During the past few weeks we visited Rock Island Works of
International Harvester Company. Buildings which cover something
like 40 acres and once employed thousands of people are now nearly
vacant except for a few tractors yet to be finished. The word is
that the Farm all Works will become a thing of the past, probably
by the end of 1985.
We have just returned from a visit to LaPorte, Indiana and the
large Allis-Chalmers plant there. It is now completely vacant
except for a skeleton crew of company personnel. Major portions of
the LaPorte plant were originally built by the Rumely people.
Walking through these soon-to-be-vacated factories gives a special
reason for sadness, especially when it is remembered that both
facilities were the site of major farm equipment developments
during their history.
In visiting the Allis-Chambers plant at West Allis, Wisconsin,
we watched the news release of the impending sale to Deutz come off
the ticker tape on March 28th. While it seemed to be widely
discussed in the farm implement business that some sort of deal was
imminent, the final verdict as coming over the wire gave this
writer an eerie feeling to say the least.
This past month has brought in a large number of letters, but so
far we haven’t had any comments regarding a possible listing of
proper paint colors. Let us hear from you in this regard. Possibly
we can compile a listing that might be of some help in engine and
tractor restoration.
20/3/1 Q. In a letter from Massey-Ferguson
Ltd., we are told that the engine shown here was built by Briggs
& Stratton. These were supplied to Massey-Harris as required,
but records indicate the Model ‘S’ was first sold by M-H in
1946. However, the nameplate on this engine says ‘Made in
Canada.’ Can anyone tell us who actually made this engine? Also
please see enclosed photograph of our Type X OilPull tractor. We
need to know the original steel blue color. Also would like to know
why three different serial numbers appear on the engine, and why
this one uses a late style air cleaner? Ray Hudson, Box I, Site 2,
RR 3, Coronation, Alberta, ToC ICo Canada.
A. We have heard some discussion of the steel
blue color for the late-model OilPull recently. One of Rumely’s
old employees told us that the company was able to buy a large
amount of this color at a bargain price, thus the change from green
to gray. Regarding the various serial numbers and discrepancies of
various features, we are told that after Allis-Chalmers bought out
Rumely in 1931, they did in fact build up as many tractors as
possible from the remaining parts originally designated for several
different variations of the ordinary production-line models.
20/3/2 Q. We need help on paint color, age, and
other information on a Coldwell Model H mower complete with
one-cylinder water-cooled engine. The casting is stamped with the
following patent dates: Sept. 4, 1012; Dec. 31, 1912; May 11, 1915;
Truman D. Jingst, RR I, Box 67, Ewing. MO 63440.
A. We do not have sufficient information to
give an accurate color scheme, but have determined the following
patent information: The following patents were all issued to
William H. Coldwell, Newburgh, New York: 1,039,499, Lawn Mower,
9/24/1912; 1,048,498 and 1,048,499 covering Motor Lawn Mowers
issued 12/31/1912. 1,138,730, Motor Lawn Mower, 5/11/1915.
20/3/3 Q. We have discovered an old
single-cylinder upright engine of two-cycle design. There are no
markings on the engine, but the top of the water pump is inscribed:
M. L. Oberdorfer, Syracuse, New York. Morris Stehman, 517-12th St.,
Greeley, CO 80631.
A. Without a photograph, we are assuming this
to be a marine engine design… the name on the pump indicates the
name of the pump builder, and probably has nothing to do with the
firm that actually built the engine. A photograph would be
20/3/4 Q. Need a pen pal to help me on a 5 HP
Ottawa Log Saw Engine. Need help on making new wood pieces, along
with color scheme etc. Call me collect after 9 PM at (904)
385-6676. Bob Burke, 775 Lakeshore Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32312.
20/3/5 Q. I have a 2 Flying Dutchman engine, no
serial no. visible. It appears to be nearly identical to the Alamo
3 HP engine on page 18 of American Gas Engine. We need information
on the trip mechanism, governor linkage, and magneto used for this
engine. Rich Howard, Hysham, MT 59038.
A. The Webster Master Manual lists Alamo as the
actual builder of Flying Dutchman engines, with the latter title
being one derived by Moline Plow Company, and used on their entire
implement line for a number of years. Webster also lists their AK
magneto with an A303K18-A base for the 2, 3, and 4 HP Alamo
engines. Our guess is that this base will fit the Flying Dutchman
as well.
20/3/6 Q. We just purchased a Model BI-7 and A
BI-6 Graham-Paige rototiller. Although we understand that parts are
available, we need to locate the company handling parts for the
above machines. Joseph W. Gorski, 502 Lake Street, Waukesha, WI
20/3/7 Q. We are concerned about heavy rust
inside the water hopper on one of our engines. Any suggestions?
John Heasley, 190 Paragon, Troy, Michigan 48098.
A. First it is necessary to determine whether
the problem is rust or lime. The latter can be removed several
ways. A rather dangerous method is by the use of a dilute solution
of sequestered muriatic acid. Sequestered acid is often used to
de-lime boilers and condensers. Engines that were cooled with
alkali water or worse yet, with an anti-freeze solution of water
and calcium chloride are often found to be deeply pitted and
rusted. We have found the best method is to take the cylinder to an
automotive shop and let them dip it in their hot tank overnight to
thoroughly de-lime and de-rust the interior. After thorough drying,
a high-grade metal primer should minimize the problem.
20/3/8 Q. In the Jul/Aug 1983 issue of GEM,
page 14 you ran a picture of an engine later identified to be from
a 1908-1911 Schacht High-Wheeler automobile. We now have located a
carburetor, but have yet to figure out the lubrication system and
to make an intake manifold. Bill Stone, 383 S. Main St., Cohasset,
MA 02025.
20/3/9 Q. We need to paint a 1948
Minneapolis-Moline ‘R’ tractor and have problems obtaining
the proper shade of ‘prairie gold’. There seems to be some
question that the older tractors used a darker shade of yellow than
was used on later versions. DuPont has a M-M prairie Gold No. 006
and an M-M orange No. 020. We are told the 020 color is the darker
of the two. Which of these colors is correct, and when did M-M
change to a lighter color? Also can someone suggest where to
purchase the exact colors? Lloyd A. Merchant, 4310 Smith Road,
Dimondale, MI 48821
20/3/10 Q. What year was a Rumely wood thresher
built, Serial Number 18925? Marvin Johansen, Wakonda, SD 57O73.
A. Rumely Parts Book No. 24 lists this thresher
as being built in 1919.
20/3/11 Q. Here’s a 1938 working photograph
of an old lawn mower we recently acquired. We are now restoring it,
so need any information you can give us. Manor S. Carter, 30 Rte.
340, Sparbill, NY 10976.
A. This one looks like an Ideal. Several
questions were posed on the Ideal in recent issues of GEM, so
hopefully, new data will be coming across our desk.
20/3/12 Q. Where can we obtain cork to make new
floats for the Schebler carburetors? Are there other materials that
we might use? Tom Crozier, RRI, Ailsa Craig, Ontario NoM IAO
A. Here’s one we would like answers to!!!
Although we have a precious little block cork on hand for the
purpose, it is slowly dwindling away, with almost no hope of
acquiring a new supply. Surely there are some space age materials
that can be substituted for the original cork float!
20/3/13 Q. We need information on the
following: Fairbanks-Morse engine, Patents 472,I06, 1892; 477, 295,
1802; 542, 043, 1895; 582, 620, 1897; 582, 652, 1897; 630, 624,
1898; 684, 663, 1901. Our engine has the hot tube AND igniter and
is fueled by natural gas. It is of vertical design. Also need
information on a Bean Spray Pump engine #582, 2 HP, resembles a
Witte. Earl Jones, RR 1, Box 144, Farmington, WV 26571.
A. Detailed information regarding the
development of Fairbanks-Morse engines may be found in the
Reflector’s Power in the Past, Volume 2 covering Fairbanks,
Morse & Co. Several reprint catalogs and instruction manuals
are also available in this regard. New information keeps coming in
on the Bean Spray Pump engines, but as yet we have been unable to
organize this material into a progressive history of the
company’s product line.
20/3/14 Q. We have a Leader 4 HP engine built
by Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, NY. According to American Gas
Engines, the Leader name was used only by companies at Dayton, Ohio
and Decatur, Illinois. Can you please clarify this? We also need
information on the original color of the above engine, plus we
would like to hear from someone with one of these engines. R. H.
Williamson, Route 5, Box 175, Quakertown, PA 18951.
A. At the time American Gas Engines was
published we were unaware of the ‘Leader’ designation for
the above engine. Since our book had to be built ‘from the
ground up’ it is entirely possible that there were in fact,
other companies using this trade name. Most of our data was gleaned
from endless perusal of trade magazines, early books, and product
literature, so it is likely that a substantial number of companies
were missed entirely by our research.
20/3/15 Q. We have a small tractor about the
size of a John Deere ‘L’ but ours is called a Harvey
Power-Flex, Model 10. This is the only name on it, and there is no
manufacturer’s plate. It is assembled partially from Ford
parts, especially the steering, transmission, differential, and
rear brakes from the late 1930’s or early 1940’s. It uses a
Clinton one-cylinder 10 HP engine which appears to be original. It
is painted orange. Any information? Marvin L Proctor, 1326 E.
Third, Pratt, KS 67124.
A. A check of Millard’s Implement Directory
and Farm Implement News’ Buyer’s Guide during the late
’30’s and early ’40’s gives not a single clue as to
the origins of this machine. Perhaps our readers can give us a hand
on this one.
20/3/16 Q. We have a Witte headless engine, 2
HP, S/N 55224. We need the proper paint color, year built, and
other information or literature on this model. Russ Craig, Box
27354, Concord, CA 94527.
A. Discussion of the proper shade of green for
Witte engines still continues. We believe it closely approximates
DuPont Dulux 93-77161 or 93-72001-H green. Both of these are very
dark green with a bluish cast. To go slightly more to a bluish
cast, the next logical step would be 93-94125-H green. Perhaps some
of our readers can help out further on giving a more or less
definite color scheme.
20/3/17 Q. First of all, what are the proper
paint colors for the Cushman Cub, Cushman Type X, Model 21, and the
Cushman Model C engines? Referring to the George Massinger engines
on the back cover of the Jan-Feb 1985 issue of GEM, we question the
rarity of the Cushman engines illustrated there, especially since
we have seen several of these at auctions and in private
collections during recent months. The model 21, Type X uses an
oiler and places the spark plug above the carburetor. Also the
flywheel hub on this engine uses two reinforcing ribs between the
hub and the flywheel disc, while the Cushman Cub uses an ordinary
concentric hub. Also, the Cub has a Wico magneto, while the Type X
uses a battery and coil for ignition. Donald M. Kilmer, Route 1,
Brady, NE 69123.
20/3/18 Q. I have a Dunn four-cycle,
single-cylinder engine as illustrated on page 142 of American Gas
Engines. Need to know the color scheme, and the style of carburetor
used on this engine. May we hear from anyone with information on
these engines? Richard P. Glass, 5812 E. 300 S., Hartford City, IN
20/3/19 Q. From F. L. Roof, Jr., 13188 STRT68
South, Kenton, OH 43326 comes this photograph and question: We
believe from American Gas Engines that this engine is a Novo.
A. Page 351 of American Gas Engines does indeed
illustrate a very similar model of the Novo ‘Roller’ Engine
introduced about 1931. This unit made use of Timken roller bearings
for the mains.
20/3/20 Q. Can anyone identify this engine? It
came from an old silver mine in Tombstone, Arizona. It is of 43/8 x
6 inch bore and stroke with 24 x 21/8 inch flywheels. The only
numbers are B46 cast on the connecting rod and B3155 stamped on the
timing gear end of the crankshaft. Clarence A. Paulson, 2926 N.
16th Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85015.
20/3/21 Q. Can anyone supply us with
information on a Western Electric Company that made sewing
machines? We have a portable model that says ‘Western
Electric’ both on the head and on the motor, but can find no
other information. Ralph R. Look, 8006 Watson Lane, Wichita, KS
20/3/22 Q. Harvey Metzger, RR1, Box 19,
Lang-don, ND 58249 writes that he is trying to build harness making
machinery and needs to hear from anyone familiar with this art.
20/3/23 Q. Can anyone tell me how to adjust the
governor linkage on the McCormick-Deering LB engines prior to
assembly. It is very difficult to work on after the crankcase is
assembled. Richard C. Vogt, 1713 E. Walnut, Enid, OK 73701
20/3/24 Q. What is the proper shade of red for
the ‘dishpan’ Fairbanks-Morse engines? Tony Bizjak, 427
East Park, Port Angeles, WA 98362.
A. This question has been posed several times
recently, and we still aren’t sure of a matching number. If
anyone has an answer, please let us know.
20/3/25 Q. What is the proper color and
striping scheme for a i’/ HP Hercules of about 1915 vintage?
Also the same question for a Novo 3 HP of about 1922 or 1923?
Robert k. Ashcraft, RR 2, Box 358, Mannington, WV 26582.
A large number of items have come in regarding earlier
questions. We have always believed this .idea would work, and that
in fact, GEM could serve a very valuable purpose in collecting and
disseminating the specific data required by thousands of engine and
tractor collectors. The idea IS working, and with your continued
support it will continue to work!
J. Arnold, 6510 Panton St., Killride, Ontario LOP 1G0 Canada
writes regarding 20/1/19 that this is indeed a Jacobson vertical
engine. Also enclosed is a nameplate tracing for our Essex engine.
We would appreciate any information on this engine.
Kinsinger Engine Service, Meyers-dale, PA 15552 writes that they
have a Famous Jr. Vertical hopper cooled engine. It was originally
blue, and they repainted it with MS-100 royal blue.
Since there was considerable original paint left, they feel they
have an accurate color match. We have not determined the paint
manufacturer for the above color number however. Perhaps we will
have this information for the next issue.
Regarding 20/2/51, we learn from Skip Cleveland, 301 Nesbitt St.
N.E., Palm Bay, FL 32907 that Texaco Marfak Heavy Duty 3 grease
will work perfectly in an old engine. It is a short fiber grease
that will not sling out like many modern grease products. Mr.
Cleveland obtained his from Crown Petroleum, 1322 E. University
Blvd., Melbourne, FL. ph. (305) 723-8424. Also, for removing rusted
parts, use spray bomb PB Blaster from the William K. Westler Co.,
Rocker River Marine & Automotive Manufacturing Chemists, 4795
Briar Road, Cleveland, OH 44135. Mr. Cleveland does not recommend
using the new types of grease on today’s market.
Question 20/2/S3 regarding the Mietz &. Weiss engines
brought several helpful letters, including a large amount of
photocopy material from Prince Stevens & Sons, Route 1-A,
Gardiner, Maine 04345. Mr. Stevens describes himself as being
‘ecstatic’ over his ownership of a Mietz &. Weiss
engine. We heartily concur! Mr. Herbert R. Savage, RR 1, Box 57,
Baltic, CT also sent in some data regarding these engines, as did
several other individuals.
The lubricant question also got a boost from Mr. John B. Mulford
Jr., Box 106, Upper Lake Road, Lodi, NY 14860. He writes that No. 2
cup grease from Fiske Bros. Refining Co., Newark, NJ works quite
well. Also some grades of water pump grease work good. Mr. Mulford
also suggests the use of 600w steam cylinder oil because of its
‘sticking’ ability. Another great product is the semi-white
oil made by Lubriplate.
On Question 20/2/26 comes the first plausible answer we have
seen regarding the serial number of John Deere Type E engines. Mr.
Ken Robison, 20531 Black Road, Los Gatos, CA 95030 writes that in
correspondence with Deere &. Company several years ago he
learned the following: The first two digits of the number represent
the year of manufacture, with the third digit, or the third and
fourth digits representing the month of that year. Thus, S/N 239801
would have been built in September, 1923. The Reflector would like
to hear from other collectors to see if this analogy is
Walt Nieland, RR 2, Carroll, IA 51401 also writes with similar
comments regarding the age identification on John Deere engines
using the first two digits of the serial number. Several other
writers have given some comments regarding the various minor design
changes as well. Perhaps with some more input we will be able to
assemble this data into usable form.
Regarding 20/2/2S on rotary engines, Wm. C. Kuhl, Sebewaing, MI
writes that Nordberg built radial gas engines as late as I960, and
installed 242 of these 3,200 horsepower units at the Alcoa Aluminum
Plant, Point Comfort, Texas.
On 20/1/9, Charles W. Roback, Box 276, inland, NE 68954 writes
that he bought one of these engines used in about 1950. It was
originally sold by Montgomery-Ward, but was built by
Tom Melville, regarding 20/2/12 sends extensive photocopy
material on Allied Motors Corporation. Among this material is a
communication to Mr. Edsel Pierce, 6133 E. 300 N., Craigville, IN
46731. Standard Engine Company of Minneapolis apparently built
Twin, Monarch, Twin Convertible, and Walsh garden tractors
Gene L. Brandt, N. Rte. 228, Nashua, MT 59248 has forwarded
several descriptive items on the Delco Light plants; also some
descriptive material of the Tiny Tim air-cooled engines as built by
Continental Motors Corporation. Mr. Brandt notes that his 1923
Fordson has a governor attachment that drove off the camshaft at
the timer end. It is about 14 inches tall and goes straight up from
the end of the camshaft. Can anyone tell him what was used on the
top of this attachment for ignition. The stator is not in the
flywheel magneto assembly, so apparently it used some sort of
magneto or distributor.
Although a great amount of correspondence has come in for this
issue, not a single letter has been received so far regarding model
Corliss engine patterns. Perhaps no one has gotten into this
endeavor up till now.
The large amount of photocopied and original material that has
come in during the past few months has been gratifying indeed. Much
of this material will be very useful in answering future questions
as they are presented.
During the next few weeks the Reflector will be finishing work
on the Nebraska Tractor Tests, and hopefully the completed book
will be available late this year. To our knowledge, this will be
the first time ALL the Nebraska Tractor Tests have ever been
assembled and illustrated in a single volume. The so-called
‘materials gathering phase’ of an Allis Chalmers history is
now in the works. Present plans call for an extensive section on
Rumely products as well. More on this subject in future issues.
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.