During the past few weeks the Reflector received several
comments regarding the quality of American manufactured goods a
subject mentioned by us in a recent column. Although Reflections is
not now and will not be a political forum, the Reflector strongly
agrees with men like Lee Iacocca who believes it is high time for
Americans to regain the position of leadership in factory
Speaking not from a political position but from a historical
perspective, America’s role of leadership in world trade began
back in the 1850’s. Way back in 1853 John H. Manny was shipping
reapers overseas within a few years American farm equipment
companies were exporting nearly as many machines as were sold in
domestic trade. Maybe it’s time Americans returned to the work
ethic so ably demonstrated by these eminently successful men. With
this we end further discussion of the subject.
The Reflector happily reports that his newest toy, a 360 HP
Fairbanks-Morse Model 32B engine is now moved home. This one
carries a 14 x 17 inch bore and stroke and operates at 257 rpm.
Included is a 250 kw, 2300 volt, 3-phase alternator. Rather than
see this fine specimen junked, the Reflector and several others
retrieved it from its probable doom. Since several readers have
either called or written us about this engine we thought it
appropriate to respond. No time table has been set for setting the
engine on its new foundation, but perhaps we can supply some
photographs later on.
Due to the holidays our correspondence is somewhat shorter this
month than usual, but here goes:
21/3/1 Q. John F. Harris, RR 6, Box 167,
Frankford, IN 46041 sends this letter, partially edited to conserve
As I read the Reflections column, I get the impression that the
Reflector is writing a book on the Allis-Chalmers and Rumely
equipment and tractors, mostly the farm equipment branch.
From my two recent articles in the Jan. 1986 GEM you would
gather that I am partial towards John Deere. However a few years
ago there was a book published about 150 years of International
Harvester. I bought one and spent hours and hours and hours reading
it and looking at the pictures. Then I began waiting for an equally
good book on John Deere to be published.
I am still waiting for a good book to be published about John
Deere… oh, yes, there was a book published about John Deere, but
to me, that book was completely useless, and a big waste of money
at any price. It dealt with the company, law suits, people, and
almost completely left out the most important items of all the
product produced at the reader’s level. There was not one
serial number of even one tractor, and the reader would get the
idea that there were only three types of tractor produced, the
Waterloo Boy, the Model D, and the Model A. As you read the book
you get the idea that the writer copied the records of court trials
(word-for-word) and office records in the personnel office and
actually knew little or nothing about what came out of the factory
doors, or what it was supposed to do.
I am sure that if the writer of the Allis-Chalmers book
follows the pattern of the writer of the IHC book he will have a
book that will please the reader extremely well.
A.. For several reasons, the Reflector was
compelled to print most of Mr. Harris’ letter. First of all, C.
H. Wendel, the Reflector, and the writer of the IHC book previously
mentioned are all one and the same bird. As such, we wish to assure
Mr. Harris and anyone else interested that we intend to use the
same general scheme with the Allis-Chalmers book as with the IHC
book and other titles penned over the past few years.
Regarding the comments on the recent Deere history, for ethical
considerations we have, for the most part, refrained from criticism
of another person’s writing efforts. So far as a book of the
general style of the IHC book, however, it would appear that Deere
& Company has a different view of the matter, and possibly
would prefer a book tailored to a predetermined public image. As we
have stated previously, this matter should properly be referred to
Deere & Company. Should the Reflector ‘choose sides’
then it would eventually become impossible to write objectively and
without prejudice.
By the way, work is continuing day by day on the history of
Allis-Chalmers, Rumely, and allied operations.
21/3/2 Q. What is the proper color for
the Twin City tractors? and what is the age of a Twin City KT, s/n
301353? Also have a Twin City s/n 27198 either a 17-28 or a 12-20.
Rodney Miller, RR 1, Box 56, Bancroft, NE 68004.
A.. Our serial number lists are not at all
complete, but we would guess that No. 27198 is a 17-28 of 1929
vintage. The KT, No. 301353 is a 1930 model. We do not have the
exact shade of gray enamel in our files.
21/3/3 Q. Nevin Kemmerling, 124 Grouse
Dr., Bath, PA 18014 asks for the proper color of a 1 HP Little
Jumbo engine.
A.. We keep working on a listing of paint
colors, but if we have this one we cannot locate it. Taking on the
job of compiling paint colors has been a tough job, but hopefully
we can see it through before long.
21/3/4 Q. From H. G. Smith, 19, Rotten Row,
Risely, Bedford MK44 1EJ England comes a query on the Witte Log
Saw. Mr. Smith needs the proper color, and would like to know its
age. It bears s/n 45876.
A. The Witte log saw appears to be a deep green
comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-5800. We have no serial numbers on
the Witte engines.
21/3/5 Q. Luke Anderson, Box 54, Dillonvale, OH
43917 sends a photo of his Now KU3X4 engine. New valves were
required, and these were turned down from NAPA Part No. 211-1066
409. The crank end of the connecting rod was built up and fitted
with Wisconsin engine bearings NAPA Part No. N3A 9885CP Std. Mr.
Anderson notes that when ordering piston rings, give the piston
diameter, cylinder bore, ring width, and depth of ring groove.
Also, Mr. Anderson replaced the felt seals on his engine using an
old pair of felt boot liners as a source of felt.
21/3/6 Q. Can anyone supply information on the
Leslie engine built by St. Albans Mfg. Company, St. Albans,
Vermont. I have an old insurance certificate for one of these
engines; it is dated August 31, 1910. Raymond Bunzey, Box 131-A,
Unadilla, NY 13849.
A. American Gas Engines does not show
this company at all. Should any of our readers have information for
our files it would be appreciated.
21/3/7 Q. What is the proper color of the 5 HP
Woodpecker engine. Also, we have a 5 HP Empire engine, throttle
governed, and need to know more about the ignition system. I know
that the hit-and-miss model used the Webster K-26 magneto, but it
seems to me that the throttle governed style would have something
different. Burl H. Gillum, 6637 Pendleton Dr. NW, Roanoke, VA
A.. Once we get the color code book done,
getting the proper match should be much easier. For the present, we
ask that someone knowledgeable about the proper color get in touch
with Mr. Gillum. Some engines did indeed use the Webster system
even though the engines were of the throttle governed variety.
While the Reflector has always considered this to be an awful lot
of mechanism, the alternative of using a battery and coil system
was even less desirable. With the advent of successful high tension
magnetos adapted to stationary engines the problem was solved.
21/3/8 Q. Can you supply information on my Twin
City Minneapolis tractor, Model KTA, s/n 305700E? Robert L. Koehn,
870 S. Cody, Lakewood, CO 80226.
A.. Yours is a 1937 model. We are not sure of
the exact shade of gray. The KT was tested at Nebraska in 1930
under No. 175. Rated by the company at 11 drawbar and 20 belt
horsepower, it delivered a maximum test output of 25.83 belt
horsepower and showed a fuel economy of 9.99 horsepower hours per
gallon of kerosene. In this test the KT recorded the identical fuel
economy as the McCormick-Deering 15-30 under Test No. 156 of
21/3/9 Q. We have an Associated 2 HP engine,
s/n 344256 and are trying to determine when it was built. No one
out here seems to know. C. Rennie Waugh, 5705 Goleta Road, Goleta,
CA 93117.
A. So far as we know there are no serial number
records for the Associated engines. Although some companies
secretly encoded the serial number to indicate to them the year of
manufacture, it is not known whether this was the case with
Associated. Most companies appear to have used a numerical sequence
in other words, your 344256 might have been followed with a 6 HP
carrying 344257. Other companies such as Witte, jumbled the serial
numbers so that very low numbers sometimes appear long after a much
higher number. So far as we know, the best that can be done with
the Associated models is to give an approximate age.
21/3/10 Q. John Hamilton, 461 Algonquin Place,
Webster Groves, MO 63119 sends some nice photos of his sorghum
press. It stands about 4 feet high and has rollers to crush the
stalks, with knife blades on the flywheel. It has no name, and we
would like to know how much power will be needed to run it.
A. While we would guess this to be a very old
machine, judging from its design, we cannot hazard a guess about
the builder. Chances are that it will take a 6 HP engine. Good luck
restoring this one we hope the first run of sorghum turns out
21/3/11 Q. We need a sleeve and other parts for
a Buda engine as used in a Co-op tractor. Writing to Allis-Chalmers
has done no good. Can you tell us where to look for the Buda parts?
H. Rossow,Box 15, Weston, Idaho 83286.
A.. Having visited the Allis-Chalmers plant at
Harvey, Illinois we are fairly sure that no early Buda parts still
exist. This factory was originally owned and operated by Buda, with
A-C taking over in the 1950’s. While we hope you are successful
in finding what you need, there is a good chance that the required
parts might have to be custom built, that is unless one of our
readers knows of an old Buda supply house. Having been asked this
question before, the Reflector would like to hear from someone
having a hoard of old Buda parts then we can refer them right
21/3/12 Q. From Gene Ruebush, RR 5, Box 187-C,
Staunton, VA 24401 comes the following query: We would like to
locate anIHC engine man by the name of Thomas Pendhoz. His last
address was Burlington, Kansas in 1972. Our letters have been
returned, and we wonder if he has moved. Also, inquiries about IHC
engines should now be addressed to: J. I. Case (A Tenneco Company),
Products Support Center, 120 Tower Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60521.
21/3/13 Q. Tom Goepfrich, 21432 Ravenna Drive,
South Bend, IN 46628, asks if anyone can identify this
three-cylinder marine engine (See photo.)? The flywheel is 10′
dia. x 2 inch face. Water jackets are nickel-plated bronze, as are
all water lines and grease cups.
A. Marine engines are sometimes difficult to
identify because of their great similarity. Ye olde Reflector being
a drylander confesses to not knowing much about marine engines, so
whether East or West, might some of you coastlanders be of
21/3/14 Q. Ed Berquist, Box 195, Athol, MA
01331 needs paint information on a Centaur 2-G tractor, s/n
21/3/15 Q. Ray Rylander, 805 E. San Rafael St.,
Colorado Springs, CO 80003 sends two curious photos of what looks
like a Delco light plant engine minus the valve cover. However, why
is this one equipped with a magneto, and where is the extended
crankshaft for the generator? Maybe some of the Delco collectors
can answer this one may be it isn’t a Delco at all!
21/3/16 Q. What is the age of an Oliver
Standard 88 tractor, s/n 820336? We would also like to know the
proper paint color etc. for this tractor. Henry Miller, 2750 E.
Sweetwater, Phoenix, AZ 85032.
A. Your tractor is a 1948 model. Several
advertisers in GEM can supply you with the proper paint combination
as well as decals for this model.
21/3/17 Q. Percy Goesch, 1713-7th St., Hughson,
CA 95326 poses several questions: Would it be possible to print an
engine paint formula each month? It would help a lot of collectors.
What can you tell me about a Witte 7 HP engine No. B5312? I
can’t find any literature on a 7 HP model. When was a New-Way 2
HP engine with the carburetor and exhaust cast in one piece
A. During the past few days the Reflector has
been in contact with several major paint companies. This should
yield the remaining data required for completion of a paint color
booklet. Hopefully this can be completed before long. Possibly one
of our readers can supply information on the 7 HP Witte, but we
have nothing in our files. Dating the New-Way engines is quite
difficult, since only catalog information is now available. We
would guess however that your engine was built prior to 1915.
21/3/18 Q. How many models were made of the
small Reo and Continental engines, and where might we locate
manuals for same? Hugh E. Porter, RR 1, Box 274, Dallas City, IL
A. Although Reo and Continental made a big
splash for a few years after World War Two with their small
engines, we can find very little except for their frequent
advertising in magazines such as Implement & Tractor. Finding
specific data might prove to be very difficult.
21/3/19 Q. Can anyone identify this engine?
(See adjacent photos). The flywheel is 18′ in diameter with a
3′ face. The timer is missing, and perhaps someone can tell us
what was used. Any information will be appreciated. John A. Laing,
11 McNab St. W., Port Dover, Ontario N0A1N0 Canada.
A. This engine looks familiar, but so far we
cannot put a name to it. Perhaps someone else might be able to help
Mr. Laing.
21/3/20 Q. What is the proper color for the
Chamberlain engine built by Chamberlain Machine Works, Waterloo,
Iowa. James Pencil, Box 124, Denver, IA 50622.
A. These engines were red, somewhat like the
Galloway. Whether Chamberlain actually built them is uncertain, but
chances are the castings were poured at the old Hedford foundry in
Waterloo. We have never run across an instruction manual for the
21/3/21 Q. Where can we purchase decals for a
John Deere Model LI tractor of 1942 vintage? Wm. Spoerl, 5531 Fond
du Lac, Dubuque, IA 52001.
A. At present we do not know of anyone
producing the LI decals. If these are being made, kindly advise our
column for future reference.
21/3/22 Q. Herman Sass, 20 East Morris
Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14214 is looking for information on a Do-It-All
tractor built between 1917 and 1925 try Buffalo-Pitts Company. This
was a single-cylinder, two-wheel garden tractor.
21/3/23 Q. Fred Burkhart jr., RR 3, Box 136,
Robstoum, TX 78380 inquires as tothe age and proper color for a
GT-25 Terratrac tractor built by American Tractor Corp.,
Churubusco, Indiana.
A Our information indicates the GT-25 to have
been built about 1950 or 1951. It was powered we believe by a
Continental F-124 engine. The slightly larger GT-30 was tested at
Nebraska in 1952 under No. 471. Subsequently, American offered
several different models. J. I. Case purchased American in 1957,
giving them their start in the crawler tractor business. We believe
the Terratrac models were finished in an industrial yellow.
21/3/24 Q. We need information on an Ottawa
drag saw engine. It has two push rods. The piston is 3 inches in
diameter. What is the proper color, and what is the year? Also need
help in getting the engine back in time. Carl L. Hatch, RD 4, Box
277, Towanda, PA 18848.
A. Ottawa engines were a deep red color so far
as we now. Our supply of literature fails to show the model using
the 3′ bore however, but we would guess your engine to have
been built between 1920 and 1925. To get the exhaust valve in time,
turn the engine over to about 10 degrees before bottom dead center.
At this point the cam should just start opening the exhaust valve.
Turning the engine in its usual direction travel (so as to take up
the slack in the linkage and gearing) the exhaust valve should
close just ahead of top dead center. Since the intake and exhaust
cams are in a fixed relationship to each other, further adjustment
of the valve timing can usually be accomplished with the adjusting
screws on the rocker arm. Each builder had their own ideas of
proper valve timing, so it may be necessary to move the cam gear a
tooth or two one direction or the other. We have found that the
original timing marks are not always absolutely correct.
Occasionally, experimentation is required to improve performance.
By performance we mean having the engine operate with no load for
hours at a time during a show without causing any problems.
Cletrac and Alamo colors, ake Zilverberg, Little Pine,
Route #4, Aitkin, MN 56431 writes that the Cletrac of the late
’30s and early ’40s was a brownish orange, much darker than
AC orange. Also, the Lindsay Alamo engines were burgundy. Mixing
gallon of International red with 1/3 quart of Royal blue seems to
match it very close.
Hercules and Cushman, A recent column noted that
certain late model Hercules engines were probably built by Cushman
Motor Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. George L. Caddick, Hercules
Mfg. Company, Box 497, Henderson, KY 42420 notes that those with
the company are unaware of this connection, and would like to have
further information. Mr. Caddick also encloses a photocopy of a 1-2
Hp model closely resembling the Cushman, but ostensibly a genuine
Hercules article. Should the Reflector be able to obtain a
photograph of the Hercules model we will gladly publish it in a
coming issue. Meanwhile, perhaps someone has managed some in depth
research on the question.
20/11/4 C. W. Calvert, RR 2, Box 271, Vinton,
VA 24179 informs us that the engine shown in the January issue is a
1 HP model built by Middle-town Machine Co., Middletown, Ohio.
20/11/13Pacific Pumper engine A
letter from Don Siver, USN Retired, Marlin Farm, Towerville, PA
19320 tells us that the Pacific pumper was made in several
configurations between 1930 and 1950. All were coupled to gear-type
pumps. In the 1930’s they were air dropped to combat forest
fires and in World War Two they were adopted for use by the Navy,
Coast Guard and Merchant Marine as the famous ‘Handy Billy’
or P-60 portable pump. The Navy unit had a tubing frame around the
entire pump and was a single cylinder, two-cycle design of about
9.8 HP at 3,500 rpm.
E. L. Adams, 517 Manitou Ave, Manitou Springs, CO 80829 encloses
photos of his Pacific Pumper, noting that it is equipped with a
Type Y positive displacement auxiliary fire pump. The engine is of
two-cylinder, two-cycle design.
20/11/12Operating a Show From Jack
Versteeg, 1215 Jays Dr. NE. Salem, OR 973203 comes the following
I am responding to the question of Mr. Ray Fleming about
procedures that shows have for taking care of exhibitors as far as
paying at the gate and so on. I was show manager and president of
Antique Power Land for five years and also have had the good
fortune to attend many shows around this US of A and can say that I
have not been to a bad one. They all operate differently and have
many varying expenses. Some are fortunate to have had their grounds
donated to them, some have had to buy the grounds.
At Antique Power land we had to purchase our grounds. We are
assessed a property tax each year, have insurance to pay, general
maintenance. Our monthly budget runs on the average of $1500.00 per
month. This revenue is generated on the four days of the show plus
admittance to the museum which is open 365 days a year.
We charge the general public to attend the show. All bona-fide
exhibitors who are in good standing with the Steam or Gas club are
given gate passes.
I hear quite a few comments from different sources saying the
show should be run this way or that. I feel that if someone has a
question about the operation of a particular show, maybe he should
become involved in the running of the show and he might come away
with a better idea of how things are operated.
I feel that Mr. Fleming is very fortunate to be able to attend a
show within 85 miles of home. In our area the closest show is
Antique Power-land. The next closest one is over 225 miles
About liability insurance. This is the rock and hard spot.
Without it you’re shaking the dice. If you have an accident
you’re in trouble. With it, there is still the chance of
trouble, along with the horrendous cost. Powerland’s premiums
run about $3400.00 per year. That means the first 1100 people
through the gate pay the premium.
I hope this has shed a little light on show operations and maybe
answers a few questions.
On the subject of liability insurance for shows, James F.
Nichols of R.R. 1, Gilson, IL 61436 has written seeking advice from
other show organizers:
I want to inquire about the problem of getting liability
insurance for our club, the Spoon River Agricultural Antique
Association. We have tried and tried to obtain it at several
companies and have been shocked to find out what the cost of it
will be.
Our club holds its show at the Knox County Fair at Knoxville,
Ill. at the end of July and the fair has reluctantly put us on
their insurance carrier through the fair date. I was wondering if
there would be someone or some organization among the readers that
could give us some information or some advice on how-to.
Masses-Harris 4-wheel drive Howard Dow, RR 2, Corning,
NY 14830 comments on the recent question regarding the type of
engine in the M-H 4-wheel-drive tractors. Mr. Dow has a 1930 and a
1931 model still in use. He also has two more of these as parts
tractors. All have a Hercules L-head OOC engine. This engine was
also used in some Cletrac models. Mr. Dow notes that he has heard
that some of the later models came with a valve-in-head engine but
he does not know the make of engine that was used.
20/11/4Woodpecker engine Frank
Pickering, 128 Navy Lane, Atco, NJ 08004 sends us a nice photo of
his Woodpecker engine. He reports having seen exactly the same
engine at a show bearing the Flint & Walling handle. Again, the
same engine appears on the cover of the May-June 1982 GEM, but in
this case it carries the Schramm name.
20/7/6Glass cell batteries A couple
of letters came in on this query. Roger Grosser, System Electric,
Sutton, VT 05867 sends this photo of an Exide DOE 13, 2-volt cell,
one of his limited number of used cells and parts. This particular
one is rated for 150 ampheres over 8 hours to a discharge voltage
of 1.75 volts per cell. Glass battery jars are no longer available.
Polystyrene has replaced it. Those interested might wish to contact
Mr. Grosser at the above address.
Taylor Vacuum engines Stan Gacnik, Jr., 25191
Pleasant-view PL, Pueblo, CO 81006 forwards information that on
finding two old Taylor engines, DuPont Dulux 93-1317 green is an
exact match to the original color.
Although this column is closing in early January, by the time it
hits the street we should be into February, and with it the hope
that another Iowa winter is about past. While we have no intention
of wishing away something as valuable as time, unpredictable Iowa
winters make Spring something to appreciate. Even though it is
cold, there still comes an excuse for playing with old iron
occasionally. A recent storm caused a power outage of several
hours, but not for us to worry. The Witte diesel started without
any problem, and after switching over it ran the place for several
hours. Now there’s a selling point when bringing another old
engine home they’re PRACTICAL!
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum
for the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to
GEM. Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS,
Gas Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.