By Staff
Published on February 1, 1990
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Recently the GEM office received a technical title for review.
From the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in
Great Britain, it is entitled, Combustion Engines-Reduction of
Friction and Wear. It is available through SAE Customer Service,
Dept. 676, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096.

As we all know, friction remains one of the greatest problems in
the internal combustion engines. For pistons to fit the cylinder
without blow-by, they and their rings must be very accurately
fitted. Doing so raises the level of friction, and this is then
minimized with the use of proper lubricants. This title approaches
the problems involved in piston skirt friction and the influence of
the oil ring type and design on fuel and oil consumption. Another
section deals with the measurement and reduction of piston assembly
friction. Other sections give an in-depth look at design analysis
of various components such as cam and tappet design, piston ring
performance, and other technical areas.

This title, while very well written, is highly technical in
nature, and is definitely not armchair reading. It does however,
provide valuable technical information regarding the subject, and
certainly is evidence that a great deal of research has taken place
since our vintage engines made their appearance. We recommend this
title for those conversant with higher mathematics and familiar
with this phase of engineering technology.

Our queries this month begin with:

25/2/1 Unidentified Q. I recently found this
old tractor in a junkyard. I would like to know its name, when it
was built, and if anyone can supply information on the clutch, as
it seems to have been tampered with. Melvin Long, 540 Bartlett
St., Harbor Beach, MI 48441. See the photo.

25/2/2C Q. See the photo of old tractor in a
junkyard. It is missing air cleaner at Tillotson carburetor. The
air cleaner may have been some sort of round cannister filled with
shredded steel or similar material. It is also missing the governor
linkage which must be a device driven off the fan and connected
directly to the carburetor butterfly as there is also an arm on
bottom end of butterfly to hook on governor return spring. Would
also like to know the horsepower of the engine. Can anyone help
please? Joe Menold, 115 South 16th, Sabetha, KS 66534.

25/2/3 IHC 6 hp M Engine Q. I have a 6 hp
McCormick-Deering, s/n C28754 of 1923 vintage. The engine is on the
original cart. I would like to know if the cart is the same color
as the engine, or different. Also if there is any decal on the
cart. I would also like to have either the plans or a photo of the
seat/battery box which was on the front of the cart. This engine
originally belonged to my wife’s great grandfather, so there is
a family sentiment in getting it running and restored again. Any
help will be appreciated. Richard W. Hankel, RR 1, Box J64,
York, NE 68467.

A. We believe that the paint color was the same
dull green all the way through, engine, trucks, and all. We also
doubt that any decals were used on the trucks, but for display
purposes at least, one photo shows the word ‘INTERNATIONAL’
painted on the sills. The tool box was a wood or metal box the
width of the sills, and mounted between the flywheels and the seat.
The seat was of pressed steel and mounted on a steel stem similar
to that used on mowers, binders, and the like.

25/2/4 Case VAS Tractor Q. I have recently
purchased a 1952 Case VAS tractor. It is distinguished from other
VA series tractors by its off’set engine, similar to the
Farmall A and Cub.

In literature searches at the Ontario Agricultural Museum , I
have been unable to find any references to this tractor in Case
advertising material or manuals. The only description I have seen
is in the 1954 and 1955 Red Book. Even the Case Heritage
Foundation’s own publication, when listing the Case tractor
serial numbers, neglected to mention the VAS model. Can anyone
explain what has happened? Any assistance would be much
appreciated, as there are some minor non-essential details missing.
Any communication with other VAS owners would be greatly
appreciated. Cliff T. Jones, RR 2, St. George, Ontario NOE 1N0

A. Our current research on a J. I. Case book is
not yet organized to the point where we have all our material
sorted by specific models, therefore we can’t be of much help
in this instance. We will be most interested in hearing from other
VAS owners however, or for that matter, anyone with information on
these elusive models.

25/2/5 Ingeco Engine Q. I recently acquired an
Ingeco engine, similar to the one shown on page 243 of American Gas
Engines. It is 1 1/2 hp, Type AJ, s/n 5803. At present it has a
spark plug for ignition, and is equipped with a Briggs &
Stratton carburetor. First I would like to know about when it was
built, and the proper color. Also, I would like to get in touch
with someone having one of these engines so that I can duplicate
the missing carburetor and ignition parts. Any help will be
appreciated. Donald E. Bowen, 12665 Sundance, San Diego, CA

A. We currently do not have the correct color
match for Ingeco engines, but perhaps one of our readers might be
of help. Likewise, we hope there might be a reader having one of
these engines who could furnish Mr. Bowen with the needed

25/2/6 Wico EK Parts Q. Is anyone making parts
for the Wico EK magnetos? The armature guide pin assembly is a hard
part to repair. Wm. C. Kuhl, 464 S. 5th St., Sebewaing, MI

A. We know that several GEM advertisers,
Starbolt, Pedersen, and others, have at least some Wico EK parts
available. We also know there has been talk in the engine world of
making the back casting which also carries the steel armature stud.
Whether any of these people, or for that matter, anyone else, had
made or is making this part, we do not know. Perhaps some of these
folks will respond, updating our readers on what might be available
for the Wico EK magneto.

If you haven’t yet had problems with the Wico EK, we’ll
‘bet the farm’ that you probably will at some time or
other. From the mechanical, and from the electrical viewpoints, the
Reflector has always thought that this unit left something to be
desired. Mechanically, it requires precise adjusting of contact
points, and the armature guide pin to which you refer is subject to
wear, as is the armature hole. When the pin wears sufficiently, it
allows the armature to kick off unevenly, and no longer do you get
the clean break required for the maximum spark. From the electrical
side, the voltage induced at the break of the magnetic circuit is
fairly low under the best circumstances, and if the armature hole
or its mating guide pin are worn, the induced voltage drops still
further. Another culprit is a gummy accumulation of grease or oil
on the guide pin; this too will give a sluggish break. We’ve
toyed with the idea of setting the casting with the guide pin on a
faceplate bracket so as to get the pin to turn concentric with
center. Then it would be possible to clean up the pin and make a
bushing to fit the armature so as to restore this section to the
optimum once again. The problem is that the setup is awkward and
difficult, to say the least. Some reader input on this subject will
certainly be welcomed.

25/2/7 Paint Colors Q. I recently acquired a
Fairbanks Morse Type Y, Style HB engine; also an Ohio 8 hp engine.
What are the proper colors? Glendon E. Carber, Buds Power
Equipment, Harrington, ME 04643.

A. We would suggest that the FBM ‘Y’
engine should be a greenish black- so dark that it is black with a
tinge of green visible. Indications are that the shade changed from
time to time, but this seems to be close, although our FBM Model 32
was unquestionably finished jet black. The Ohio is deep maroon,
comparable to DuPont 143.

25/2/8 Douglas Pump Q. Can you tell me the
color and year built for a Judson 1 hp engine, s/n V98087? Also
does anyone have any information on the pump shown in the photo? It
is a W & B Douglas, made in Middletown, Connecticut. Don
Stier, 3706 E. 22, Spokane, WA 99223.

25/2/9 Standard Twin Q. While attending the
Tri-State Engine Show in Portland, Indiana I bought two Standard
Twin Garden Tractors. One is s/n 402C6388, and the other one is
missing the serial plate. Is there any other place to look for the
s/n on this tractor. I need information on when they were built,
proper colors, and similar data on these tractors. Thomas
Kruse, 6232 Cedar Lane, Miamisburg, OH 45342.

25/2/10 Royal Engine Co. Q. In helping an arts
and craft association with information about an engine in their
possession, we write you to ask for any information on the below
photo. From its sign, it is stated to have been made by Royal
Engine Co., USA, and it follows by Model No. FB 3775. Any help will
be appreciated. Tore Blom, Rubens 533 91 GOTENE,

A. This engine was sold by Royal Engine
Company, but was actually built by Nelson Bros. Company, Saginaw,
Michigan. The particular style shown in the photo is not included
in the selection of Nelson Bros, engines illustrated on page 333 of
American Gas Engines.

Readers Write

24/10/5 Walter A. Wood Engine From Alistair
Forteath, we have received the following in response to his earlier

I am writing about my Wood engine which you featured in the
October issue of Gas Engine Magazine, 24/10/5. Due to the article
in your magazine I have received letters from a Mr. W. H. Pine in
America and Mr. P. Knight from England. Also I have a rubbing of
the nameplate for another Wood engine owned by Mr. R. Cuthill. It
is only thirteen numbers different than mine. This is the only
other Wood engine I know of. I would like to thank those who have
helped me with information on a most unusual engine.

A Closing Word

Due to a very large column last month, we are a bit short on
letters for this issue. Take heart though, the next one should be a
biggie! Just as we are winding up this column another large packet
of material has come in from the Stemgas offices, but due to the
usual time constraints, it won’t be dealt with until the next
issue. It’s like this folks- you don’t like it when the
magazine arrives late; and when ye olde Reflector is the one
holding up the works, that definitely can be just cause for it
being tardy in arriving.

Quite honestly, it amazes me how the Stemgas folks manage to get
each issue of GEM done in time to start on the next one-it surely
must take some organizing and planning. I’ve never been a
creature of habit, and surely will never take any awards for
getting things done in time, despite intensive efforts to the

As this column makes its way to GEM in early December of 1989,
the Reflector is already beginning some cogitations on next
year’s engine projects. At the top of our list stands a 4 hp
IHC Mogul which we purchased last fall from our lately departed
friend, Richard Wigim of West Liberty, Iowa. Those of us who knew
Dick knew several months ago that the end was fast approaching.
Yet, even though the quality of life had waned, it still leaves an
empty spot when our friends pass away. Since the little Mogul came
from such a good friend, and since this writer has a special liking
for Mogul engines, we are proud and happy to have this one in our

An obituary for Richard Wigim is included in this issue.

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