22/1/16Jack Harrell, Box 142, Roanoke, IN
46783 is looking for date of manufacture on an Earthmaster
tractor, Model C, s/n 333, built in Hollydale, California. Kindly
contact Mr. Harrell if you can supply any information at all on
this tractor; photocopies, etc.
22/1/17 Q. I have a diesel engine with the
following data: American Marc AC 1 (cast in flywheel housing); s/n
57; modified in accordance with Dwg 10112; Built by Electro
magnetite Industries Inc., 102 Greeley Ave., Sayville, NY 11782. My
inquiry was returned with no forwarding address. This is a 1
-cylinder, air-cooled engine. What is the horsepower, what was its
use, and when was it built? Would appreciate hearing from anyone
with information on this engine. Robert T. Strong, 1308 Sunrise
Drive, Port Edi son, North Fort Myers, FL 33903.
A. The Reflector has a sizeable collection of
diesel engine materials, but here’s a new one! We appeal to our
readers for help!
22/1/18 Q. Can anyone help us in restoring a
Beaver garden tractor? It uses a Wisconsin engine. Need to know the
paint color, years manufactured, and whether anyone has an
owner’s manual. Would also like to get a tracing of the decal
or original lettering on the fuel tank. Robert L. Hall fish, 15
Cod Soil Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648.
A. As in the previous question, we appeal to
our readers.
22/1/19 Q. I am restoring an old Cushman Model
C engine, s/n 4383, 4 HP, 800 rpm. Mechanically it’s not too
bad, but need to correspond with someone who has one of these
engines so I can rebuild the ignition system. Also would like to
know the year it was built.
A. So far as is known, serial number lists on
the Cushman engines no longer exist.
22/1/20 Q. I purchased this engine (see below
photos) at the LeGrand, California auction on September 25, 1986.
There is no name-the only mark I can find is the number U6823 on
the top of the water jacket. Some of the castings have a
‘U’ prefix. Any information would be appreciated.
Andrew J. Anderson, 735 May view Ave., Palo Alto, CA
A. Photo 22/1/20a shows an excellent view of
the carburetor, and this view alone would reinforce the belief that
it is a Stover engine. This idea seems incorrect though, since the
flywheel has a built in crank in the rim; an idea not taken up by
Stover. A rear view also indicates a somewhat different frame
configuration than Stover. Closely related in terms of design
similarity, the Rawleigh engines built at Freeport, Illinois come
in as a possibility, but it seems to the Reflector that Rawleigh
engines carried the igniter in the cylinder head, rather than
Stover’s practice of mounting the ignitor in the cylinder wall.
The Reflector may be well off base on this one, but we suspect that
it came from a Freeport, Illinois factory by virtue of the
carburetor and fuel tank layout, plus the water hopper
22/1/21 Q. What is the year built of a
McCormick-Deering engine, 1? HP, s/n AW 90362? What is the year of
a Mogul 1 HP engine, s/n W5891? Also have a Sandow 2? HP engine
built by Sandy McManus, Waterloo, Iowa. I know of two other Sandow
engines, identical to mine, but one is a Sheldon, and one is a
Majestic. William T. Dean, Box 253, LaPlace, IL 61936
A. The 1? HP McCormick-Deering was built in
1929. A rather complete listing of Mogul engine serial numbers is
listed in the June 1985 issue of GEM. Page 299 of American
Gasoline Engines offers an extensive story of the Sandow engines,
including a matching color number of DuPont Dulux 93-1032 blue.
McManus manufactured nothing-his was a sales organization and he
was the chief promoter for same. The Smythe, Sheldon, Majestic, and
other titles ascribed to these engines were merely titles used by
the contract buyers. These engines were actually built in the shops
of Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company.
22/1/22 Q. Could your please tell me the color
and year built of a 5 HP Stickney, s/n 20246? Don Klyn, 38149
Glenmoor Drive, Fremont, CA 94536.
A. Your engine appears to have been built in
1914. Some Stickney engines were finished in gray, while others
used a deep blue comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-81501. This is a
very dark blue. We are unsure of the exact color match for the gray
enamel, nor are we certain of which models used this particular
22/1/23 Q.Vernon Speer, 4423 S. Hwy 98,
Dade City, FL 33525 would appreciate hearing from anyone
regarding the following problems:
1) Can anyone supply information, photocopies, etc. on the
Gilson Drag Saw (22/1/23a)?
2) Photo 22/1/23b shows a 3? HP Goold, Shapley & Muir engine
as illustrated on page 211 of American Gas Engines. The engine
looks simple enough, but I have had problems in getting the gas
mixture set to where it runs properly. The exhaust is double ported
at the front and the back of the piston stroke, there is also a
petcock at the front and the back of the stroke.
22/1/24 Q. Can you provide the proper paint
color for Sandwich engines? Roger Hansen, Box 109, Kanawha, IA
A. Our information has it that the Sandwich is
comparable to DuPont Dulux 93-5800 green.
22/1/25 Q.Ken Currie, 9056 Riverside
Drive, Brighton, MI 48116 writes: ‘I’ve been
collecting gas engines for about 8 years and have found it to be
the most enjoyable hobby I’ve never been associated with. My
latest craze is the Bullseye, Ward, and Jacobson engines, of which
the first two were marketed by Montgomery Ward. In your book,
American Gas Engines you seem to have entirely omitted the Ward
line. These have large cast brass nameplates and are identical to
the Bullseye engine except for the plate. I am interested in
assembling a registry of Ward, Bullseye, and Jacobson sideshaft
engine serial numbers, together with the owner’s name and
address, and complete information from the nameplate. Would also
like to know when the name changed from Ward to Bullseye, and if
Jacobson numbers were concurrent to the Ward and Bullseye
A. We’ll certainly concede that our book
American Gas Engines has its shortcomings, with the greatest one
being that a great many engines were not included. Also, at the
time of the research, we were unaware of the Ward-Bullseye
nameplate change, so nothing was mentioned. We think it admirable
that Mr. Currie is attempting to set up a registry and encourage
all of the above owners to contact him with the necessary
22/1/26 Q. Can anyone supply information on the
hot air engine in the below photograph? I need help in identifying
it-the only identifying marks are the letters E.E.E.C. stamped on
several of the castings. Randy E. Schwerin, RR 2, Sumner, IA
A. Having almost no information on file
regarding hot air engines, we turn this one out to our readers for
their response.
22/1/27 Q. I have a Superior 25 HP engine and
would like to know the years built and proper color for same.
Bob Coffey, 1201 Longview Drive, Rogers, AR 72756.
22/1/28 Q. I am restoring a Huber HS tractor,
s/n V1883 or 11883. It uses a Waukesha engine, 4? x 6?, 1150 rpm.
Can you give me any information on this tractor or tell me where to
look. Dale Grafton, RR 3, Box 74, Loogootee, IN 47553.
A. The HS, 27-42 tractor was apparently built
during 1935 to at least 1938. We do not have a serial number list
for Huber, although we are confident that some of our readers might
have this information
22/1/29 Q. We have acquired a Weber winch
engine with the sideshaft and vertical flyball governor. It is
about 10-15 horse power. The ignitor is missing, so we would like
to correspond with anyone having a similar engine. Willis
Boyer, Box 245, Lolo, MT 59847. Phone 406 273-0748.
22/1/30 Q. Can you identify this engine? (See
below photo). The tag reads: 600 rpm; H.P. 1? XK; s/n 14155. The
part numbers have a ‘GE’ prefix, with the flywheel reading
GE4021-A. Date of manufacture is 9/10/29. The engine is red and
uses a Wico EK magneto. Any help will be appreciated. Gary
Anderson, 675 Clear Ave., St. Paul, MN 55106.
A. Despite the part numbers given in your
letter, the nameplate tells the story-this appears to be a Hercules
XK engine.
22/1/31 Q. I have a small Delco plant, sup
posed to be 12-16 volts. It is missing the fuel tank and air duct.
The only number I can find is T4962 at the top of the crankcase,
just below where the air duct sits on top of ridge. The brass tag
is not legible, but this unit looks like a small 850 of the
1920’s. It has no carburetor, gas enters at the edge of the
casting with a choke handle. Would like more information and a
picture showing how gas tank is mounted. Did this unit have a
number designation? Harley Carman, 42142 Upper Berlin Dr.,
Lebanon, OR 97355.
22/1/32Marvin Young, Route 2, Box 104A,
Gilbertsville, KY 42044 would like to correspond with anyone
having information on the Little major engines. He has one but has
no information on it whatever.
22/1/33 Q. See below photo of an engine I
recently acquired. Would like to know the name, model, and when it
was built. It looks similar to the Nelson Bros. engine shown on
page 333 of American Gas Engines. The casting numbers bear the
prefix ‘NF.’ It has a 3? inch bore and a 4? inch stroke,
operating speed 550 rpm. Flywheels are 15? inches in diameter.
Paul Bacon, 11576 View Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95945.
A. We feel certain that this engine was built
by Nelson Bros., and suggest that this one is a Sattley built by
Nelson for Montgomery, Ward & Co. Original equipment included a
Wico EK magneto. Fortunately this magneto is readily available from
various GEM advertisers.
22/1/34 Q. What is the year built of an IHC
Type LB engine, 1?-2? HP, s/n LBA 124928? Clifford E. Pollock,
7 Catherine St., Box 122, Gansewoort, NY 12831.
A. From the chart contained on page 414 of 150
Years of International Harvester, your engine was built in
22/1/35Earl Bower, 1617 Douglas,
Bellingham, WA 98225 would like to correspond with anyone
having an IHC Victor horizontal engine, 12 HP, s/n N1358E. It has a
number of pieces missing on the igniter, governor, valve gear, and
pumps, so dimensions are needed to rebuild the missing parts.
Kindly contact Mr. Bower if you are able to help.
22/1/36Arthur Milner, 8 Spring Street,
West Lebanon, NH 03784 would like to contact someone who could
provide him with Antique Classic Car Directory similar to the
Stemgas Steam & Gas Show Directory.
22/1/37 Q. Can anyone advise the approximate
age and correct colors for this engine? It is a 2 HP Lunt, Moss
engine, Thompson type, s/n 4770. Would also like to know whether
this engine used a cooling fan, although this engine uses an
auxiliary exhaust similar to the Gade engines. Dale A. Hoxie,
RFD 3, Box 177A, Stonington, CT 06378.
A. Page 512 of American Gas Engines illustrates
the air cooled model of the Thompson Tiger line. Quite possibly the
2 HP model was not equipped with the fan, but the same engine with
a fan might have carried a higher horsepower rating.
22/1/38 Q. First of all, we enclose a photo of
our Massey-Harris ’20’ tractor. We understand that only
about 7,000 were built. Ours is a 1947 model. What is the proper
paint color for a B. F. Avery ‘A’ tractor; also the Avery
‘V’? Need to correspond with anyone having a Love tractor.
I have one, but need to know the proper paint color. Roy D.
Holler, 3838 So. 80th St., Franksville, WI 53126.
A. The question of B. F. Avery color schemes
has been asked previously in this column, but so far we have no
definite information to share with you that we can recall. Love
tractors are very scarce, so we will be interested in hearing from
anyone that can provide some information.
22/1/39Henry Miller, 2750 E. Sweetwater,
Phoenix, AZ 85032 asks for information on an Earthmaster
tractor, s/n 366. Paint color schemes are also needed. Mr. Miller
also wishes to thank everyone who responded to his earlier request
for information on various Oliver models.
22/1/40 Q. We are restoring an Adams Leaning
Wheel Grader, Model 1-C built by J.D. Adams & Co.,
Indianapolis, Indiana. Any information on this machine will be
appreciated. Ed Morris, RD2, Box 75 A, Finleyville, PA
22/1/41 Q. Can you supply information on a
Stover CT-4 engine, s/n TD241140? Richard P. Blake Jr.,
President, Carbone Power Equipment Inc., 189 Newigton Road, West
Hartford, CT 06110.
A. Your engine was built in November, 1936.
Photocopies of Stover operating manuals and other information are
available at nominal cost from the Reflector, C. H. Wen del, RR 1,
Atkins, IA 52206. Lest anyone become upset that we are promoting
our own goods within the column, a word of explanation. Some years
ago, the late Lester L. Roos, Geneseo, Illinois acquired all
existing records of Stover Engine Works, together with an immense
amount of engine parts. Lester did a land office business for
several years selling brand new parts at bargain basement prices.
When his health began fail, Lester offered to give the Reflector
the Stover production records, together with a rather complete set
of instruction and parts books for the Stover engine, windmill, and
feed grinder line. In receiving this material, it was agreed that
we would continue his practice of making this material available on
request, and at a nominal charge to cover the cost of copying and
mailing. We further agreed that at such time as we are no longer
able to continue this practice, then the material is to go to an
individual or an organization that will likewise agree to the same
arrangement. I firmly believe that Lester hoped (even though he
never said so) that perpetuation of research on Stover engines
would be a living memorial to him. So be it.
22/1/42Richard Ste-Marie, 48 Georges,
Canidac, P.Q., J5R 3W6Canada would like paint color
information on the following engines: Massey-Harris R-20 and Massey
Harris Type 2. Would someone kindly forward this information both
to Mr. Ste Marie and to the Reflector so that all Massey-Harris
owners can benefit.
Reo enginesJohn M. Chmiko, 307 S. Clinton,
St. Johns, MI 48879 writes that he has acquired a Reo Model
MK, Type G engine, s/n 8G4506 X. Recently he saw an advertisement
showing an engine of similar design, but set up as an in-board
marine engine. It used a gear reduction and long adaptor with a
shaft down through the bottom of the boat. Mr. Chmiko has also been
in contact with a gentleman having a great deal of information on
the Reo engines. Interested parties might contact Mr. Chmiko at the
above address.
Gas Engine Collectors Directory A recent
Reflections column mentioned a Gas Engine Collectors Directory.
Mark Rembis of 2190 Buford Bardwell Rd., Mt. Orab, Ohio 45154 wrote
to tell us there is a publication called The Visiting Fireman which
is a national/international directory of fire buffs and fire
apparatus collectors. It is printed annually, and a per son has his
name listed by buying a copy. Perhaps this idea might give you some
insight toward such a project. Stemgas Publishing is considering
such a publication, and entertains further thoughts, ideas, and
Allis-Chalmers Model E Tractors About a year
ago my Model E developed a hole from the exhaust port into the
water jacket on cylinder 4. Although I got a replacement, I would
like to share with you that anyone with an ‘E’ or
‘A’ knows the exhaust ports will burn and rust off. I was
brave enough to build a new one with nickel rod, using 60 amps AC.
I skip welded bead upon bead until I had a whole new port.
Amazing things can be done by taking the time and patience to do
the job. Welding on a cylinder head or block is touchy business at
its best, and the ‘cure’ rate isn’t all that good. The
Reflector has had some success in stitching casting cracks together
by taking small flats or rounds and laying them crosswise of the
crack, then welding or brazing them to the casting. After stitching
the crack together, filling in the remaining cracks seems to work
okay. Regard less of what others say, we still prefer using the
acetylene torch and bronze filler rod. One other comment: we
wouldn’t think of welding or brazing a casting without
preheating it thoroughly. Oftentimes we continue heating the
casting for a few minutes after we’re done brazing, then cover
the whole thing up with ashes overnight. The casting will be hot
yet the next morning.
21/10/5 AermotorBrad E. Smith, 7574 So. 74
St., Franklin, WI 53132 comments that the Aermotor pump
engines were painted candy-apple red, battleship gray, or emerald
green. Brad also comments that each issue of GEM could be enhanced
with tips and ideas for model engine builders.
Lalley Light PlantsBernard Sanchez, 3217
S. Hemp stead Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006 is attempting to locate
owners of the Lalley Light Plant to possibly form an owner’s
group for sharing information.
Viking Garden TractorMark G. Sergent, 318
Market St., Box 626, Spencer, WV 25276 comments that several
individuals replied to his earlier request for information on the
Viking. Mr. Sergent also might be able to share some of his newly
gained information with other Viking owners.
Reo engine article The article by Andrew K.
Mackey notes that the ‘Reo is the only 1-cylinder, 4-stroke
engine that runs counter-clockwise.’ However, the Johnson
Motors ‘Iron Horse’ also runs counter-clockwise. Also, the
cam and rocker arrangement is the same as on the 1947 Lauson Model
RSH 737. Jan van der Gugten, 2633 Ware St., Abbotsford, B.C.
V2S3E2 Canada.
Associated engine serial numbersRoy D.
Crofut, Arlington, VT 05250 writes that he has an Associated
engine with s/n 330-364 A. It is 1? HP, and he asks whether anyone
can supply the year built from this data.
A recent GEM article attempted to re-construct the serial number
listing for Associated engines, using the numbers given for engines
of known ancestry as its major parameter. We have some reservations
about the criteria used, since first of all, we are not at all sure
that Associated used a consecutive numbering system, regardless of
horsepower or model. Some companies jumbled the numbers
intentionally to prevent their competitors from using this very
parameter as a guesstimate of actual production figures. Other
companies intentionally skipped large blocks of numbers, then went
back to fill in the blank spaces on engines built many years later.
We believe that for this method to be workable, it is first
necessary to deter mine, if indeed it can be determined, how the
numbering system was structured in the first place.
21/10/1 Thresher The Delaware Agricultural
Museum has a similar thresher on display. I recommend that Mr.
Shipley contact: Mrs. Leah Hamilton, c/o Delaware Agricultural
Museum, 866 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901. It appears the
thresher pictured in GEM is very similar, if not identical to the
one in this museum. Jeff Cain, Box 473, Lumberton, NJ
Smith Motor Wheel Quite a few of these were
used with buckboards, and these occasionally appear at antique car
meets. The Antique Automobile Club of America Inc., 501 W. Governor
Rd., Box 417, Hershey, PA 17033 has a tremendous library, and may
be able to provide further information, although certain fees are
attached to their research time and the use of the library.
Herbert G. Clopper, Box 507, Boothbay Harbor, ME
Mr. Richard H. Babbitt, RFD 2, Box 95, Voluntown, CT 06384 has
forwarded photocopies of some Smith Motor Wheels to the
Reflector’s files. Sooner or later, it, like much of the other
research material, will be pressed into service, our thanks to Mr.
Missing Letters A couple of readers have
written in recently noting that their letters have not so far been
published. We never, never intend to slight anyone. Occasionally we
will combine comments, especially when several people pose
virtually the same question or offer basically identical responses
to a question. Other than that, we try to include all of your mail.
Then there’s always human error-this column for instance
required a long day’s work, with letters sorted out in little
stacks all over our office. It’s always possible to miss
something, and we dread hearing that someone has been left out.
That is never the intention of the Reflector nor of GEM.
TIP OF THE MONTH Looking for a way to clean
your hands after working with old iron? Here’s an old-fashioned
way: Use ordinary lard to clean up, and after using it, plain old
soap and water will eliminate the lard. If an abrasive is desired,
use a little corn meal with the lard. For a portable hand cleaner
container, use a good sized grease cup and squirt some cleaner (or
lard) onto your hands.
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to; REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA 17603.