26/3/14 Engine BatteryBill Wallner, 2039 Laurel
Rd., Cave Junction, OR 97523 sends along some interesting
‘Several years ago I was at an engine show with my display.
I noticed a guy’s engine with an ignitor and coil, but
didn’t see a battery. Then I discovered he was using a battery
from an old Polaroid film pack. He told me that sometimes they last
two days, and other times a half hour. Usually though, they last a
whole day. See the sketch of how it is set up.’
26/3/15 Stover Engine Q. See the photo of a
Stover engine. It has no identification or model number. I have to
rebuild the governor and need to know for sure what model it is.
This engine has a 3? x 5 inch bore and stroke; the flywheels are
17? inches. Any information will be appreciated.LeRoy W.
Martin, 2135 Bainbridge Rd., Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
A. Your engine is a 2 horsepower Type KA
26/3/16 Ruston-Hornsby Q. See the photo of a
Ruston Class 4M diesel engine with gasoline start. It is s/n
156503, 8 x l5? inch bore and stroke, and 54 inch flywheels. Can
anyone advise the proper colors, year built, and other information
on this engine. There is also a valve in the carburetor that is
missing. I believe it is only used when starting and in the closed
position when running on diesel. Does anyone have a picture of this
carburetor so I can make the needed parts? Any information will be
appreciated. Arvin Teige, RR 2, Shevlin, MN 56676.
A. Information on the Ruston-Hornsby engines is
available from: Mr. Ray E. Hooley, 16 Alexandre Avenue, Nth
Hykeham, Linoln England LN6 8NR.
26/3/17 Armstrong Engine Q. See the photo of a
6 HP Armstrong engine. It is similar to the kerosene style shown on
the bottom right, page 32 of American Gas Engines. My engine has a
Webster low tension ignitor and is hit-and-miss. The flywheels are
37 inches in diameter, with a 2? inch crankshaft. The ignitor
bracket is 303K49 with a two-bar magnet on the Webster. The color
is close to Jaeger blue, the maximum r.p.m. is 350. The engine came
with a Holley bronze updraft carburetor. Is this the correct
carburetor, or did this replace the original mixer? Any information
will be appreciated. John E. Derby, 3286 Cramlington Dr.,
Gibsonia, PA 15044.
A. We doubt that the Holley was original
equipment, particularly on a hit-and-miss engine. Chances are that
the original mixer did not work very well, so the Holley replaced
it somewhere along the line.
26/3/18 Engine Guide Q. Has anyone compiled an
engine catalog indicating the degree of rarity? Such a catalog
exists for cast iron implement seats, and it’s a dandy. William
M. Honey, Box 141, West Tisbury, MA 02575.
A. Price guides exist for everything from reed
organs to postage stamps. As your letter indicates, no one has
tackled the job for engines or tractors. Part of the reason is that
rarity, or perhaps desirability, has never been well defined in our
hobby. For example, an unusual marine engine that might be the
pride of marine engine collectors would be unimportant to someone
specializing in hit-and-miss engines. A nice IHC Type M engine
rarely brings the price commanded by a John Deere Type E engine,
yet there are some collectors who have no John Deere engines-they
deem them too common to bother with. So, that’s the problem,
there are so many different ideas in our hobby as to what
constitutes rarity, desirability, and current value that compiling
this type of catalog would indeed be a difficult task.
26/3/19 Unidentified Tractor Q. See photo 19-A
of a recently acquired garden tractor. Can anyone tell me about
Also, see photo 19-B of an Oliver 70 tractor that I recently
restored. James K. Hill, 2567 Hesperia, Bradley, CA
26/3/20 Dempster Engine Q. I recently acquired
a Dempster gas engine. I need to know the horsepower, proper color
scheme, etc. It uses a ported exhaust similar to the Gade. The
flywheels are 24? x 2 3/8 inches. The cylinder head number is 2H3,
flywheel, 2H21, carburetor 2H50 1/2, and exhaust manifold, 2H19.
Any information will be appreciated. Kevin A. Behnke, 3325 North
65th St., Wausau, WI 54401.
26/3/21 Maytag Aero Plane Q. Can anyone supply
the correct wing dimensions for the Maytag Aero Plane? This and any
other information will be greatly appreciated. See photos 21-A and
21 -B. George Brown, 2335 S. Goldenrod Rd., Orlando, FL
26/3/22 FBM Type H Engine Q. I recently became
the owner of a Fairbanks-Morse Type H, 4 HP engine, s/n 151770. Are
decal transfers available for this engine? If not, is there anyone
with a color photo of the decals for the water hopper and
crankguard. This engine came straight out of a farmyard in
Leicestershire, cracked head, piston cracked, connecting rod bent,
half of con rod bearing missing, and magneto bearings worn out. I
have overcome all these problems, and hope someone can help me make
it look as good as new. Any help or information will be
appreciated. C. Heathcote, Flat 4, 221 Branston Rd.,
Burton-on-Trent, Staffs, DE14 3DB England.
A. We don’t know of anyone reproducing the
beautiful FBM Type H engine decals. However, if anyone can supply
Mr. Heathcote with the needed photos, we’re confident that this
engine will look like new once again.
26/3/23 IHC Type M Engine Q. What is the year
built for a 1?HP Type M engine, s/n A 3169M. This engine has the
grease hole for the rod bearing on the governor side rather than on
the magneto side. Also there is a long tapped hole in the
crankshaft which uses a long bolt rather than a grease cup. Were
some of these engines painted blue, rather than the usual dark
green? Any information will be appreciated. Ray Scott, 851 –
3rd Street NW, Valley City, ND 580/’2.
A. Your engine was built in 1918. At this early
point, it is entirely possible for the engine to have been finished
in IHC Blue. As we have noted several times in the past, there is
every indication that the IHC engines sold through the Osborne
branches were finished in this manner.
26/3/24 Ottawa Log Saw Q. I recently bought an
Ottawa log saw, s/n TE 12160, 4 horsepower. The wood parts are
rotted away, so I need to contact someone who can supply the
original dimensions of the wood parts. Also, can anyone tell me the
year built? James R. Taylor Sr., 1305 Second St., Friend, NE
A. So far as we know all the Ottawa production
records have been destroyed.
26/3/25 Stover Grinder Q. I recently purchased
a Stover Ideal Duplex No. 9 grinder. Can anyone supply information
on this machine?K.W. Schuknecht, 421 E. Coolidge Ave.,
Appleton, WI 54915.
A. Although the Stover engine records are
intact, the records pertaining to the feed grinders and other
machinery are virtually non-existent. We have located some
information on the No. 5 and No. 6 grinders, but nothing on the No.
26/3/26 Northwestern Mixer Q. Last August I
bought a Northwestern concrete mixer made in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
It has a vertical engine that looks like a Novo. It is 3? HP, s/n
15525. However, it has no tag other than Northwestern, so I am not
sure of the make. The engine uses a Wico EK magneto. There are no
grease cups on the crankshaft, no inspection plate for the rod
bearing, and no sump drain or fill hole. The crankcase breathers
are small holes in the crankcase just above the main bearings that
oil the mains. I don’t know how the rod bearing is lubricated.
Is this a Northwestern engine? When was it built? Should I use
heavy oil in the oiler? Would anyone have any operating information
on this outfit?
I also have an IHC Famous 8 horsepower engine with no name tag.
Is there a serial number stamped on the engine? Louis G.
Shafer, 7125 Old Clinton Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37921.
A. We’re not sure if Northwestern actually
built their own engines, although they certainly had the
manufacturing capabilities to do so. If this is a Novo engine, then
it’s different from anything we’ve ever seen…in other
words, it’s no Novo! The IHC Famous should have the serial
number stamped on the end of the crankshaft, or perhaps in some
other strategic location.
26/3/27 Unknown Engine Q. Can anyone identify
the engine in photos 27-A and 27-B? Charles Balyeat, 332
Stephens Loop, Mathis, TX 78368.
26/3/28 FBM Model 32 Engine Q. We have acquired
a 6-cylinder, 360 horsepower Fairbanks’ Morse Model 32 engine.
It has a 14 x 17 inch bore and stroke. The engine is coupled to an
electric alternator. It was last run in 1969. In late November we
got it started. Moisture from condensation had collected in the
governor housing and froze the push rods that work the injector
pumps. After correcting this problem the engine started on the
first try. Approximately how much does this engine weigh? Lloyd
M. McGowen, 315 Laboone Rd., Easley SC 29642.
A. The bare engine will weigh between 40 and
45,000 pounds. The flywheel weighs about 10,000 pounds. The total
weight of alternator rotor, stator, exciter, and flywheel will be
close to the weight of the engine. Looks like you will need a
triple axle trailer for the engine and a tandem trailer for the
alternator etc. Another trailer or smaller truck will also be
needed for the auxiliary parts, exhaust, etc.
26/3/29 Engine Numbers Q. What is the year
built of the following engines:
Olds No. 1, Type A, 1? HP, s/n D3747; Duro (mfg. by Stover), s/n
AC99346; Eclipse, made by Fairbanks-Morse.
John M. Preston, 2500 Curtis Rd., Leonard, Ml
A. The Duro was probably built in 1917, but we
cannot help you on the Olds. Send us the number on the Eclipse and
we’ll try to date it for you.
26/3/30 Dates Needed Q. Can you supply
manufacturing dates for Economy, Alamo, or Ideal engines? Hal
Opdyke, 4960 Sioux Way, Okemos, MI 48864.
A. No.
Readers Write
Wico EK Information Glen L. Schueler, HCR 2,
Box 88, Friona, TX 79035 sends the following info:
Sales Bulletin No. 79 of December 10, 1954 announced the end of
production on the Wico EK and OC magnetos. However, Wico agreed to
fill all orders received up through January 31, 1955, and agreed to
continue providing service parts.
Bulletin No. 39 of June 25,1947 notes that the old 12X235
condenser was superseded by the X6494 condenser having a capacity
of .16 to .20 microfarads, the standard for most other Wico
condensers. This bulletin also notes that all EK magnetos after s/n
988975 ‘will be made with a new magnet group part number X6057
which consists of a large Alnico type magnet mounted in a
lamination group. The group fits between the two magnet cores and
replaces the eight-bar type magnets formerly used. Part number
IKAX-141 magnet and core group will also be supplied with the new
magneto group. The list price of X6057 is $2.75.’ (Wouldn’t
it be nice to buy all this for $2.75 nowadays?)
Welding Cast IronIn reference to welding cast
iron on page 4 of the November 1990 GEM:
I have been doing my farm welding for 40 years. I never use
nickel rod except where some machining is needed. I use
non-machinable cast iron welding rod which is many times
A neighbor had a small tractor which rolled down a hill and hit
a tree with the back rear wheel. That did a lot of damage to the
housing. The tractor was brought to my shop. I welded this all back
together with non-machinable cast iron rod. I veed out all of the
cracks with the electric arc. It is much faster than grinding. So
far as I know, it is still going.
Another job I did was to weld the main frame of my Oliver 77
tractor. It broke just in front of where it bolts to the rear
housing. I veed this out clear through, since I did hot trust my
vertical welding too much. I laid some short rods across the weld
and welded them on. I have had no more trouble. J.W. Maine, RR
1, Leonard, MO 63451.
Waterloo Boy Paint Scheme Several readers wrote
in response to this recent query. See pages 536 and 537 of American
Gas Engines for a general idea of the striping scheme. The stripes
are yellow over a green finish.
John Deere Tractors I believe who ever wrote up
the story on the big John Deere tractor is wrong. Here’s why.
Look at the model decal. It says ‘R’. The exhaust and
intake are wrong. On a ‘D’ they’re side by side in
front, right and left. This is a straight diesel. The ‘D’
was all-fuel. Look at the fuel filters on the side. Last but not
least, this tractor is bigger, longer, and so heavier. I have a
1948 ‘D’ and the only thing that looks the same is the
pulley and front tires. The people who won the big M-M are members
of our club. H. Rossow, POB 15, Weston, ID 83286.
Dick Hamp Writes! After a noticeable absence,
we got a nice letter from Dick Hamp, 1772 Conrad Ave., San Jose, CA
95124-4501. Dick tells us that the engine of 26/1/2 (January 1991
GEM) is a ‘Sprayer Engine’ built by Witte for the Bean
Spray Pump Company.
Dick tells us the reason for his long hiatus, and we relate his
story as a warning to all of us working around old iron:
I had an accident on September 27, 1989 and it took the wind out
of my sails! I was cranking a 1938 A-C ‘M’ tractor which I
had just repaired for an elderly friend. I had my thumb in the
proper position (folded back into my hand, and not wrapped around
the crank!!). I was pulling the engine through one cylinder at a
time. The engine would fire, but not start. I decided to give it a
good spin, and when I did this it kicked back, breaking the small
bone in my right arm at the wrist, and dislocating my wrist. I was
in a cast for eight weeks, and then I had to do physical therapy
for ten weeks. I was off work for three months. I am happy to
report that my arm is now back to normal. I have been cranking
engines since I was thirteen years old, and this is my first
cranking accident. You can never be too careful!
Paint Color Listing Several people sent us
additional paint color identifications. Rather than handle these
letters individually, it seems better to group this information in
a single heading. Thanks to all who sent information, and if anyone
has additional numbers to add, please do so!
Despite word that DuPont is phasing out their Dulux Enamel, it
appears that they are still making it, despite the word from some
of the paint shops. By the way, we have learned that DuPont has
three different shades of John Deere Green, so be sure to get what
you want BEFORE they mix it. One writer says that DuPont 651 Green
is a perfect match for a 1948 John Deere tractor. It’ is made
only in Dulux, not in Imron or Centari.
John Hamilton at Webster Groves, Missouri tells us that DuPont
Centari 5800-A Green is an exact match for the McCormick-Deering
Type M engines. Also, the 1929 Sattley from Montgomery Ward uses a
gray that matches Ford 8-N Gray. The 1919 Sattley engines were
black for the gasoline models and brown for the kerosene
For the Cockshutt and Co-op tractors the following numbers are
YellowJK-6475 Sherwin-Williams,RedJK-8522G Sherwin
Williams,Harvest Gold JK-8523 Sherwin Williams,Co-op
Orange90T-22014 Martin-Senour from NAPA.
Where the numbers do not correspond with existing numbers,
we’ll do some correlating and try to determine which comes the
closest to an original match.
Modelmaker’s Corner
Nothing to report this month.
A Closing Word
Did you know that in 1929 the Nichols & Shepard Company
offered five different sizes of combines? The smallest size was the
22 x 30 Prairie model. It had a cut of 10 feet. Power came from a
Waukesha four cylinder engine with a 3? x 4? inch bore and stroke.
At the top of the scale was the 28 x 40 Prairie model. This and all
other sizes of Nichols & Shepard combines were powered by
Hercules engines. In this case it was a four- cylinder model having
a 4? x 5? inch bore and stroke.
Wood Bros. Thresher Company of Des Moines, Iowa also offered
their New Model Prairie combine. It featured a 12-foot cut and used
a 21 inch cylinder with a 36 inch separator. Power came from a Buda
four-cylinder engine. The Wood Bros. combine of 1929 made more
extensive use of Timken roller bearings than any of its
Ground speeds varied from 2 to 3 mph. At the highest speed, a
12-foot combine was technically able to harvest about 4 acres an
hour. Pit stops for grain unloading, greasing, and maintenance
certainly cut down on the production time. With barely adequate
power plants on the 1929 machines, it can be safely guessed that
infestations of horseweeds, morning glories, or cockleburs cut
production time to a fraction of the optimums listed.
The American Thresherman Magazine of 1928 indicated that over
20,000 combines were being used in Kansas, mostly in the central
and western parts of the state. Iowa had only 78, Missouri 65, and
Wisconsin only 3 combines. Montana was using 3,200, followed by
California with 2,600. Very few combines were in service east of
the Mississippi River, and several states had none at all.
We’re sure that no one at the time thought that combines would
ever bring a complete end to the threshing machine. But then,
farmers were also sure that nothing could ever replace the steam
engine on the farm….
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum
for the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.