24/2/28 Unidentified
Q. See the photo of a recent purchase. This
vertical engine has flywheels 28?x 2 3/8 inches. Also a 5? x 7 inch
bore and stroke. The serial number is R6445, fuel tank is in base,
and the engine uses hit-and-miss governing. Any information will be
Mitch Malcolm, R 1, Box 564-B, Ottertail, MN 56571.
A. If this is an early Fairbanks-Morse
(it’s hard to tell from this photo), then the serial number AND
manufacturing date might be stamped on the END of the
24/2/29 Feed grinder
Q. I have a feed grinder just like the one on
page 9 of the November, 1988 GEM, on the lower right hand corner,
just above the Economy engine. My feed grinder has been restored,
but I don’t know who manufactured it. Would appreciate hearing
from anyone with any information. Harlen C. Maier, 130 W. Loretta
Ave., Stockton, CA 95207.
24/2/30 Sharpies and Olds engines
Q. See photos of a 4? HP engine by Sharpies
Separator Co., West Chester, Pennsylvania. It exhibits some
innovative modifications. The addition of the Manzel lubricator, a
large Stromberg carburetor, and a Bosch B6 magneto, and replacement
of the igniter with a spark plug are some modifications, along with
a throttle governing system. Questions: 1) Is the throttle governor
standard equipment? 2) By virtue of the sideshaft drive for the
magneto, can this be considered a sideshaft engine? 3) I would like
to restore the engine to its original low tension ignition system,
but have found it impossible so far to locate anyone who can help.
4) Can you explain the difference between high tension and low
tension ignition? 5) What speed should this engine run?
Regarding the Seager-Olds engine shown in 24/2/30D, there 15 a
boss cast into the valve cage cover for the serial number, but
nothing is there. Was this sort of omission common? Also, I have
not so far been able to secure a copy of an operator’s manual
for this engine. If anyone can help, please advise.
Jim Mehegan, RR 1, Box 39, Linville, VA 22834.
A. Either this engine came from the factory
this way, or it was under the hands of a VERY SKILLFUL workman! It
is entirely possible that Sharpies set this engine up this way,
either on a special order basis from a customer, or perhaps in
their own experiments aimed at improving the design. We suppose you
could call it a sideshaft engine, although this terminology is
generally considered in terms of operating the valve gear
mechanism. This 4? HP engine might have had a rated speed of 300 to
450 rpm-at this point in time, something of the lower range would
probably be advisable. High tension simply refers to a jump spark
system, while low tension is the make-and-break igniter system.
After sandblasting, we wouldn’t be too surprised to find the
serial number stamped somewhere on the Olds, possibly even on the
boss where it should have been. Sometimes, years of rust and
corrosion have virtually obliterated these markings.
24/2/31 Johnson Iron Horse
Q. Patrick C. Zeller, PO Box 142, Paxico, KS
66526 has a Johnson Iron Horse engine built in Waukegan, Illinois
and asks the following questions: Is any literature available on
these engines! How many years were they built? Were they used on
washing machines? Are these engines rare?
A. We know of no literature. Little information
has emerged concerning the company, its years of operation, etc. We
would consider these engines to be fairly scarce-based on the fact
that they are seldom seen at a show.
24/2/32 Monitor pump engine
Q. I would like to know the age and proper
color of Monitor upright pump engines, s/n 49611 and 22732, also
the proper color of same.
Can anyone tell me where I can get new decals etc. for a Farmall
450 toy, pedal type tractor, as I wish to restore one. Mike Timm,
Route 1, Box 100, Weyauwega, WI 54983.
A. There is no serial number data available on
the Monitor. See the September, 1988 GEM for a compare able color
list. Hopefully, someone involved in toy tractors will contact you
regarding how you might secure the items necessary for
24/2/33 Unidentified engine
The marine engine in the two photos was given to me by my uncle
about 30 years ago. He discovered it several years before in
Merrimac, Massachusetts. There is no name or part numbers on the
engine-it is four-cylinder, four-stroke, and water cooled with
automatic intake valves. So far no one has been able to identify
it. Can anyone help? Oran S. Rowe, 5 Titcomb St., Haverhill, MA
23/11/5 Engine Accidents
See photo RE-1 of myself holding a pair of ‘show
shorts.’ I was preparing a 2 HP KA Stover engine for a show in
July, and decided to make one last adjustment on my running engine.
A chain drive gear that is mounted on the crankshaft caught hold of
the leg of my shorts and literally tore my pants off! Luckily the
engine is governed to run very slowly and I was able to stop it by
grabbing the flywheels and holding on!
Now that I have torn up a good set of shorts, and have two
severely lacerated and bruised legs (as well as wounded pride), I
have learned my lesson. I’ll state it for all my fellow
readers: Keep all loose clothing tucked in. If possible, stop your
engines before making adjustments.
Andrew K. Mackey, 26 Mott Place, Rockaway Boro, NJ
Reflector’s Comment: About twenty years ago the Reflector
was helping someone start a 6 HP R & V engine at a show. The R
& V Triumph engines have the lower pivot for the valve pitman
located very close to the inside of the flywheel. Since the engine
was on the verge of running, I was helping it along by grabbing the
flywheel and helping it out. Well, I went too far around, and the
result was that my fingers got caught between the flywheel and the
pin carrying the pitman arm. In the process, this completely tore
off one fingernail, with a projecting cotter pin managing to leave
a one inch gash in the next finger. Now before you write the GEM
editors complaining that we are being too gross in what we say in
the column, the same thing can happen to any one of us who plays
with old iron. In the old days, safety wasn’t talked about like
it is today, and if somebody got himself caught in some machinery,
the usual response was that ‘He shouldn’t have had his
hands in there to begin with.’
You folks probably get awfully tired of the Reflector harping
about safety. Especially for our younger generation who may not
realize that those inventive days weren’t much concerned with
the safety factors, we will continue to admonish you to be careful.
I can tell you that there’s a whole lot of misery involved in
growing a new fingernail and healing a one inch gash!
23/12/7 Cork Floats
Several people wrote us on this one, and all seemed to agree
that aircraft-type sealer is the way to go. Also, it appears that
the job has to be done very carefully, using several thin coats of
this stuff to get the job done. However, it appears to solve the
problem of heavy cork floats. This material is available from
numerous sources, including some GEM advertisers.
23/10/10 Engine
The engine in Bob Womack’s letter is an Eli. The photo
(RE-2) is from the 1988 Portland, Indiana show. (The Eli was built
by Moline Pump Company, Moline, Illinois.)
The purpose of the Reflections column is to provide a forum for
the exchange of all useful information among subscribers to GEM.
Inquiries or responses should be addressed to: REFLECTIONS, Gas
Engine Magazine, P.O. Box 328, Lancaster, PA, 17603