Several times in the past we’ve talked about the high
quality engine and tractor restorations we’ve seen in the past
few years. Truly our hobby has come into its own as one that is
very rewarding, very satisfying, and highly respected. Lately
though, we’ve heard more concerns from engine and tractor
collectors toward the spectators at our shows.
It is not at all difficult to find someone or other at a show
who is running an engine. These things are annoying to most
spectators and certainly lend no aspect of professionalism to the
Smoking engines-especially of the two-cycle variety can have
this problem cured in virtually all cases by using some of the new
lubricants and thus virtually eliminate this problem. It
doesn’t do our image as exhibitors any good when spectators go
home with oil splattered on their clothing.
Be considerate of spectators regarding the exhaust noise as
well. Try to place your engine so that the exhaust is directed away
from the spectator aisles, and refrain from using pipe arrangements
that act as resonators and further increasing the decibel level. If
everyone does their part, even on such simple things as air and
noise control, our shows can become even better. If any of you are
still not convinced remember that there always are some bureaucrats
lurking about with nothing else to do, and (perish the thought),
legislation is the last thing we need!
This month’s Modelmaker’s Corner includes a number of
interesting items. We appreciate the response this month, and hope
that other model builders whether those doing the design and
casting, or those actually building their own models will send us
photos and a writeup of their experiences.
We can’t write each of you personally, but the Reflector and
all the folks at GEM extend our Very Best Wishes to each and all of
you for 1988.
Our first letter:
22/12/1Fred Calhoun, Route 1, Queen City, MO
63561 sends a photo of his 1? HP Termaat & Monahan engine. It
is of vertical, water-cooled, two-cycle design, and built in 1907.
Mr. Hubert Wilson of Brookfield, Missouri assisted in getting it
running. Mr. Calhoun would like to hear from other T & M
22/12/2 Q. I recently acquired a
McCormick-Deering 10-20 tractor, (see photo). However I have never
seen a 10-20 with a manifold like this. Can anyone tell me the
purpose of this particular manifold or how extensively it was used?
The tractor carries serial number KC 189116. Tim Ranisate,
Route 1, Box 508, Shevlin, MN 56676.
A. We can’t tell you much about this
particular manifold since we do not have a full line of 10-20 and
15-30 parts manuals. Is it possible that this manifold was built by
someone else other than IHC?
22/12/3 Q. I recently purchased an IHC 2 HP
Famous Vertical engine, s/n KA 11620E. According to the recently
published GEM serial number list, this engine was made in 1909. The
unusual thing about the engine is a special mixer for running on
natural gas. The mixer has the same air intake pipe and nozzle as
the gasoline model. The gas enters through a
3/8 inch pipe that is directly behind the air
pipe. Inside the mixer is a poppet valve that is to block the flow
of gas until the suction created by the intake stroke lifts the
valve off its seat and thus admits the air-fuel charge to the
cylinder. Other than the special mixer and the lack of a fuel pump
and gas tank, the engine appears to be the same as the gasoline
model. I have run the engine on LP-gas but believe the regulator
pressure is too high. I’m wondering if anyone might have some
information on this engine. Were many IHC engines built this way?
John F. Paradise, 2037-19th Street, NW, Rochester, MN
A. The natural gas attachment, while not all
that common, was nevertheless available on many different engine
makes in lieu of the usual gasoline mixer. In the case of small
engines, natural gas, as available in many cities, was far more
convenient when the engine was placed for instance, in a printing
plant or a power laundry. Natural gas pressures are almost always
somewhat lower than those used for LP-gas, so some modification of
the regulating system might be required to bring the pressure down
to the original design specs. This might require some experimenting
to secure the proper pressure-a task probably best performed out of
doors so that possible gas leakage might not cause an
22/12/4 Q. I recently purchased a vertical
piston Sandwich. I ask your assistance in dating this engine and
the colors used in painting. I believe this engine may be a vacuum
pump. Gary Montgomery, 294 Carver St., Winslow, IL
A. We assume this unit was painted comparable
to DuPont Dulux 93-6202 green, but without a photo we can’t
make a positive identification of the engine.
22/12/5I would like to correspond with anyone
having information on an Ironwood engine, or someone owning one of
these engines. They were built as a high school project in the late
‘teens and early twenties. Any information or correspondence
will be appreciated. Jim Beauchamp, 27855 W. California,
Lathrup Village, MI 48076.
22/12/6 Q. I recently purchased two Cushman
binder engines, serial numbers 92579 and 92580. They are Model
C-34, 4-6 HP 1000-1300 rpm. These engines use mechanically operated
intake valves, oil reservoir in the base, and Tillotson
carburetors. Any information on these engines will be appreciated.
Also need information on the following: Date built for IHC 12 HP
Victor, s/n N1358E; proper color for DeLaval 3? HP engine; proper
color for Cushman Marine engine; and color for Holt 45 engine.
Earl Bower, 1617 Douglas, Bellingham, WA 98225.
A. We believe the modified Cushman engines came
along in the 1930’s but have never been able to substantiate
much about the C-34 models. A detailed list of early IHC engine
serial numbers is given in the May 1985 issue of GEM. We have no
color match information on the DeLaval, the Cushman Marine, or the
Holt 45.
22/12/7Edwin Bredemeier, Rt. 1, Box 13,
Steinauer, NE 68441 would like to know of a parts source for a
Cletrac Model DG tractor with a Hercules RXC engine. A parts book
for this engine is also needed.
22/12/8 Q. Can anyone tell me the name or date
of this early wheeled dirt scraper? Wayne A. Beggs, Box 10383,
W.P. AFB, Ohio 45433.
A. We can’t tell you the make of this
outfit, but wheeled scrapers were fairly popular, and a bit
dangerous. An old neighbor, long ago deceased, used to relate how
as a youngster, he managed to be in the wrong place at the end of
the operating handle on the back side of the scraper. The handle
caught his clothing, catapulting him completely up and over the
team pulling the scraper, with him landing in a pile right in front
of the team.
22/12/9Mr. W. E. Van Gulik, Trompweg 1, 7441 HN
Nijverdal, Holland, Europe would like to hear from anyone having
instructions or parts books for the engine shown in the below
photo. It uses a 3? x 4 inch bore and stroke, a Fairbanks-Morse
magneto, Stromberg cast iron carburetor, and a plunger oil pump. If
you have any spare literature on this engine, kindly help out one
of our European collectors.
22/12/10 Q. The 1? HP Nelson Bros. Little Jumbo
engine in this photo was modified in the 1930’s for a Model T
coil and spark plug. Also, is there a way to date this engine from
the serial number? Any information, parts sources, etc. will be
appreciated. Carl Darnell, Route 3, Box 238, Bloomfield, MO
A. We know of no way to date Nelson Bros.
engines from the serial number. A number of regular GEM advertisers
have vintage engine parts and literature, so perhaps one or more of
them might forward you some information on their holdings.
22/12/11 Q. Can anyone supply information on a
small Stuart marine engine? The flywheel is 7? inches in diameter,
overall height is 17 inches, and it is a two-cycle. Any help or
information on this engine would be appreciated. Thomas
Rapinese, 13520 Croft Drive No., Largo, FL 33544.
A. Marine engine builders were even more
prolific than those companies building farm engines! Hardly a port
along a major river did not boast having at least one engine
builder, at least for a few years. Designs were plagiarized, almost
at will, and in fact, many marine engine make are almost identical
to others, even though independently built. A great many of the
small builders never bothered with literature or advertising,
depending almost entirely on a local market. Thus we would suggest
that you attempt to study other marine engines of similar design to
yours, and from this you should be able to bring your engine to
running order again.
22/12/12 Q. Can anyone supply the date built
and a color match for a Racine-Sattley engine, 7 HP, hit-and-miss
style? Jay K. Kleinbrook, 1016 Park Ave., Little Chute, WI
A. We know of no way to establish date built
from the serial numbers on the Racine-Sattley, nor has anyone ever
sent us a color match for these engines.
22/12/13The Reflector wishes to thank Mr.
Dennis Silva, 10 Arrowhead Drive, Griswold, CT 06351 for sending us
copies of several different compilations on engines and tractors.
These were sent in response to 22/7/2. These will be placed on file
for future reference. Mr. Silva’s compilations cover several
different tractor builders-for further information, contact him at
the above address. Dennis also forwarded some photocopy material
which shows the ‘Joy’ hopper cooled farm engine as sold by
Stephen B. Church Co. of Seymour, Conn. and Boston, Mass. These
engines were supplied in 2, 4, 6, and 12 horsepower sizes.
22/12/14 Q. I have a small two-cycle motor
built by Johnson Motor Co. It is called a Utilimotor engine and is
not in American Gasoline Engines. Can anyone tell me its age, and
how much oil to mix with the gasoline. Clayton Brimmer, 17430
Yankee Road, Morley, Ml 49336.
A. Although we know of no method to give
precise dating on Utilimotor engines, we can tell you that modern
two-cycle lubricants have the proportions printed right on the can,
and by following these recommendations you should be in good shape.
These lubricants are far superior to the old-time method of mixing
motor oil with gasoline.
22/12/15 Q. Recently we purchased a 15 HP Reid
engine with hot tube ignition. Can anyone tell us the year built
and the proper paint color. It is s/n 4230. Robert L. Morgan, P.O.
Box 5089, Essex Jet., VT 05453.
A. Our files are almost completely bare on Reid
engines, so we appeal to those knowledgeable on the Reid.
22/12/16 Q. I recently bought a 2? HP Jaeger
(Hercules) hit-and-miss engine, s/n 32964. The block is dated
2/3/25, and it has 20-inch spoke flywheels. Also has a lot of blue
paint on it along with the original lettering. Would like to know
the original color. Dave Banas, 663 Alpine Drive, Southbridge, MA
A. We would suggest carefully cleaning some of
the better areas of paint with a solvent, and after it is dry,
paint it over with some clear varnish. When it dries, this will be
pretty close to the original color, and this should give an
excellent match. Matching original colors is often a difficult
task, especially when it is considered that the original colors
often varied somewhat from one batch to another.
22/12/17 Q. Can anyone help us identify the
engine in the photo below? We got it from a man who found it stored
in the attic of a house. There isn’t a trace of a name or
number on it. It has only one flywheel-the other end of the
crankshaft looks like it may have had a pulley at one time for a
3-inch flat belt. There is no trace of a magneto. There is an
eccentric on back of flywheel that activates a set of points once
each revolution of the crankshaft. This is all that remains of the
ignition system-no spark plug or wires with it. The base of the
engine serves as a fuel tank. Any information on this engine will
be greatly appreciated. Chet and Jessica Geist, RR 3, Box 166,
Tyrone, PA 16686.
A. Some of the design features on this engine
are similar to the Olds, and indeed a comparison with some of the
illustrations on page 359 of American Gas Engines leads us to
conclude that this engine was indeed built by Olds.
22/12/18 Q. I am restoring a 1947 International
I-6 tractor, s/n 21442. This is my first restoration, so any
information pertinent to this tractor would be greatly appreciated,
including the proper color scheme. Thanks for your help. Philip
Duff, 28 Dickinson Road, Marlborough, CT 06447.
A. The Reflector has never acquired a
substantial amount of information on this particular industrial
series of IH tractors, so we hope our readers will be of help.
22/12/19‘Terra Nova,’ Jan H. N. De
Jong, NW Almersdorp 1, 8775 RC Middenmeer, Netherlands writes that
he collects tractors on postcards. He is also interested in hearing
of museums specializing in John Deere memorabilia, tractors and
22/12/20 Q. I have recently acquired a Holland
engine, 3 HP, s/n 10819. It was built by Holland Engine Co.,
Holland, Michigan. Since I wish to restore this engine, and am new
to engine restoration, I need any information I can get on this
engine, including proper paint color. Mitchell Strickland, 4200
WillettRoad, Sanford, NC 27330.
A. Our research for American Gas Engines failed
to turn up any information on this engine, so once again we appeal
to our readers to lend a helping hand.
22/12/21 Q. Who built the Goodhue corn husker?
Dwight B. Pletcher, 61931 C.R. 15, Goshen, IN 46526.
A. Ohio Cultivator Company, Bellevue, Ohio.
Millard’s Equipment Directory for 1922 shows that only parts
were available at that time.
22/12/22 Q. Can anyone give the age of a Panzer
tractor T-70-B? Any information will be appreciated. (See
photo.)J. Klaver-weiden, 98 Elm St., Huntington, NY
A. A superficial inspection of our files
indicates that Panzer was another of those little companies
entering the tractor business after World War Two, but beyond that
our files are bare.
22/12/23 Q. In the Ozark Mountaineer Magazine I
read about a man named William Hannebaum who lived at Billings,
Missouri. He built his first engine in 1896, his last in 1930. They
were slow running engines. He patented it but decided to build them
himself, which he did in his three-man shop. A total of 164 were
built from 1? to 15 horsepower. He even mounted one on a buggy and
drove it through Billings in 1902. I am wondering if anyone might
have one of these engines, or has ever heard of one. Barney V.
Williams, 1922 E. 50th, Joplin, MO 64804.
A. Here’s a new one for us-even our
extensive card file of engine companies has no Hannebaum
22/12/24 Q. On page 85 of American Gas Engines
is pictured an engine by Cavanaugh & Darley. It is the closest
match I can find for the engine in an photo below. Mine has
no place for a hot tube however, and there appears to be no place
for a magneto or a set of points. This is a very small engine,
weighing less than 100 pounds. Hopefully, someone might have enough
information on this engine so that I can finish restoration.
Carl Shafer, St. Rt. 2, Box 17, Walton, WV 25286.
A. Finding any information on an engine of
early 1900’s vintage is usually difficult, especially when the
engine is relatively rare. However, we hope one of our many readers
might be of help-we’ve never seen any literature or information
on it except for an occasional magazine ad of very poor
22/12/25John Davidson, Box 4, Bristol, WI
writes that he is updating his FIELD engine roster, and will send
the finished list if an SASE is enclosed.
22/12/26 Q. What is the horsepower of a Stover
CT-2 engine? V. P. Mikulanis, 11863 Serena Road, Lakeside, CA
A. The entire CT series, CT-1 through CT-4 was
conservatively rated at 1 through 4 horsepower-the number suffix
indicating the low end of the horsepower output.
22/12/27 Q. Gary Roy Veil, S 7 W22903 E. Main
St., Waukesha, WI 53186 asks the difference between the
Fairbanks-Morse Eclipse No. 1 and No. 1-A engines. He also asks
about the T. L. Smith 1? HP engine.
A. We do not have sufficient data on the
Eclipse models to make the determination of model changes between
the 1 and 1-A models, nor have we ever heard of the T. L. Smith
22/12/28 Q. At a recent estate sale I bought a
postcard showing an unusual tractor (see photo). It appears to
read: ‘Mfg. by Pollhan-Field Mot. Co., Sodus N.Y. Pat’s.
App. For.’ So far I have never heard from anyone with
information on this company or the tractor. Raymond J.
Diringer, 143 Edgemont Road, Rochester, NY 14620.
A. Our file of tractor companies does not show
a company by this name, nor do we have evidence of any other
builders at Sodus, New York. Anyone with information on same,
kindly contact Mr. Diringer and the Reflector-we’ll be glad to
publish what we learn.
22/12/29Raymond L. Grogg, RR 1, Box 466,
Churchville, VA 24421 would like any information on a B. F. Avery
Model B tractor.
22/12/30 Q. I have a Stover 3 HP engine. On the
side it reads: 9-27-20 and E-302. What is the color of the engine?
Rudolph Novotny, Box 152, Odell, NE 68415.
A. If the nameplate is missing, then the serial
number will be stamped on the block, probably right behind the
cylinder head. The E-302 is a part number, and the casting date
where Stover is concerned refers to the date of the pattern, and
was not necessarily changed to reflect each foundry pour.
22/12/31John T. Diskin, 4735 Concord Drive,
Fair Oaks, CA 95628 needs information on servicing the steering
clutches on a Caterpillar 20 tractor.
22/12/32Douglas Wallace, 52 Rotohawa St.,
Taupo, New Zealand needs information on the following engines: IHC
Mogul 2? HP; Associated 3 HP; and Waterloo Boy 1? HP. Should anyone
be able to supply Mr. Wallace with this information, we’re sure
he will appreciate it.
22/12/33 Q. Does anyone have information on a
Perrin tractor made at Portland, Oregon? When I got this little
tracklayer it was in at least 500 pieces. Any information will be
appreciated. H. B. Cruchelow, 15035 S. E. Gladstone, Portland, OR
A. Mr. Cruchelow met up with the Reflector at
the GEM booth during the recent Midwest Old Threshers Reunion. He
reported that so far he has had no luck at all in learning anything
about this tractor.
22/12/34 Q. What is the year built, paint
color, etc. on a Fairbanks-Morse engine, Model 52, s/n 519325?
Chris Conrad, c/o Conrad Farms, Box 91, Calhoun, KY
A. The serial number indicates 1922, but this
does not seem to match up with the Model 52 designation.
22/12/35 Q. I’m in need of technical
assistance and data concerning my Massey-Harris 3 HP, Model R20
engine to the right of the photo below. It seems to be identical to
the Cushman Cub in the October, 1987 GEM article on page 12. Any
information on the Desjardins engine to the left of this photo will
also be appreciated. Karl Dietrich, 19902 Jodi Drive, Lutz, FL
A. The M-H 3 HP, Model R20 is indeed a Cushman
Cub. The Desjardins is one of those peculiar engines which although
cast in Quebec, nevertheless displays an inordinate resemblance to
the Waterloo Boy engine built in Iowa. Whether this engine was
built under license from Waterloo Boy is unknown. Also unknown is
whether it was built in total disregard of the Waterloo Boy people.
Suppositions often seem to drift to the latter premise.
22/12/36 Q. Is there a connection between Page
Wire Fence Co. Ltd. of Canada and the company by a similar name on
page 376 of American Gas Engines? Page Fence in Canada also
distributed Field-Brundage engines. Donald McVittie, Box 508,
Alliston, Ontario Lom 1A0 Canada.
A. We believe that the two firms were really
one and the same. Just how long Page actually built their own
engine remains unknown. Likewise, whether they distributed their
own engine in Canada is unknown. Possibly because of tariff
restrictions or for other reasons there may have been some
22/12/37 Q. I have just acquired a Nelson Bros.
air-cooled engine, Model VFG, s/n 822, 3 HP 2,000 rpm. Any
information on this engine will be greatly appreciated. Rudolph
Kudick, 159 W. Kistler Road, Scottville, MI 49454.
22/12/38Mr. Herrol J. Skidmore P.E., Professor,
Engineering Technology, New Mexico State University, Box 3566, Las
Cruces, NM 88003 is chairman of the NMSU Engineering Fair Committee
for 1988. The College of Engineering has decided to celebrate the
NMSU Centennial with an Engineering Fair-everything from corporate
displays and new technologies to ‘working’ historical
displays demonstrating the evolution of engineering. These areas
include steam traction engines, gasoline engines, vintage
automobiles, farm implements, and similar items.
It is the goal of the Committee to invite anyone interested to
join NMSU for their fair. It will be held February 26-27, 1988 on
the Campus of New Mexico State University from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Interested parties should contact Mr. Skidmore at the above
address or by phone at (505) 646-2236 during business
22/12/39 Q. Where might I find literature or
information on a Michigan Marine Motor Co. two-cylinder engine? The
block appears to be identical to the John Deere L or LA tractor
except that the starter is mounted low and the reverse gear is
mounted on the timing gear end of the crank. Also what is the age
of a LeRoi 4-Cylinder engine, Model 2C 26147? What is the proper
carburetor for this engine? Gene Sherman, Rt. 3, Box 344,
Vashon, WA 98070.
A. We have no information whatever on any of
these questions-perhaps a reader can help out.
22/12/40Ken Hollenbeck, 312 Gillett Ave.,
Waukegan, IL 60085 would like to correspond with anyone who has
successfully completed a Brad Eisner 1895 Ericsson Hot Air Engine
22/12/41Harold Slagell, 609 Church St., St.
Johns, MI 48879 forwards a photo of his recently restored Ideal
lawn mower. He found it about 2 blocks from his home back 4 years
ago. It needed only minor repairs.
22/12/42Richard F. Martineau, RFD 1, Box 13,
Temple, ME 04984 needs information on a David Bradley garden
tractor, No. 917.5756. Sears-Roebuck is of no help in finding
22/12/43 Q. Were the beams of an IHC No. 2
Little Wonder plow red or blue? How about the levers and ratchets?
What did the decal say that was on the beam near the tail wheel?
What is a color match for IHC blue and IHC ivory? Gilbert Irps,
3156 Waldron Road, Kankakee, IL 60901.
A. We believe the beams are red, as are the
levers and ratchets. We’re not sure of the other components to
which you refer.
22/12/44 Q. I recently purchased an 18-inch
stone flour mill. What is the proper feed for this stone size?
Arlin Sigmon, RR 2, Box 108, Auburn, IA 51433.
A. Although the original recommended speed was
in the 300-400 rpm range, we would stay with a top speed of 300
rpm, and perhaps less, depending on the condition of the steel
bands shrunk on the periphery of the runner stone.
22/12/45Luke LeClere, PO Box 1437, Ojai, CA
93023 needs information on the David Bradley garden tractors.
22/12/46William E. Toland Sr., PO Box 178,
Stanhope, NJ 07874 would like to correspond with anyone having
information on a Sieverkropp vertical two-cylinder 1? HP engine,
patented 12/20/1910 and illustrated on page 465 of American Gas
22/12/47 Q. Can anyone be of help on a
Carlisle-Finch engine (page 82 of American Gas Engines)? I have to
make parts to finish the engine. If anyone has one of these engines
I would like to hear from them so I can make the drawings and
complete the engine-mine has never been completed, and has never
been run!
I also have an old milking machine vacuum pump that looks like a
2-step pulley in a small cast iron frame. A cylinder oscillates
inside the larger pulley to create the pumping action and the main
shaft connects the vacuum inlet to the base. Any information
appreciated. John J. Levora, 62660 CR 380, Bangor, MI
22/12/48Ron Long, 3102 Gladstone Ave.,
Rockford, IL 61103 has a 3 HP Rock-ford engine, s/n 2301 and would
appreciate any information that might help in restoration of
22/12/49Rick Plouffe, Rt. 3, Box 33, Lot 2,
Baraboo, WI 53913 asks a number of questions regarding his Waterloo
Boy engine, including sources for old or reproduction parts. Mr.
Plouffe is new to the hobby, and while we are too crowded to answer
each question specifically, we highly recommend GEM to those new to
the hobby as a means of learning from the experiences of others,
following the advertising section for needed parts, and
corresponding with others in regard to various problems. A lot of
the fine points in the engine and tractor hobby have to be learned
by osmosis-going to shows and swap meets and soaking up information
gained from talking to others. This, coupled with your own
observation and study is probably the best way to learn the hobby
and learn how old engines and tractors were built, operated, and
serviced. We don’t mean to be glib, but the simple fact is,
that we have never heard of any easy way to gain the needed
knowledge except by exposing oneself to as many of these old
engineering achievements as possible.
22/12/50 Q. I have an engine with the nameplate
reading 1? E hp. It uses a Webster magneto with bracket number
303M1. What is the make? Eric A. Swanson, 700 Grandview Ave.,
Washburn, WI 54891.
A. Per the Webster magneto listing in the
December 1986 GEM your engine is a 1? HP Hercules.
22/12/51John W. Judson, 5475 Prue Road, #1, San
Antonio, TX 78240 sends a photo of a recently acquired Reid 40 HP
engine. As restoration proceeds, John will send us further photos
and the story behind this engine (we look forward to it!).
22/12/52 Q. Can you identify this engine (see
photo)? We think it is a Litchfield built at Waterloo, Iowa.
Dane L. Fuchs, Box 205, New Salem, ND 58563.
A. We agree with you that it is indeed a
Litchfield, and as such, it is extremely rare!
22/12/53 Q. What is the proper color of orange
for a Cletrac tractor? Kurt Stambaugh, RD 4, Box 46-A,
Newville, PA 17241.
22/12/54Edward Bacon, 15 Dorrance St., Windsor,
VT 05089 writes: ‘I am in the process of restoring a Woodpecker
Miami 3? HP gasoline engine. I would like to know what the proper
color for this engine is. Also, I need to find out the size of the
water tank and the size of the gasoline tank. It is the same engine
pictured on page 304 of American Gasoline Engines. Any information
and/or literature will be very much appreciated.’
Thanks to Glen Schueler, HCR1, Box 88, Friona, TX 79035 for
sending us some photocopy material regarding the Fairbanks-Morse
R-2 magnetos per question 22/10/3. This material is already on
Thanks to Mark G. Sergent 316 Market St., Box 626, Spencer, WV
25276 for sending the Reflector some photocopy materials on the
Viking garden tractors. It is on file.
22/10/23 Kinner enginesDick Hamp, 1772 Conrad
Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124 writes that Kinner was located in the
Los Angeles area, and during the 1930’s they built
five-cylinder radial aircraft engines.
They also built 5 HP horizontal air-cooled ‘Busy Bee’
engines in the mid- to late 1940’s.
22/10/20 Caterpillar serial numbersSeveral
people sent us photocopies of serial number information, and for
this we thank each of you. Les Green-street, PO Box 2007, Palmer,
Alaska 99645 sent us the following method of breaking the Numeral
Some of the older Cats have this code on all the parts, while
others have it only on the block-it tells the day, month and year
it was cast. To read it, write-
X 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
On the side of the block and other parts there will be raised
letters such as:
2- 1 -4
6 (February 1, 1946)
The letters will be raised (not stamped). Have used this code
for years and found it to be right. My father-in-law showed me this
years ago-he learned it in a Caterpillar training school back in
the 1940’s.
Norman D. Brockelsby, 909 W. North Front St., Grand Island, NE
68801 writes of his activities on the model scene and includes a
number of photographs.
Mr. Brockelsby began by purchasing a gas engine casting kit a
number of years ago, and then spending his evenings machining the
many parts. During the process several design problems became
obvious, and this led to further fascination with early engines.
Some time later he received a copy of American Gasoline Engines as
a gift, and this fired his enthusiasm even further.
Norman writes: ‘I decided I wanted to build a type of kit
that would encompass the aesthetics of many engines in miniature.
In this on-going task I picked out about 15 engines that went up to
the 1920’s. I picked out all of the good facets in design and
forgot all the bad ones, and added a little modern technology. The
cylinder is detachable, the water jacket is detachable, even so far
as turning the cylinder upside down and piping the water out of the
top of the cylinder and back to the cooling aerator as in the old
IHC Famous. I even make a little water piston pump that runs off
the crankshaft for this type of cooling system. In essence I have
come up with a design that I call ‘the Norman engine.’ All
of the water hoppers outside of the standard hopper (such as
Associated) are of brass, even on the model Stickney
Mr. Brockelsby also changes engine sizes by using 7, 8, or
9-inch flywheels, different sizes of water-hoppers, (including
various sizes of the intricate fluted hopper as used on the
Aermotor), and the same cylinder is used on every engine, but bored
to match the size of the engine. Even the vertical and
multi-cylinder engines use the same cylinder on the
‘Norman’ design. The largest model so far is a two-cylinder
vertical model with an 11-inch flywheel-it is similar to a power
house design.
The ‘Norman’ engine kits come in kit form, including
crankshaft gear, cam gear with lobe, connecting rod, and other
parts. All engines use 5/8-inch oil hard
drill rod for the crank pin-it is silver soldered to the crank
throws. (Presumably the crankshaft is also made of this material.
To further enhance the ‘Norman’ engines, Mr. Brockelsby
has built kits for line shaft bearings and pulleys, a scale model
trip hammer, a 1/3 scale Sandwich corn sheller (it shells small
ears of corn, probably the size of strawberry popcorn), and other
scale model items include a wooden washing machine, butter churn,
cream separator, and a turbine irrigation pump.
Mr. Brockelsby sent us a large number of photos regarding his
models and they are absolutely delightful! Patience and ingenuity
are two human characteristics rarely found together, but we are so
impressed with these designs that we feel compelled to illustrate
at least a few of his many models. -The Reflector.
Several years ago Mr. Raymond Gross, 106 S. Washington St.,
Kim-ball, NE 69145 contacted the Reflector regarding further
information on a Sageng self-propelled thresher which he proposed
to build. (See page 239 of Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors).
Subsequently Mr. Gross began building scale model tractors, a
couple of which are illustrated here. We hope Mr. Gross will favor
us with a photo of the Sageng model-it is indeed a unique machine!
See photo.
Mr. Dell R. Grupe, 3929 Globe Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
sends four views of his Aermotor pump engine model. These were
built from the Arnold Teague castings listed in the April 1987 GEM.
The crankshaft was made from a solid piece of steel and the valves
from stainless steel. See accompanying photos.