See an ad elsewhere in this issue for our 2001 Australia Tour.
We now have a provisional itinerary ready, and by the time you see
this copy we will be able to provide complete details.
We have some interesting sites for you, including some nice
collections, as well as some wonderful scenery. We’ve got quite
a few interested folks, so if you would like to go, see our ad, and
let us know. Details are still being planned for an extension tour
to New Zealand.
At this writing in early April, ye olde Reflector has been busy
on the Catalog of American Farm Tractors. We told you
earlier that our editor and friend, Jon Brecka, died in a tragic
automobile accident. Apparently he had the digital images for all
the tractors in letter A and letter B of the book. As a result, we
had to spend considerable time finding all these images again. Due
to Jon’s death, and the inevitable glitches that resulted, the
book has been delayed, but we are still hoping for its release in
We also have to report that due to the time required for
reworking the tractor book, we have been delayed with reprinting
our Notebook. Right now we are hoping that the new 2000
edition will be ready in June. We are also pleased to report that
Stemgas Publishing Company is now our exclusive distributor for the
We have lots to do this month, so here goes:
35/6/1 Independent Harvester
Roland Bosch, 8193 CR 4 SE, #4, Atwater, MN 56209-9726 has a 4
HP sideshaft from Independent Harvester Co. It is missing some
parts, and he would like to get some photographs from someone
having one of these engines. He would also like to know the correct
35/6/2 Thanks!
To John Hamilton, 910 W. Marvin Ave., Waxsahachie, TX 75165 for
sending along a 1916 issue of the Rural Route Book for
Lewis County, Missouri. It includes an advertisement of the Quincy
engine made at Quincy, Illinois.
35/6/3 Graham-Paige Tiller Q. See the photo of
a Graham-Paige Tiller, Model B-1-6, s/n 117788. It was built by
Graham-Paige Motor Co., Willow Run, Michigan. I would like to know
when it was built. I have it running, and ready to clean and paint.
Any information would be appreciated. Ralph Davis, POB 2,
Macfarlan, WV 26148.
35/6/4 Universal Fisherman
Ray W. Freeman, 3101 East Hoquiam Rd., Hoquiam, WA 98550 has a
Universal Fisherman engine, made in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It is s/n
65634. Any information would be appreciated, as the carburetor and
ignition system are both gone.
35/6/5 Buda Diesel Q. Lewis W. Harmon, 1323
River Rd., Livermore, ME 04232-3819 writes: I have a Buda Diesel
generator plant. It is a two-cylinder diesel and a 6.25 kva
generator, It is Model BD, s/n 70815, Type 5AXCB. I would like to
find an operator’s or maintenance manual for this unit.
A. Most of the small Buda diesels were used in
the military, and so now, they are very scarce!
35/6/6 Cultimower Q. See the illustration of
the Montgomery-Ward Cultimower. I bought it at Beiler’s sale,
and never saw one before. Can anyone provide any information?
Howard Gibble, 895 Gibble Rd., Mt. Joy, PA 17552.
35/6/7 Rock Crusher Q. See the photos of a very
small rock crusher which I cannot identify. The fly-wheels are 16 x
4, and a number 2 is cast into them. The number on the frame is I,
and the bearing caps carry number 5. The crusher weighs about 300
pounds. The jaw opening is 4 x4 inches. I would appreciate any
information on this unit, as California has a rich mining
I also acquired a very early Byron Jackson centrifugal pump
which may be as early as 1880. It is said that he was the inventor
of the centrifugal pump and. I wish to document this pump if
possible. If possible I would like to contact the company, and
would appreciate information on them, such as the address. Lester
Bowman, 2440 Thomas St., Ceres, CA 95307.
35/6/8 Guiberson Diesel Engines
Dick Hamp, 1772 Conrad Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124 sends us some
very interesting material on the Guiberson Aero-Diesel. It
is from the Aero Digest for April 1932. We are reproducing it here
for your reference, (on the next three pages) especially since
finding any information on Guiberson is pretty difficult. In
another issue we will include some information on the Wall model
engines that were popular in the 1930s.
AFTER more than three years of intensive research and
development, a new air-cooled nine-cylinder four-cycle radial type
Diesel engine is now in production by the Guiberson Diesel Engine
Company of Dallas, Texas.
The Guiberson company is a subsidiary of the Guiberson
Corporation of Dallas, manufacturers of oil well equipment in that
city for the past thirteen years. The new company’ has been
organized to develop and manufacture oil-burning engines for
airplanes and automobiles.
S. A. Guiberson, Jr., head of the company, investigating the
Diesel principle as applied to a compact, high-speed power unit,
found possibilities in the conception of the Diesel principle as
adapted to aviation requirements in a design of variable control
and constant pressure worked out by Fred Thaheld, an Austrian
aeronautical engineer.
Before work was begun on the airplane engine, the company’s
patent attorney directed the investigation of over 3,000 patents to
insure originality of design. More than fifty claims were allowed
by the patent office. Early in 1929 the resources of the Guiberson
plant were turned over to Thaheld, who with C. S. Crickmer, chief
engineer of the Guiberson organization, began work on the first
engine. After a thorough workout of the first test engine under the
direction of C. C. Spangenburger, chief testing engineer, and Allen
Guiberson, head of the aviation department of the company, a number
of refinements of design were incorporated, and last November
official test runs of the engine were completed by the Department
of Commerce; the engine was rated at 185 horsepower and awarded A.
T. C. 79. The engine operates at peak efficiency, whether idling or
wide open. The 185-horsepowcr engine weighs 510 pounds, or 2.75
pounds per horsepower, which approximates the weight of the modern
gasoline engine of the same rating.
The principal patent of Thaheld’s design is the variable
fuel control system, which is simple in its construction and
operation. By means of one control the stroke of the pump is varied
as the time of the injection is advanced or retarded. The duration
of the injection is changed in proportion to the amount of fuel
injected, and the time of injection is altered by moving control to
the extreme position below idling; the compression is released by
the decompression ring attached to the main control plate, allowing
the propeller to turn freely. Through decompression, the propeller
is allowed to turn freely in a glide with the engine dead, and from
a normal gliding angle the engine may be started again by merely
advancing the throttle.
The valve cam is mounted in the conventional manner on the
crankshaft in the rear case and driven by an intermediate gear
opposite crankshaft rotation at one-eighth crankshaft speed. The
four valve lobes arc exceptionally long, as the valve action is
somewhat different from the standard practice. Only one valve is
used for both the scavenging and intake stroke; therefore, the
valve lobe holds the valve open for a period of 440 degrees of
crank travel.
The fuel cam is integral with the valve cam. Following the fuel
cam path are nine pump levers, each having a roller on the outer
end that rides the face of the cam. These levers are mounted
between the main control plate and decompression ring, controlling
the pump stroke over the advance range as the main control plate is
moved opposite to the rotation of the cam. This position is toward
maximum advance and maximum stroke.
To retard the injection and shorten the stroke it is necessary
only to move the control plate with the pump lever in rotation with
the cam. At full throttle, the plunger lift is .057 inch. The
injection starts at 48 degrees before top center and ends 25
degrees before top center with a duration of 23 degrees. This
setting has a pump plunger velocity of 24.7 inches per second, and
the duration of the injection occurs in .00207 second at 1,925
r.p.m. At the idling .setting of .015 inch, lift of the plunger
starts at 11 degrees before top center and ends two degrees after
top center, a duration of 13 degrees at 400 r.p.m. in .00542
second. This makes it possible to control to a large extent the
maximum cylinder pressures.
OUTSTANDING FEATURES: 1. One-throttle control,
automatically synchronizing timing and fuel injection. 2. Complete
decompression allowing ‘free wheeling’ of propeller with
motor dead. No diving to re-start motor. 3.Operation at fuel cost
of one cent per mile. 4. Elimination of fire hazard. 5. No radio
interference. 6. Simplicity.
The decompression ring, unitly controlled with the control
plate, rides between the fuel and valve cam, having nine small
lobes that engage each valve cam follower lifter under the inner
end, lifting all the valves open at the same time. To put the
engine on decompression it is necessary only to move the control
plate to the extreme in rotation with the cam; while in this
position the fuel is cut off.
The control, mounted through the accessory case, has an
eccentric connected by a link to the main control plate. To
maintain a given r.p.m. or decompression it is necessary only to
move the control to the right or left to shift the main control
plate to the desired position.
Fuel pumps are mounted in the rear case in line with the pump
lever, and the fuel is supplied through drilled ducts. This brings
the fuel to case temperature, which is beneficial in handling lower
gravity fuel in cold weather, and eliminates the possibility of
fuel leaks. Check valves in the head of the fuel pump allow fuel to
pass into the fuel line, which is made up of steel nipples and
high-pressure copper tubing. This check stops any return of fuel or
air from the compression or explosion pressures in the
The open type injector, which atomizes the fuel into the
combustion chamber, is composed of three parts-the injector body,
fuel pindle, and spray nozzle, all easily dismantled for inspection
or cleaning. The fuel pindle is inserted in the spray nozzle and
has three .0156-inch grooves in its tapered end to converge the
fuel directly to the .020-inch hole in the spray nozzle. The
velocity of the fuel at full throttle through this orifice is
approximately 807 feet per second and requires a pressure of 2,000
The concentric head of the piston is relieved to coincide with
the injector and allow the fuel spray to penetrate into the
combustion chamber. The single valve is centrally located, and the
sinuous manifold, so designed as to cause the air to enter the
cylinder in a whirling spiral motion on the suction stroke. The
concentric head of the piston adds to this turbulence during the
compression stroke. Fuel is so injected into this turbulence within
the cylinder that the spray leaves slight deposits, showing a
spiral within the piston head pocket. After many hours of operating
at different speeds, no appreciable amount of carbon formed.
The sinuous manifold and valve port arc designed to give maximum
air turbulence to the intake stroke and at the same time overcome
the escape of exhaust gases through the front of the engine. The
intake port (opening forward and receiving the air) is flared and
set at an angle which utilizes the maximum pressure of the
slipstream. The exhaust port is to the rear and on the opposite
side of the cylinder head; this was necessary to design the proper
curve into the throat, or bypass opening, to force the exhaust
gases through the exhaust port. The air flow is continuous through
the port until the exhaust gases are expelled; then the velocity
through the throat and around the vertical baffle is increased. As
soon as the gases are started rearward, the intake stroke draws
fresh air with its increased velocity around the baffle into the
cylinder in a swirl.
The crankshaft, master rod assembly, and crankcase are of the
conventional design used in radial aircraft engines with an
increase from seven to ten per cent in weight to insure a safety
factor over the increased loads and pressures encountered in Diesel
power. The engine operates with a compression pressure of 460
pounds, and the explosion pressure is well under 1,000 pounds.
Vibrations over the operating range are not greater than those
encountered in other radial aircraft engines.
There is but little friction to be overcome in the operation of
the throttle, and while acceleration is rapid, it is not
Early this year the company produced a 240-horsepower Diesel
engine, following the design of the present model. This will be
given its official test immediately after the Detroit show. The
240-horse-powcr engine weighs a total of 540 pounds, or 2? pounds
per horsepower.
Specifications of 185-H.P. Engine
Crankcase: Aluminum alloy barrel, split type, consisting of
crankcase and accessory case in three pieces.
Crankshaft: Forged chrome nickel steel, two-piece construction
with counterweights bolted.
Master rod: One-piece H forgings, nickel chrome steel, having
removable steel-backed bushings.
Link rods: Tubular forged nickel chrome steel, bronze bushed.
‘ Pistons: Aluminum alloy, full skirt
Cylinder barrel: Forged chrome nickel steel, integral dome with
aluminum alloy head screwed and shrunk on; attached to crankcase
with studs.
Piston rings: Two compression rings and one oil-regulating ring
above pin and one oil-regulating ring below pin. Ring size, 4.8125
by .1875$inchcs.
Fuel pumps: Independent plunger type mounted in the crankcase
adjacent to each cylinder in a position above the cam; connected to
the injector by high-pressure tubing.
Fuel circulating pump: Type C-5 built in as standard
Propeller hub and propeller drive: Conventional S. A. E. 30
splined shaft, direct drive.
Valves : Single high chrome silicon steel, Thompson valve for
each cylinder, used in connection with special passages for inlet
and exhaust.
Valve mechanism and operation: Push rod and rocker arm with
roller over valve stem at valve end; clearance adjustment on
opposite end of rocker arm.
Valve springs: Two-spring arrangement.
Crankshaft bearings: Two roller main bearings at the center; one
deep groove ball thrust bearing at front end; rear’ crankshaft
bushing in accessory case.
Oil pump: Two sections, scavenging and pressure. Oil pressure,
70 pounds.
Starter: Series 7 Eclipse electric inertia.
Generator: Twelve volts.
Tachometer drive: Standard S. A. E., half engine speed,
Rated horsepower | 185 at 1,925 r.p.m. |
Weight | 510 pounds |
Weight per horsepower | 2.75 pounds |
Outside diameter | 46.125 inches |
Overall length | 34.187 inches |
Bore | 4.182 inches |
Stroke | 6 inches |
Displacement | 982 cubic feet |
Consumption (max. r.p.m.) 11.5 gals, per hour Consumption (cruising). .8.5 gals, per hour |
35/6/9 Daisy Reaper
Marcel Peumans, Tongersesteenweg, B-3770 Riemst, Belgium is
restoring a McCormick Daisy Reaper and is looking for the original
color scheme. He would also like to know whether they were built
only in the USA and exported, or whether they were built in France
as well. If you can be of help, you might also try to email at:
35/6/10 Wiscona Pep? Q. See the photo of what I
think is a Wiscona Pep engine, but I can find no name plate or
numbers. All I can find is 1? on parts for the engine. Any help
would be appreciated. Roy Fox, Box 517, C.R. 350, Sweetwater, TN
A. We believe your identification is
35/6/11 Emerson-Brantingham Q. See the photo of
an E-B Type U engine, 4 HP, s/n 18650. I would like to know its age
and when it might have been exported to Australia. Also would like
the original color. There are only 6 of these in Australia, and
this is the only 4 HP model. My father and I also have 3 IHC Type M
engines, 1? HP, s/n 81142, low tension magneto; 3 HP, s/n 13629
with Wico EK; and 6 HP, s/n 3826 with igniter. The 6 HP has a
one-piece carburetor unlike the other engines. I would like to know
the age of these engines. Ken Eames, 3 Myall St., Gympie, QLD 4570
A. First, the Type M engines in order:
1921,1919,and 1919.TheE-Bisadeep red, something like
Sherwin-Williams 4775 or DuPont RS903. Since you probably won’t
be able to match these numbers in Australia, you might contact
other E-B owners to see if there are enough chips of paint to match
the red, and also the green trim.
35/6/12 Briggs & Stratton Club Q. I
recently sent a letter to the Briggs & Stratton Club. The
letter was sent back saying that the forwarding order had expired.
Can anyone supply their address?
Also, I am running a registry on Standard Garden Tractors. The
information was published in the December 1998 GEM, pages 3 and 4.
There is now a new address: Standard Tractor Registry, 270 Shatley
Road, Box 13, Crumpler, NC 28617.
A. We checked with Successful Farming Magazine,
the source of the list with the Briggs and Stratton Club address
that we originally published. We’ll publish an updated address
as soon as we can get it from Successful Farming!
35/6/13 Monitor 1? Pumpjack Q. I have a 1? HP
Monitor pump engine from Baker Mfg. Company. I need the original
color (it is comparable to DuPont #538 Gray) and would like to
correspond with anyone having restored one of these, as I have some
questions. Rich Howard, Hysham, MT 59038.
35/6/14 A Corn Sheller
See the photos of an ancient hand corn sheller. As the tool is
cranked around the ear of corn, the hooks on the side pull the
kernels off. When the sheller is halfway across the ear, it should
be turned over and cranked in the opposite direction until all the
corn is removed. D. Mark Keener, She-herds’ Ridge Farm, 7920
Nyesville Rd., Chambersburg, PA 17201-9628.
35/6/15 Paradox Revisited
Dick Hamp, 1772 Conrad Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124-4501, sends
along a 1906 advertisement for the Paradox engine. Dick notes that
it was patented November 1900. Dick also has a Regan Vapor engine,
s/n 271. It is a marine engine and has two flywheels. It is missing
the rocker arm, and he would like to hear from anyone having one of
these engines who would be willing to give a sketch and/or photos
of the rocker arm. Dick would also like to find any literature on
this engine.