
By C. H. Wendel
Published on June 1, 1990
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Awhile back, Mr. John L. Hamilton wrote an article on the
Associated Pony engines. At the end of the article John noted that
if anyone was interested in contact with other Pony owners he
should send his name and some information about his engine, and
John would compile it. There were 67 replies that accounted for 82
Pony engines, plus a handful of Associated Colt engines and Sattley
? HP engines. Just before beginning this column we received a box
from John with all the letters he received, along with some
interesting information on these engines. From all this material we
should be able to develop an in-depth article on these unique
little engines. Thanks for your work John, and thanks for sending
this material over to us. (John’s address is 461 Algonquin
Place, Webster Groves, MO 63119).

Also, a special thanks to Michiel Hooyberg, Westdijk 12, 1463 PA
Beemster, The Netherlands. Through his kindness we have received an
instruction manual for the Junkers engine we wrote about several
months ago. As might be expected, the manual for this German-built
engine is of course, written ‘auf deutsch’ (in German). No
matter, we’ll translate it to get the necessary information.
This brings us to another point. Our collection of books regarding
the internal combustion engine contains many titles written in the
German language. Those familiar with translating will undoubtedly
agree with us when we say that translating a German Bible or a
German devotional book is one thing. Translating German technical
materials is something quite different, and somewhat like trying
out an entirely different language! Many of the German idioms and
many German terms defy translation in so many words. Thus, an
accurate translation might require an entire evening for something
less than a page. For those of us who sometimes while away the
hours in this activity, perhaps it’s the challenge that keeps
us going. But then, as we go into another show season, remember the
old German proverb, ‘Be not ashamed of your craft.’

Due to the occasional problems of time and distance (we write
from eastern Iowa, and GEM is published at Lancaster, PA) we
sometimes have to get the column sent in earlier than usual, due
either to our schedule, the GEM schedule, or for other reasons.
This is one of those times, so anything we don’t catch this
issue will come next month. We begin with:

25/6/1 Unknown Engine Q. See the two photos of
an engine that is as yet unidentified.. On the nameplate is the
number 3l7857,650rpm, 1? N HP. The only other number located so far
is 1 N18 on the front of the cylinder head. The engine was designed
for a Wico EK magneto. Any information will be appreciated. Virgil
Martell, 20205 – 43rd Ave SE, Bothell, WA980l2.  

25/6/2 Sawmill Information Needed Q. In your
book, The Circular Sawmill, you illustrate a Geiser mill. I have
one that is quite similar but it uses an entirely different feed
works. Also, I need to know where I might find the dog assemblies,
as mine are gone. Jim Dobkins, Rr I, Box 315, Steelville, MO

A. Perhaps your mill was modified at some time
with a different setworks from the original. This would not be at
all surprising, especially since sawmills often were endowed with
improvements to suit the operator, and they often changed
operators! Might we also refer you to Robert L. Johnson, Whistles
in the Woods, RR 1, Box 265A, Rossville, GA 30741. Mr. Johnson has
done extensive research on sawmills, and might be able to offer
further suggestions. He recently sent us photocopies of numerous
sawmill catalogs, several of which did not make it into our recent
sawmill book.

25/6/3 Stover Burr mill Q. See the photo of a
small grinder made by Stover at Freeport, Illinois. It is a No. 4.
Is there any information available on this machine, such as the
size and shape of the hopper, the age of the machine, and
horsepower required to run it? Joe Kroes, 7355 West Sorrell Hill
Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027.  

A Stover built these mills for many years,
finally ending in the 1930’s. To our knowledge there are no
existing drawings for the Stover mills, so the best success might
be in locating another mill owned by a collector, perhaps one of
the GEM readers. We would suggest a 5 or 6 HP engine for this

25/6/4 Tiny Tim Generators Q.. Cledus Stites,
RR 1, Box 18, Odon, IN 47562 needs wiring information on a Tiny Tim
battery charger sold by Sears-Roebuck.

25/6/5 Minneapolis-Moline Q.. I want to restore
my M-M Universal J tractor, s/n 551294- How many years was this
tractor built? What year is this one, and should it be painted gray
wired wheels? It was Prairie Gold when I got it. When did M-M go to
this color? Harvey Franz, RR 1, Box 408, Mora, MN 55051.

A. Our understanding is that Prairie Gold was
adopted as the color for M-M tractors, effective with the new
Vision-Lined series of 1937. The Universal JT was built from
1934-1937 and the Standard JTS was offered in 1936 and 1937. Your
tractor was built in 1935, therefore we assume it should be gray
and red.

25/6/6 Nelson Bros. etc. Q.. See photo 6A of a
Nelson Bros. Little. Jumbo engine. I think the head is wrong
because the water jacket holes do not line up. Can anyone advise
whether this is the right head?

Photo 6B illustrates what I believe to be a Briggs &
Stratton engine. There is no name tag, but Briggs & Stratton is
stamped in one flywheel. Any information on this engine will
likewise be appreciated. Aaron Murray, 21151 County Line Road,
South Beloit IL 61080.

25/6/7 New-Way Information Q. Does anyone have
instructions information for the New-Way engine in the photo? It is
a 1917 F-Series engine, 4 HP Any information will be appreciated.
Wendell Heal, PO Box 2057, Weaverville, CA 96093.

25/6/8 Color Information Q.. Floyd Mower, 2
Vassar, Pueblo, CO 81005 needs the color match for a Sattley 3 HP
engine and the Witte 2? HP model.

A. Both of these engines should be dark green,
we suggest the Sattley to be a very dark Brewster Green, but
information seems to vary on this one. According to Witte, the
closest match is by taking 2 parts of Rustoleum Forest Green and
adding 1 part of Rustoleum Black to it.

25/6/9 Cushman X Engine Q.. Has anyone
reprinted a manual for the Cushman X engines? So far I haven’t
found anything. George W. O’Day, 4222 W. Pinchot Ave., Phoenix,
AZ 85019.

A. Just recently a collector approached us with
an original manual for the Cushman X engine. We’re sending the
info along to GEM, and perhaps they will reprint this one.

25/6/10 N.O.S. Q.. Occasionally there will be
an advertisement of N.O.S. parts. What does this term mean? C. W.
Nunley, 2912 – 10th St NW, Canton, OH 44708.

A. A good question, and for many of our
readers, one that should be answered occasionally. This is
shorthand for ‘New Old Stock’, or in other words, new parts
that were manufactured many years ago, and which may have slight
rust, but for all practical purposes are just like new.

25/6/11 International 10-20/M20 Tractor Thanks
to Charles E. Seng, Box 53, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119 for sending the
two below photos. This International 10-20 is believed to have been
a military warehouse model, and was built in November 1927.
Originally, it was equipped with rubber on front and rear. The
magneto is attached to the generator, and an electric starter is
noted on the left hand side. Mr. Seng would appreciate hearing from
anyone having information on this special M-20 model.

25/6/12 Huber and Oliver Q.. I recently
purchased a Huber Model LC and an Oliver-Hart-Parr Model 18-27. We
are restoring them for our local tractor pulls. I would like to
know the proper color and color scheme of these tractors and if and
where we could get decals for the Huber LC. Any information will be
appreciated. Bruce Judd, RD 1, Box 19, Cameron, NY 14819.

25/6/13 Unknown Engine Q. See the photos of an
unidentified engine. It is of two cylinder opposed design. We are
certain that it was for marine application and was probably built
in New York state. Any information will be appreciated. Richard
Stoyell, RR 2, Box 141A, Moravia, NY 13118.

A. We’re not so sure it was a marine
engine; we would rather think it might have been an early
automotive style. Perhaps someone might be able to give a positive


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