
By C. H. Wendel
Published on February 1, 1989
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Over the past thirty years that this writer has been involved
with vintage engines, one of the most vexing problems is that of a
troublesome igniter. The problems almost always have their root in
excessive wear of some parts, improper springs, and worn trip

Stover was one of the first builders to use an outboard bearing
on the igniter shaft-this eliminated most of the problems with the
igniter shaft binding in the body and causing sluggish action. Some
builders weren’t very careful about the type of seat they used
on the moveable igniter shaft either, so that before long there was
considerable compression leak-age past the shaft. This eventually
loaded the shaft with carbon deposits, making the shaft work poorly
if at all.

If there is compression leakage past the igniter shaft, then it
may be necessary to re-machine the shaft back to its original
dimensions. This will probably necessitate the addition of weld or
bronze to the low spots. After returning the shaft to its original
specs, then go to work on the hole-it may require that you bore it
out and install a small sleeve of the proper size. After all this,
it will be necessary to grind the seat on the igniter shaft to the
seat on the inside of the igniter body. Many times this can be
achieved by lapping, but occasionally it is possible to do at least
a portion of the work in the lathe, saving an awful lot of hand
work. Regardless of the methods used, the igniter shaft should have
no appreciable play, but must have no drag at all-it has to be
free! Furthermore, the mating faces of the igniter shaft and the
inside of the igniter body must be absolutely gas-tight. This can
be determined by pouring some gas onto the joint. If there is no
leakage, the gas will remain there. Usually the return spring on
the igniter has a fairly open wrap so that it can also function as
a compression spring. It will exert a slight outward force on the
igniter shaft, thus holding it tightly to its seat.

24/2/1 Bull Pup engine

Q. I would like to correspond with anyone
owning a Bull Pup engine, 1? HP built by Bates & Edmonds Motor
Company, and sold by Fairbanks Company. Joe Morris, 112 Irwin Road,
Powell, TN 37849.

24/2/2 Monitor engine

Q. Can you furnish the date of manufacture for
a Monitor engine, Type VJ, 1? HP, s/n 47503? Built by Baker Mfg.
Co., Evansville, Wisconsin. Jesse Bandy, 406 N. High St., Paris, 1L

A. No serial number information available.

24/2/3 Buffalo engine

Q. See the enclosed photos of a two-cylinder, 2
HP Buffalo engine. It is much like the one shown on page 72 of
American Gas Engines. Mine is missing the carburetor and manifold,
so I would like to find a picture or drawing of it so that I could
fabricate what is needed. Any information will be appreciated.

Ed Strain, 400 2nd Ave. NE, St. Petersburg, FL

24/2/4 Witte log saw

Q. I have a Witte engine, B-2158 which is on a
tree and log cutting rig. Can you give me the following information
or tell me where I might secure it: model number and horsepower.
Mine needs a magneto and mounting bracket.

Emil F. Sgheiza, 70 San Benancio Road, Salinas, CA

A. Since there are numerous copies of this
machine still in existence, particularly in the Midwest, we hope
that some of our other readers can come to your assistance.

24/2/5 Jaeger engine

Q. I have a Jaeger gas engine which my son and
I found many years ago in a farm field. We are having the
crankshaft repaired, but to put the engine in working order we need
a lot of information. Is there anyone with a manual for this engine
so that I have any chance at all of getting it restored? Since I am
new at restoring engines, any information and help will be greatly

Warren A. Jochem, 53 Montague Ave., West Trenton, NJ

A. Although we have no literature on the
Jaeger, we presume that something surely must exist among our
readership. Thus we are hopeful that someone out there will help
things along for you. Welcome to our hobby-we hope you find it to
be educational and enjoyable.

24/2/6 22-36 McCormick-Deering

Q. I have a 1930 McCormick-Deering, s/n
TG135620M. What is the ‘M’ suffix on the serial number? The
decals say ’15-30′ and the information tag says
’15-30′ but goes on to state 22 drawbar and 36 brake
horsepower at 1050 rpm. Should the decals be replaced with 15-30 or
the 22-36 style? Also, when was the color changed from gray to red?
Jim Wilson, RR 1, Ainsworth, IA 52201.

A. Already in 1929, IHC called this tractor the
‘New 15-30’. See Nebraska Tractor Tests Since 1920, Test
No. 130 and Test No. 156. This will indicate that the earlier style
used a 4? inch bore, while the later one carried a 4? inch bore.
IHC continued this 15-30 designation, even though the tractor might
just as well have been rated as a 22-36. It is rumored that this
all had something to do with export duties that were levied on the
basis of horsepower, and it was to the company’s advantage to
keep this figure as low as possible. We don’t know what the
‘M’ suffix means. The red color was adopted in October,
1936. Your tractor was probably sold as a 15-30, but we’ll stop
short of telling you which decals to use for sure.

24/2/7 Unidentified

Q. Can anyone identify the engine in the photo?
It is of two-cycle design, uses a brass carburetor, but has no name
or numbers. It is about the size of a vertical Maytag. Some have
suggested that it is a Little Major.

Kenneth Ryan, 126 N. Fairview Ave., Dover, OH

A. Page 96 of American Gas Engines illustrates
the Little Major by Chicago Flexible Shaft Co. Note, however, that
these engines all appear to be of four-cycle design. We question
whether this one is a Little Major.

24/2/8 Ottawa Log Saw

Q. Wendell Allen, RR 3, Box 383, Eldorado
Springs, MO 64744 would like to get photocopies of any available
setup and operating information on the Ottawa Log Saw.

24/2/9 Farmall Cub

Q. I have a Farmall Cub with Fast-Hitch. It is
s/n 156232. Can anyone advise the month and year it was built? Also
what type of engine-it uses a distributor. Any information will be

Meryl Burgeson, 11045 Puesta Del Sol, Oak View, CA

A. Your Cub was built in 1952 but we can’t
tell you for sure about the specific engine type.

24/2/10 Novo engine

Q. I recently acquired a 3 HP Novo engine. It
was on a cement mixer. The brass nameplate is gone, so there is no
evidence of a serial number. The magneto was a Wico AX, which
slightly resembles the Wico PR. The magneto is actuated differently
from anything shown for the Wico EK, or from the Wico PR. A second
camshaft is geared 1:1 to the regular engine cam. A floating cam is
used, obviously to permit advance or retard of the spark. Since
much of this mechanism is either broken or missing, I would
appreciate hearing from anyone with information that would help.
I’ll be grateful to hear from you.

 Richard K. Brehm, 22 Tyler Road, Lexington, MA

24/2/11 Acme gas engine

Q. I would like to correspond with anyone who
has an Acme gas engine made in Toledo, Ohio by Acme Sucker Rod
Company. It was also known as the Jones engine with a serial number
under 279. Or a Jones engine with a serial number higher than 1907
and anyone who has a Jones 32 HP crosshead, or a 40 HP. Also a W.A.
Jones Foundry & Machine Co., North Ave. and Noble St. Chicago,
Illinois, horizontal tank cooled gas engine, also a Model V-S
Kerosene, Fuel Oil, or Crude Oil Vertical tank cooled oil engine.
Made in 4 sizes, 4, 7?, 8 and 15 HP sizes. R.H. Stein, PO Box 319,
Pemberville, OH 43450.

24/2/12 IHC 10-20 Titan

Q. I’m restoring a 10-20 Titan tractor of
1918 vintage. What is the proper color of gray for this tractor?
I’ve written several decal suppliers, but they send me numbers
for the 10-20 and 15-30 McCormick-Deering tractors, and even these
numbers do not correspond. Can anyone advise for sure the proper
color scheme?

 Robert L. Helstedt, 432 20th St. NW, Minot, ND

A. Mr. Helstedt notes in his letter that he has
the paint color schedule found in the September, 1988 GEM, but it
does not include the color scheme for the Titan. That is because
we’ve never been able to determine the proper colors. In fact,
it seems to us that the early Titan tractors may have actually been
lighter in shade than the later ones. Perhaps some of our readers
can square this problem once and for all.

24/2/13 Engine nameplates

Q. We’ve heard that Engine Services Co. is
no longer making reproduction name-plates. Has someone succeeded
them, or is there anyone also making reproduction nameplates?

John Pribbenow, RR 2, Box 209, Verndale, MN 56481.

A. Since we do not know the status of the above
organization, its successor, or any other company offering this
service, anyone with information might be so kind as to drop a line
to ye olde Reflector.

24/2/14 Majestic engine

Q. Ed Minnick, RR 1, Box 140, Bain-bridge, IN
46105 would appreciate hearing from anyone with information, paint
color scheme, etc., on a 3 HP Majestic engine.

24/2/15 Unidentified

Q. See the photo for a small two-cycle engine I
have not been able to identify. The piston is about 1 inch in

Lawrence Howington, 13880 Greenland Avenue, Uniontown, OH

24/2/16 Fay & Bowen

Stan Mc Alister sends along some photos of an extremely scarce
Fay &. Bowen engine. Note the complicated and unique igniter
operating system in Photo 16A. Stan is president of the Front Range
Antique Power Association, and hopes they will have this engine
running at their 1989 show. You might contact Stan at13553 West
Virginia Drive, Lakewood, CO 80228.

24/2/17 Cletrac

Q. See the photo of an Oliver Cletrac I
purchased last year. It is powered by a Hercules JXO six-cylinder
gas engine. Overall it is in very good condition. Since I am
interested in learning more about it and also the Hercules engines,
I will be happy to hear from anyone with information on these

Steven Courter, 11910 Drew Road, Alto, MI 49302.

A. There’s been an immense amount of
interest in Cletrac tractors during the past few years. We’re
not sure if there is a tangible reason for this, but we commend all
those who have decided it’s time to preserve these interesting
tractor models.


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