By Staff
Published on June 1, 1995
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This issue marks the halfway point of the thirtieth volume of
Gas Engine Magazine. We have every issue from that very first one,
and find it hard to believe that so many years have gone by . . .
and how quickly! We recall some conversations of many years ago
about this ‘then-new’ magazine, with some people opining
that it couldn’t last for very long, since there ‘just
ain’t that much to write about. . . .

Long before our 1983 publication of the book, American Gas
Engines Since 1872, we began collecting information on engine
manufacturers on index cards. The card files aren’t used much
anymore, since computers make the job a lot easier. Anyway, we
assembled at least two full drawers of individual file cards on
engine manufacturers at that time, and countless additions have
been made in the intervening years.

Several times in the last year we’ve included some
trademarks in this column, noting that we were researching the
Patent Office Gazette for engine (and related) trademarks. That
process involved researching some 4,500 weekly copies of this
journal! It yielded several hundred trademarks, many of them for
companies of which we have no other reference whatsoever. Taking
these, plus many other company references found in magazines and
advertising, we’ve assembled a listing of some 2,700 different
engine models. The computer makes indexing a breeze, so it was
relatively easy to compile the listing by trade names. The next
logical step was to index on company names, and from this index we
discovered that Associated Manufacturers used some seventeen
different trade names for their various models. A third, and
perhaps more significant index, is one compiled by city and state.
This puts all the different companies in Waterloo, Iowa, in a
single grouping, or for instance, it’s interesting to note all
the engine makers in Oil City, Pennsylvania, or Grafton, Wisconsin.
All of this, and more, will be published in our new American Gas
Engine Trademarks, to be released sometime this summer.

We’re also in the preliminary stages of two different books.
One of them will be an encyclopedia of construction and industrial
equipment. We’ve got a tremendous amount of magazine material,
although we’re somewhat deficient on manufacturer’s
catalogs in this regard. all our travels, we’ve never found
much on the subject. Living here in eastern Iowa, there’s
perhaps a chance of finding an old tractor catalog on a farm sale,
but not much chance at all of something pertaining to an excavator
or a commercial cement mixer.

The other book we’re planning is tentatively titled,
Encyclopedia of American Farm Implements. Again, we have a wealth
of material on hand, but it’s a very time consuming task to go
through literally thousands of magazines and other pieces of
literature searching for the illustrations and pertinent facts.

While we’re discussing books, there have been numerous
complaints about the current printing of American Gas Engines
having a red cover, instead of the yellow cover used for a decade.
The decision to change the cover was made by Motor books
International, the publisher of the book, and not by the author! We
had nothing to do with it, and didn’t even know of the change
until after it was printed. However, the contents are identical
with the ‘big yellow engine book’ even though the cover is

Over fifty people have already signed up to take the grand tour
of Switzerland, Germany, and other places in September. If you
haven’t yet signed up for our ‘Gas Engine Tour,’ why
not join my wife Sheila, and me, as we host a two-week journey
planned by Wade Farm Tours. We look forward to seeing you! For
further information, contact the GEM office at (717)392-0733.

Our queries this month begin with:

30/6/1 Case Difficulties Q. I have a 1938 RC
Case that I have torn down and completely gone over. I have tried
starting it by pulling it in forward gear, but one wheel goes one
way, and the other wheel goes the other way. As a last resort I put
a belt on and ran the belt with my Farmall. Then I went to put the
clutch in gear and it threw the belt off. Could someone please help
me out? I am 78 years old and I would like to see it run. All help
would be appreciated, as this has been an eight-year project. Lloyd
E. Scare, 7943 E by Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46835-9754.

A. Your tractor probably has very high
compression now, so starting it by pulling it will be difficult.
Likewise, it takes a very tight belt and lots of persuasion to roll
the engine over. Starting an engine the first time after an
overhaul can be difficult. Are there any collectors in the Fort
Wayne area that could give Mr. Scare a hand ?

30/6/2 Information Needed Q. I have an 8 HP
Witte engine of the headless hit-and-miss style. It uses a Bosch
high tension magneto. The serial number is 53094- Can you tell me
anything about this engine? Also, I have an 8 HP R & V engine.
Going back to the March-April 1966 GEM, there is one like it on
page 26. This engine has a 6 x 10 inch bore and stroke. Gary
Albertsen, Box 161, Mt. Auburn, IA 52313.

A. The Witte was sold to F. L. Elliott, Traer,
Iowa, in November 1920.

None of our material has the bore and stroke dimensions for R
& V engines. However, an old parts book shows the following
list of prefix letters for the various sizes:




2 HP




4 HP


6? HP


8 HP


10 HP


12 HP


16 HP


20 HP

Initially the 2 HP engine was rated at 1 HP, the 2 HP at 2 HP,
and the 6 HP model at 6 HP.

30/6/3 Howard Engine Q. See the advertisement
for a Howard motor made in Chicago. This one is not in American Gas
Engines. This ad shows a water cooled engine. The patterns (see
page 7 of the April 1995 GEM) are for the air cooled model. Richard
Lee, 1128 Rathbone Ave., Aurora, IL 60506-5807.

A. We ran across this company while compiling
our index noted at the beginning of this column, but outside of
your advertisement, we have no further information.

30/6/4 Information Needed Q. I have a Witte
engine, s/n 55970, and would like to know the date of manufacture.
Also, I have a David Bradley, Series 288, Model 9175752, and need
to know when built, original shipping destination, and paint
numbers for body and wheels. Charles Nelson, 1545 E. Hupp Rd.,
Bloomington, IN 47401.

A. The Witte was shipped in February 1922. We
have PPG 41780 Green and PPG72155 Red listed as the matching colors
for David Bradley, but we are unsure whether these apply to your
specific model. We have no further information on this machine.

30/6/5 Stover’s Corn Sheller Q. See the
photo of a one-hole ‘Stover’s Patent’ com sheller,
patented April 20, 1875. It is as large as some two-hole shellers.
Is this the same Stover who eventually produced Stover gas engines?
Chuck Heckroth, 3506 Ackerman Rd W., Unionville, MI 48767.

A. No. The patent, No. 162,429 was issued to
William Stover at Auburn, New York; he filed this patent on August
21, 1873.

30/6/6 Mudge & Company Q. I just bought a
single cylinder engine with a water-cooled head; the only name on
it is ‘Mudge & Company.’ Can you give me any further
information? Brian R. Fox, 1004 S. Main, Box 343, Coulterville, IL

A. This company specialized in making motorized
railway cars, and this engine is probably one example.

30/6/7 Cushman Scooter Q. I’m restoring an
odd Cushman 24 volt plant service scooter. Its electrical system
was cannibalized for something weird like a refrigerator. I
can’t figure out how to wire the motor. The info on the tag is:
Spec S12106, Frame 562 5320D, .80 HP, 24 volts, 33 amps, 2600 rpm,
D.C., Conn. Ser, Ser F, 1.0, rating, 70C 1Hr., Ser. No. 965. Does
anyone have any information that might be of help? Peter D. Hill,
6189 Parks Rd., Rome, OH 44085.

30/6/8 Magneto Repairing William Dame wood,
4600 North Urbana-Lisbon Rd., Mechanicsburg, OH 43044 writes that
he repairs magnetos, and has developed a system of repairing the
worn stud on the Wico EK magnetos. He uses a lathe fixture, much
like we discussed in a previous issue, and then makes replacement
bushings for the armature. Mr. Dame wood also notes in his letter
that he has spent a lot of time repairing the Wico EK, and also has
spent a lot of time in making replacement high-tension pickups and
other devices that are no longer available for magnetos. If
you’re interested along these lines, kindly contact Mr. Dame
wood at the above address.

30/6/9 Hayes Engine Q. See the photos of an
engine with ‘Hayes Farm Tools and Pumps, Galva, Ill.’ cast
in the side of the hopper. The cam and valve linkage are on the off
side, so it helps to be left handed to start it. It is hit-and-miss
governed with spark plug ignition. The mixer and head are cast in
one piece. This engine seems to be about 3 horsepower. Any
information on this engine would be greatly appreciated. Paul M.
Hubner Jr., 57 Michigan St., Winchester, NH 03470.

A. Isn’t this something! The new index we
talked about at the beginning of this column is already out of
date! Here’s one that isn’t listed, nor have we ever seen
or heard of this engine before! Can anyone be of help?

30/6/10 Making New Valves Q. In response to
Larry Holderman’s comments in the April GEM, see the sketch of
my method of making a new valve. The main difference is that I use
stainless steel instead of cast iron for making the valve head.
Dave Greeley, Route 1, Box 12, Hershey, NE 69143.

30/6/13 Bearcat Tractor Q. See the photos of a
Bearcat tractor that my son Sam, and I are restoring. It was given
to us by a neighbor who knew we liked old iron. He informed us that
the engine, tires, and wheels were not original. We would
appreciate any information, including the paint colors on this
tractor. Brett Jones, 12099 Blue Mm Ave., Waynesboro, PA 17268.

30/6/14 Unidentified Engine Q. See the photo of
a very unusual one-cylinder water cooled marine engine and integral
air compressor combination, weighing about 60 pounds and appears to
be 1940s mintage and factory built with all cast iron construction.
Has anyone seen or had one of these units? I would like to know its
intended purpose and if any others exist. See For Sale column.
Thomas Stackhouse, 772 Jennie Drive, Severn, MD 21144.

30/6/15 David Bradley Q. I recently acquired a
David Bradley ‘Tri-Trac’ three-wheeled garden tractor in
original condition. I am interested in corresponding with other
Tri-Trac owners and would like to find some hisotry of this model,
years sold, number still alive, etc. The tractor came with a plow.
I’d like to know what other attachments may have been made and
if they are available. I’d also like to see an owner or
operators manual. Any information would be appreciated. Adam
Zumwalt, 1433 SE 49th Ct., Hillsboro, OR 97123.

30/6/16 Vaughan Drag Saws This inquiry is also
from Adam Zumwalt (see 30/6/15 above), who inquires about finding a
Vaughan drag saw older than his, with serial number 317. If you
have something close, contact Mr. Zumwalt at the above address.

30/6/17 Thanks! to J. C. Murphy, HC 71, Box
525, Mountain View, AR 72560 for sending along some photocopy
material on Economy engines as found in the 1921 Sears &
Roebuck catalog. We especially note the Economy log saw outfits,
and can’t recall ever having seen one of these. Perhaps there
are some of these restored, and perhaps the owners might send some
pix for use in the magazine?

30/6/18 Jaeger Engine Q. I have a 5 HP Jaeger
engine, s/n 288416 made by Hercules. I would like to know when it
was made, the original colors, and any additional information. Mark
Booth, 1327 Washington Blvd., Huntington, WV 25701.

A. We don’t have serial number listings for
this engine, although Glenn Karch’s book, A History of Hercules
will give you some general information. We have DuPont 5183-DH Blue
listed as a good color match for the Jaeger.

30/6/19 Aultman-Taylor Reynolds-Alberta Museum
is currently restoring an Aultman-Taylor 15-30 tractor. We are in
need of an instruction manual or operators handbook. The date of
this tractor is between 1912 and 1915. If anyone has information
that would help, please contact: Norene James, Reynolds-Alberta
Museum, PO Box 6360, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A2G1 Canada.

30/6/20 Friday Tractor Q. I’m 12 years old,
and I just purchased a Friday tractor. I would appreciate some help
finding a set offenders, head lights and service manuals. My dad is
handicapped, so he can’t help me. Any help would be
appreciated. Mat Stein, 2960 Slocum, PO Box 31, Ravenna, MI

30/6/21 Olds Engine Q. See the photos of Olds
engines and the Olds carburetor. We tried all known tricks to get
it to work without leaking. If anyone has this type of Olds and
would share this information with us, it would be most appreciated.
Bernard Bourgeois, 225 Ch. Labbe, Bury, Quebec JOB 1J0 Canada.

30/6/22 Chevy Tractor Q. Can anyone give me
information on this tractor? As the photo shows, it has a cast iron
pan, on which the radiator and the axle are mounted. The clutch
housing, transmission, and differential housing are cast as one
piece. It has a 1928 Chevy engine and radiator. It also uses Chevy
steering, transmission gears, and rear end. The front wheels are
marked ‘Whitehead & Kales’ of Detroit, and are solid.
The rear 6.00 x 20 are truck tires. This tractor sat in a salvage
yard for fifteen years, and was in poor condition when I found it.
It is said to have come from the Cincinnati area. It runs good and
gets a lot of attention and comments. Any information would be
appreciated. Charles Hetisimer, 2115 Hwy 156, Patriot, IN

30/6/23 Cushman Type X Q. I have a Cushman 1 HP
Model 21, Type X engine, s/n 609, that I would like to restore,
along with a Richards and Gardner diaphragm water pump #3 from New
York. However, I don’t have much information on either, so any
information would be appreciated. Neal Raffe, PO Box 338,
Mattituck, New York 11952.

30/6/24 Questions and Comments Q. First of all,
last winter I wrote in regards to my Jacobson-built Maynard engine.
Of the several letters I received, only one person was in
possession of a similar engine; the others owned Maynards built by
Nelson Bros; this leads me to the conclusion that the former are
few in number. It is identical to the Bullseye sold by Montgomery
Ward, except it is not a sideshaft. Many of the parts are without a
doubt, interchangeable.

A question I have is that the Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co. is
credited with manufacturing the Big Chief. How then, do we explain
a 2 HP Big Chief having been manufactured by the Waterville Foundry
Co, Waterloo, Iowa, and sold by Parlin & Orendorff Plow Co. at

Also, do you have a year built and destination for a Witte, s/n
34095 with a Webster oscillator mounted between the flywheels. Is
this original equipment, or an add-on? And, do you have the year
built for a Fairbanks-Morse 3 HP engine, s/n C23245? or a
McCormick-Deering Type M, 3 HP, sin W31497?

I would like to hear from readers concerning a Continental 30
degree bank AV8, series 127.300 engine, as I’m having trouble
getting the correct condenser, for lack of a part number. It powers
a David Bradley Super Power walk-behind garden tractor. Willard E.
Cawley, 369 Palace Road, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4T5 Canada.

A. Regarding the Big Chief, might that company
name not be Waterloo Foundry Company? This firm and Waterloo
Gasoline Engine Co. appear to have slept under the same blanket;
the iron for Waterloo and Big Chief engines probably came out of
the same cupola.

Your Witte was built in 1926. The Webster was available from the
factory, and likely was also available as a field option as well.
Your F-M engine is from Canadian Fairbanks, thus the ‘C prefix
on the number. There are no serial number lists for these that we
know of. The ‘M’ engine was made in 1920.

30/6/25 Sylvester and Empire Q. See photo 25-A
of a 6 HP Sylvester, s/n 1154 made by Sylvester Mfg. Co. Ltd.,
Lindsay, Ontario. Photo 25-B is a 6 HP Empire built for Cockshutt
Plow Factory at Bradford, Ontario. Can anyone tell me when these
engines were built, the proper colors, and who built the engine for
Cockshutt Plow Co. Any information would be appreciated. Oswald
Bartnick, Box 22, Grp 40, RR1, Lockport, Manitoba ROC 1 W0

A. Can anyone be of help?

30/6/26 A-C WM Crawler Richard M. Forgnone, Box
1472, Batavia, NY 14021 writes to thank everyone who replied to his
earlier query on Panzer tractors (30/2/7, February 1995 GEM). He
also sends along a couple of photos of a Model WM Allis-Chalmers
crawler under restoration and in sorry need of parts.

30/6/27 Maytag Serial Numbers Q. I have a
Maytag Model 72-D engine with a s/n of 24487. the number is very
clear. Twin-cylinder serial numbers start with 810000 and continue
with six digits. Can anyone clear up this mystery? John C. Heider,
RR 2, Box 113, Monticello, IL 61856.

30/6/28 Ottawa Colors? Q. I’m restoring a 2
HP Ottawa s/n 15716 that is similar to the engine shown on the
lower left corner, page 365 of American Gas Engines. Somewhere you
state that DuPont 93-5800 Red is the color, although the dealer
says that this color is green. Can you advise the correct color?
John Leck, 24 Hoyle Rd., Craryville, NY 12521.

A. Unfortunately, DuPont is phasing out the
Dulux numbers, and some won’t be matched exactly with the
acrylics. However, we find that 5027 Red will be quite close.

30/6/29 Ottawa Log Saw Q. I would like to know
the original color for the Ottawa log saw, s/n TE29214. Also, the
year built. Ryan Koehn, RR 1, Box 142, Ringwood, OK 73768.

A. We have Sherwin-Williams 9353 Green listed
as an appropriate match. There is no s/n information available on
the Ottawa line.

30/6/30 Stover Q. When was my 1 HP Stover, s/n
172787 built? Harold W. Hauger, 10819 Tucker Rd., Mt. Vernon, OH

A. 1925.

30/6/31 Mar-Tan Motor Q. See the photo of a 1
HP Mar-Tan air cooled motor from Mar-Tan Motor Mfg. Co. It was
purchased at an auction in southern Iowa. In my 30 years of
collecting, it is the first one I’ve ever come across. Any
information would be greatly appreciated. Wyman L. Schwartz, PO Box
99, Wayne, OK 73095.

A. We’ve never heard of it either!

30/6/32 F-12 Two-Way Plow Q. I need information
for mounting a No. 86 two-way plow on an F-12 or F-14 tractor. Mark
D. Anderson, HC 1, Box 59, Jacobson, MN 55752-9520.

30/6/33 Two Questions Q. What is the year built
for an Economy 1S, s/n 353260, and a Fuller & Johnson 2 HP, s/n
164524? Dexter Bennett, Echo Lake Rd., Box 536, W. Charleston, VT

A. Economy serial numbers are covered in the
Glenn Karch book mentioned above (30/6/18). The Fuller &
Johnson was made in 1927.

30/6/34 Unidentified Engine Q. See the two
photos of an engine I found in a ditch in Oregon. It has a 5 inch
bore. In its present state, the engine weighs 280 to 300 pounds.
Any help would be appreciated. Melvin S. Harker, 7220 W. Bonnie
Ave., Kennewick, WA 99336.

30/6/35 F-M Model 45 Diesel Q. I am restoring a
Fairbanks-Morse Model 45 diesel engine. It appears to have the
crankcase interior painted with a red paint. Why was this done, and
how common was the practice? Paul Towne, 26 Riched Lane,
Uncasville, CT 06382.

A. This was a red lead or an oxide material
that kept the interior of the crankcase free from rust and
corrosion. Moisture and other contaminants can cause serious
rusting, and of course this material then contaminates the
crankcase lubricant.

30/6/36 Maytag Decal Placement Q. Where do the
four different decals go on a Maytag Model 72 engine? John M.
Edgerton, 603 Loon Lake Rd., Bigfork, MT 59911.

30/6/37 Unidentified Marine Engine Q. Sometime
ago I traded for what at the time appeared to be an ugly duckling
of an engine. This engine is one-cylinder, two-stroke, with between
3 and 5 HP. The flywheel creates an updraft, cooling the head. The
carburetor was made by AMAL Ltd., Birmingham, England. The
chain-driven dynamo is a Wakefield WICO Type A839Z. There are no
other identifying marks, but it is assumed to be of British origin,
as there is plenty of brass. The ribbed manifold has two ports with
dual exhaust pipes, but no divider inside. There is a chain-driven
sprocket and crank, but no gear box. If anyone can help identify
this engine, pleas write Len C. Bontje, #39-6325 Metral Drive,
Nanaimo, BC V9T 2L9 Canada.

30/6/38 Grits Mill Q. See photo of an old grits
mill, made by Enterprise Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Flywheel is 12
inches in diameter; the hopper is 5′ in diameter and 5′
deep. The words, ‘Grits Mill’ are cast in the round plate
cover between the hopper and the lower chute. Any info on this mill
will be greatly appreciated. Allen Duncan, 1824 D Ave., West
Columbia, SC 29169.

30/6/39 Information Needed Q. I would like
information on the following engines:

Wonder Gas Engine, s/n 160313; Construction Machinery Co.,
Waterloo, Iowa (Same as Associated Chore Boy on page 37 of American
Gas Engines).

Also on: Associated Hired Hand, s/n 154694; are flywheels red
and silver or red and black? Robert Hullfish, 15 Cold Soil Rd.,
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648.

A. There is no serial number information on
Associated. To our knowledge the flywheels are red with bright
yellow striping.

30/6/40 Wagner Lawn Tractor Q. See the photo of
a garden tractor I have never seen at a power show or in print. The
Wagner was built by Wagner Iron Works, 1905 South First St.,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin . They are no longer in business. The tractors
were only built for about two years around 1960. The Wagner Iron
Works als o built manure loaders for farm tractors. I don’t
know anything else about the company. The tractors were made in two
sizes; the 450 with 4 HP, and the 700 with a 7 HP engine. I would
like to hear from anyone with further information. Ervin H. Briese,
W 1767, Cry Rd., Green Lake, WI 54941.

Modelmakers Corner

From Austria

I am a model engine builder. I build my own developments in a
limited edition for some collectors, and sell some casting kits.
All are authentic replicas of real engines. I began my business in
February 1995. For every year I plan to develop an engine of the
beginnings of aviation or a stationary engine. MM-1 shows my
Mercedes 1909 airplane engine of 1.9 ci capacity, and the Lil
Brother from a Breisch kit. I also build some American casting kits
of stationary engines.

I would like to build a working model of a the Priest man double
cylinder marine engine of 1893 (page 401 of American Gas Engines).
Is there one of these engines still in existence, or does anyone
have literature on this engine? If so, I would very much like to
hear from them. I am also interested in the Palmer NR1 to NR4 and
the ZR1 to ZR4 which I think would be wonderful models. I would
like to correspond with anyone having like interests. Heinz
Kornmuller, Hauptstrasse 92, 2492 Zillingdorf, Austria.

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