Mr. Wendel has returned from his trip a bit late to work on this
month’s column, so we will again try to make do in his absence.
We have quite a pile of letters for this issue, so we will get
right on to the first one:
36/6/1 Gilson, not Gibson Q. In the March issue
you wrote I was looking for info on a Gibson, but I need info on a
Gilson (sorry). Everything else is correct. Gregory J. LeClair of
117 South St. #3, Waukesha, WI 53186 sought in-formation on his 4
HP Style D, s/n 10362, Gilson. He also needs info on a Lindsay
Alamo A 2 HP 500 rpm s/n 87408 and an International 1 HP 650 rpm
s/n 53628. He’d like to know the difference between an
International 1 HP and a McCormick 1 HP.
A. Sorry, Gregory, about the misinterpretation.
We hope someone will be able to help you out here.
36/6/2 IHC engine Q. I There is a W stamped
above the model number. This engine is black. The ones I have seen
are green. What year did they use black paint? Also note there is a
V pulley and flat cast into one. William G. Miller, 404 27th St.
NW, Great Falls, MT 59404.
36/6/3 Magneto Q. Could you please tell me what
this magneto goes to? The serial number is 039699 type CD 234. I
have been told by different people at different shows it could go
to either an airplane or a Novo square top engine. I would
appreciate any information you could give me on it. Richard B.
Hammel, 523 Liberty, Lawton, MI 49065.
A. We’ll have to rely on our readers for
this one.
36/6/4 Compression Unit Q. Enclosed are several
pictures of an air compressor/engine unit. The engine is a four
cylinder Jeep unit. Two of the cylinders are for air compression
and two run the engine. The unit was manufactured by the General
Supply and Leasing Co. of Kansas City, Missouri. It is a very well
made unit, but the governor seems to limit it to 25 or 30 psi. Does
anyone have an instruction book for this compressor? Mike Bernal,
16590 Oak Glen Ave., Morgan Hill, CA 95037
36/6/5 Q. Here’s a shot of a 30′
portable mill I built up a couple years ago. It’s built
entirely out of stuff from my junk piles. At the time this picture
was taken, it was half built. I was working on the power unit (a 2
cylinder Wisconsin baler engine). The mill turned out real good,
everyone who sees it asks what I’d take for it. At this time
it’s not for sale. T. J. Shipman, R-2 Box 371-12, Buckhamon, WV