
By Staff
Published on January 1, 1988
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In late October the Reflector was most happy to be part of a
team which removed a nice old diesel engine from a power plant for
eventual installation at Midwest Old Threshers in Mt. Pleasant,
Iowa. The engine is a Fairbanks-Morse vertical diesel and was
installed at the electric power plant in George, Iowa in October
1924 (this was the same autumn that Calvin Coolidge and Charles G.
Dawes were elected President and Vice President).

This particular engine is of three cylinder design and carries
three separate external fuel pumps. The original blowtorch hot
plugs have been replaced with electric heaters, and these are
required for starting, since the combustion chamber design of the
early verticals is somewhat different than was used on later
models. Chances are that the engine will be mounted on heavy steel
beams for the present time, and as budgets and other events permit,
Midwest Old Threshers will no doubt give it a permanent home in the
Antique Powerhouse. The engine is a gift from Iowa Electric Light
& Power Company.

The Reflector is also looking forward to the World Ag Expo and
the World Plowing Matches to be held at Amana, Iowa between
September 7-10, 1988. Billed as ‘A Celebration of
Agriculture-Past, Present and Future,’ the Plowing Matches will
include state, national, and international matches. The
agricultural trade show will include a great many new machines.
Although it is a bit early to know the extent of any vintage
machinery displays, there will be a certain amount of old equipment
on hand. The World Ag Expo moves from one country to another, so it
will be awhile until this fine show returns to the United States.
For further information contact: World Ag Expo, Amana, LA
52203; phone number (319)622-3344.

This issue marks the beginning of the twenty-third volume of Gas
Engine Magazine. Who’d a’ thought back then that almost a
quarter century later our hobby would have become so popular? The
first question for the first issue of 1988 comes from:

23/1/1 Dois Snodgrass, Box 79, Route #4, Beaver
Dam, KY 42320, who encloses a photo of his Standard Monarch garden
tractor, s/n 409E3128. Mr. Snodgrass would appreciate knowing the
year built, and the proper color scheme for same.

23/1/2 I need a color scheme for the Leader
engines made by Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, NY. Jerry Heller,
9090 Anthony Hwy., Waynesboro, PA 17268.

23/1/3 Q. Would like to know the proper color
and year built on: Appleton 6 HP, s/n 5527, and Seager Olds 6 HP,
no s/n. Dick Edwards, 24801 55 St. NE, New London, MN

A. We know of no one having specific serial
number data for Olds or Appleton.

23/1/4 Steve Elpers, RR 2, Box 152-A,
Haubstadt, IN 47639, has an Eclipse engine by Myrick Machine Co., 4
HP, and s/n 1648. He would like to hear from other Myrick owners
regarding color scheme and other details.

23/1/5 I have a Majestic gas engine, about 3
HP, and would like to have some idea of the fuel tank design, also
the proper colors. Roger Boise, RD 1, Box 12, New Haven, VT

23/1/6 Q. What kind of mixer was used on the 1?
Seager-Olds engines? The intake port has ? inch pipe threads. This
particular engine seems to be somewhat different than the 1? HP
models. Robert A. Johnson, RR 2, Box 358, Canyon, TX

A. So far as we know, Olds used their own fuel
mixer-a peculiar blend of designs. As an alternative to a missing
mixer, we would suggest using a small Lunkenheimer, or similar fuel
mixer, at least until an original can be located.

23/1/7 Robert E. Clausen, RR 6, Box 299,
Decatur, IL 62521, asks some interesting questions: In the
1930’s or 1940’s someone built a no-nonsense crawler
tractor with an all-rubber track that rested in the drive wheels
like a giant v-belt. I thought it was built by Oliver, but now am
not sure that Oliver was the builder. My interest in this tractor
was roused by the new Caterpillar tractor design with the rubber
tread. Any information will be appreciated.

23/1/8 Back in November of 1986 I wrote the
‘Reflections’ column for information on a Lalley light
plant. Thanks to the help of the column, here’s the finished
product which I have had out to a few shows (see  photo
below). Jesse A. Bandy, 406 N. High St., Paris, IL

23/1/9 Q. See the photos given below of a 1? HP
Sun-Power Engine. Page 500 of American Gas Engines lists Sun-Power
Engine Co.; engines were possibly built by Hap-good Plow Co.,
Alton, Illinois (see page 218 of American Gas Engines). Any
information or response as to the actual builder of these engines
will be appreciated. Keith Sczurek, RR 2, Box 177-B, Lebanon,
CT 06249.

A. First of all, the engine on page 218 seems
to be virtually identical to the one illustrated here. Hapgood did
not build their own engines, nor did many other companies that
bought engines, affixed their own tag, and sold or otherwise
represented them as their own, when in fact, they weren’t. More
than a few of the mail order houses of the day followed this
practice. A few years later, when it came time for some repair
parts, the mail order house had probably gone on to some other make
of engine, and no longer carried parts for the one in question.
From this view point, those manufacturers who built and sold their
own engines as their own had a valid argument against the practice
of jobbing engines out to almost anyone who wished to hang their
own name-plate on the engine and sell it as their own. Nelson Bros,
apparently built engines for a great many different companies,
including Sun-Power Engine Co. and Hap-good Plow Company, to name
just a couple.

23/1/10 Q. I’m new to gas engines, and
would like to know the year and color for an 1HC LA engine, s/n
25993. Also, I want to publicly thank Mr. Verne W. Kindschi. I
wrote to him about a small Fuller & Johnson engine. He sent
back some information, plus the date built, without any , advance
money from me, and did not mention anything about it in his letter.
Not many left like this man. I want to tell you that 1 wrote a
‘Thank You’ note and ordered some other items from Mr.
Kindschi. Jim Witmer, 627 Co. Rd. 13, 02, RR 2, Ashland, OH

A. Your LA, 1? HP engine was built in 1936. It
is, quite simply, IHC red.

23/1/11 I am looking to correspond with anyone
having an Iron wood Engine. They were built in Ironwood, Michigan
high school as projects. Mine was completed in 1918 by Ernie
Beau-champ, my uncle. Jim Beauchamp, 27855 W. California,
Lathrup Village, MI 48076.

23/1/12 Q. Daryl A. Miller, Box 277, Battle
Creek, Iowa 51006 would like to correspond with anyone having a
Long Model A tractor made by Long Mfg. Co., Tarboro, NC. Any
information on these tractors will be appreciated.

A. The Reflector has never been privy to any
information on the Long Model A except for the files at the Tractor
Test Laboratory. When tested in 1949 (Test No. 410), it used a
Continental four-cylinder L-head engine. All in all, it seems to
have been assembled with a great many vendor-supplied components-a
practice not at all out of character with tractor manufacturing in
the 1940’s and 1950’s.

23/1/13 What is the proper color for a Black
Bear engine? I assume it is black with white lettering. Would like
to contact other Black Bear owners, and would appreciate their
phone number so I can call and talk. Bob Coffey, 1201 Longview
Drive, Rogers, AR 72756.

23/1/14 Howard Sins, RD 1, Box 67, West Leyden,
NY 13489, sends several photos of recent restorations, plus some
current projects. No 23/1/14A is a 1? HP Associated Chore Boy
restored in the winter of 1986-7. No. 23/1/14B is a 1? HP
Fairbanks-Morse also restored last winter. A 4 HP Robertsonville,
made in Robertsonville, Quebec is illustrated in 23/1/14C. A tag on
this engine reads: Mfg. Par La Fonderie de Robertsonville. Photo
14D illustrates a 2 HP Bovaird hot tube engine made by Bovaird
& Co., Bradford, PA. I . was told that it was made about 1909
by a gentleman who worked at the company. Apparently Bovaird &
Co. and Bovaird & Seyfang Co. were two different firms in
Bradford, PA that were right across the railroad tracks from each
other. Bovaird & Co. bought their design from a
‘Fowler’ Company and later sold it to American Railway
Appliance Co. of Oil City. They marketed it as the ARA CO engine.
There is a picture of the ARACO in the May-June 1984 GEM, page

The Bovaird has eight holes in the valve seat for carburetion of
the natural gas (now propane). In order to tighten the connecting
rod bearing, the flywheel and side plate of the crankcase were to
be removed. The main bearings are not split, and cannot be taken

Photo 23/1/14E is a 4 HP Leader engine that I am now restoring.
It was built by Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, NY. Although the
color scheme might not have been the same for all the engines from
Field Force Pump Co., it appears that the engine shown in 14E is a
deep green, something similar to New Idea green, or thereabouts.
Perhaps this bit of information will be a starting point for
someone needing to repaint one of these engines.

23/1/15 Q. I need help to find the history of a
Junkers diesel engine, TYP-1HK65, 10 HP, 1200 rpm, that I have
acquired. Would like to know how it might have come to Canada
because it apparently was rarely exported from East Germany. Am
also curious of its current value-the engine is fully restored and
operative. Anyone with any information, kindly contact: M. M.
Lauzon, Box 472, Royston, BC VOR 2VO Canada.

A. As might be expected, information here in
the U.S. is rather scarce on the Junkers engine, particularly when
it comes to their sales network. We have no idea as to how your
engine might have landed in Canada-it could probably tell quite a
story! We do not, either in our column or privately, make any
appraisals of machinery values. The Reflector is not a qualified
appraiser, so any judgements would be purely subjective on our

23/1/16 Q. Photo 23/1/16A illustrates a
firewood processor that was operated in the Mt. Vemon, Washington
area up to 1924 by a Mr. Graham. On March 1, 1924 Lillian and
Estella Schmidt of Mt. Vemon purchased it for their father, Edward,
for $50. The picture shows, left to right: William Thorsen
(neighbor), John T. Benner (grandfather), Edward Schmidt (owner),
Gus Davis (neighbor, tending engine). The engine was placed in a
shed at the Schmidt residence about 1950, where it remained until I
retrieved it in April 1987. Can anyone help me identify the engine?
It has a 5 x 7 inch bore and stroke, and the part numbers are
prefixed with YA, YC, etc. (also see 23/1/16B). Larry Wood,
13908 Ash Way, Lynnwood, WA 98037.

A. Your engine is a Stover Style B vertical.
The serial number should be stamped on the cylinder flange where it
meets the head, or perhaps on the end of the crankshaft. With this
information, we should be able to tell you when it was built.
Unless otherwise altered, it should ‘run with the sun’ when
facing the governor-side flywheel-the previous term being an old
one that is synonymous with ‘clockwise’. When the igniter
points are idle on this engine, they should be
1/16 inch apart. From constant wear the
points sometimes become separated so far that when the igniter trip
dog on the side rod trips the igniter sleeve, the engine does not
receive a spark. This trouble can be overcome by bending the stud
or limit pin on the igniter until the points are brought to the
proper 1/16 inch spacing.

23/1/17 Q. On page 158 of American Gas Engines
you refer to Power in the Past, Vol. 2: A History of Fairbanks,
Morse & Company. I am primarily interested in identifying
Fairbanks-Morse engine not listed in your large engine book, and am
wondering whether the engine shown in the photo below might be in
the latter title. This particular engine is in the ruins of a mine
near Hyder, Alaska. On this site there is another two-cylinder,
plus a three-cylinder, although in worse condition. I also saw a
horizontal single cylinder, 17 HP, 345 rpm engine at Beaver Lodge
Centennial Park Co-op Museum in Alberta. It was in running
condition with a nameplate reading ‘Fairbanks-Morse Robson
Diesel Oil Engine’. Can anyone tell me about the history of
this series? Charles W. Burgess, RR 1, Box 28, Mackay, Idaho

A. The engine in the photograph is a
Fairbanks-Morse Type Y, Style V engine, and apparently was the
predecessor of the well known and widely sold Model 32 Series in
all its variations. This particular engine used an entirely
different combustion chamber design than the Model 32, and depended
on the retained heat of the domes on the cylinder heads for initial
ignition of the fuel. The engine in this photograph is of the same
general design as the Reflector referred to in the preamble to this
month’s column. Regarding the Fairbanks-Morse Robson, it should
be remembered that Canadian Fairbanks-Morse, at least by the
1930’s, was a major supplier of engines, mining equipment, and
what have you. Like any large supply house, they carried many, many
items which they themselves did not manufacture, and this
apparently included certain engines, especially since the Robson is
of British design and origin.

23/1/18 I recently acquired a ‘Busy
Bee’ engine made by Gladden of Glendale, California. Any
information on this 5 HP model will be appreciated, especially
regarding the governor. There is nothing on this engine that might
be used as a governor. R. P. Chaney, 402 W. Sarah, Cuero, TX

23/1/19 Q. Dr. George I. Goodwin, Jr., P.O. Box
786, E. Worcester, NY 12064, poses several questions: When are you
going to write a book on Deere & Company? What is the proper
color for an early 2 HP New Holland and where can I buy decals?
Also color of the factory-built cart?

A. In answer to the first question, the
Reflector doesn’t have much cooking toward a Deere book at this
time; we have some other projects cooking right now. Furthermore,
it presently appears that if the Reflector is going to compile a
history of Deere &. Company, it will have to be a totally
independent venture, relying almost exclusively on advertising
materials, etc., that are in the hands of private collectors. Nuff
said. On the second question, we believe that DuPont Dulux
93-32678-H Maroon is quite comparable to the original. We also
believe the cart is the same color. New Holland decals are
available from some of our regular engine decal advertisers.

23/1/20 Q. I’d really appreciate some help
on a 2 HP Economy gas engine. I need a service manual, and would
like to know the date built. Has this engine ever been covered in
GEM? John Harvey, 456 Monmouth Rd., West Long Branch, NJ

A. Engines of this type have been noted many
times in GEM. Your letter indicates that you cannot get the Economy
to run. It sounds very simplistic, but we’ve always used the
theory that if you have fuel, compression, and fire, the engine
simply has to run. Granted, there are lots of other items, correct
timing, etc., but keeping this simple rule in mind helps to sort
things out and determine wherein the problems lie. We highly
recommend Gas Engine Guide, a fine little reprint available from
Stemgas Publishing.

23/1/21 Would like to hear from anyone who has
a Vim engine, or any information on one. We are restoring a Vim
like the one on page 527 of American Gas Engines, and need help
with the type of ignition contact, speed control, proper color, and
dimensions of the battery box and skids. Jack Folta, Box 147,
Laddonia, MO 63352.

23/1/22 Q. Recently my son found three old
tractors out here in our Arkansas hills. They are all Farmalls, as
follows: F-14, s/n FS143268: F-12, s/n FS54784; F-12, s/n FS89749.
Can you tell us the year built for these tractors? Glen Ames,
Hagarville, AR 72839.

A. In order, 1939, 1936, and 1937.

23/1/24 Q. Jack W. Stone, 79 Sparks Ave.,
Pennsnille, NJ 08070 asks for year built, etc., on the following
engines: 1) Fairbanks-Morse 1? HP, s/n 164939; 2)IHCTypeM 1? HP,
s/n A23880M; 3) IHC LB, 1? -2?  HP, s/n LBA70588; 4) Economy 2
HP, s/n 29616; 5) Fairbanks-Morse 1? HP, Style D, cannot find

A. 1) 1915; 2) 1919; 3) 1942; 4) Unknown; 5)
serial number is stamped on hopper of engine.

23/1/25 Q. I recently acquired an engine and
pump jack with the following information: Stover, Stover Engine
Works, Free-port, Illinois, HP 10, Speed 300, No. H94956. A second
plate reads: Since 1878, Largest Most Reliable, Alamo Iron Works,
San Antonio, Texas, Machinery & Supplies. The pump jack was
made by Alamo to pump a 4 inch water well. Any information will be
appreciated. Joel G. Friedel, 725 West 18th St., Houston, TX

A. Your engine was built in June, 1917. Dual
name tags were fairly common, and probably were helpful to the
jobbing house when it came time for parts or service. We have also
been told that oil companies often supplied brass nameplates with
their logo, plus the manufacturer’s data virtually without
cost. This gave substance to the notion that the named brand of oil
on the nameplate was the only one that should be used, and of
course, with any following at all, the embossed nameplate was a
first class promotional tool with an excellent return on the nickel

23/1/26Rice Equipment Inc., P. O. Box 687,
Clarion, PA 16214, would like to hear from anyone who knows where
to obtain parts for Ensign carburetors.

23/1/27 Q. On page 44 of American Gasoline
Engines it states that Baker Mfg. Co-built 2 and 3 HP Little Baker
engines. And on page 45 they built 10 and 15 HP Heavy Pattern
Monitor engines. I would like to know if any of these engines
remain in existence. Perry Kolb, Box 12, Satanta, KS

A. We would guess that there still might be a handful of these
engines around yet, but we’ll have to see if any of our readers
send in any photos of existing examples.

23/1/28 Can anyone help me identify the engine
in the two photographs? The bore is 25/8 x 3?
inches, and the engine is about 17 inches tall. Frank Foster,
45 E. Allen St., Fairhaven, MA 02719.

23/1/29 Q. The photographs of my Nelson Bros. 5
HP Model D A shows it to be a medium dark green color. Where can I
get decals for it? What is left has an elephant and the company
name. What is the year for a Massey-Harris Type 2, 1? HP, s/n
1K3170 engine? Ray Wick-ham, Dumont, Iowa 50625.

A. We’ve always thought that DuPont Dulux
93-046 green was a close match for Nelson Bros, engines, but then
that’s our own opinion. To our knowledge, no one is making
Nelson Bros, decals. No serial number data is available on
Massey-Harris engines.

23/1/30 Johnnie M. Carter, 3136 Manatee Dr.,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464, needs information etc., on an Associated
8 HP engine, s/n 800804.

23/1/31 Richard J. Paulson, 2475 Crumb Road,
Walled Lake, MI 48088, needs parts and service information on a
United Type A, 2? HP engine. It also includes a cement mixer.

23/1/32 Q. See the photo given below of an
engine we recently acquired. It appears to be a Sun-Power engine,
but has no nameplate. Right now it has a 303K8 Webster bracket, but
the 303K60 and 303K26 also fit. Would like to hear from other
Sun-Power owners. Andre Raciot, 129 Rue Clark, Sherbrooke, Quebec
J1J 2N4 Canada.

A. The 303K8 bracket is for a Waterloo Boy
engine; the 303K26 is for the Hercules, and the 303K60 is for the
Nelson Bros, engines. We would suggest that the K60 is the correct
one, not just in terms of the bolt centers, etc., but also so far
as the actual position of the igniter points within the combustion

23/1/33 I have just purchased a John Deere
tractor, Model LUS. Does anyone have information regarding the year
it was made, total production, and the proper color scheme? Any
information will be appreciated. Todd McLeod, 8701 Crescent
Valley Dr. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335.

23/1/34 Q. See the photos given below -I
understand this is a Frick shingle mill. We need any information we
can find regarding this mill. I also have an edger attachment not
made by Frick, but by Lyon Iron Works, Greene, New York. Photo
23/1/34B shows parts needed to make the block work. I need
information on these also. Carroll Powell, Rt 8, Box go, Greenwood,
SC 29646.

A. The Reflector has always been fascinated
with shingle mills, especially because of the intricate mechanisms
sometimes used to shift the block from side to side in a
semi-automatic manner. Unfortunately, we have nothing in our files
on these machines, and were in fact completely unaware of a Frick
shingle mill. Hopefully one of our colleagues can be of help.

23/1/35 Q. Nebraska Test data shows a Beaver
engine being used on the Lauson 20-40 tractor. The nameplate gives
this engine a rated speed of 1040 rpm, also inconsistent with this
tractor. In addition, I need any information, photos, etc. that
might be of help in restoring this tractor. Thanks in advance for
any help. Harold Swierenga, RR 1, Carp, Ontario KOA 1LO

A. Our meager data shows that Lauson used
Beaver and Erd engines, but we find no reference to the use of a
LeRoi. This is, however, not outside the realm of possibility.
Lauson built a rather small number of tractors, and like other
builders using a vendor-supplied engine, Lauson probably used
several different engines in order to find the ‘best’ one.
Perhaps one of our readers has researched Lauson sufficiently to
provide some definitive answers.

23/1/36 Gary H Taylor, Barber Road, Stockton,
NY 14784, recently purchased a Standard Twin 2-cylinder garden
tractor and needs color scheme, service information, etc., on

23/1/37 Robert Smithburg, 11220 Fox River
Drive, Newark, IL 60541, has an IHC 3 HP engine, s/n D-16705 that
he is restoring for use with an antique burr mill. Information in
the form of an owner’s manual, literature, etc. will be

23/1/38 Charles Bentham, 1589 Willow-dale Road,
Skaneateles, NY 13152 needs information on a Hercules 3? HP engine
with a Wico EK magneto.

23/1/39 Q. The Cletrac ’40’ and Chirac
’60’ tractors of Nebraska Tests 149 and 182 respectively
used electric lighting and starting equipment. This was quite
unusual in 1928. Can anyone locate an illustration showing the
controls so that 1 would know what type of light switch was used?
Also need a photocopy of instructions for the 40-55 or 60-80
Cletrac. Cyril Nolan, 8 Rathmines Park, Rathmines, Dublin,

A. The Reflector has almost nothing on the
Cletrac line, but perhaps some of our readers can be of help.

23/1/40 Can anyone tell me if Aermotor Co. of
Chicago still makes windmills, or if there are any U. S. windmill
manufacturers at this time? Burl H. Gillum, 6637 Pendleton
Drive NW, Roanoke, VA 24019.

23/1/41 Q. We recent!? bought a
McCormick-Deering 10-20 with s/n KC144544 and would like to have
the correct year, also the correct color for the wheels. Joe
English, 86og? SE Maiden Ct., Portland, OR 97266.

A. Your tractor was built in 1929. So far as we
know, the wheels are ordinary IHC red.

23/1/42 Q. Todd Kuhns, Box 1731, Bethany, OK
73008 writes: I have an IHC Titan-Famous 1 HP hopper cooled engine
with bronze connecting rod. The serial no. is either VC14773 or
VC11773. Would like to have a serial number list so 1 can determine
the age of this engine. Did they manufacture very many of these
with the brass connecting rod? Any information will be

A. Look in the December 1986 GEM for an IHC
serial number listing. We have always been of the opinion that
most, if not all, of the 1 HP hopper cooled and Tom Thumb air
cooled engines used a bronze connecting rod. It wasn’t any too
strong, especially at the crank end-a good many broke off just
ahead of the crank throw, leaving the remaining pieces to come to
rest where they would.

23/1/43 Q. Patrick G. Riffey, Rt. 3, Box 56,
Edinburg, VA 22824 inquires regarding the age of a LeRoi engine,
Model WF, s/n 94591. It is a four-cylinder model, 2? x 3? inch bore
and stroke. Information is also needed on a LeRoi RH-2 engine, No.

A. In answer, we had only one letter in our
‘Readers Write’ section this month, and it pertains not
only to the above questions, but also refers directly to 22 /11 /19
for information on LeRoi engines. George V. Titus, 1709 W. 241 St.,
Lomita, CA 90717 writes that he was successful in writing to: LeRoi
Division, Dresser Industries, c/o H. W. Young, Mgr. Service
Literature, N. Main Ave. & Russell Road, Sidney, OH 45365.


See photos MM-1 and MM-2 for a couple views of our models. They
were fabricated by my dad and me from plans we got out of the
classified ads of your magazine. They have a 2 x 21/2 inch bore and
stroke, hit-and-miss governing. We had the flywheels cast, which
are 12 inches. William Lee, Box 113, Wyano, PA 15695.

Mr. C. E. Alverson, 1277 BaysHore, Dr., Haslett, MI 48840 sends
some photos of his engine built entirely of brass (MM-3 and MM-4).
Everything is of scrap brass except the main frame which was cast
into a solid block about 3x3x4 inches. It weighed about 9 pounds,
but after machining it weighs just over 4 pounds. Speed regulation
is by a spring and screw located just back of the governor gear.
Ignition is in the base. The other engine (MM-5) is from Associated
castings by Paul Breisch, with modification as I remembered buzz
saw rigs of the 1930’s in north-central Michigan. My job was to
throw away off the saw.

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