By C. H. Wendel
Published on February 1, 1989
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24/2/18 Field-Brundage

John Davidson, Box 4, Bristol, WI 53104 wishes to update
Field-Brundage roster. Anyone who is not on my previous list,
please send HP, serial number, type cooling, SSAE and you will get
completed list.

24/2/19 Deering mower

Q. I purchased a Deering one-horse mower with a
3? foot bar in excellent condition. Nowhere does it say IHC, only
Deering, so it was built prior to the 1902 IHC merger. Can anyone
tell me about the proper color scheme etc. for restoring it. All
information will be appreciated.

Gregory Innerst, RD 3, Box 268, Red Lion, PA 17356.

A. We agree that your mower was probably built
prior to IHC, but the only way of determining the color scheme will
be the outside chance that one of our readers might have some
catalog data showing it in actual color. Otherwise, it will fall on
your own best judgement.

24/2/20 Fairbanks-Morse

Q. See the two photos of a Fairbanks-Morse
‘Z’ 10 HP engine, s/n 268790. This is my first engine, but
already there is a problem, since this engine does not appear to be
at all like the one on page 24 of the October, 1988 GEM. Where can
I get further details regarding this engine? Any help will be

Ronnie Morgan, HC 69, Box 940, St. Francisville, LA

A. Having spent considerable time researching
FBM engines, the Reflector is nevertheless stumped by this one!
There are several aspects different from the ordinary. Your engine
is of 1917 vintage. Since FBM engines are rather popular, we are
hopeful that some of our other readers might have come across a
similar style.

24/2/21 ‘Half-breed’ engine

See the below photo of a ‘half breed’ natural gas
engine. This was originally an’ Ajax steam engine but has been
converted with a cylinder from Bessemer Gas Engine Company. It is
owned by Allen Etzler, 6128 New London Road, Mt. Airy, MD

Also see 24/2/21B for a sketch of my method of removing broken
bolts and studs.

Bill Smith, 123 Ohio Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26505.

24/2/22 Bean Threshing

Q. See the photo of a 6 HP FBM Type H engine,
s/n 139362 and a bean thresher from J. L. Owens Company,
Minneapolis, Minnesota. We are threshing soybeans with this outfit
on a nice October day. Can anyone tell me how old the engine and
thresher might be?

Wendell Herman, RR 3, Box 599, Galesville, WI

A. The engine is of 1914 vintage, but we
can’t tell you much about the bean thresher.

24/2/23 Feed Cutter

Q. I’m attempting to restore the feed
cutter shown in the photo. It is, ‘Dick’s Famous No. 30
Feed Cutter,’ manufactured by Dick’s Agricultural Works,
Canton, Ohio. As there are some parts missing, I would appreciate
hearing from anyone having one of these units, or literature on
same that would show me what needs to be made. Especially needed
are the gears that turn the flywheel and the cover.

Ted Gurnicz, 2792 So. 350 East, LaPorte, IN 46350.

A. Since these cutters are seen occasionally,
we hope someone might be able to help you out.

24/2/24 Oliver 18-28 tractor

Q. I need information on an Oliver-Hart-Parr
tractor, 18-28, and s/n 801148B-C2. What does the 18-28 mean? How
old is it? What is the proper shade of green, and are decals
available? How about operating and maintenance manuals?

Vince Mikulanis, 11863 Serena Road, Lakeside, CA

A. We would suppose your tractor to be of 1929
vintage. The 18-28 means 18 drawbar and 28 belt horsepower. Various
GEM advertisers offer decals, literature, etc. on these tractors,
so a perusal of GEM ads will yield this information.

24/2/25 Chapman engine

Q. I recently purchased a 2 HP Chapman engine,
but it has no tag or serial number. I have the following questions:
1) How does the governor work? 2) How is the ignition timing lever
isolated from the engine housing? 3) What is the original color? 4)
Does anyone have an instruction manual or other information that
could be photocopied? Thanks to anyone who can help me with this

Gerald M. Morgonett, 4845 So. Dunlop Road, Bloomington, IN

A. Unfortunately, the Reflector has only seen
one copy of the Chapman engine, and it was not restored, so we
can’t be of much help. If there are any Chapman owners out
there, perhaps you can help with this problem.

24/2/26 Lawn mower

Q. Can you tell me the year built for the
following Fairbanks-Morse engines with these serial numbers:
806298, 841364, 887001, 902229, 837398, and one from Canadian
Fairbanks-Morse C22993. When did Canadian-Fairbanks quit building
engines? What is the proper color for the FBM engines? Behind the
flywheel on the FBM Style D engines is a date such as 11 25 42. Is
this the manufacturing date? Also see a picture of a lawn mower I
recently purchased. The engine is a Briggs & Stratton, and the
mower has the name, Modern Machine Works on it. Can you tell me
anything about this mower?

Scott Lester, 629 Freedom Road, Freedom, NY 14065.

A. The years of the FBM engines in order are:
1938, 1942, 1946, 1947, 1942. We have no information on Canadian
Fairbanks, including their cessation of engine manufacturing. The
date you refer to on the casting might be the date of the pattern,
or it might have been changed to reflect an actual casting date. We
don’t know for sure.

24/2/27 Unidentified

Q. The engine of the four adjacent photos was
recently donated to the Weston, Connecticut Historical Society. It
powered a small factory in Weston which made wooden toys about
1900. Unfortunately, many small parts have disappeared. Although I
believe this engine to be a White & Middleton, I’m not
sure, and would ask your readers for assistance.

 Randall Goff, 8 Sunset Drive, Weston, CT

A. Particularly from the illustrations on page
552 of American Gas Engines we would concur with you, but we’ll
await the concensus of our readers so far as positive
identification is concerned.


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