Merritt, 220 Sunnyfield
Drive, Horseheads, NY 14845 sends us a photo of his 1938 Fordson
‘N’ at its first show. He also extends his thanks to Bill
Jergovich, 5397 Hatchery Rd., Drayton Plains, MI 48020 for advice
on solving the problem of valve chamber oiling on these models.

20/3/26Raymond L. Grogg, RR1, Box 466,
Churchville, VA 24421 is in need of serial no. information and
color scheme for a 1941 Oliver 60 Row-crop tractor.

20/3/27 Q. I need to re-babbitt an engine and
need some guidance. J. V. Turner, 3330 Park Avenue, Richmond, VA

A. We have poured bearings right over the
crank, and have also poured them around a mandrel. Either way, melt
out the old babbitt, being sure to clean the anchor holes. If these
are non-existent, it might be wise to thoroughly tin the boxing
with acid core solder. Thoroughly blacken the shaft or mandrel with
the smoky flame from just the acetylene on your torch. Line
everything up just as you want, being careful not to disturb the
blackened surface. Before replacing the loose half of the boxing,
cut cardboard shims that will just fit up to the shaft on both
sides (old cereal cartoons are ideal). Cut some V-notches in the
shims so that babbitt can run from one side to the other. Cut
cardboard rings to fit over the shaft and up to the bearing. Now
take some furnace cement, available at most hardware stores, and
carefully seal everything lest the whole business run all over the
floor. We usually let the cement harden for a couple of hours and
re-check it prior to pouring. Preheat the casting somewhat while
the babbitt is coming to temperature to avoid ‘chills’ and
‘cold-shots.’ When the babbitt will char a pine stick
within a couple of seconds it is hot enough. Overheating will leave
little more than a good grade of lead and the bearing won’t
amount to much. Go ahead and pour the bearing, and when it cools
off somewhat, take a very thin chisel to split the two halves.
Remember, they are joined by the V-notches you made in the
cardboard shims. The verdict is in when you look at the job. If it
doesn’t meet your expectations, melt it out and start over.
After pouring a lot of bearings, we concluded a long time ago that
most of this information isn’t in books, and we doubt that many
of the problems of babbitting will ever go into print. It is an art
nearly lost, but one that can be acquired with slight skill and
lots of determination. A word of caution: Be sure the boxing is
DRY!!! Hot metal contacting a small amount of moisture can cause a
minor explosion and can easily cause serious injury! Some of the
past GEM issues have carried information on this process, and
perhaps some of our readers can share some ideas as well.

20/3/28 Q. H. L. Claas, RR i, Box 302, Gerald,
MO 63037 sends us a photo of his garden tractor, but so far has had
no success in determining the make, age, etc.

20/3/29 Q. Can anyone supply information, paint
color, etc. on a Sears-Roebuck Model 220-7.5 Farm Tractor of about
1931? John Plank, Box 686, Hugoton, KS 67951

20/3/30 Q. Bob Seeley, RR 3, Box 176,
Warrens-burg, MO 64093 has a Cushman 6C- 34, 5-6 HP engine and
needs to know the color scheme and other information on this

20/3/31 Q. From Donald Weldele, 705 Lydia Road,
Helena, MT 59601 comes a request for proper paint colors on the
following: HP Trojan Jr. by Nelson Bros.; 1 HP Sattley by
Montgomery Ward, and a 5 HP Saxon by Brackett, Shaw, & hunt

20/3/32 Q. Does anyone have the details on
Rawleigh-Schryer engines? Also the Leader Iron Works pumping
engines? Larry Clark, RD 2, Middlebury, VT 05753

A. American Gas engines, page 408-409 gives a
brief history of the Rawleigh-Schryer operation. Leader Iron Works
is a rather elusive company, although a very few of their engines
still exist.

20/3/33Robert J. Begalle, 8516 M. 5 Rd.,
Gladstone, MI 49837 is in need of information on a Cletrac tractor
with a six-cylinder Wisconsin engine.

20/3/34Looking for information, age, etc. of
this little model steam engine and boiler is William H. Andreotta,
109 Kay Drive, Middletown, OH 45042

20/3/35An Eagle Model H, 40 HP tractor needing
attention is the query of James Manca, Lot #194, Evergreen Mobile
Pk., Edmonton, Alta. T5B 4M2 Canada. Needed is operating
information, specifications, etc.

20/3/36Q. Has any one heard of an Adriance
grain binder? Albert J. Ruhland, 8290 W. 280th St., New Prague, MN

A. Adriance, Platt & Co. dated back to the
1850’s. John H. Adriance was the moving force. About 1900,
Adriance, Platt bought out the D. S. Morgan & Co. of Lockport,
New York and thus strengthened their position in the harvester
industry. Adriance Platt was purchased by Moline Plow Company in

20/3/37 Q. Can anyone identify the hay press
picture here? There are no identifying marks we can locate. Frank
Gleadall, RR A1, Coldwater, Ontario L0K 1E0 Canada.

20/3/38 Q. James L. Second, RR3, Thamesville,
Ontario, NoP 2K0 Canada is looking for information on the Beeman
Garden Tractor shown here.

20/3/39Briggs & Stratton people, take
notice! Wallace Skyrman, 4588 Pacific Hwy. North, Central Point, OR
97502 has a Briggs & Stratton Parts Book that lists the
alphabetical models in 370 pages. Although we had hoped to include
a skeleton listing with this issue, a lack of space prevents us. If
interested, send and SASE to Mr. Skyrman, and perhaps something for
the photocopies. He can send you further details.

20/3/40 Q. What is the proper color for a New
Way engine of this photograph? Harold & David Green, KR1, Box
63, Avoca, 1A 51521

A. New Way engines of this style are a
combination of maroon and olive green with an abundance of gold
striping. We do not have the exact color numbers.

20/3/41 Q. How does one go about installing new
ignitor points, and what is the best material? Louis G. Shafer,
7125 Old Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN 37921

A. File off the back side where it is riveted
over, drive out the old point, and install the new one. Often times
it is necessary to dress the new points so that each mates the
other over a large surface. We are told that ignitor points for
John Deere engines are available through John Deere dealers. With
slight modification, these will work in many other ignitors as

20/3/42 Q. M. Mayers, 31412-1061/1 PL SE L5,
Auburn, WA 98002 has an International Tom Thumb engine with no
lever to change the timing. Instead, a brass shoe on the push rod
contacts the pin on the side of the cam gear.

A. Does anyone know about this deviation from
standard pratice?

20/3/43 Q. Several people have written in
regard to ‘Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company, Waterloo, Iowa on
the nameplate of the John Deere Model E engines. A. To our
knowledge, the above designation was used by Deere for several
years following their acquistion of the above company.

20/3/44 Q. Fred Forshaw, Caunton Common,
Cauton, Neward, NG 23 6 AU England needs information on the magneto
used by the Acme gas engines. He is also hopeful of corresponding
with other owners of the Acme engines and will reply to all

20/3/45 Q. What is the proper color for
Galloway engines? What is the correct striping on a 1 HP Hercules?
Kevan Stafne, 602 Sawyer, Lead, SD 57754 A. We have Galloway listed
as comparable to DuPont Dulux #93-660-H.

20/3/46 Q. Can anyone identify the engine shown
in the enclosed drawing? Art Sinning, 6944 11th Ave. S.,
Minneapolis, MN 55423

20/3/47 Q. What is the proper color for a Foos
Jr. engine? Dan Myers, 1515 14th St. NE, Canton, OH 44705

20/3/48 Q. Can anyone give us the color scheme
and other information on this engine? Nameplate data includes:
United States Motors Corp., Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Model OK-1, S/N

A. To answer this and several other questions
regarding marine models, we point to a letter form Thomas E.
Stranko, 2478 Stephanie Lane, Binghamton, NY 13903. Mr. Stranko
lists dozens of marine catalogs he has collected over the years.
This material is NOT for sale, but he will correspond with other
enthusiasts in this regard. Be sure to send an SASE!

20/3/49G. D. Bowers, D.V. M., Cowgill, MO 64637
sends us some interesting material regarding a 40 HP Heer engine
and a big irrigation pump installed complete and operating back in
1911. Total installed price was $ 1,490.00.( American Gas Engine,
page 224, gives some data on the Heer engine line). ED


20/1/8Lauson Engine Color… Brad E. Smith,
7574 So. 74 St., Franklin, WI53132 gives the following formula: 32
oz. #7745 Sunset Yellow Rustoleum and mix in 12 oz. #7779 Gloss
Black Rustoleum. Mac Sine, 9025 Phoebe Ct., Annandale, VA 22003
states that DuPont Dulux #24166 Brewster Green is correct. Also,
the Lauson W-Series engines sold to the Lansing Company were gray.
Mr. Sine has a fair amount of information on Lauson engines and can
provide approximate dates of manufacture. See his article in the
March/April, 1975 issue GEM.

20/1/19James Dekle, 430 Colton Ave.,
Thomasville, GA 31792 encloses this photograph of a Jacobsen engine
like that of the above code number, thus definitely establishing
its origin. Several letters came in on this one. Also, regarding
this query, the Instruction Manual & Repair List for the Leader
by Field Force Pump Co. is available form Starbolt Engine Supplies,
6713 Dorsey Road, Laytonsville, MD 20879.

20/1/3A number of letters, plus several parts
books and manuals came in on Fairmont Railway Motors Inc.,
Fairmont, MN. This company is still in operation, so we suggest you
address your inquiries directly to them.

20/1/4Additional ideas have been received on
freeing stuck pistons and other engines parts. One letter suggested
the old-time method of submerging the entire assembly in a running
creek for several days. After some thought, perhaps the idea might
have some real merit. Also suggested was dropping the frozen
assembly into a hot dip tank such as auto rebuilders use for
cleaning. After a few hours in the dip tank, stuck and frozen parts
seem to come apart with relative ease.


Let us say that if your questions or comments have been edited,
please understand that the great amount of material coming in
requires that we do so. Likewise, letters coming in close to the
deadline may not appear until the next issue. Where possible,
questions and/or answers have been combined to conserve space. The
great number of requests for proper color schemes indicates that a
great many engines will be ready to show and enjoy in 1985.

The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.

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