By Staff
Published on July 1, 1995
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30/7/17 A
30/7/17 A
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Although we’re writing this copy in early May, it won’t
be in your hands until early June. By then, the Show Season will be
under way, and once again we make our usual caveat to urge care and
caution when displaying your engines and tractors.

We’re told of one show that will be moving after this year,
since the owner of the real estate is concerned about liability.
Not only are there concerns about the safety of the equipment where
the public is involved, there are also concerns about open gasoline
cans and the like.

We think that exhibitors could do a lot toward making their show
areas safer by setting those fuel cans back out of view, and being
sure that the caps are in place. For instance, what might happen if
some reckless public citizen walks by and flicks a lighted
cigarette butt toward an open fuel can? We also think it wise for
exhibitors to do all they can regarding safety before some of these
minor things become issues. In our society, there seem to be those
who are all too ready to find even the flimsiest excuse for a
lawsuit. So, we again urge all of you to keep folks from any excuse
to make life unpleasant.

The registration for the GAS ENGINE TOUR in September has been
so overwhelming that Wade Farm Tours can no longer find air and
hotel accommodations! We hope we aren’t disappointing anyone,
but there is nothing we can do about the situation. Right now it
looks like we’ll have an entourage of about 100 people, and to
put it mildly, we’re completely delighted!

We reported last month that we’ve completed our American Gas
Engine Trademarks book for Stemgas Publishing, and they will have
it ready sometime this summer. There are hundreds of trademarks,
all taken from the pages of the Patent Office Gazette. In addition,
we’ve compiled a gigantic listing of engine manufacturers and
model names. These have been extracted over the past twenty-five
years from many different sources. This data was originally on
index cards, but a simple little $35 database made all this
information readily available. There are three different indexes in
this book (each with about 2,700 listings), and of course, one is
on the trade names. Another listing puts companies in alphabetical
order, followed by the trade names of their engines. The third
listing is by states, and now it’s easy to find all the
companies that built engines in Oil City, Pennsylvania, for
example. It was an enjoyable book to assemble, although we’ll
admit that those days and days of work at the computer required
frequent stops at the coffee pot.

We’re also happy to report that we’re just in the
beginning stages of a rather large book entitled, Encyclopedia of
American Farm Implements, to be published by Stemgas. We’ve
wanted to do a book like this for a long time, and will be working
on it during the next few months. With luck, it will be ready about
a year from now. The history of farm implement development has
seldom been addressed in any depth, and although a detailed study
would require a dozen books, we hope to present a comprehensive
look at the machines that reshaped farming methods and farming

We have quite a few queries this month, so we begin with:

30/7/1 Information Needed

Q. See photo 1 -A of a two stroke air cooled
engine with FAIRBANKS-MORSE on the nameplate. It has a 4-inch
piston and the flywheels are 12 inches in diameter. I’ve looked
through your Fairbanks-Morse: 100 Years of Engine Technology book
and don’t find it there. Also see photo 1 -B of an 8 HP
Fairbanks-Morse made by Horwood Bagshaw, and manufactured in South
Australia. They also built 4 and 6 HP engines. Any information will
be appreciated. Ray Thomson, 112 Victoria Road, Lilydale 3140
Victoria, Australia.

A. We’ve never seen a Fairbanks-Morse
engine of this appearance, and wonder if it also might not have
been built at an overseas location. When it is recalled that the
sun never set on the Fairbanks-Morse product line, this seems
entirely possible. We spent a lot of time at Fairbanks-Morse, and
we believe we’ve corralled virtually every engine model made at
Beloit. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

30/7/2 Hausen Machine Co.

Q. I am restoring for the Stathern Historical
Park. In the past I have restored several items, but now have this
engine made by Hausen Machine Co., apparently in Eureka,
California, and cannot find anyone familiar with this engine. I
have started this engine and it runs for about five pops, and
that’s it. Any information would be appreciated.Walt
Bender, Simi Valley Historical Society, PO Box 351, Simi Valley, CA

A. We have no information whatever on this
company, so if anyone can help, kindly contact Mr. Bender.

30/7/3 Buick OHV Engines

Thanks to Doug Plance, 4960 Mamont Rd., Murrysville, PA 15668.
He reports that the March-April 1995 issue of Antique Automobile
Magazine carries an article concerning the development of the Buick
overhead valve engine, and resulted in some stationary single
cylinder vertical engines being built of this design. They were
covered by the Richard patent, No 771,095 of September 27,

30/7/4 Fairbanks-Morse

Q. I recently found two old F-M engines in a
cotton gin. They are both Model YV; one is 40 HP, and the other is
60 HP. I am more of a tractor collector, and I wonder whether they
are worth the trouble to move and repair. I would like some advice
from experts before I go forward. Vic Murphy, 3156 Woodbridge
Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242.

A. Chances are that the 40 HP is a 10 x 15
model, while the 60 HP is a 14 x 17. These engines are getting
scarcer and scarcer as time goes by, so if they’re reasonably
intact, we would surely think them to be worth the effort. The
smaller one will weigh about 6 tons, while the larger one will
weigh between 9 and 10 tons. With today’s moving equipment we
don’t consider these to be extremely heavy.

30/7/5 Phase Converters

David Rudolph, 10742 Denali Drive, Clermont, FL 34711 tells us
that the November 1994 issue of American Machinist provides details
for a reduced-voltage starting apparatus to lower the inrush amps
on starting 3-phase motors on single phase power.

30/7/6 F-M and Detroit Engines

Q. See photos 5-A and 5-B of a Fairbanks-Morse
6 HP engine, sin 466471. The basic block and sub-base were painted
the ordinary F-M dark green. However, the flywheels, splash cover,
main bearing cap bolts, and the sub-base bolts are all painted red.
The original colors have not been painted over. Is it possible that
this engine was built for export? The engine was possibly used in
upstate New York or in Canada. Any information on this would be

Secondly, I would like to address the issue of the Detroit
engines, posed by John Gardner in the February 1995 GEM (30/2/11).
The Detroit engine does not use a dry sump. It and several others,
such as Bessemer, Middleditch and Columbia, depend on direct oiling
through a drip oiler. The excess oil from the oiler collects in the
crankcase where a dipper on the connecting rod supplies extra oil.
There is a drain valve at the bottom of the crankcase to drain off
excess oil when it gets too high.

Here is a basic chronology of this engine family:

1880 Basic engine designed by Benjamin

1896 Manufacturing rights given to Detroit
Engine Works

1906  Detroit Auto-Marine begins
production of this design

1907  Detroit Gas Engine & Marine
takes over Detroit Auto-Marine Company

1907 Late in year company is sold to Strelinger
Engine Co.

1911 Columbia Engine Co. manufactures same
engine design

1913 Detroit Motor Car Supply sells Sandow of
same design

1913 Bessemer buys out Benjamin Middleditch
interests, and he goes to work for them. Engines sold into

1916 Detroit Engine Works ends engine

1927-28 Bessemer ceases production of this

Andrew K. Mackey, 26 Mott Pl, Rock-away Boro,NJ

30/7/7 Massey-Ferguson 98 Tractor

Q. How many of the M-F Model 98 tractors were
built? Any other information on this tractor would also be
appreciated. Jacob Kroon, RR 3, Uxbridge, ONT L9P 1R3 Canada.

A. All of our listings show the MF 98 tractor
being built from 1960 to 1962. However, we can’t find it in the
serial number listings. This model used a 3-cylinder GM engine.

30/7/8 Thanks!

from Art England, 204 – 216th S.W., Bothell, WA 98021 for all
the responses on the query regarding his F-M Type H engine. All
were greatly appreciated.

30/7/9 What is It?

Billy McKee, Route 1, Box 163, Gray Court, SC 29645 found the
old brass nameplate in the photo while looking through an old
blacksmith shop. Who knows anything about the Peter Gerlach
Company, Cleveland, Ohio?

30/7/10 Information Needed

Q. See photos 10A and 10B of a Lauson engine
with the following nameplate data: The Lauson Corporation, New
Holstein, Wisconsin; 3 HP, s/n 85275, Type VA 800, 1800 rpm. Any
information would be appreciated.

Also see photos 10C and 10D of a Burns Penfield tractor built in
Louisville, Georgia. It has a 9 HP Briggs & Stratton engine,
Model No. 236B, Type 70739, s/n 22826. The tractor s/n is
1633.Any information on this tractor would be greatly
appreciated. Bob Broome, 25 Washington St., Mendon, MA

30/7/11 Information Needed

Q. I need information on when the following
engines were built:

Stover 176378
Fairbanks-Morse 794108
Novo Vertical 45213
Fairmont railroad speeder engine
John D. Nichols, 3302 – 38th Ave. NW, Gig Harbor, WA

A. The Stover was built in 1926; the F-M in
1936. We know of no s/n listings for the others.

30/7/12 Thanks!

to Joe Thompson, W11802 Thompson Rd., Black River Falls, WI
546145-5905 for sending a photocopy of an instruction book for the
Hercules engines.

30/7/13 Field Type W Engine

Dan Baalman, 1865 West Fifth, Colby, KS 67701 sends along a
photo of himself with his recently restored Field-built Wolverine
engine. These are rather scarce. Thanks also for photocopies of
several interesting items.

30/7/14 United Engines

Lyle Fall, 303 Milford, Apt. 4, Davison, MI 48423 would like to
find out anything at all on United engines, built by Associated. If
you can be of help, contact him at the above address.

30/7/15 IHC Red

Q. Can you tell me the year that International
Harvester changed colors to red? Also, were the wheels painted red
in 1934? Warren Paulson, 6910 Argyle Road, Caledonia, IL

A. The color change was made in 1936. We’re
not sure of the exact color scheme on the 1934 models.

30/7/16 John Deere Engine

Q. I have a 1 HP John Deere E engine, s/n
235407, and would appreciate any information on it aside from the
instruction book, which I have. Mike Ladve, 6 Garfield St.,
Bristol, VT 05443.

A. Your engine was made in 1923.

30/7/17 Bloomer Machine Works

See the two photos from the original negatives. Photo 17-A is of
the Bloomer Machine Works about 1904. I have been able to find the
exact location in Bloomer, Wisconsin. Photo 17-B shows an early
Bloomer engine, about 1909. It has been cut apart to show the inner
parts. This was probably done to use in a sales brochure. I have a
4 HP Bloomer engine just like it, which has s/n 11. This would make
its manufacture in the first few weeks of production of these
engines by the Bloomer Machine Works. They were not called Keller
engines until about 1912. Over the past years I have recorded about
60 Keller engines in the United States and four in Australia. I
would like to hear from owners of these engines in order to compile
an up-to-date register. Tom Ender-son, RR 1, Box 227, Jim Falls, WI

30/7/18 Myers Water Pump

Q. I’m restoring a Myers water pump. The
leather seals are from Ace Hardware and fit perfectly. I thought
water destroyed leather. How do I protect them in a pump that will
be used just a few times a year at engine shows? Also another plea
for an update to your American Gas Engines book. John Hamilton, 461
Algonquin Place, Webster Groves, MO 63119.

A. The worst problem for pump leathers is that
they dry out. Pump leathers last for years in a well, with sand
being their worst enemy. We’d suggest that if the leathers are
at all accessible that you treat them with a leather dressing after
the moisture is dried up. Lots of missing gas engines will likely
find their way into our coming American Farm Implements book.

30/7/19 An Old Cream Separator

Q. See the photo of an old cream separator that
I’ve restored. Missing parts are the milk tank, the pipe, and
float assembly that goes to the bottom cone of the separator. It
was run by steam, and has an oil dripper on the top bearing, and a
pressure gauge. There is no name nor any numbers. Any help would be

Also, what years was the Oliver No. 20 plow built? Ed Bruce, PO
Box 340, McArthur,GA 96056.

A. Can anyone be of help on this query?

30/7/20 Unique Engines

Q. See photo 20-A of a Hercules-built Phillips
engine. The tag is from: Phillips Drag Saw & Mfg. Co., Kansas
City, Mo. The engine is no. 215108, Type B 583, and is a blue-green

Photo 20-B shows an engine from Cavanaugh-Darley Co., Chicago,
Illinois. It must be about 5 HP because it has a 5-inch bore and
stroke. Donald P. Weldele, 705 Lydia Rd., Helena, MT 59601.

30/7/21 Information Needed

Q. Can you supply s/n information on the
following engines?

F & J pump engine, s/n 119396
Muncie Oil Engine, s/n 3BN276
Witte 2HP, s/n 10646
Witte 1 HP, s/n B42917
Witte 4HP, s/n 91400J
Worthington, s/n 47135
Hercules, s/n 94718
Hume L. Baker, PO Box 368, Sheridan, TX 77475.

A. The F & J was made in 1925. The years
built for the Witte models are, in order, 1913, 1927, and 1931. We
don’t have s/n lists for the others.

30/7/22 Foos 30 HP Hopper Cooled

Q. David Babcock, 3491 E. Deckerville Rd., Cass
City, MI 48726 writes that he has a 30 HP Foos hopper cooled
engine-He would like to know of another 30 HP or larger hopper
cooled engine of any make, still in existence??? If so, write Dave
at the above address.

30/7/23 Joseph Reid

After the February 1995 article on Joseph Reid, a reader from
Scotland tried researching Reid’s background in Ayrshire, but
it seems that even in the town in which he was born, he has been
neglected and forgotten. Can anyone provide additional information
on Joseph Reid? We included all pertinent information from an
article in the ASME Transactions, and have nothing further. If you
can be of help, contact: Andrew Boyle, 14 Arran Gardens, Troon,
Ayrshire, Scotland KA10 6TE.

30/7/24 F-M Information

Q. What is the year built for a 3 HP F-M
engine, s/n 199314, and a 1 HP F-MZ, s/n 759910? Gary W. Everett,
5012 S. Newton St., Littleton, CO 81023.

A. The first engine was made in 1916, the
second, in 1930.

30/7/25 Challenge Head

Q. Several years ago a man from the Kansas City
area, I’ve lost his name, but he made a head for a 4 HP
Challenge engine. He had a man that was going to the Mabel,
Minnesota show lined up to meet me, and I was to pick it up, but I
never located the man, and have never heard anything more about the
head. I wish anyone knowing anything about the head would let me
know. He put a lot of work into it. Vemon Hansmeier, 3365 James
Avenue, Forest City, IA 50436.

30/7/26 Disneyland Challenge

Q. Disneyland is advertising its new Indiana
Jones ride and claims that by the time its promotion is finished,
every living person in North America will know about it. Part of
the new Indiana Jones attraction is an old ‘chugger’ (about
5 HP) which runs an electric generator near the entrance to the
ride. The engine is actually run by a hidden electric motor, but it
gives the feeling of an operating engine of the Indiana Jones
period. I couldn’t tell what kind of engine it is. Can someone
get a picture of the engine and identify it? Bob Mellin, 11 Library
Place, San Anselmo, CA 94960.

30/7/27 Unidentified Engine

Q. See the photo made of an original that I
purchased last fall. Does anyone recognize the make of this engine?
Does it have but one flywheel, or has one been removed for purposes
of the photograph? Brad E. Smith, 7574 S. 74 St., Franklin, WI

A. At first glance it has some resemblance to a
Sta-Rite, but the valve gear is on the wrong side (unless of
course, the negative was printed in reverse).

30/7/28 Garden Tractors

Don Rackliff, RR 1, Box 1250, Farm-ington, ME 04938 identifies
the old garden tractor of 30/3/1 as a Spry Wheel of 1921 or 1922.
He also sends along a couple photos out of his collection of 14 or
15 different units.

30/7/29 Garden Tractors

Q.Stuart Davidson, 1610 Clemius Circle,
Streetsboro, OH 44241 sends three photos and a query. Photo 29A is
of a Tom Moore Co. tractor. The company was located in Mantua,
Ohio. The engine is a Kohler 90R. This engine is in bad shape, so a
parts source is needed. Photos B and C are of an unidentified
tractor with no identifying marks. Any help with these projects
will be greatly appreciated.

30/7/30 Robert LeBaron Writes:

Would the fellow that contacted Robert A. LeBaron recently about
what was printed on the hopper of his grinder, as it is the same
kind he has … ,I would like to hear from him. (The words Mfd By
should be Mfd For Bradley, Merriam & Smith, Council Bluffs,

30/7/31 Jacobsen Mower

Q. My son and I are attempting to restore a
Jacobsen reel-type lawnmower. It has a two-cycle upright engine
with two external flywheels that had been full of water for an
extended period. We need information and some help on this unit, so
any responses would be greatly appreciated. Dave Gardiner, 16 White
Spruce Dr., Wading River, NY 11792.

A Closing Word

The hour is late, the deadline nears, and with some luck,
we’ll make it to the post office just in time to catch the
daily Express Mail pickup. That way, you won’t have to wait an
extra day to get your magazine.

We hope that while we’re in Germany this fall, we’ll be
able to find more information on our Junkers diesel engine. Those
who have seen it start can verify that if the temperature is above
about 60 degrees, it will start with a single pull of the crank.
For an engine of about 1932 or 1933 vintage that’s not too bad.
Hugo Junkers must have been a very talented engineer to have
designed an engine like this at a time when most engineers thought
that air injection was the only viable method. Also, by comparison,
most, if not all, diesels of the 1930s utilized air starting or a
pony engine, various preheating devices, ether, and even started on
gasoline with spark ignition before switching over to diesel.

We’ve had some letters from machinists who’ve devised
methods of rebuilding the guide pin and armature block for the Wico
EK magneto. One writer even offered to compile an article of his
methods. We think this would be a welcome addition to the magazine.
Likewise, we encourage our readers to send in letters, accompanied
hopefully, with photographs, telling us how to tackle a special

We also hope to see many of you at Ankeny, Iowa over the July 4
weekend for the Ageless Iron Show sponsored by Successful Farming

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