By Staff
Published on December 1, 1991
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By the time this copy is in your hands, we will be into the
month of November. However, this is our first opportunity to thank
everyone who stopped by to see us at the Midwest Old Threshers
Reunion in September. Hundreds, and perhaps even a few thousand of
you stopped by to see us. Ye olde Reflector and all the folks at
GEM wish to thank you for your continued support and

Ye olde Reflector finally got the first edition of the Notebook
into print during August (see advertisement in this issue).
We’re not entirely pleased with the result, and we’re
already working on ideas for the next edition, including typeset
pages, and much more material. Even after 25 years in this
business, we still can’t believe there was so much work in
compiling this first effort! Also on the home front, the Reflector
is finally building a printing shop and office building! We’ve
talked about this for years, and finally decided to bite the bullet
and go ahead. Once everything is moved in and organized, we’ll
have room to work. Hopefully, the added space and convenience will
mean less work for us as we continue with the monthly Reflections
column and various writing projects.

Here is our final notice to all snowbirds: Did you drain your
engines and tractors? Remember, frost has no mercy!

We begin this issue with:

26/12/1 McCormick-Deering Type M Etc. Q. I
would like to correspond with someone familiar with the ignitor
used on the IHC Type M engines. Someone rebuilt mine, but it
isn’t quite right. I also own a Foos 6 HP engine with the wipe
spark ignition, and would like to hear from other Foos owners. Is
there a registry of Foos engines ?

Lastly, I’d like to know the date built for the following

FBM, s/n 583923, FBM, s/n 696721, Witte, sin 49223, Todd A. Hay
ward, 2 Hillside Pi., Winsted, CT 06098.

A. Regarding the year built, we answer in
order, 1923, 1928, and February 25, 1921.

26/12/2 Bates & Edmonds Many thanks to Glen
R. Stenbak, 8817 Prentice Ave., Gig Harbor, WA 98332 for sending us
a photocopy of a Bates & Edmonds catalog for our files. It is

26/12/3 Novo Pumping Outfit Q. My brother John
and I are 13 years old. We have been helping our dad with his
engines for awhile and have finally gotten one of our own. It is a
Novo Pumping Outfit, s/n P5256. We would appreciate hearing from
anyone about the approximate age of the outfit, and the color; it
was red when we got it. John and I would also like copies of
literature or information on the engine. John and I really enjoy
working with gas engines and hope more kids do too. Jeff and John
Hankel, RR 1,Box 164, York, NE 68467.

A. If any of you folks are able to help these
young collectors, would you kindly do so? We’ll appreciate it,
and so will they!

26/12/4 Centaur Tractor Q. I have a rough
Centaur tractor powered by a one-cylinder New-Way engine It is
identical to the one shown on page 27 of the May-June 1972 GEM. Is
this style of engine made expressly for the Centaur, or were there
other applications? All tags and serial numbers are missing, so I
don’t know the engine model. I would also like to know the
correct carburetor and magneto so I can search for replacements.
Does anyone have the proper colors? Any and all help will be much
appreciated. Dean Dennis, RR 1 Box 444, Wingdale, NY12594.

A. We can’t be of much help in this regard,
and we don’t have the paint scheme in our Notebook either. If
anyone knows the proper colors, please convey this info to Mr.
Dennis and to the Reflector.

26/12/5 Stover Stone Mills Thanks to Edgar
Wagner, 1918 Hillison Rd., Amboy, IL 61310 for sending us a
photocopy of the Stover Buhr Mill catalog. We have long known that
Stover made a few stone mills, but we have only seen one of them,
and have never before run across any literature on same.

26/12/6 Unusual John Deere A reader who wishes
his name witheld sends us the photo below. It illustrates an
unusual John Deere 3 HP engine with a unique projection on the
head, plus an oil bath air cleaner. It was displayed at the Johnny
Popper Days Show at Drayton, Ontario. Our reader wasn’t able to
talk with the owner. Perhaps someone can tell us about this style
of engine.

26/12/7 Stover Type RX Engine Q. Can you tell
me the proper color scheme and the year built for a 6 HP Stover
engine, s/n RX144003? Is a manual available for same? Doug Evans,
610 Hills Point Rd., Cambridge, MD 21613.

A. Your engine was built in 1921. This being
the case, your engine could have been a deep red, PPG 71965, or a
deep brewster green, DuPont 2015. If there is any trace of color
left, use that to determine the original color. The instructions
for the Stover Jr. engines are contained in the book, Power in the
Past, Vol 3: Stover Engine Works, available from GEM.

26/12/8 Kohler Light Plant Sam Ebersol, 169
Witmer Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602 needs information on a
four-cylinder Kohler light plant. (We don’t know the

26/12/9 Ingeco Engine Q. I recently acquired a
1? HP Ingeco engine, Type AJ, s/n 13758. It appears similar to the
one shown on page 242 of American Gas Engines. Can anyone advise
the color scheme and year built? John Paur, 2828 Holly Hills Ln.,
Cameron Park, CA 95682.

A. We have Sherwin-Williams F10G3061 listed
(1972 Dodge Pickup). Our guess is that this engine was built in the
1912-1917 period.

26/12/10 Unidentified Part Q. I recently
purchased a glazed open top crock with a brass petcock on the
bottom. See the photo. Does anyone know its use, or have any
literature on this item? John Doherty, 9195 N. 267, Brownsburg, IN

26/12/11 IHC Mogul & Giant Engines

Q. International Harvester built single
cylinder engines under the Mogul and Giant trademarks at Chicago
Tractor Works. It appears that everything is identical in parts
used, so what is the difference? Ted H. Stein, 412 W. Second St.,
Streator, IL 61364.

A. Although the Giant trademark is generally
thought of in regard to the 25 and 50 HP models, it may also have
been applied to smaller sizes as well. These two terms were simply
model designators, and where for example two 8 HP sideshaft engines
were built, one having Mogul, and one having Giant on the plate,
the two engines were probably destined for different markets,
rather than the designator signifying any difference in design. For
twenty years, IHC faced tremendous problems with the Federal
Anti-Trust Suit, and this forced the company to operate several
distinct corporations under the corporate umbrella of International
Harvester Company. For example, Mc-Cormick dealers sold the Mogul
line, while Deering dealers sold the Titan line. These were
distinctively different models that competed with each other, yet
both were under control of International Harvester Company. This
entire process is detailed in our book, 150 Years of International
Harvester. It is a situation so complicated that even our detailed
study in the above book barely does justice to the problems
involved. Finally, when the government was satisfied, the separate
lines were dropped, and at that point we see the emergence of the
McCormick-Deering line.

26/12/12 Jaeger Engine Q. Being new to the
engine hobby, 1 need some information on a Jaeger 3E (HP) engine,
Model A4H, s/n 265871. Any information will be appreciated. One of
the flywheels has a crack. Should 1 weld or replace it? Robert F.
Itnyre, 73818 White Sands, Twenty-nine Palms, CA 92277.

A. Your engine was built about 1922. It was
finished blue, similar to PPG 13500 or DuPont 5183-DH Blue. This
engine was built by Hercules. Further information is available in
the book, A History of Hercules by Glen Karch, available from

26/12/13 Novo Engine Q. Can anyone provide any
information on the Novo engine in the photo below? The cooling tank
carries Perfection Mfg. Co. Any information will be appreciated.
Malcolm M. Roberts, PO Box 2053, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568.

A. This Novo model of the 1930s was extensively
used with ditch pumps and many other applications. However, the
large hopper leads us to believe that this engine was used on a
milking machine vacuum pump, probably built by the Perfection Mfg.
Corp., Minneapolis, Minnesota.

26/12/14 Hercules-Economy-Jaeger Q. We have
three of this type of engine. The 1? HP has a crank guard and we
are sure it is a Hercules. The other two originally showed signs of
red paint, so we assume they are Economy. How does one tell the
difference? Any help will be appreciated. One other comment. There
are some citrus cleaning products available. You simply spray the
cleaner on the metal engine parts, wait 5 minutes or so, and then
wash off with water. Another product called ‘Chisel’ is
mainly for gasket removal, paint, etc. One must be careful with
this product, but it does an excellent job. Bruce Wittgren, 104
East 150 South, Valparaiso, IN 46383.

A. See 26/12/12 above regarding this engine
line. Mr. Karch did yeoman service by carefully researching the
various engines built by Hercules, and his book should prove

26/12/15 Unidentified Engine Q. See the two
photos of an unidentified engine. It is 1? HP, s/n 319142. Can
anyone identify the make, the proper color scheme, etc.? Ray
Fuller, PO Box 593, Lanett, AL 38683.

A. We’re inclined to think that it was
built by Hercules, yet there are features that don’t seem to
match up. Can anyone help out?

26/12/16 Detroit Engine? Q. The engine in the
photo looks like the Detroit on page 132 of American Gas Engines.
It appears to be about 2? HP. It is missing the nameplate and other
parts. Is the Sandow interchangeable? Are the injectors the same
for all engine sizes ? It has one 11? x 2? inch flywheel. Does
anyone have measurements for the cooling tank, gas tank, battery
box, and skid? All letters answered. Detroit/Sandow pen pals
welcome. John Hamilton, 461 Algonquin Pl., Webster Groves, MO

A. We can’t be of much help on John’s
inquiry, so can anyone out there lend a hand?

26/12/17 Graham-Bradley Tractor Q. I have a
Graham Bradley, Model 503.103, s/n 70,001 sold by Sears &
Roebuck in 1937. I need a paint match for this tractor. Sears lists
the body color as ‘red’ and the wheels as ‘green’.
Raymond Mueller, S7577 Huber Rd., North Freedom, WI53951.

A. Our Notebook lists David Bradley as PPG41780
Green and PPG 72155 Red. However, we don’t believe that these
are the right colors for the Graham-Bradley. If anyone can supply a
color match for the Graham-Bradley, please let us know!

26/12/18 FBM Identification Q. We have a
Fairbanks-Morse Z engine, 2 HP, and two patent dates of 1917. The
s/n stamped on the engine appears to be G33330. This engine has the
dishpan flywheels. Any help will be appreciated. Boyd Kenaston, 897
N. 1300 W., Salt Lake City, UT 84116.

A. From your description of the engine and a
look at the s/n list, we wonder if the first digit shouldn’t be
‘6’ instead of ‘G’. That would make it a 1925
model, and this would agree with the approximate production period
of this particular engine.

26/12/19 Hess Mono-Marine Engine Q. See the
photos 19A, 19B and 19C. They illustrate a Hess Mono Marine engine,
4 to5HP, 925 r.p.m., Type A-MT, No. 560. I can find no information
on this engine. It was built at Algonac, Michigan. Photo 19C
illustrates a Fairbanks-Morse Electrical Mfg. Co. engine, 3 x 3 ?
bore and stroke, 800 r.p.m., Type 1-5, and s/n 10656. It is
connected to a 32 volt generator. Can anyone provide any details on
this engine? A. G. McGrice, Wongala, Girilam Bone, New South Wales,
2831, Australia.

A. We’ve never heard of the Hess before,
and there’s little we can tell you about the FBM engine. Can
anyone help???

26/12/20 Unidentified Cutaway Q. See the three
photos of a cutaway engine which I have displayed at several shows.
No one has been able to identify it so far. It is a four-stroke
design, and shows signs of the olive drab military color. It has a
1? x 1? bore and stroke. Can anyone identify this engine? Eugene S.
Stine, RR 7, Box 299, Lehighton, PA 18235.

26/12/21 IHC Famous Q. What is the proper color
for an IHC Famous, 6 HP, s/n R3935? Norman Fraser, 10435 N. Portal
Ave., Cupertino, CA95014.

A. We believe the early IHC Red to be similar
to PPG- Ditzler 2833. The IHC Red #50 is a bit lighter, and is
Ditzler 70019.

26/12/22 Alamo Engine Q. I have a 3 HP Alamo,
s/n 109748. What is the year built, and the proper color? Ken Fall,
04917 Boyne City Rd., Boyne City, Ml 49712.

A. No records exist for Alamo. The Notebook
lists PPG 13594 Blue as a comparable color match.

26/12/23 Cletrac Information Thanks to D. E.
Spark, PO Box 19, Goomalling, 6460 West Australia for sending us
photocopies of some Cletrac material. We are presently gathering
material for a book on Oliver and Hart-Parr. Of course this also
includes the famous Cletrac line.

26/12/24 Computer Software Don Hayes, RR 1, Box
130, Greensburg, IN 47240 would like to know if any specialized
software exists for collectors of tractors and related equipment.
This software might include general information, pictures, and
background on the machinery-a computer magazine of sorts.

26/12/25 Eclipse Lawn Mower Clifford Ruhter, RR
2, Box 430, Lexington, TX 78947 needs information on an Eclipse
Reel-Type Lawn Mower, s/n 1206 with a Craftsman Special Motor, s/n
7095259, Model 143-90020.

26/12/26 Free Offer! For your readers I offer
the following: Tornado feed cutter mfd. by W. R. Harrison &
Co., Canton, Ohio. Pat. Feb 20, 1888 and Aug 3, JS86. Various
useable parts for someone doing a restoration. My intent is to give
the parts to someone that is in need of parts to restore their
machine. 1 rescued it from the scrap heap to restore, but too much
is needed, so perhaps what I have will help someone else complete
their restoration. Contact: Chuck Stone, E4203 – 43rd Ave.,
Spokane, WA 99223.

26/12/27 Pioneer Threshing Machine Q. I have a
1924 Pioneer, wood consttruction, and good condition, but needs
repainting. The color is red, however, I don’t want to lose the
intricate pinstriping. How can the decorative work be duplicated?
There is a lot of it. In fact, I would rather leave it unpainted
than lose the pin striping. Any ideas? John B. Mulford Jr., Penrith
Farm, 8894 Upper Lake Rd., Lodi, New York 14860.

A. The only way we know would be to take a
series of color photos beforehand, and then have a professional
redo the striping after the machine is repainted. We would surely
have the painter engaged ahead of time so as to get the right views
of everything. As an alternative, would it be possible to carefully
scrub up the machine with a brush, soap, and water? Then use a
couple coats of varnish over the existing finish?


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