28/12/10 Garden Tractors Q. Photo 10A
illustrates a Suburbanite made by American Farm Machinery Company,
and Photo 10B is a Unitractor made in Indianapolis, Indiana. Does
anyone have any information on these two units? Also would anyone
know about a Reo walk-behind garden tractor or a ‘Flymo’
rotary mower that floats on air like a hovercraft? Thanks to anyone
who can help, and to those who have helped in the past. Tommy
Coffey, 200 Power Cir, Box C64-2, Hudson, NC 28638.
28/12/11 Ideal Type M Engine Q. I’m
restoringan Ideal Type M, 2HP engine and can find no information on
it. If anyone has any information it would be most appreciated if
they could share it with me. Terry E. Howarth, 221 Maywinn Rd.,
Defiance, OH 43512.
28/12/12 Bean Spray Pump Etc Q. See the photo
of a Bean Spraying Outfit equipped with a 2 HP Cushman engine. Also
see photo 12-B of a Standard Twin garden tractor. I need the proper
color scheme of both units, plus any other pertinent information.
Bill Comings, RD 1, Box 144, Guilford, NY 13780.
28/12/13 Pierce Inverted Engine I would like to
correspond with anyone having information on the Pierce
single-cylinder inverted gas engine, especially regarding the
ignitor. Any information will be appreciated. Calvin W.
Brookover, 10907 Cleveland, Kansas City, MO 64137-2105.
28/12/14 Bulldog Engine Q. I have a 4 HP
Bulldog with many problems, and would like to correspond with
anyone familiar with this engine.
Also, is anyone familiar with the L. E. Knott Apparatus Co. of
Cambridge, Mass.? This company made electrical teaching aids for
high schools back in the 1920s. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Ernest Felterman, 126 McGee Drive, Patterson, LA
28/12/15 Ireland Shingle Mill Q. I recently
purchased an A. B. Ireland shingle mill, patented 5/18/1888 and
8/28/1894. Along with the mill I got a Lyons edger made in Greene,
New York, and a bundler with no information. I would like to hear
from anyone having technical and advertising information relative
to these items, as well as other shingle mills. Henry P. Offermann,
32 Robie St., Bath, NY 14810.
28/12/16 Stover Engines Q. What is the year of
a Stover engine, s/n 195282, and the proper color? Matthew Wagner,
W172N9219 Shady Lane, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051.
A. Your engine was made in 1928. The green
color seems to have varied during production, with DuPont 24166
Brewster Green being comparable.
28/12/17 DeLaval Stationary Ray Loewen, 2134 –
6th Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2N 0W7 Canada needs information on the
DeLaval engine shown in the photos, including operating
information. The carburetor has a square bore with a reed valve
inside to provide vacuum for gas delivery. Any information will be
21/12/18 Information Needed Q. I recently
purchased a Gray hit-and-miss engine and it came with a
Fairbanks-Morse 5×5 Typhoon pump. They were both free 20-plus years
ago when the man I got them from set them out in the yard. As you
can see, a maple tree grew up between its flywheels and the base.
Both are stuck, and I hope to begin work on the engine this fall. I
think, after reading American Gas Engines, that the Gray was built
about 1911-14- Does anyone have the proper color for it? Any
information on the engine or the pump will be greatly appreciated.
Dwight Fackender, 23682 W. Ditner Dr., Rockwood, MI
21/12/19 Address Correction Due to a misprint,
James M. Morrissey’s address was incorrectly noted in a recent
issue. Mr. Morrissey has written a book called ‘Reflections of
a Tractor Salesman.’ In the August issue of GEM, his address
was listed as Box 215, and this was incorrect. Here it is,
correctly printed:
James M. Morrissey, P. O. Box 315, Plymouth, IN
A Closing Word
We don’t have a lot of inquiries this month (October), and
historically, the summer months are always slow for inquiries.
After all, who has time to write letters when all of these
delightful shows are being held? However, we look for all of this
to change with the coming of cold weather, and thoughts of
additional engine restoration projects.
For example, ye olde Reflector recently acquired a 1914 Buick
(car) engine which we hope to transform into a replica of an early
tractor, probably a Twin City ’40’ model. Then there’s
a small two cylinder opposed, air-cooled model with no name, and no
identification so far. While we haven’t established its
identity, it’s in good running order, and we hope to have it
restored next year.
We’ve also heard from several readers about a rumored trip
to Germany and the Netherlands in 1994- The rumors we hear are
that, like the 1993 Engine Tour to England, this one will be
organized by Wade Farm Tours of England. We’ll keep you
apprised of further developments. However, if you have an interest
in a tour to Germany, the Netherlands, etc. in 1994, drop us a line
so that we can get an idea of the interest there might be in such a
With winter comes the time to shine at model making, so we hope
to hear from some of the modelmakers within the next few
We’ll be at our station here in the Reflections column next
month. And, take a flashlight and check those engines to be sure
they’re drained!